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The Colborne Express (Colborne Ontario), 9 May 1935, p. 8

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Page Eight THE COLBORNE EXPRE& THURSDAY, MAY 9th, 1935 ROWSOME'S BAKERY ■ is now offering you a larger and better variety of goods than ever before. The quality and flavour of all lines are bringing new customers each day. Will you be the next? BREAD--Vienna, Buttermilk, Home-made, High Loaf, Cottage Loaf and Wrapped Loaf. Sandwich Loaves, round or square. 100% Whole Wheat, Crushed Wheat, Fruit Loaf and Fruit and Nut Loaf. PASTRY--French Pastry, Danish Pastry, Macaroons, Tarts, Cookies, Raisin and Date Squares, Fried Cakes, Whole Wheat and Bran Muffins, Jelly Rolls, White Cakes, Devil's Food Cake, Tea Biscuits, etc. BUNS--Plain, Parker, Finger Rolls, Coffee Rolls, Pecan Rolls, Cheese Rolls, Crusty Rolls, Chelsea Buns, Butterfly Buns, Vanilla and Bath Buns, Pies of different kinds SILVERWOOD'S ICE CREAM Bricks, assorted flavours.................... 25c The Popular Burnt Almond Crisp Cream, bulk, pt. 25c Smiles 'n Chuckles and Betty Brown Packages of Chocolates DON'T FORGET YOUR MOTHER Sunday, May 12th E. W. ROWSOME Phone 150 King Street Colborne WOODLEY'S BELLEVILLE Fur Storage Year Round Insurance Repairing - Cleaning TELEPHONE COYLE'S STORE (who represent us in your locality) and we will call at your home Mr. H. G. Woodley will be at Coyle's Store, Colborne, every Monday until further notice DON'T PAINT! until you have seen the BIG BANKRUPT STOCK of Paints, Varnishes, Enamels VARNISH, the best.........$1.00 quart ENAMEL, the best.......... 1.00 quart „ PAINT ,............-. . from .50 quart GET OUR PRICE FOR YOUR NEXT PAINT JOB A. E. ADAMS General Store LAKEPORT Phone Colborne 86r4 ANNOUNCEMENT McCracken & McArthur COLBORNE Have Remodelled Their Premises into a First-Class Modern Funeral Home ELDON F. McFADYEN Licensed Embalmer Phone 118--McCRACKEN & McARTHUR--Colborne WALL PAPERS and PAINTS FOR SPRING HOUSE CLEANING Very Low Prices on SUNWORTHY WALL PAPERS PAINTS -- Inside and out--85c qt.--45c pt. Varnish Stains -- Enamels Parchment Lamp Shades -- China -- Glassware AT REDUCED PRICES Latest in Costume Jewelry Novelties Jas. Redfearn & Son One Door East of Post Office -- Phone 1 -- Colborne "Colborne Stores Contain Goods Sold Elsewhere and Prices are No Higher" CASTLETON -May 7th, 1935 MfT and Mirs. R. Ryckman, Orland, spent Saturday in town. Mr. Flinn of Toronto spent Sunday with friends in Castleton. Mr. Cliff. Puirdy spent a couple of days this week in Toronto. Mr. Clarence McGregor of Grafton visited his family on Sunday. Mr. Enos Haynes visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Haynes on Sunday. Mr. Ray Bowen of Fenella visited his parents over the weekend. Mrs. Cecil May spent last week with her father, Mr. Louis Harnden. The W. M. S, held a quilting on Thursday afternoon and was Well attended. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Whitney of Brighton spent Sunday with Mrs. Clayton Whitney. Mrs. Curtis of Bath, near Kingston, is visiting her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Yardy. Mr. Harold Black of Toronto spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs: Fred Black. The Branch meeting of the W.M. will be held in Belleville on May 7th, 8th and 9th. Messrs. Ed. Lee and George Purdy of Colborne visited Mr. Will Gaffield on Friflay evening. There will be a men's choir for Mothers' Day service in the United Church on Sunday evening. The League was well attended Wednesday evening. A good program was presented by Ruth Allen. Miss Gertrude Newman, Oshawa, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr., and Mrs. R. S. Newman. Mir. and Mrs. Walter Purdy and Billy of Peterboro visited Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Nichols on Monday. The congregation of the United Church were delighted with Mr. Hir-cock's singing, on Sunday evening. Mrs. Mary Wilson and mother, Mrs. Thompson, of Campbellford, attended the funeral of Mrs. Enos Haynes, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Dawson and family, and Miss Aureen Dawson, of Oshawa,, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Dawson. Mr. and Mrs. Stevenson of Toronto spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Coleman, Sunday being Mrs. Coleman's birthday. Mr. J. C. Wiolfraim, Mrs. Prouter, Mrs. Herd and Mrs. Huffer, all of Kitchener, visited Mrs. J. E. Wolfraim on Friday, on their way home from Ottawa. Mr. Newman and daughter, Mrs. Cerald Welton, motored to Toronto on Tuesday last. Mrs. Welton remained for treatments and Mr. Newman returned home on Thursday. A number from here attended the dance held in Eddystone School house on Wednesday evening, May 1st. The next dance will be held on May 17th, and is the last dance of the season. Opened by singing hymns. Prayer--Mr. Herb Pomeroy. Bible Reading--Mrs. C. Whitney. Reading--Leona Gunter. Instrumental--Bessie Moore. Reading--Lome Pinch. Bible Game--Dorothy Bennett. Message--Mr. Bennett. Closed in prayer by Grace Bennett. Next meeting to be held on May 14. CODRINGTON May 7th, 1935 Services, with Mr. M. Doyle a guest speaker, were held at Norham Sunday and Monday evenings. We are much pleased to have our former organist, Mrs. Nettie Cameron, take charge of the choir again. I Rev. Flatt has been conducting special Bible classes for the young people. On Sunday nineteen were ceived in our Church, and twenty-five at Norham. Mrs. Jas. Wright, who has been Belleville Hospital for five months, with lung trouble, returned to her grandmother's, Mrs. Cole, last week. Their baby boy five months' old pass-way at Kingston Hospital on Fri- Jam Marketing Scheme The Canada Jam Marketing Scheme hich primarily affects the provinces of British Columbia, Ontario and Quebec, has been approved by Hon. Robert Weir, Dominion Minister of Agriculture and the Governor-inCoUn-upon the recommendation of the Dominion Marketing Board. The scheme has the support of Manufacturers representing at least cent of the volume of jams, and marmalades produced in Canada. No opposition has been advanced by any fruit growers. Under the scheme it is anticipated that the demoralized conditions which have prevailed in the marketing of jams, jellies and marmalades during the past several years will be corrected. These conditions which have existed have reached to the disadvantage of jam manufacturers, fruitgrowers and consumers. It is expected that under the new regulations the quality of the jam, which will be offered for sale, will be improved. The Local Board is composed of fourteen members, namely, nine manufacturers, three growers, one representative, appointed the Trades and Labour Congress of Canada, and a chairman who has financial interest in the jam busi- CRAMAHE COUNCIL Cramahe Council met in the Coum Chamber, Castleton, April 26th, 1935; at ten o'clock. Members, all present; Reeve Cam] bell in the chair. The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted. Moved by Honey, seconded by Darling, That the Court of Revision for the Township of Cramahe will be held in the town hall, Castleton, on May 31st, 1935, at one o'clock in the afternoon to hear and determine all plaints against the assessment, and all parties concerned please govern themselves accordingly.--Carried. Orders were drawn on the Treasurer as follows: Dr. Lawson, re indigent......$ 19 C. Brown, re indigent ........ 5, Geo. H. Peebles, milk, indigent 2 70 H. G. McKay, re indigent .... 25.00 M. C. Broomfield, re indigent 14.00 H. R. Stinson, re indigent .... 14.99 R. S. Newman, re indigent____ 3.10 F. I. Moore, re indigent ...... 44.90 Counties Treas., re indigent .. 46.50 P. A. Thompson, care of hall.. 1.50 Geo. H. Pomeroy, re indigent W. Redfearn, re indigent ____ The Guildhall. Ins. Co.......173.60 W. Harnden, r.b. 10 ........ 3.20 A. McCracken, r.b. 12........ 1 Ray Leonard, r.b. 20 ........ 7.10 Jas. Menzies., r.b. 34 ........ 5.20 Geo. Baggaley. r.b. 32 ........ 2. Wes. Dark, r.b. 26 .......... 9. Thos. O'Grady, r.b. 11 ........ 4. K. Mutton, r.b. 14............ 6.40 N. Simpson, r.b. 3 ........... F. Buchanan, r.b. 19 ........ 5.20 E. Tuck, r.b. 19 .............. 1.80 Ross Wright, r.b. 17 ........ 3.60 C. Bradley, r.b. 32 .......... D. Vanwicklin, r.b. 8 ........ H. Partridge, r.b. 37 ......... 10.00 Geo. Pomeroy, r.b. 38 ........ W. Bookout, r.b. 38 .......... R. Coleman, r.b. 38 .......... D. Ferguson, r.b. 38 .......... Roy Somerville, r.b. 38 ...... P. A. Thompson, r.b. 38 ...... Fred Irwin, r.b. 18 .......... Jay Brown, on salary ........ 30.00 W. W. Mutton, 2 sheep ...... 1' W. Mitchell, 2 lambs ........ 8.00 C. Hubble, s.s. 4 ............ 66.50 K. Blackburn, s.s. 10 ........ 60.00 G. VanBlaricom, s.s. 26 ...... 60.00 Margaret Mutton, s.s. 23 ____ 60.94 F. A. Black, tel. system ...... 400.00 Fred Warner, milk, indigent.. 1.50 R. Didier, r.b. 21 ............ 7.70 E. A. Sharpe, r.b. 26 ........ F. Yabsley, r.b. 36 .......... Robt. Shredd. r.b. 28 ........ 15.20 Theo Jones, cedar 20.00 A. E. Jones, a.s. 22 .......... 41 Geo. Mutton, r.b. 24......... 16.60 The Newman Co., supplies .. 5.25 W. O. Graham, re indigent---- 5.00 Thos. McDonald, r.b. 13 ...... 4.00 J. A. Sykes, re T. Wells tel. .. H. G. Welton, postage........ 6.00 C. Pomeroy. cutting brush .... Roy Somerville, cutting brush 6.60 Orin Day, cutting brush ---- Council adjourned to meet the last Friday in May, at 9 o'clock. King George V. Jubilee Cancer Fund Statement of Colborne Contributions Receipts rag Day .............. 18.85 Entertaiinment ........ 41.05 Expenses l. E. Donaghy, wood for opera house ...... 1.00 $58.90 A' cheque for $58.90 has gone forward to Lady Bessborough to credited as from the community of Clolborne. H. A. GRANT, Reeve, Canadian National Railways Colborne, Ontario Train times effective April 28th, 1935 Westward No. 19-- 3.54 a.m. Daily. 9-- 6.35 p.m Except Saturday and Sunday. 5-- 3.03 p.m. Saturday only. 109-- 7.52 p.m. Sunday only. Eastward No. 14--11.25 a.m. Daily. 10-- 4.37 p.m. Except Saturday and Sunday. 110-- 2.5.2 p.m.--Saturday only. SHILOH May 7th, 1935 iss Hazel Young of Toronto spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and rs. Gerald Philp. Mr. Ray Mutton and John Bertrand are visitors at the home of Mr. and rs. Lewis Mutton, on Sunday. A special Jubiiee Service was conducted here on Sunday evening by r Pastor, Rev. A. Armstrong, and is much enjoyed by all present. Mr. Hubert Mutton, daughter Jean, and sister Evelyn, spent the weekend the home of his uncle, Rev. H. H. itton, Foxboro, and called on Mrs. Hubert Mutton, who is receiving treatment at Belleville Hospital. They found her improving favourably. emier Hepburn and former Pre-' Henry have invited each other isit their respective farms. This is a happy thought. An hour or so pent by these farmers, in overalls nd leaning hiredman fashion against the fence, might avert prolonged and acrimonious debates in the Legisla-And the incident indicates that, after all, Premiers, past and present, tin very human. Butter Wrappers at Express Offic< CASH OR EGGS GOOD NEWS FROM BROWNS ECONOMY STORE WE SELL FOR LESS Friday & Saturday Specials DUTCH SETTS 3 lbs. 25c THE BIG j 1 SPECIAL GOLD SEAL Regular 35c V2 B> P^g. ON SALE 25C PER PKG' COOKING ONIONS 10 lbs. 10c TAPIOCA 2 lbs. for 15c RICE 3 lbs. for 13c 5 Roses Flour, bag $2.89 Quaker ROLLED OATS Regular pkg. 21c GRAPE FRUIT 7 for 25c OLD YORK CEREAL pkg. 21c JELLY POWDERS 7 pkgs. 25c vEGGS WANTED HIGHEST PRICE IN TRADE C. BROWN Phone 84 COLBORNE The Itt&xaJlL Drug Store WHERE YOU SAVE WITH SAFETY SEEDS-- We have all kinds of garden seeds in bulk or in 5c & 10c packages. FORMALDEHYDE-- For treating Grain 1 lb bottle, enough for 40 bushels, 35c Dutch Sets-- Multiplier Onions-- Mangel & Turnip Seed All Seeds Fresh and Reliable Government Tested MOTH DESTROYERS-- Moth Tox Larvex Red Cedar Flakes with Naptholine Moth Balls Oil Cedar Camphor Gum, etc. FOR THE HOUSE-- 4-Square Furniture Polish 4-Square Floor Wax-- Both for 69c Special--Rubber Gloves 29c FOR THE CAR-- 15" x 16" finest quality Chamois and large Sponge-- Both for 89c Kodak Films and Cameras--See the new Baby Brownie at $1.25. Expert Fnishing, Developing and Enlarging PLAY BALL-- Soft Balls & Bats, Baseballs, Tennis Balls. FISHING TACKLE-- Steel and Bamboo Rods', Hooks, Lines, Reels, Flies, Baskets. W. F. GRIFFIS "YOUR DRUGGIST" PHONE 85w We Deliver COLBORNE East Colborne Service Station and GROCERY IS NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS and will appreciate your patronage We handle Groceries, Coal Oil, Gas, Oils, and Grease OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT WM. THEOBALD Proprietor East Colborne Subscriptions taken at the Express Printing Office for all the Leading Newspapers and Magazines at Club Rates

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