THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, APRIL 4th, 1935 $2.00 a year in advance; $2.50 to U.S.A. ONTARIO CAR FERRY No. 1 Ontario Car Ferry No. 1 will again be in commission this summer. After being laid up all winter at Charlotte dock, she has been brought to Co-bourg and is undergoing a thorough overhauling, cleaning and painting, end other repairs being made, so that she will again be ready to take up the service between Oobourg and Rochester, NY. This work is being carried on under the direction of Capt. C. E. Redfearn, and he expects to have the boat ready for service by May 1st, under his In the meantime, his first mate, Capt. McCuaig, is in charge of No. 2 until No. 1 is ready, when No. 2 will be laid up for the summer unless business improves. On Highway Construction Seven men left Colborne this week to work on Government highway construction north of Buckhorn. They are Chas. Balls, D. H. Black, Alex Daniels, John. Farrell, James. A. Hall, L. Jolley and Jos. L. Peebles. They earn $2 a day of eight hours, with 60c a day deducted for board. HUGH GORMAN Oobourg, April 1st, 1935--The funeral of Hugh Gorman took place here morning, from his late reside Furnace Street to Fairview Cemetery, east of Grafton. Mr. Gorman married Isabella Martin, who survives him. ,vf.s a citizen who was well known here and in Haldimand Township. REYNOLDS & KEATING FREE One tin of Utilac free with 1 Paint Brush, at only 25c USE MOORE'S PAINTS They give the best results HOUSE PAINT, all colours, AS LOW AS 69c quart REYNOLDS & KEATING PHONE 49 COLBORNE mrs. Joseph e. Mcdonald The passing of Mrs. Joseph E. McDonald, who died at her home & Colborne, on Monday, April 1st, 193& removed an highly esteemed lifelong resident. She was a daughter of the late Rev. P. M. Duncan, who was over fifty years the revered minister of Old St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. Mrs. McDonald was an active mfemfber of the church for many year:;, assisting in the choir and other organizations. Sh6 was also active i and community activities, i been in poor health for some Besides her husband, she is survived by two sons, Alexander D. and Wim. P. McDonald of Detroit, i.; also a sister, Miss Alice Dun-of Colborne, and two brothers, James and William Duncan of low*. The funeral services were held at h6 family residence on Wednesday lfternoon, conducted by the Rev. C. G, Graham. A large number of friends id acquaintances attended. The interment was in Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, Toronto. Th6 pallbearers were F. M, BrintnelL W|m. D. Craig, E. E. Philp, C. A. Post, Thos. H. McDonald, Capt. W. E. Redfearn, and W. A. Turney. JOHN FARRELL The death occurred at the home et his daughter, Mrs,. Rodney Alyea, at Consecon, on Saturday, March 30tht 1935, of Mr. John Farrell, in his 85th year, following a stroke a few days before. He was formerly a resideSt of Cramahe Township. He is survive by two daughters, Mrs. Alyea ai Mrs. W!m. West, both of Conseco* also a brother Mr. Joseph Farrell j Castleton. The funeflal took place on Mondi afternoon, services being held at th/e residence of his nephew, Mr. Joseph Farrell, Colborne, conducted by the Rev. Mr. Swain of Consecon, assisted by the Rev. C. G. Graham, Colborne. Interment was in the Union Cemet- y, Colborne. MRS. PETER T. WALKER The body of Mrs. Peter T. Walker was found Tuesday morning, April 2nd, 1935, in the small pond near Mr. E. W. Snelgrove's place, in East Colborne, a short distance from her home. Mrs. Walker had been in very poor health for some time. She was apparently intending to go to the home of her son, Mr. Jack Walker, a short distance from her home, and is if thought must have accidentally tripped and fallen into the water. Her body was only partly submerged in the water. Coroner Dr. A. C. McGlennon decided an inquest would be unnecessary nd stated the verdict would be accidental death. id Mrs. Walker recently came to Colborne to live, from near Bow-manville. Walker's maiden name was Ann Sim Hosie Wilson. She was in her 56th year. The funeral takes place to-day, Thursday, from her late residence, East Colborne, at 1 p.m., to McRae's Church and Cemetery, north of Bow-nvllle. Read the Condensed Ads IMPROVEMENTS AT QUEENS HOTEL Men have commenced work on tensive re-arrangements and improvements to the Queens Holtel, Colborne. The proprietr, Msr. Felix J. Murphy has secured plans for a new front and also interior arrangement, and will spare no expense to have an attractive and convenient hostelry. SUCCESSFUL TEA The afternoon tea held in the town ball, Colborne, last Saturday, under the auspices of Colborne Women' Institute, was enjoyed by a good nun ber and a tidy sum was realized to be devoted to welfare work. Butter Wrappers at Express Office exall Une Lew THIS WEEK Thursday, Friday & Saturday, April 4, 5 & 6 A few of the many money-saving bargains -- See bill for complete list Regs--New Chocolate laxative 2 for 51c Rexall Milk of Mangnesia, 32 oz. bottle......2 for 76c Jonteel Face Cream......2 for 51c Linen Finish Envelopes .... 2 for 11c Stork Baby Powder......2 for 26c 75c Bisma Rex, prompt relief for digestive ills......2 for 76c 50c Gardenia Face Powder, 2 for 51c Mi 31 Dental Paste, large tube, 2 for 51c Puretest A. S. A. Tablets, 100's 2 for 76c 25c Puretest Castor Oil, 4 oz. 2 for 26c A. B. S. & C. Tablets, 100's, 2 for 26c 50c Bottle Aramatic Cascara 2 for 51c 15c Puretest Epsom Salts, 2 for 16c 25c Boot's Melodis......2 for 26c 25c Rexall Orderlies......2 for 26c 35c Rexall Shaving Cream. . 2 f or 36c 25c Tube Klenzo Dental Cream 2 for 26c One Hour Extra Special EACH DAY THURSDAY -- from 10 to 11 a.m. Large Tube Rexall Milk of Magnesia Tooth Paste Three 50c tubes for.......... 59c (Regular $1.50 value) FRIDAY -- from 10 to 11 a.m. Puretest Brewers' Yeast Flakes For run-down condition -- gives you new pep and vigor Three 40c tins for............55c (Regular $1.20 value) SATURDAY -- from 2 to 3 p.m; $1.00 Jasmine Face Powder .50 Jasmine Vanishing Cream .50 Jasmine Perfume $2.00 Value--all three for.....99c KITCHEN SPECIALS Vita-Full--Chocolate food drink, 1 lb tin...............39c Opeka Vanilla Flavouring -- only small amount need be used-- 31/2 OZS...........2 for 26c 1 lb Opeka Coffee given FREE with every 8 cup size Clear Drip Coffey Maker--. The two for $1.19 32 oz. Bottle Puretest Russian Mineral Oil......2 for $1.30 $1.00 Beef, Wine and Iron--an excellent Spring tonic--2 for $1.01 $1.00 Purtest Norwegian Cod Liver Oil, plain or mint flavoured 2 for $1.01 $1.50 Major Hot Water Bottles, guaranteed......2 for $1.51 Zinc Oxide Adhesive Plaster, 1 in x 1 yd............2 for 11c 15c Roll First-aid Gauze Bandange 2 for 16c Chocolate Marrowbone Chews 2 lb for 41c 8 oz. Bag Honey Humbugs 2 bags for 19c 25c Tooth Brushes.......2 for 25c $1.00 Bottle.Rexall Syrup Hypophosphites .... 2 for $1.01 35c Tube Mustard Ointment, 2 for 36c $1.00 Box Halibut Liver Oil Capsules........2 for $1.01 25c Tin A.S.A. Tablets____2 for 26c 35c 2 oz. bottle Tr. Iodine, 2 for 36c PHONE OR MAIL ORDERS HELD UNTIL CALLED FOR Griffis' Rexall Drug Store Phone 85w We Deliver Colborne PERSONAL Miss Ruth MicCracken spent the weekend with friends in Toronto. iMr. and Mrs. Gordon Hay and little daughter Jean are visiting relatives in Toronto. Mr. Chas. Helman of Brighton was in Colborne Wednesday, attending the funeral of Mrs. J. E. McDonald. Mrs. Wm. Usher has returned home, efter a visit at the home of her brother, Mr. Wm. Barringer, Warkworth. Capt. and Mrs.. W. J. Troop and young son "Jerry" spent the weekend in Toronto, guests of Mrs. Albert Smith. Mr. Fred Talyor and son Mr. Bruce Taylor, Port Hope, spent Sunday with relatives and friends in Colborne and vicinity. -Mrs. Hubert Mutton and daughtei Jean and Donna, of Shiloh, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John Mc-Cracken. .nd Mrs, Clarence Dice of lo were weekend guests of their .aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Joslin. Mr. A. G. Scougale and Mrs. M. S. Peters of Cobourg were in Colborne Wednesday, attending the funeral of Mrs. J. E. McDonald. Several Liberals from Coliborne attended a complimentary banquet to W. A. Fraser, M.P., held in Cobourg last Friday evening. Over 450 were present. Miss Dorothea McKiim has returned to her studies at McDonald Institute, Guelph, after spending a short vacation at home with her parents, Rev. Thos. and Mrs. McKim. Miss Helen L. Wfflloughby has returned to her studies at McDonald Institute, Guelph, after spending a week's vacation with her parents, Capt. and Mrs. A. G. Willoughby. Sister E. Turpin of Salem, Immedi-te Past Worthy Mistress of Easter Lily Lodge, No. 758 L.O.B.A., Brighton, Ontario, was appointed delegate representative to attend the Right Worshipful Grand Orange Lodge of Ontario East, at the annual convention held in the King Street United Church, Trenton, Ontario, March 19th, I 20th, 21st, 1:935. Sister Turpin also attended the meeting held in the Capitol Theatre, when the ex-Mayor, W. J. Stewart, of Toronto, delivered a j very interesting and inspirine address the. separate school question. COMING EVENTS --See Rowsome'i At Dundonald Hall, Friday, 12th, 1935, Shiloh Y.P.S. will p: the play, "Paying the Fiddler." mission 25c and 15c. All .come Don't paint until you have seen the big bankrupt stock of paints, varnishes and enamels at Adams' Store, Lakeport. All to go at bargain prices. Postponed--The presentation of the play, " The Redheaded Stepchild," announced for Friday evening, April 5th, has been unavoidably postponed until further notice. Lenten Services will be held in Trinity Church, Colborne, every Wednesday evening until Easter. Addresses will be given by resident Ministers and the Rector. Pancake Social--Auspices of Salem United Church Board, in the Salem Church Hall, on Wednesday evening, April 17th, 1&3B. Admission 25c and 15c. All W oleoma Good program. a4-ll New shipments of ladles' coats, dresses, skirts, blouses and umbrellas have just arrived at Cornwell's, Col-'borne. All the latest spring styles and fabrics. Also full lines of the newest in men's wear. On Easter Monday, April 22nd, 1935, Dr. Thornton, a former Colborne Minister, will present his travelogue, "Around the World with a Note Book and Camera," In the United Church S. S. hall, under the auspices of the Y. P. S. Watch for further announcement. m21-a4 Just two weeks till Easter! Is it new coat or suit, or last year's for m? You will want a new hat, hose and flower for coat or dress anyway to go with the new or freshen the Call and see them and have an early choice, at Mrs, Mason's Millin-Shoppe, Colborne. m21 The Colborne Women's Institute wish to inform the people of Colborne and vicinity that they are placing a box in the Public Library, for the benefit of those who wish to contrite tue Ladv BespJjrtrough • Hydro-Electric System Colborne, for 1934 The reports upon the Hydro-Electric. System of the Village of Colborne for the year 1934 show favourable The Auditors' report shows a ance of $54.32 for the year after pending $2,449.58 upon re-construction work, the payment of all matntainance and operation expenses and the payment of interest and debenture?, with a net balance at end of year 1934 of $2,101.42. The thirteenth power bill from the Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario showed a credit of $306.24 as of October 31st, 19.34, and as a result, the Commissioners were enabled to make a reduction upon the Domestic rate, mamely: 5c per kilowatt-hour for first 60 kilowatt-hours per month, plus 1.5c per kilowatt-hour for all additional consumption during the month. The former plus rate was 2c per kilowattjhour for all additional consumption during the month. THE STARLING CRUSADE The High School students are undertaking to deal with the starling menace again thijs year as last, prompted in their effort by another gift of $5.00 from Mr. A. E. Donaghy, which has been supplemented by a grant of am equal amount from the Literary and Athletic Society of the High School. Willie Gummer is the Secretary of the Campaign, to whom: ail returns are to be made. Credit will be given both for birds and eggs destroyed. BIRTHS BELLAMY--In Colborne, on Tuesday, April 2nd, 1936, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bellamy, a daughter. DEATHS FARRELL, John--At Consecon, on Saturday, March 30th, 1935, John Farrell (formerly of Cramahe Township) in his 85th year. Interment in Union Cemetery, Colborne. DARK, John--On Thursday, March 28tln ilS3'5, at Vancouver, John Dark, formerly of Wficklow, Ontario, father of Mrs. Beatrice M. Goard. Vancouver; Mrs. Rose M. Russell, Montreal, and Hector J. and T. A. Dark. Toronto Interment at Port Hope. WALKER, Mrs. Peter T.--In Colborne. on Tuesday, April 2nd, 1935, Ann Slim Hosie Wilson, beloved wife of Peter Taylor Walker, in heT 56th year. Interment in McRae's Cemetery, north of Bowmianville. WOLFRAIM, Mrs. George -In Haldi-">and Town=hip, on Thursday, March 2Sth. 1935, Elizabeth Jane Inglis, beloved wife of George Wolfraim, in her 83rd year. Interment In Castleton ___. ___ ^ ■ .-v. gratefully r LAST ACTS TOWARD JESUS The Rev. Arthur Hale is giving, in the Baptist Church, a series of Addresses leading up to Easter. April 7--"An Act of Treachery," or The meanest deed in human history. April 14-- "An Act of Disloyalty," or The heartbreak of a good soul. April 21--"An Act of Bitterest Hatred," or The day which shamed a nation. April 28--"An Act of Vindication," or Heaven's new offer to a lost These services are at three o'clock on Sunday afternoons. AUCTION SALES Friday, April 5th, 1935, at 12.30 p.m. sharp--Entire farm chattels, household effects and real estate of the late Gilbert Waite, at the premises, Brighton Township, 2 miles west of Hilton. Terms cash. HUSTLERS' CLASS UNITED CHURCH S. S. The monthly social evening of the Hustlers' Class of Colborne United Church was held in the class rooms, on Wednesday evening, March 27th, 1935. A busy evening was spent assorting ■and packing flower seeds to be sent to those on relief in Western Canada. The seed's were very kindly donated by Mr. Stanley Downing, who was present to supervise the preparation of them. Lunch was served by Mrs. E.Yarrow and her social committee. UNITED CHURCH Y. P. S. Regular weekly meeting of Unitec Church Y.P.S. was held on Monda) evening, April 1st, 1935. Miss Vers Arkles, Devotional Convener, pres'd ed. After reading of minutes and dis cusslion of business the following pro gram was given. Scripture Reading--Eleanor Grant Prayer--Vera Arkles Bible Story--Lome Arkles, Current Events--Floyd Edwards Scripture Talk--Rev. Mr. Sterling Duet--Misses Norma Arkles and Eleanor Grant. Observations extending over a k period indicate that thin. ?pa: pasturages for sheep encourage i growth of the finer grades of w< while thick, lusfh grass increases i proportion of tbe coarser grade?.