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The Colborne Express (Colborne Ontario), 5 Sep 1935, p. 4

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Page Four THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5th, 1935 ANNOUNCEMENT McCracken & McArthur COLBORNE Have Remodelled Their Premises into a First-Class Modern Funeral Home ELDON F. McFADYEN Licensed Embalmer Phone 118--McCRACKEN & McARTHUR--Colborne If you have anything to sell, or want to buy anything--try our Condensed Ads. on Page Five Special Reduced Fares for Exhibition Visitors With the approach of the early fall season when numerous exhibitions will open at several important centres in Eastern Canada, the Canadian National and Canadian Pacific Railways have arranged reduced fares and special train service for the public, according to C. P. Riddell, Chairman of the Canadian Passenger Association. These fares are based on single fare and one quarter for round trip covering the entire period of each exhibition and allow for generous return limit. In addition to these fares covering the entire period of each exhibition, there will also be special low fares for specific dates to accommodate those who have only two or three days at their disposal. These fares will be in effect for the following exhibitions: Toronto, Aug-23 to September 7; Quebec, August 31 to September 7.; London, September 9 to 14; Ottawa, August 19 to 24, and will apply from many points within a considerable radius of each exhibition centre. With these long and short limit fares in effect from many stations throughout the various territorl-ties to such important centres as Toronto, Quebec, London and Ottawa, it is anticipated that these exhibitions will attract a host of visitors travelling over both railways during the respective periods. Waiting for the King Canadian, undergraduate* who go to the Old Country In their iBummer vacations enjoy many unusual Bights and meetings but the group shown above, encountered it3 biggest thrill when the royal automobile was stopped and the King and Queen chatted With them about Canada, This party is one of many from Canadian universities that visited Great Britain this year under the auspices of the Overseas Education League by the Canadian Pacific liner Empress of Britain. They visited England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales and saw many famous schools and colleges In the British Isles, In addition to the sight-seeing features that are a part of every Old Country tom*d The group was viewing Buckingham Palace from the Mall when Their Majesties set out for a drive. They stopped the car and chatted with the Canadian students for 10 or 15 mlnuteB. YES, It's True That the Colborne Express is owned by an individual. It is his property and he must pay the bills and assume all responsibilities. On the other hand, it is also true that somehow or other the public looks upon the community newspaper as being partly their property. The community expects its public institutions to be defended, to be favorably reported, to be kept in good report throughout the dstrict and the Province. Churches, societies and organizations look for and expect their activities to be reported in their home paper. And the home paper does all these things--likes to do them. This being so, it is only human that the owner of, and those who are employed at, the local newspaper office should expect that all these various interests would return the compliment through giving it printing orders. If all the printing requirements of this district were to be printed in Colborne, The Express would have to more than double its present staff. Do you need any of the followng? Letter Heads Memo Heads Envelopes Statements Bill Heads Invoices Labels Tickets Books and Pamphlets Butter Wrappers Invitation Cards Regret Cards Loose Leaf Fillers Shipping Tags Blotters Business Cards Posters of all kinds Auction Sale Bills Receipt Forms Order Forms Dodgers and Hand Bills Visiting Cards Wedding Invitations and Announcements WE WILL MEET OUT-OF-TOWN PRICES ON LARGE QUANTITIES The Colborne A phone call will bring us to you Exp LAKEPORT September 3rd, 19 • Miss Jean Rutherford is visiting in Muskoka. 1 Mr. James Moore spent the last Week in Toronto. . Mrs. Wm. Mathews spent a days last week in Toronto. ' Mr. Wm. Hogle of Colborne s; Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kirk. Mrs. J. Kirk and Mrs. Wm. Baker spent Wednesday with friends in Colborne. Mr. Dean Pettibone has returned home from visiting friends in Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. P. Tamblyn and daughter Marie spent the weekend in Toronto. Mr. Gordon Kirk of Detroit, Mich., spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. J. Kirk. Mr. and Mrs. Ballard of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Cracknell. Messrs. Robt. and Bruce Irvine have returned hon e after spending the last two weeks in Toronto. Mrs. Wm. Baker has returned to Toronto after spending last month with her mother, Mrs. J. Kirk. Miss Margaret Quigley has returned to her home in Castieton after visiting her sister, Mrs. Ben Moore. Mrs. G. Matthews and son Cyril have returned to Toronto after spending several weeks with Mrs. Oke. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Swain and family of Salem visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Coffey, on Sunday. St. Paul's Presbyterian Church reopened on Sunday evening, after being closed for the month of August. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Crawford and family of Toronto spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. iftg up resi in the Ro VERNONVILLE September 3rd, 1935 Mr. C. Rutherford was in Burnley on Friday last. Members of Council attended the session in Grafton on Thursday last. Mr. Oliver Denny, Lakeport, was in the village on Thursday buying cattle. Mrs. Joseph Calnan and baby spent a few days last week with friends at Stucco. We were grateful for the rain fall on Friday and wish for many returns of the day. We are glad to have our old friend Mr. Harvey Hart back on his meat routes again. Miss Isabel Broomfield has improved her village property with a newly shingled roof. The Fuller brush man called on : &>me of his patrons in this vicinity 4n Wednesday last. d Mrs. Jack Archer residence in Mr. Qufnn's house the Roberts farm. Mr. George Guy and Mrs. Lloyd of Belline spent Sunday last with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Watson. Mr. William Warner accompanied his brother, Mr. Russell Warner, to Hamilton on Wednesday. Mr. Andy Head and friend of Toronto visited friends in the Shelter Valley on Wednesday evening. Messrs. Fred Tripp, Lorne and Will Warner attended the dance in Grafton on Thursday evening last. Members of the local branch attended the Institute meeting at Mrs. Mackenzie Rutherford^ on Thursday last. Several attended the talking picture, . "Charlie Chan in Egypt," at Cobourg Capitol Theatre on Wednesday evening. The holidays are over a) again the clang of the sphool bell calls again the little feet back paths of learning. Mr. Horace Larry and fathi Mr. Sam Watson spent last weekend with friends in Merricksville, Ottawa, Quebec and Odgensburg. ^ The factory corn crop is a disappointment through here, generally speaking. The Cobourg factory arranged for an early and later picking, out the one picking seems to cover most patches. • Mr. H. S. Coole, Cobourg. called on village friends on Thursday last and we are sorry to learn that Mrs. Coole is suffering the most severely she has yet from the malady, arthritis. Along with other improvements, Mr. Watson has an emory attached to the mill machinery and farmers avail themselves of the opportunity of sharpening up axles, cicles, etc., when getting their grinding done. I The remains of the late Mrs. John carrjej 0ff first CASTLETON September 3rd, 1935 Mrs. Rose Home spent Sunday with friends in Wooler. Mr. R. M. Male of Rochester, N.Y, spent the weekend here. Mr. D. Ferguson spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. M. Calberry. Mr. Ed Coleman of Toronto spent Labor Day with relatives here. Mr. Crichton of Toronto spent the week-end and Labour Day in Castieton. Mr. H. Pomeroy is improving his residence and bakery by a new coat of paint. Mr. Lyal Erskine of Cobourg visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moore over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Hazelwood and Jessie of Morganston spent Sunday with M; and Mrs. Terry. Mr. and Mrs. Huycke of Morganston spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nichols. The Fishers of Men Band of Toronto preached in the Alliance Church Sunday afternoon. -Mr. Horace Flinn and sister, Miss Elsie, of Toronto spent Sunday with Miss Blanche Tait. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wolfraim and Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Thompson spent Sunday last in Cobourg. Mr. H. Black and friend of Toronto spent the holiday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Black. The W.M.S. will hold their annual quilting on Thursday, 5th; also have their regular meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stevenson of Toronto spent the week-end with her father, Mr. Fred Coleman. Mr. and Mrs. A. Quinn and Mrs. Teal spent Sunady at the home of Mr and Mrs. D. Lathrope. Mr. and Mrs. D. Lathrope and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bowen and Bert spent Tuesday at Presqu'Ile Point. Mr. and Mrs. Alden Coffey of Cen-treton were visitors of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nichols. Rev. and Mrs. Hinton and Goldsmith attended the Peer re-union at Clayton, N.Y., on Labor Day. Mr. A. Wolfraim, Mr. D. Arkles, Mr. G. B. Tait and Douglas spent one day last week at Toronto Exhibition. Miss Helen Haynes returned home on Sunday, after spending a couple weeks with relatives in Oshawa. The Ladies' Aid of Castieton will hold their annual bazaar and dinner on Sept. 11th, at the School Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Chappie, Marjorie and Bert, Mr. I. Purdy, Grafton, visited Mr. and Mrs. N. Burleigh, Sunday. Mrs. Walter Gillespie is spending a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Emery, who has a young daughter. Mr. Will May and daughter Hilda of Grand Rapids, Mich., spent weekend with Mr. May's Cousin, Mr. Jas. Honeywell. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph May returned home to Rochester, iast Saturday, after spending a couple of weeks with his uncle, Mr. and Mrs. C. May. Miss Beatrice Purdy has returned to Wodstock and Miss Marjorie to Toronto, after spending the summer with their mother, Mrs. S. M. Purdy. The Castieton Continuation and Public School re-opened on Tuesday, for another term. The same staff of teachers returned to their respective Mr. Herbert C. Trenear of Oshawa, travelling secretary for the Institute for the Blind, spent Sunday and Labor Day the guest of Rev. and Mrs. M. L. Hinton. Mrs. Fred Bryant and two children of Lakeport, and Mrs. Bruce Bryant and two children of Salem, spent one day last week with their mother, Mrs. Whitney. Miss Velma Arkils has gone to her position as teacher on the staff at the Belleville P.S. Miss Laurel Arkils has returned to her position as teacher at Picton. Mrs, W. R. Baxter and children, Don and Birdie, will not rectum home for a couple of weeks yet, due Birdie's illness. She was operated and is not recovering as well as i Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wolfraim i Jean of Kitchener spent the week-end ith his mother, Mrs. J. E. Wolfraim. Their son Jackie returned home with them cn Monday, after spending e summer with his grandmother. On Thursday"; Sept. 12th, the Castieton W. I. will meet at the home of Mrs. Wm. Dickson, this being grandmothers' day. All grandmothers are especially invited. Convener, Mrs. Whitney. Roll Call, Uses of common salt. Exhibit, Old time hand work. Castieton friends wish to congratulate little Beverly Pomeroy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Pomeroy, who . Whaley, SALEM September 3rd, 1935 Mr. A. T. Marcott was home over the holiday, from Toronto. Mr. Jack Armstrong spent a couple of days last week at Toronto Exhib- Miss Ellen Winter of Hull's Corners is visiting her sister, Mrs. Charles Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pot awa visited her sister, Mn over the weekend. Mr and Mrs. Percy Locke and children of Campbellford were Sunday visitors with friends her;. Mr. Elton Haynes motored to Toronto -and spent a few cays visiting friends and attending thi Exhibition. The Tune Teasers Trio and their pianist, Mr. Smallwood and Mrs. Smallwood, spent the week-end at Little Lake. Miss Ida Irwin, who h;t= been visiting Mrs. Sydney Turpin for a few weeks, returned to her home in Oshawa on Saturday. Mr. Grant Whaley, Mr. Earl Whaley and Mr. William Brswn motored to Toronto and attended the Exhibition two days of last week. Mr. William Barnes of Rochester, N.Y., motored here with friends and spent the week-end at his brothers, Messrs Albert and Gilbert Barnes. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Barnes, Miss Ella Coulson and Mr. and Mrs, R. J. Armstrong motored to Madoc on Sunday last, and spent the day with friands there. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Warner and son of Palmyra,. N.Y., and daughter of Rochester motored over on Saturday and spent the week-end at Mr. Chas. Cook's and other friends. Misses Moreen and Bernice Coulter. Miss Virginia Myers, Miss Grace Bellyou and Mr. Wymes of Trenton called at R. J. Armstrong's, here, on their way to the Exhibition. ACADEMY HILL September 3rd, 1935 Mr. and Mrs. Renslow Joice are visiting Mrs. E. Joice. Miss Ellen Winter has left for a visit with Salem friends. Mrs. W. V7" Keeler and children spent last Tuesday with Mrs. Nelson Miss Pratt and Mr. Harrison spent last Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Nelson. Mrs. E. Joice attended the wedding of Miss Helen Rawlings in Cobourg last Saturday. School started to-day, but the children welcomed a half-holiday the first day just the same. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Usher and family visited Mr. and Mrs. L. Arkils. Morganston, on Sunday. Mrs. W. V. Keeler and family spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. A. Lonsberry, Grafton. Little Miss Luella Lane, Castieton, has returned home, after visiting her cousins, Grace and Florence Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Joice and little Marilyn. Colborne, spent Labour Day week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Joice. On Sunday, Mrs, E. Joice, Ethel and Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. S. Joice and iittle Marilyn, motored to Mr. Jesse Cornelius', near Plainville. Messrs R. Joice and V. Harnden arrived unexpectedly from North Ont- io, where their sawing job came to temporary halt due to water short- ;e. Mrs. W. Underwood entertained the Grafton Women's Association last Thursday. Miss Ethel Joice rendered several piano selections, while the is served; after which'the hostess served tea on the lawn, assisted by Misses Ethel Joice and Verna. Brown. COBOURG Robson were laid to rest in the fai :'ly plot on Tuesday afternoon last. As one records the passing of Mrs. Robson. we pay tribute to the memory of her splendid example erf devoted motherhood. ress Phone 44 8,000 VISIT QUINTUPLETS Callander, Sept. 2, 1935.--It was a banner weekend for the Dionne quin-uUets, who performed before nearly 8,(100 persons in four apearances. Dr. A.IR. Dafoe estimated that 7,000 persons on Sunday saw the five little sisters. On Monday the crowds dwindled to 300 and 400. Dr. Dafoe reported all the babies in excellent health. Tljey were 15 months, 5 days old on Minday. Ifiption t Express renew your sub-3 Ottawa Farm Journal >nto Papers. We are official Ottawa papers. We save you the ! of writing, postage and money Ascription agents for all the Toronto prize in the baby show at Belleville Fair, last week. The prize was five large photos, valued at jo.00 each. She competed with forty-eight other babies. Mr. and Mrs. James Honeywell were host and hostess for the Johnson family re-union, at their home on Labor Day. Friends were present irom Stirling. Warsaw. Vernonville, Wicklow, Centreton, Grand Rapids, Mich., and Rochester, N.Y. After a sumptuous dinner served in the grove, the afternoon was spent renewing old acquaintances, and several addresses and recitations were very much enjoyed. About sixty were present. Major and Mrs. Stuart Craig of Halifax are in town visiting his mother, Mrs. R. J. Craig. Miss Marjorie Buck, daughter of Mr. Wm. Buck, Winnipeg, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. John Henderson. Miss Ethel MacNachtan, i.ew York' City, is holidaying in town with her brother, Major E. L. MacNachtan. . Mrs. Corey and son, Pittsburg, are visiting with her sister, Mrs. J. E. Skidmore, and with Mrs. Harry* Pringle, Church Street. Mr. Wm. Mutton of Cobourg, who is in his 87th yer, was the oldest pei son present at the Mutton family re-union held at Little Lake a short Many Ontario children out of reach " .school or unable to attend Tegular 1 Canadian Paeifi have done well school entrance examinations. This s'hculd provide an interesting subject teachers' conventions. Mrs. Lyons, before her marriage Miss Bessie Spence of Cobourg, and son, Spence, are spending a few weeks in town, renewing oldiviend-ships and enjoying a pleasant holiday Mrs. Wallace MoGlenhon and little sen of Toronto, who are holidaying with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Nantel, Port Hope, motored to Cobourg on Saturday to visit Judge and Mrs. F. M. Field. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Beatty and Miss Ritchie, New York City, left on Wednesday of last week to return to the former's summer home at St. Lambert. Quebec, after spending a few weeks with Mrs. Minaker and Mrs. J. D. Haig. Mr. W. C. Jex and his son. Sidney, came down from Toronto on Sunday and joined with many others in decorating the graves of those who are still near and dear to them. Mr. Jex left Cobourg, his home town, fifty years ago and fcr forty-two years he held a responsible position with the Express Company, You may find an opportunity „jy or sell by reading i condensed ads. appearing this weeK page 5. is duties calling him to the many offices of the Company, between Halifax and Victoria. B.C. He is now on pension and enjoying a well-earned rest. While in town he visited at the home of his sister, Mrs. William Henderson. EXPRESS ADS. BRING RESULTS

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