Page Eight THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21st, 1935 Coyles' Mid-Winter Offering Saturday, February 23 to Saturday, March 16, 1935 An offering of real merit; as all merchandise is NEW STOCK, bought since November 18, 1934, direct from the mills The purpose of this offering is to make room for spring shipments coming in after closing date of this sale Ladies' Holeproof Hosiery All sizes, in the popular shades of Autumn Leaf, Black Walnut, Clear, Smoky, In-between, Black Magic, Allspice, and Foggy Crepe ................. reg. $1.50 pr. sale $1.19 Service, Chiffon, Crepe .. reg. 1.00 pr. sale .79 Chiffon ................ reg. 1.35 pr. sale .98 Silk & Wool, Chiffon, Service, reg. .75 pr. sale . 60 Ladies' Mercury Silk and Wool Hose In Beige, Taupe, Shadolite, and Moon Beige Eeg. $1.00 pr. sale 75c Reg. 79c pr. sale 60c Ladies' Puritan Maid & Underhose--29c & 20c Ladies' Wool Undergarments Wool Combinations..... reg. $1.50 suit sale 98c Pantie and Vest........ . reg. 1.25 each sale 98c Pantie and Vest........ • reg. 1.00 each sale 75c reg. .85 each sale 55c Wool Vest and Bloomer . . . reg. .98. each sale 79c Short Sleeve Wool Vest . reg. 1.49 each sale 1.10 Wool Bloomers ........ reg. 1.10 each sale 79c Silk and Wool Bloomers. reg. 1.19 each sale 98c Silk and Wool Vest . . . . reg. .98 each sale 79c Moodie's Children's Silk & Wool Combs. Ankle and Knee Length Regular $2.50 per suit -- sale $1.98 Regular 2.25 per suit -- sale 1.89 Regular 2.00 per suit -- sale 1.49 Regular 1.75 per suit -- .sale 1.39 Many Wool Bloomers .... reg. 87c & 65c sale 40c For the Wee Baby Sweaters--• Fancy Crochet & Knit, reg. $1.25 & $1.15 Austria Wool Sweaters......reg. $1.75 Baby Shoes .......... Regular price 85c. Sale Price 60c, Wool Booties..................reg. 50c Wool Bonnets........reg. $1.25 & $1.00 Wool Mitts ................... reg. 30c Vanta Vests.................. reg. 69c Training Panties .............. reg. 50c Crib Blankets.................reg. 98c One Woolen Shawl.........reg. $2. sale 89c sale $1.49 60c, 45c 40c, 39c sale 39c sale 79c sale 22c sale 55c sale 39c sale 75c sale $1.89 Ladies' Gloves Shop early for these--Sizes are not complete Black & Brown Kid Gloves, reg. $2.25 pr. sale $1.49 Black Kid only.........reg. 1.75 pr. sale 1.49 Brown Cape lined gloves . . reg. 1.29 pr. sale 1 00 Wool Gloves, fawn shade. .reg. .65 pr. sale .49 Children's Gloves and Mitts Chamoisette Gloves ..... reg. .59 pr. sale Children's Lined Gloves . . reg. 1.00 pr. sale Children's Sheepskin Mitts, reg. .50 pr. sale Children's Wool Gloves . . reg. .50 pr. sale .45 .75 .35 Save on Knitting Wool Miss Canada Andalusion . . reg. 25c--2 balls for 45c Sterling'................reg. 15c--2 balls for 20c Men's Mercury Mills Hose Assortment of the Newest Popular Shades Sizes 10% to 11V4 ..........reg. 50c pr. sale 39c Work Hose, all wool ....... reg. 25c pr. sale 15c Fine Hose, all wool.........reg. 45c pr. sale 29c - Boys' Mercury Mills Golf Hose Sizes 7, 8, 9, 91/2 .......• • • • reg. 65c pr. sale 49c Junior sizes, 6, 6l/2» 7, 7i/2. 8 . . reg. 55c pr. sale 39c FINE WORSTED HOSE (black only) Sizes 6 to 10 ........reg. 45c & 35c pr. sale 29c EMPIRE BRAND -- Boys' & Girls' -- A REAL BUY Black & Fawn, sizes 5 to 10 . reg. 20c pr. sale 15c SURE WEAR FINE BOTANY WOOL HOSE Fawn Only................reg. 29c pr. sale 20c ALLEN A. B. C. HOSE, ALL WOOL Fawn and White____reg. 69c & 49c sale 49c & 39c Men's Flannelette Pyjamas Various Stripes, sizes 36 to 40, reg. $1.95 sale $1.49 Men's Fine Shirts Attached and Separate Collars, Colours and Stripes Sizes 14 to I6V2____reg- 98c sale 79c Men's Mercury Mills Wool Combinations Line 98 ...............reg. $3.25 suit sale $2.49 Line 77.............. reg. 1.75 suit sale 1.40 Line 91 .............. reg. 1.50 suit, .sale 1.20 Line 85 .............. reg. 1.25 suit sale .98 Sizes 36 to 44 Shirts and Drawers .... reg. $1.50 each sale $1.15 Shh% and Drawers .... reg. 1.00 each sale .72 Boys' Wool Combinations y.immnrirnit--SiVpi j-n A , reg. $1.25 sale 78c Mercury Mills--Sizes 26 tofy2 . . reg. 1.45 sale 98c MEN'S and BOYS' BRACES and ARM BANDS Men^ Work Braces........reg. 50c pair sale 35c Men's Fine Braces ........ reg. 49c pair. .sale 35c Boys' Braces, pair 15c --> Men's Arm Bands, pair 15c A Real Saving on Mitts and Gloves Men's Wool Lined Gauntlets-- Gloves ............. reg. 69c pair One Finger Mitts .... reg. $1 pair Horsehide Pullovers........# reg. 60c pair Muleskin Pullovers ........ reg. 25c pair Grey Cape Gloves (5 prs.) . . reg. 98c pr. Brown Cape Gloves (5 prs.) . . reg. 1.50 pr. sale 55c sale 69c sale 49c sale 15c sale 69c sale 98c A CHANCE FOR THE YOUNG FOLK Spanish Salted Peanuts ...... reg. 15c lb sale 10c A. B. Gum Drops............reg. 15c & sale 10c Jelly Beans ................ reg. 20c lb sale 15c Orange and Lemon Slices .... reg. 20c lb sale 15c GET A SUPPLY OF SOAP NOW Peerless Bath Soap .... reg. 5c bar sale 3 for 10c Richard's Carbolic Soap, reg. 5c bar sale 3 for 10c SAVE MONEY ON ELECTRIC LIGHT BULBS White--30 and 60 watt . . . reg. 15c each. .2 for 25c COYLES' General Merchandise STORE PHONE 156w KING STREET COLBORNE I Might Cut Down Work," a writer in "Tit Bits" Maga- There's more in this than appears ea the face of it. The chances are lhat the hurrying person got up late, dressed hurriedly, had a rushed breakfast, snapped at someone rather (ruelly, tore off to the station, and arrirved at the office or workshop in a bad condition, both mentally and physically. Back of it all, maybe, the cause was the unwisdom of going to bed late. It is foolish, first of all, to rob oneself of sleep. If we have to get to our job by a certain time, it means that continuous late hours take away a considerable amount of sleep in the course of a year. And frequent-lv that means further loss of mental eontrol and vitality. Our energy and there's a feeling of being good for nothing. It doesn't; it can't pay. If we keep it up we shall lay the foundation of ill-health, bodily and mentally, in the years to come. And in the present we shall not succeed in the struggle for position. All that is necessary is a regular way of life; going to bed at a reasonable hour, being content and thereby sleeping well, getting up promptly Instead of turning over for those extra few minutes, giving ourselves time to dress, time to eat our breakfast, time to be kind to those around us---time to catch the train. It's worth trying. Our mailing list nas been corrected ap to Wednesday of this week. Look at your label and see if you have been given proper credit. If you are paid up we thank you. If you owe us we would appreciate an early remittance. REPAIRING TILLAGE IMPLEMENTS Careful repairing of tillage machinery each winter or early spring with replacement of doubtful or worn parts has been proven in experiments on cost of operating farm machinery to pay large dividends by preventing major costly repairs. Tillage implements generally receive less care and more hard knocks than any other class of farm machinery. The value of any implement can only be measured by its usefulness in acres covered, QuaMity of work done and freedom from the necessity of costly repairs and delays. Delays due to breakdowns during the rush tillage season of spring and summer are costly and easily prevented if the farmer, with a few tools and a little time, will check over carefully every working or wearing part long before he is going to use the mach- Check over every machine carefully for loose, worn or stripped bolts; replace broken spring washers and check all loose or slack parts. Wheel pnd power lift bearings, disk boxings and all moving parts should, be adjusted for wear. Clean all working parts of old grease, oil, dirt and steel particles with kerosine and replace with plnty of fresh lubricants. Plough shares, cultivator shovels, dlislk blades and all cuittling edges should be sharpened well in advance of spring. Have all spare set® sharpened as well. Check the alignment of brace arms, beams, hitches, landslides and mouldboards. Harrow teeth and cultivator shanks generally need straightening after every season's iMake a list of all new parts needed, secure these during the winter and replace the old parts before spring work starts. Let the Express renew your subscription to the Ottawa Farm Journal and Toronto Papers. We are official subscription agents for all the Toronto and Ottawa papers. We save you the time of writing, postage and money CASH OR EGGS GOOD NEWS FROM BROWNS ECONOMY STORE WE SELL FOR LESS Friday & Saturday Specials 2 BIG FLOUR DAYS 2 Slashed Prices Bonny Flour - 98 lb. bag $2.29 World " " " 2.39 Harmony " " " 2.49 High Loaf " " " 2.59 Pastry Flour - 24 lb. bag .59 Pastry Flour ■ small bag .19 SHORTENING lb. 9c LARD lb. 12c EPSOM SALTS - 7 lbs. 25c CORN tin 7c Tomatoes 3 tins 10c PEAS tin 9c CHEESE 2 lbs. 25c WANTED White Beans - Eggs - Butter The !rv®xoJZ(L Drue Store WHERE YOU SAVE WITH SAFETY Giant Size Krushen Salts-- Contains the Extra Trial Packag ......69c The time of year your stock needs attention. Dr. HESS' STOCK TONIC-- 51b pkg. . . 85c 15 ft pkg. . $2.25 Dr. Hess' Panamin for Hens--Starts them laying 1 Vz lb pkg. . 35c 7 lb pkg . $1.25 A. S. A. TABLETS-- For Headache, Pain, or Colds. .Bot. of 50. .39c Bot. 100--59c 25c Noxema Cream for. . 15c 50c Prep Cream for ... . 20c 2 tubes Dr. West's Tooth Paste for......... 39c 50c Klenzo Shaving Cream 25c Klenzo Tooth Paste-- Both for 39c 365 Fragrant Body Rub . 16 ozs, and Gentlemen's After Shave Powder-- Both for 79c 25c Fruitative Tablets with each 50c box-- Both for 50c WAMPOLE'S COD LIVER OIL-- The year around Sunshine Tonic.... $1.00 W. F. GRIFFIS "YOUR DRUGGIST" PHONE 85w We Deliver COLBORNE "Colborne's Prosperity Depends Upon Those Who Spend Their Money in Town" CAR JUST ARRIVED of the famous AMBRICOAL Anthracite Briquetes DELIVERED IN COLBORNE FOR $12.50 TON Give this a trial! It is equal to the best Anthracite Phone 63 IRA EDWARDS Colborne Subscriptions taken at the Express Printing Office for all the Leading Newspapers and Magazines at Club Rates