fHE COLBORNE EXPRESS, 1COLBORNE ONT- THURSDAY, APR. 25, 1935 THE TUDOR HOUSE By MRS. STANLEY WRENCH (Author of "S!ng for the Moon," Strange Lovers," etc). Michael Bor Birmingham slum, vealthy motor manufacturer One home and meets Daphne Eden, s in love and proposes. Daphne my home -- stole my wife -- curse Daphnes father dies and she disap-pears. Michael explains to her friend, Mrs. Gregory, that he was misrepresented. He buys the old Tudor House owned by the, Hamill-Hardy's. Michael collides with a car driven by Diana Hamill-Hardy, Mrs. Eden notices ai Mrs Gregory dies. Daphne from her solicitors. Michael becomes involved financially. Diana breaks the Tile car was brought round,- lie got in, took the wheel, and again that horrible sense of home-sickness possessed him. He was like a boy who dreads to leave the shelter of his home knowing that he will be bul lied and whipped when back ai school. His eyes lingered on the old porch over the arch of which were the arms of Henry VIII., vi either side the Tudor double York and Lancaster crown. How proud he had been of those carvings. Even though Hamill-Hardy crests were inside, the outer porch bore only the England's king, as much a heritage to him as to the Hamill-Hardy' Werburge Lucy would have to go if what the newspapers hinted He drove on with a hard, set look in his eyes, and as he reached the top of the hill, where the road had wound up between the beech woods, FOR FAST RELIEF FROM PAIN All Druggists Have It An Aspirin tablet starts disintegrating as soon as it touches moisture. .That means that Aspirin starts • -'taking hold" . . . eases even a bad headache, neuritis or rheumatic pain almost instantly. And Aspirin is safe. Doctors prescribe it. For Aspirin does not harm the heart. Be sure to look for the name Bayer in the form of a cross on every Aspirin tablet. Aspirin is made in Canada and all druggists have it. Demand and Get ASPIRIN Artists* and Authors* Service Send a three cent stamped envelope for information on our MONTHLY BULLETIN SERVICE to Artists and Authors, listing up-to-date information Canadian and International Art and Literary Contests Yearly subscription, One Dollar Sample Sheet. Ten Cents GIFF BAKER 39 LEE AVENUE TORONTO, ONT stopped the car for a minute at a particular bend, where he knew, by looking down, he could viev Was it pride of possession only that thrilled him so? He remembered his feelings as a boy. He could not then have dared to hopo that the place could be his. Yet even then he had loved its grey stone beauty, sigh escaped him as regretfully drove on. Of course he would see again; even if things were as had he feared, even if he had to sell again, he would come here and look at the place where he had buried his dreams. Here Michael Borde bit hi lip, cursing his folly. What had poi sessed him to believe that he could marry Diana Hamill-Hardy and link up the past with today? Ever she had come into his life things had gone wrong. "He travels the farthest who travels alone." He remembered that grimly. It was true. Better have kept to ness and shut out women from his life. It was not Diana only. It had started with Daphne Eden. Until she disturbed his consciousness had been secure. He knew now that Lorna Gregory was dead, but he did not know that Trenkills Farm belonged to Daphi but approaching the white gates that led up to the bungalow at the top of the slope, on the other side of which lay the whole Vale, his thoughts went to Daphne. And as he thought of her she came into sight, walking with a young man, who also he remetmbered seeing before, though for a minute he could not remember where. Slowing down with deliberation, he lifted his hat. At last he would be face to face with her. The young man flushed but Daphne looked at him nothing were there. It w calm and deliberate, and he drove on, but Michael Borde felt like a n Mechanically he proceeded for few hundred yards, then something hot and fierce sprang up within him, After all, Daphne had never given him a chance to explain. Even when her father had hurled those accusations at him, she had accepted is word without letting him say anything in defence, she had ignored his letter. Now he was within reach of her for once she should listen- For once in a lifetime of driving Michael Borde lost his head, though what happened, as another car shot around the bend just as he decided to turn back, was difficult to say. He shot across the road in turn, through the hedge, his car turned turtle, and Michael Borde lay crumpled up, the horn of his shrieking ceaselessly, turning countryside into clamor. other driver, startled taken unawares, drew up in a few paces, ran to the car, fearing, perhaps, a passenger was beneath, cut the wires, silencing the metallic horn then turned to the' man lying on grass, feeling him all over. Stunned but he isn't dead, thank goodness," he cried, his face white with anxiety. "Silly blighter, was his own fault, too. What's be done now? Miles from anywhere I'll be bound, and not a scout for miles. That's the worst of these by- 3 turned him over, felt his heart again, opening his coat; yes, that was beating, and except for a few scratches from brambles he did not appear to be hurt. Probably pitched DIRECT FROM We Pay Postage 4cent» each for mild, fragrant Judge Durand Cigars, Cellophane wrapped, banded, full size. FACTORY FRESH Equal to best 10c brands. MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE . Smoke 5. If not satisfied return balance and back comes your $2.00. This guarantee backed by a firm that has been making fine Havana Z DAVIS cXOnc 20 st. paul st. e MONTREAL Edwardsburej [ROWNBRAN! on his head. Might be The only thing to do was to rush and get a doctor, or at any rate, find help of some kind, and mopping his forehead, for it was a hot day, he climbed back into the roadway thankful to see a young man hurrying towards him, followed by a wo He looked over the hedge, where the wrecked car lay, saw Michael Borde lying there, recognized him, and Denis Birch turned to the other man, his face flushing. "I say, keep her away, there' good chap," he said. "It's ,..... somebody she knows. It'll be awful shock. Is he dead?'" "Dead, no ........ look out ........". Dazed, putting his hand to head, Michael Borde sat up, and it was then that Daphne Eden reached the side of the two men. "Who is it? What has happened?" she asked. Her lips were white. (To be Continued) Hope To Improve Safety Traffic Record Kansas City, Mo. -- The record for traffic safety compiled iri Kansas City in 1934 was so low it was not even ranked when the National Safety awards to cities were made, but it will be different this year if police regulations can accomplish the needed change. More than 100 persons lost theii liver, in traffic accidents here last year. The figure should be well below that, however, for deaths this year are about two-thirds of what they were for the same period in 1934. Important stop street intersections are being watched by motorcycle ficers. Arrests for drunken driving frequently result in sentences to the city- farm as well as fines and revocation of drivers' licenses. There also is some feeling for a drivers' license law that means something more than an additional tax on the motorist. At present it is not even necessary to establish that an applicant can drive a car, that he can read sufficiently to know a "stop" sign from a "slow" one, or that he knows and understands even the simple traffic rules. There is also no test to determine if the applicant is color blind and therefore unable to distinguish between red and the green traffic lights. Is Your Mental Age 18 or Over? Answer These Here's Test That Will Help Determine Your Intelligence Quotient Washington--Sharpen your pencil and find out your mental age. You may be 1G or 60 years old, but these questions will help you determine your mental age on representative intelligence tests prepared by the office of education in the United States Department of the Interior, Dr. David Segel, who prepared these questions, believes that the erage adult should be able to answer at least two out of every three. This would give you the mental age of 18, which recent tests have shown to be the average adult age. While Dr. Segel said that the ex» act mental age of a person who was able to answer five out of six questions could not be determined, other educators said that, if the same ratio were continued on more extensive tests, it would be 20 years. Missing fewer than one question in every test would entitle you to become of age-mentally. As a test of mathematical reasoning, try to complete these numerical series such as 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11 or 6, 10, 20 and 40: 1. --81, 27, 9. 2. --8%, 10, 11%,--. 3. --0, 2-3, 1 1-3,--. 4. -3, 10, 31, 94,--. 5. -45, 38, 44, 39,--. 6. -8, 26, 80,--. General information: 1. --John Erskine is famous as a sculptor, actor, writer or painter? 2. --Norris Dam is in Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky? 3. --Poland China is a kind of cow, hog, chicken, horse? 4. --"Knee action" is found in airplanes, streamlined trains or automobiles ? 5. --Kale is a kind of fish, bookbinding, vegetable, cereal? 6. --Manchoukuo is in Europe, Asia, Africa or South America. : false: 2. --Are brazen boys the best behaved ? 3. --May a spatula be read with 4. --Is an assiduous student a dili- NEW LLOW LAE 28 11J 1 * TEA BROWN LABEL -ORANGE PEKOE 33< % ib. 40< Vz Ib. { WHAT DOES YOUR ] HANDWRlffNG ! REVEAL ? £22? GEOFFREY ST. CLAIR Graphologist I have often been asked of what practical value is it to any one to have their handwriting analysed? Well, the more we know of ourselves, our innermost natures, the greater will be our understanding of ourselves, qualities, characteristics, talents. And the more we understand ourselves the greater our opportunity of getting on in the world, the better able we are to make friends and keep them. In other words, to be happy, popular and successful. Are you happy? -- or are you continually frowning, with a constant chip on your shoulders? Are you progresing in your work? -or are you dissatisfied; a square g in a round hole; unable to make any real progress in the work you doing, yet not knowing what to do to effect a change for the better? If you are married, are you contented? -- or is disquiet and unhap-ss creeping in, with perpetual bickering between yourself and your wife or husband. Do you make friends and 1 them? -- or are you living the life of an involuntary recluse, unable to enjoy the society and companionship of real friends? Are you self-confident? -- or are you diffident and bashful, restrained from realising yourself to the full because of inner qualms and self-consciousness? If you go through life without knowing and understanding yourself your faults and your virtues; your merits and your weaknesses of character and disposition -- you will be seriously handicapped. Graphology helps you to know yourself, to the end that you will on your strong points and make the most of them; and shows you the way to overcome the weak traits, so that you will not be handicapped in the race for happiness and Handwriting is not merely a matter of puting your pen to paper. You have to use your brain in order *THE FAMOUS ENERGY FOOD" product of The CANADA STARCH CO.. Limited Mer Helps theHabitof CleanTeeth SweetBreat SatinSfeini HairHealthl to write. And because the brain is the captain of your body, everything that you do emanates first from your brain. . Handwriting is merely the physical expressioi the brain impulsees- Whatever you are and what you might be if you make the fullest use of your capabilities, are expressed in your writing. A character analysis from your handwriting will not, of itself, effect a change in you, but it WILL show you wherein you need to strengthen yourself, and what traits you have but are not building to the full. And knowledge is the forerunner of action. Would YOU like to have your character analysed from your handwriting? Have you any friends, whose characters you would like to know? The author of these articles will send you a personal delineation. Send specimens of the handwriting you wish to be analysed, sta birthdate in each case. Send 10c coin for each specimen, and enclose with a 3c stamped addressed envelope, t: Geoffrey St. Clair, Room 421, 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto Ont. In confiding in Mr. St. Clair, you may be aure that whatever you write will be treated confidentially. Letter* will be answered as quickly as possible. WEAK WOMEN ^RE you tired* down? No pep? No ambition? i Take Lydia B» PPinkham's Veg. r etable Com-pound. It quiets quivering nerves --improves the appetite--makes 1 life seem worth living again: T Mrs. James Martin of 227^ I Main Street E., Hamilton, On- j tario, says--"Your Vegetable Com- i pound built me up wonderfully. I | have gained pep, my nerves art I better and I have a good appetite; \ I feel much stronger." 5. --Can prominent people admir ister relief? 6. --Does indigenous denote prehi; Same or opposites: 1. --Any--none. 2. --Aphorism--maxim. 3. --Temerity--Fear. 4. --Adventitious--accidental. 5. --Ambiguous--equivocal. 6. --Carnivorous--herbivorous. Test your vocabulary. Use th< following words in a sentence cor rectly: 1. --Avid. 2. --Dirt-cheap. 3. --Monopody. 4. --Salaam. 5. --Tody. 6. --Villipend. The Mathematical reasoning -- (1) 3, (2) 13, (3) 2, (4) 283, (5) 43, (6) 242. General information--(1) Writer, (2) Tennessee, (3) Hog, (4) automobile, (5) vegetable, (6) Asia. True and false--(1) no, (2) no, (3) no, (4) year, (5) yes, (6) no. Same and opposite--(1) opposite, (2) same, (3) opposite, (4) same, (5) same, (6) opposite. Vocabulary--See your dictionary. Scoring yourself with 10 wrong in the entire tests entitles you to a rating of 18 or average mental age; five wrong allows you to claim a mental age of 20 and three or less wrong means you ■ have come of mental age. * Resources, Industries Group Make Film Visit How the development of one of Canada's most important natural resources led directly to a kitchen revolution was one of the interesting facts revealed at an unusual gathering of members of the Toronto Council of Women last week. Sponsored by the committee on national resour-es and industries under the chairmanship of Mrs. C. A. Northover the group made a synthetic tour of Canadian mines, smelters and refineries which culminated in a semi-technical study of kitchen operation, when it saw a private screening of new technical and popular Canadian screen studies which included camera shots of the Canadian nickel industry. Two C.N.R. Hotels Show 1935 Profit Ottawa -- The Chateau Laurier Hotel in Ottawa and the Nova Scot-ian in Halifax were the only two units of the Canadian National Railways Hotel System to show a profit on operating revenues last year, Hon C. P. Fullerton, chairman of the Board of Trustees told the House Railway committee. The Chateau's profit was $152,000 and that of th« Nova Scotian was $9,500. To date, said Mr. Fullerton, $8,544 000 had been spent on the unfinished C.N.R. hotel at Vancouver. It wai estimated $2,700,000 more would bt required to complete that establishment including the furnishings. Enjoy a really fine hand-made cigarette by rolling your ou>n u)ttft GOLDEN VIRGINIA To All Users Of YEAST 1 "I And I am deriving more benefit from Phillips Pure LIVE Yeast than any of the other makes! I have tried, so I have decided to give it a thorough trial and complete my recovery from eczema."--Wellington, England--Extract from original letter. Now you can get rich, active yeast in a form that avoids all the bother of getting fresh supplies each day. This new yeast is Phillips Pure LIVH Yeast which is extremely rich in the active elements that do you so much There are two distinct advantages here. First the convenience of Phillipsr, and second, the economy of it. It costs only about 3c a day. Because it is so rich in active elements, Phillips Pure LIVE Yeast is duplicating in Canada the excellent results it has achieved in England in correcting digestion, insuring the assimilation of all the body - building goodness of foods, and purifying and enriching the blood. _jpply (in granules of pleasing taste) for 50c; 45 days' supply, $1.00 at your druggist's. , Issue No. 16--'35 High School Boards & Boards of Education Are authorized by law to establish Industrial, Technical and Art Schools With the approval of the Minister of Education Day and Evening Classes is given in various trades. The schools and classes are under the direction of an Advisory Committee. Theoretical and Pi May be conducted in accordance with the regulations issued by the Department of Education. Commercial Subjects, Manual Training, Household Science and Agriculture and Horticulture . Are provided for in the Courses of Study in Public, Separate Continuation and High Schools, Collegiate Institutes, Vocational Schools and Departments. Copies of the Regulations issued by the Minister of Education may be obtained.from the Deputy Minister, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. Application for attendance should be made to the Principal of School