THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, dORNE, ONT. THURSDAY, AUG. 29, 1935 Spotted Freckle On Nose. CANADA FAITH IN HUMANITY Chinese laundrymaii in BronxviUe, N.Y., went for a holiday and left a note in the window telling people to get their laundry as the door was not locked. We doubt whether this gentleman has been thoroughly civilized and Christianized since coming to - Stratford Beacon- Hevald. PAINTING BARNS ■aid thei nt enough in itself imense area to be co ir red, green or whit 9 of the return of bai t means the first re; GOOD SALESMAN large number of people who sited the Canada Shop in since its opening last week tained until the date of clos-i promoters should be more ased with the publicity given diaa food products through ctical advertising medium, rday last the number of visi-s checked. No fewer than 2,-sed along the counters and i the food stuffs. The ma. •f them purchased samples, ult of which it is reasonable ced sales by re- iity presented FARM PRICES RISING The most satisfactory year 1 livestock production since 1930, the report made by a packing coi pany. There are many other evidences of this condition. Prices in all lines of livestock have advanced a long way from the low point registered about four years ago. The same thing applies to most of the other minor products of the farm -- dairy in many products from* which well-anaged. farm derives much of its revenue. -- Winnipeg Tribune. PITY POOR MOTORIST Hard is indeed is the lot of the drunken motorist who gets caught. Most courts will fine him $10 to $25, occasionally give him ten days in jail, and sometimes actually deprive him of the privilege of driving a car for as such as a few months. And all of this simply because he deliberately placed a large number of fellow citizens in danger of instant death or of the loss of limbs horrible and painful lacerations. -- Toronto Telegram. A DEFENDER OF MODERN GIRLS may remember that joint it was much in evidence before the depression. Then, along with stocks and things in general, skirt hems came crashing down. For the past five years it has been discreetly concealed almost everywhere except in the nudist camps. May there not be an outside chance that business and fashions are related in some way or another? Certainly, business is looking up. And now skirts are apparently following suit. Chanel has chopped off three inches at one stroke, an upswing as convincing as anything provided by When the coy patella once more blossoms forth in all its pristine perfection we shall perhaps known the corner has been turned and that we are again to find ourselves knee-deep in prosperity. -- Windsor Star. SUN TANNERS BEWARE ! Intense sunlight has the same effect on the body as it has on the top of an automobile. It causes de-lydration and premature wrinkling. --Hamilton Plerald. LESS RELIEF AT THE SOO There are one-third fewer families m relief in the Sault at the present ime than there were a year ago, the figure now being about 400 compar-l to 600 at the end of July, 1934. That is a welcome improvement conditions, and contrasted to the jure of over 1,500 families on relief in May, 1933, show gain since that time. This is due to a large measure the betterment of industrial < ditions here, resulting from the .„ organization of the steel plant and from the general advance in busi-'oyment through! Value of Adverting Shown By Acftal Test With Product i he (a product of t Canada. There are indications, too, that things will continue to improve unless some untoward event happens to cause the present trend to be upset --Sault Ste. Marie Star. WAS COSTLY LESSON Twenty-one years ago -- June 28, 0 be exact -- a Bosnian youth fired 1 shot into Europe's powder box and .hat followed resulted in the death tion lost, and every nation stili jg ying for its defeat, says the Pittsburgh Press. On the surface, the world appears have forgotten the frightful lessons of 1914-18. Yet^ has it? Viscount Cecil has made public in London the results of a great peace •eferendum. The English electorate voted 11,000,000 to 335,000 for Britain to remain in the League of Na-is; 10,000,000 to 800,000 for a gen-1 arms reduction; 10,000,000 to ,000 for taking the profit out of arms traffic; 10,000,000 t0 600,000 to apply economic pressure to attacking nations. Here was>a popular vote for law and peace voice, as Lord Cecil said, in "passionate intensity." When the masses are willing to fight the warmakers as passionately as they have been lighting imaginary enemies, the sword-rattling rulers of earth will find themselves without armies to fight and without taxpayers to pay for their follies.-- St. Catharines Standard. NEW YORK,--Advertising douis e number of persons familiar Wii | brand, triples the number whoj it and quintuplets the number ofj 3 are averages a study of bond paper made By. Charles C. Stech, research expf advertising. Actually the vertiser gets a smaller ra^f turn than his average, iHI big one gets an increase greater. !tch studied the use of of bond paper by printers. He le^ ed the percentage familiar brand, the percentage who trjHj each 0ne and the percentage came regular users. There were ( three brands of than 75 per cent Of these 72 per tried out the thre 1 printers. sMfacr cent had tried them out and lesS than half of one per cent of these printers used the seven. When the average of persons knowing about the brands was raised to 35 per cent, in a different group of bond papers, the trials rose to 15 per cent but the regular customers only a tenth of one per cent, t when the papers were reached to 50 per cent of the printers e users rose t0 nine per cent. Abovj that came the phenomenal jump to 20.4 customers in the top. most three kinds of bond paper. The study showed an unusually rg9 increase in steady custo ly everyone was familiar with the brand. No saturation point revealed. The highest single known to 96 per cent ol inters, and apparently its reg. ors were far greater in prolog than those of any ct ttie " known papers. To Get Inside Story Of Asylum Reported Patient Seven Da HARDER TO MARRY It is harder for young men to marry *w than it was years ago, according the United States Commissioner of Education, owing to the broader outlook of women. He holds that •iage is not Very attractive to r of these bright modern girls-- dnly not so attractive as to their They have the The above banner line appej recently oil the Chicago Daily Tj front page, referring to the experj" of Frank Smith, Daily Til er, who spent seven days and {Bifs in an asylum. The sensationalMAr was the result of Smith being "^B. milted" to the Kankakee, 111 State Hospital. another Daily Time.- reporter, .became Smith's "brother," and Ijm-imitted his to the state insane ho -pital, following the receipt of erous complaints by the Daily that conditions were particularly' at the Kankakee institution, certain conditions, Smith, a college football p'.ayer and lit who tips the scales at 200 was asked t0 do a series of In addition to interviewing and other persons, he undertoc spend hospit his feigned violence, is appearing in a series of articles this week. The Daily Times' circulation jumped nearly 10,000 yesterday, as a resuli of the story, according to Louis Rup-managing editor. All marks of identification were re. moved from Smith's clothing before he and O'Rourke set out for Kankakee. In relating his struggle with hospital attendants preparatory to being subjected to the "water treatment Smith states: • "With something like pardonah shame I have to admit here and no that if I could have made myself heard, I would have given up unconditionally. I'd have confessed to ev-•ything. To hell with the investiga-on. To hell with the job." eleased from the hy-d, Smith participated if a patient, subjected inking cup, vile r-crowded condl-is story he par- inmate in the •ded « Weary i and ROSY IN CANADA andmothers five choice j quent independence. -- Kingst I Whig-Standard. ABUNDANCE OF CROPS ature has been good to Canada | I this year. Right across the Domini from Nova Scotia to British Colui bia there are bountil'u! crops, it I doubtful if Ontario, and particuh ly Western Ontario, ever had sui I abundance of crops. Hay, wheat, oat , vegetables, fruit, everythii rn in this fertile peninsula w story of brut ubjected to u including 15 of dirty flowing riv il treatment, bc-lsanitary condi-hours in a-tub i down in the arms of Sleep,) in the comfort of her breast, : I am weary of all but her and fain would be at rest, me close from the cares that I haunt the fut-ile, waking j i round and over me shed the I nremembered flow- In ; the Pres Marriage Makes For Long Life According Tc Than Statistics Those Who Are Wed Live Longer Those Whose Lot Is Single Blessedness There are nearly 6,000 marriages every week in England; 857 a day, or nearly thirty-six an hour! A careful analysis of the British Registrar-General's latest review shows that, on an average, thirteen out of each 857 marriages will end in the Divorce Court. Superstitious people, please take note. That dreaded number thirteen. Consider, though, how small a percentage thirteen in every 857 represents. Immediately someone is divorced all the old tales about six-month marriages are dug out and paraded with much shaking of heads. It's so unfair. Divorce is not nearly as popular as some people would have us believe. Roughly, about 1% per cent, of our marriages end in divorce. A very small proportion surely? "People can't afford to marry young today--they leave it till later in life." "We are marrying later." How often have you heard those remarks? They have no foundation in fact. PEOPLE MARRY EARLY Let us take you back to the Registrar-General. His accuracy is quite ruthless, his figures unquestionable. And what do we find? Out of 307,000 marriages in 1932 over 5,000 men married before they were twenty, 13,000 ried under twenty-one and another 150,000 by the time they were twenty-six. These figures of course, ern bachelor bride-grooms. Thus, more marriages in England take place at or under the age of twenty-than at any other time. Why tell then, that men have ceased to marry young? Twenty-six is barely a bath-chair age. With spinster brides it is the same: 47,000 married before they tfere over twenty, 49,000 under twen-;y-one and 161,000 before they were nore than twenty-six. The average age of the bridegroom :oday is twenty-seven, and of the bride twenty-five. Youthful enough. Incidentally, there has been little .riation in this average for the last thirty years. Between 1901 and 1905 the actual average was 25.37 for dnster brides, and 26.90 for bache-r bridegrooms. Extremely youthful marriages still :cur. In 1932 sixteen men were arried at the age of sixtee», and over 5,000 before they were twenty. With women n0 fewer than 758 were married at sixteen, and 28,000 before they were twenty. Simple Type -- First Fall Days At the other extreme 1,811 men and 694 women married between the ages of sixty-five and sixty-nine. To cap even that -- eighty-six men and ten women married when they were past eighty. Which is the most dangerous year of wedlock? People talk learnedly, from experience, of the seventh, with its entire lack of glamour and romance, its dreaded monotony. Or perhaps they will warn you against the first. Examined in the cold light of facts and figures, both seem wrong. More marriages are wrecked in the tenth year than at any other time. Unions to the number of 1,047 which had lasted between five and ten years were dissolved in 1932, and 1,442 of between ten and twenty •years' duration. Only ninety-five sought separation after lass than two years, and under 450 after more than twenty years. So scrap your fears about the notorious number thirteen and beware of matrimonial bickerings in the tenth year of mar-1 Doctors often advise their patients to get married. "It is man't natural' state." they say, "and the one in which he is likely to be most healthy." Very true. Statistics wholeheartedly support that view. A comparison of length-of-life and marriage statistics reveals the fact that married people live longer, oil the whole, than .unmarried. BRIDEGROOM'S AGE -- 88 ! We hear much talk of second marriages these days. Certainly they are becoming more popular. It is argued, very reasonably, that people who have married and failed once are not likely to make the same mistakes if they marry a second time. In 1932' some 14,50 widows married again, 6,800 to bachelors and 7,700 t0 wid-1 owers. In the same year approximately 23,000 widowers remarried, 15,-500 to spinsters and 7,500 to widows.; From this it appears that widowers are twice as likely to remarry as' widows, while widowers are far more fascinating to spinsters than to widows. Actually, in the year 1932, one of of every sixteen people mar-1 ried was married a second time. Both the widow and widower are becoming far more cautious of mar. rying again. Widowers, in particular, leave it until late in life. Thus the greatest number of widowers remarried in 1932 between the ages ot" j fifty and fifty-four. Over 2,000 left itj until sixty -- sixty-four. One Peter' Pan suddenly got the spring madness in his veins at the age of ninety! The greatest number of widows remarried between thirty-five--thirty-nine. Nevertheless, 516 waited until sixty-five--sixty-nine, and one even developed a soul-storm at eighty-eight. The average age of widower bridegrooms is forty-nine, and of widow brides forty-four. When bachelors marry widows they usually choose one about their own age, but when widowers marry spinsters the widower is, on an average, ten years older than his bride. Dark Thought For 1936 adm the yields KNEE PLUS ULTRA I London Free Press. THE EMPIRE was revealed last week that tin >r of the Anonymous Educatior I Fund for the children of officers o: J the Royal Air Force, which, since 8, has expended nearly £4,000, j s the late Mr. T. E. Sha onel Lawrence of Arabia. The fund I was financed by- the money received ! from the publication of Lawrence's book, "Revolt in the Desert." The decision to ma "Mr. T. E. Shaw allowed hfi-self no share in the financial sjc-cess of his book, 'Revolt in pfe Desert,' and £15,000 iecei«d from this source was invested.Jo as to establish an educatio'fei fund for the benefit of the ct i of officers of the Royal Jlr Fore "The Anonymous Education Fund, as it has always been known in deference to his wishes, has since 1928 expended near-y £4,000; during 1934 alone it was able to provide £795 towards the education of 42 chilldren, the whom are 'father less." I the reached at of the Royal Air For fact ire, Lord Wakefield »ai( will be known as TTh of Arabia Educations - London Times. I Bid the darkness to fold me, stars to veil their light, And mute the pulse of eternal j life--the music of the night. | Hush the murmur of waters' flow, | and let there be no song, But only an untouched silence in a night deep and long. | Send me nought but oblivion: no thought, no dream, no pain; Whisper not through the darkness j that I must wake again, jfBut lay fne down in the arms Sleep, over and ever bles ir I am weary of all but her, and fain would be at rest. --Angela K. Dawes. t is vain to gather virtues with-humility; for the Spirit of God I delighteth to dwell in the hearts of I the humble.--Erasmus. j . 2864 Here's one of those simple day frocks that finds an important place in every wardrobe. It's fashioned of wooly-lcoking crepe silk with satin-back in rusty brown. The easy-to-sew sleeves that cut in one with the shoulders, made of the reverse si Je of the crepe, provides smart contrasting effect. Style No. 2864 is designed for i zes 14, 16, 18 years, 36, 38 and 40-inch bust. Size 16 requires 2% yards of 39-inch material with IV2 yards of 39-inch contrasting. HOW TO ORDER PATTERN'S Write your name and address plainly, giving number and size of such patterns as you want. Enclose 20c in stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for each number, and address your order to Wilson Pattern Service, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto. While we n horticultural or biological expert with a taste for research who by-combining the best qualities of differing fruits gives us a new and better fruit, or by careful seleotion and breeding furnishes us with thicker and tenderer beefsteaks, we may not. sufficiently reflect upon what might! happen if Nature turned her hand] toward the production of bigger andi better pests. Yet something of the| kind is happening in the insect world "f we are to believe Winnipeg des-latches. A mosquito has made its appearance there which has so far| improved upon the ordinary mosquito1 bite--from the mosquito point of ew--that it can remove a small gment of the human form divine' with every nip. Evidently, here is something new, a grafting of the' black-fly bite technique upon that blight of the Canadian verandah, the ordinary house mosquito, that ventures where the black-fly dare not show its head. The next step is manifestly to improve the mobility of this new type pest. Our good old-fashioned mosquito is a bit slow on the wing and even slower a-foot,-- its most serious handicap is the work of rendering human life miserable. Armed with a black-fly bite and the house-by's nimbleness and speed of wing, and perhaps slightly streamlined, next year's model of the mosquito ought to be something that will lift Canada out of the depression,--or anything else it may be sitting in. If man can produce the eiat-talo and the ugli, why should Nature ome back with a patent mo?-' quito ?--Montreal aily Star. One hundred and two years ago/ ine 13th, 1893, John Wilson and Robert Lyon, two young students-at-' law at Perth, fought a duel in North Elmsley near the Tay River on the outskirts of the town, the latter being shot dead. Wilson afterwards became a Justice of the Supreme Court of Ontario.--Courier.