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The Colborne Express (Colborne Ontario), 19 Sep 1935, p. 5

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THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19th, 1935 THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, Issued every Thursday morning by H. S. Keyes. Subscription $2.00 per annum in advance; $2.50 to U.SA. Transient ad vertisementa 12 cents per line first insertion and 8 cents per line for jacb. additional insertion. Business cards not exceed ing one inch $7 per annum. Yearly contracts at uniform rates. MEDICAL Dr.W. PORTE MARSHALL, Physician and Surgeon, King Street, Colborne. Telephone 71. A. C. McGLENNON, B. A. M.D., CM. Office opposite the Fire Hall, King St., Colborne. Telephone No. 123w. Residence King St. Last, Telephone No. 123j. DENTAL 3R. E. J. GARFAT, Dentist, has taken over the office formerly occupied by Dr. Campbell, Fowler Blocit, Colborne, Ont. 37-31 GEO. A. GROVER, K.C., Barrister & Solicitor, 371 Bay street, Toronto. Phone Adelaide 3sl&. A. D. HALL, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, etc. Office, King Street, residence, Division Street, Colborne, Ontario. 116-34 rRANK L. WEBB, B.A., LL.B., K.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, &c, 414 Bay Street, Toronto. At Colborne on Saturdays and Court Days. INSURANCE 8. E. R. WILSON, General Insuraene and Heal instate Agent, Money to Loan at 5 to 6 per cent. Office Brunswick Block, Col borne, Ontario, Phones--Office 10, residence 13. MARRIAGE LICENSES AUCTIONEERS AUCTIONEER and REAL ESTATE BROKER. The undersigned is an experienced auctioneer -- pays tor the clerk, pays for the advertising, and guarantees a satisfactory sals or positively no pay. Sales conducted anywhere in the Province. Pure txed stock sales a specialty. Phone at my expense. ARNOLD POOLE, Castleton, Ontario. Phone No. 10r23. OSCAR C. MORGAN Auctioneer and Real Estate Broker BRIGHTON Sales conducted anywhere at reasonable rales. Several good farms for sale; also some valuable town property. P.O. Box 288. Phone 246. 38-6m EXPERIENCED AND GENERAL AUCTIONEER and Real Estate Broker. Convincingly lowest rates for thorough service. Phone 78r23. S. E. ROBINSON, Colborne R.R. 3, Ontario. E. QUINN FUNERAL DIRECTOR Colborne - - Ontario Oay or Night Calls Promptly Attended MOTOR HEARSE Phone 111 - - Colborne J. BLACKLOCK & SON Grafton Directors of Funeral Services MOTOR HEARSE IN CONNECTION Oay or Night Calls Promptly Attended PHONE 38, GRAFTON BUILDING MATERIAL Rough and Dressed Lumber, Flooring, Clapboards, etc CUSTOM SAWING W. W. MUTTON Colborne, R. R. 2 Phone--Castleton 19r3. BRUNSWICK HOTEL Colborne First-Class Meals and Accommodation Give us a call when in Colborne J„ F. WOLFRAIM - - Proprietor REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Also WoodUnd, Town and Village Property. Will exchange In some cases. S. E. ROBINSON Real Estate Dealer and Auctioneer Phone 78r23, Colborne HOUSE TO RENT TO RENT, after October 9th, 1935, ten room house, barn, one acre of land, in East Colborne. Rent $10.00 per month. Apply to Mrs. Albert Barnes, Colborne R.R. 4. Phone 68rl2. sl9-ol0 RESIDENCE in East Colborne known as the Baptist Parsonage. Apply to A. Morton, East Colborne, Ont. sl2-o3 FOR SALE 20 Acres of Apple Orchard 10 Acres, more or lees, Woodlot, on Percy Street. Fruit House on Victoria Street. Harness and Waggon. MRS. B. H, COYLE, sl2tf Phone 16, Colborne HELP WANTED RELIABLE WOMAN WANTED for light housekeeping with an elderly lady. No family. Apply at Exp Printing Office. sStf FARMS WANTED FARM of 50 to 75 acres, good buildings, with option of buying. Apply at Express Printing Office. FOR SALE OR TO RENT FOR SALE or TO RENT--The property in East Colborne known as the Todd place. House recently redecorated. About 5 acres of land. About one acre berry bushes. Good barn and stabling. Terms reasonable. Apply to Clarke Bedal, Trenton R. R. 4. Ont. Phone: Trenton 806rll. a29-s5-12. HOUSE FOR SALE TRAPPING and HUNTING LICENSES may be procured from W. F. GRIFFIS Rexall Druggist -- Colborne B. J. WALLER ELECTRICAL SERVICE HOUSEWIRING and REPAIRS Electrical Appliances Repaired REASONABLE PRICES Phone 65 COLBORNE HOUSE AND LOT on corner Division and Earl Streets, Colborne. Attractive newly decorated house, garden and orchard, barn, garage, Chicken house. Rent reasonable. Apply to A D. Hall, Colborne. Phone 140 n8 FARMS TO RENT 200 ACRE FARM, lately occupied by Alex. Dunbar, about 2$ miles Northwest of Oolborne. Barn on North 100 acres. New barn and chicken house are being erected on the South 100 acres, adjoining house. Apply to G. E. R. WILSON, Insurance and Real Estate Agent, Oolborne. j!6tf AUCTION SALE -- of -- HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS, COW, HENS, GARDEN TOOLS the property of H. B. WILSON KING STREET, COLBORNE Saturday, Sept. 21 19c , at 1.30 p.m. (S.T.) 1 Pure bred Jersey Cow, due to freshen March 15th. 20 White Leghorn Hens 2 Tons of Mixed Hay Mash Hoppers Water Fountains 1 Grindstone 1 Corn Sheller 1 Garden Cultivator 1 Box Stove 1 Organ Number of Egg Crates Bee Hives and Supers 1 Oak Dining Table 1 Fall-leaf Table Bedsteads, springs and mattresses Walnut and other stands Number of Kitchen Chairs Number of Rockers Pictures Carpets Rugs 1 Cream Separator, good condition 1 Churn 1 Butter Bowl Number of Dishes 3 Garden Hose, 50 ft. each 1 Secretary and Book Case 1 Secretary Numerous other articles S. E. ROBINSON, Terms Cash Colborne, Ont. QUEENS HOTEL COLBORNE Under New Management FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATIONS at Reasonable Rates GARAGE IN CONNECTION Local Agent for HILL, THE CLEANER, TRENTON FELIX J. MURPHY, Proprietor Butter Wrappers at Express Office SPECIAL GUN LICENSES are required this year For Sale at GRIFFIS' DRUG STORE Colborne TRY A CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT IN THE COLBORNE EXPRESS THEY SURE BRING RESULTS Local and Long Distance TRUCKING at reasonable rates I C E for sale at reasonable price ALBERT WALLER Phone 28 Colborne DUNDONALD September 17th, 1935 Mr. and Mrs. Whitehouse entertained friends on Sunday. Mrs. Ernest Mutton spent Sunday with Belleville relatives. Mr. Clifford Irwin visited Colborne friends on Sunday afternoon. A number of Dundonald folks attended the Liberal Rally at Cobourg Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Morris Campbellford were guests of Mrs. J. White on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brown and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mont gomery on Sunday. Mrs. Kenneth Mutton visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Waite, at Sharon, on Tuesday. Mr. E. Bush, from over the border, was guest of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Chapman last week. Mrs. Dudley returned on Saturday night, after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. P. N. Grosjean, Brighton. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Miller and daughters of Oshawa spent the week end with Dundonald relaitves. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Goodrich have returned from a pleasant visit in Detroit, Windsor and Toronto. Mr. Ray Stewart and friend of Rawdon called on his cousin, Messrs' Fred and Earl Irwin, last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wright, Master Elwood and Marion and Eileen, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carson Inglis, Castleton. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Darke and son and Miss Evelyn Mutton, Shiloh, visited Mr. apd Mrs. Lewis Mutton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Allen of Toronto were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Goodrich on Saturday,, and Sunday left for Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. A. Eddy visited Mrs. Andrus, 3rd Concession, Brighton, on Sunday and found her somewhat proved in health. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Goodrich visited Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Goodrich Sunday and found Mr. Goodrich much improved in health. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Eddy attended the Auction Sale of Mrs. Lome Ful-ford, Linlithgow. Bidding was brisk and fair prices realized. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mutton and son, Mr. Avert! Mutton, Trenton, visited Mrs. Harry Mutton and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mutton last week. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Finkle and two children of -Sidney were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mutton and Mrs. Harry Mutton on Sunday, an(* in the evening called on Mr. and Mrs Gordon Dunnett. The S. S. Rally last Sunday at Eden United Church was well attended. The program was brief but interesting, and well carried out. The Scripture reading was given by Miss Lois Honey, and stories read by the ML; Mary Broomfield and Evelyn Gumi and a short talk by the Pastor, ' A. Armstrong. The Cramahe School Fan Castleton, Sept. 11th, 1935, was well attended by the pupils of S. S. 13, Dundonald. The pupils in their blue and white hats and badges took part in the parade among the other schools. They won 4th prize in their school song , and 3rd in the solo sung by Miss Adele Chapman, under the guidance of their teacher, Miss Solomon. The pupils worked hard to gain a number of points in order to hold the cup which they earned last year. Master Gerald Dingman, who received the highest number of points, was entitled to the certificate of honour. Miss Mutton be congratulated on the success otTier school. EDVILLE September 17th, 1935 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stickle and family spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stickle at Frank-ford. Several young people from Edville attended the High School Concert and dance held in Colborne Opera House on Friday evening last and report a very enjoyable time. Miss Dora McDonald,- who has been very sick all the week with pleurisy id pneumonia, is still holding her rn in the fight with the dread dis-se, and her many friends hold hopes for her recovery. Sharon Anniversary and reopening rvices will be held on Sunday, September 22nd, 1935. Rev. George H. Campbell of Grace Church, Trenton, will bo the minister in charge. All Edville people hope for good weather and a good attendance. The chicken dinner which will be served connection with this on the follow-j Tuesday evening, Sept. 24th, is being well planned for also. CRATE FEEDING OF POULTRY Crate feeding of poultry gives the highest quality of flesh, and feeding in clean sanitary pens makes the best substitute. Only healthy birds of any kind will pay. Before confining the birds in crates or pens they should be given a laxative and freed of lice. Feed sparingly at first. Two to four weeks are required for finishing. At the Central Ex.perimental Farm, it has been found that almost any good mixture of home-grown grains, finely ground and mixed with milk, will A satisfactory finishing ration may .. j composed of the following: one part finely ground whole wheat; one part finely ground, barley, and one part finely ground whole oats. i. published report gives the num-• of millionaires in Canada in 1930 612 and in 1934 as 1227. If the report is correct there is cause for lot of thinking. CASTLETON September 17th, 1935 Mr. Will Gaffield is very ill at time of writing. Mrs. Fitzgerald is spending a week with friends in Oshawa. George Clemence, Toronto, is visiting his friend, Cordie Holmes. Miss Verna Bound is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bound at Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ellis spent Sunday with friends in Smithfield. Mr. Lyle Erskine, Cobourg, spent Tuesday with friends in Castleton. Mrs. G. Parcells, Colborne, visited her mother, Mrs. J. Puffer on Friday. Mr. Dave Ferguson spent the week end with his sister, Mrs. M. Calberry. Mr. and Mrs. Kay of Warkworth were calling on friends here in Tuesday. Miss Mrs. Turner of Toronto spent few days last week with Mrs. S. Purdy. Mr. Robert Pomeroy spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pomeroy. Mrs. J. B. Pomeroy is visiting her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Roy McNutt, Norham. Mr. Rex Lean and Miss Kathlene Hoskin spent Sunday with friends at Smithfield. Mr. Henry Chatterson and Mr. Bennett spent Saturday in Hastings, on a fishing trip. Mrs. A. Harnden and Gerald, Eddy-stone, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil May. Mrs. N. Gaffield spent a few days with her granddaughter, Mrs. C. 1 at Oak Heights. McCrae, Brockville, acc panied her daughter, Mrs. Baxter, home on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ziba Fox and family spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. Hattie Warner. Mrs. Walter Dingman, Mr. and Mrs. H. Dingman and baby visited Mrs. C. Whitney on Wednesday. Miss Gertrude New-man, Oshawa, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Newman. Fred Coleman, Toronto, is spending a few weeks with his grand-Mr. W. Coleman, and Mrs. John Coffey and Mr. Harold Coffey spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Lathrope. Rev. M. L. Hinton and Mr. Herman Reynolds attended the Presbytery meeting at Campbellford on Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Chappie and children, Mr. I. Purdy of Wicklow visited Mr. and Mrs. N. Burleigh on Sun. lay. Mr. and Mrsr-Chas. Purdy moved to Bowmanville last week. Friends iss them from our neighbourhood. The School Fair was well attended id the Ladies' Aid served dinner to large number of teachers and other friends. Miss Velma Arkils of the Queen Mary Public School, Belleville, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mallory and Mrs. Harvey Bertrand, of Warkworth, spent day reentry at Mr. and Mrs.' Her- Mrs. W. R. Baxter and children returned home last Thursday, after spending the summer in Brockville with relatives. sses Beatrce Purdy of Woodstock and Marjorie Purdy of Toronto spent the weekend with their mother, Mrs. S. M. Purdy. Mr. and Mrs. Melbourne McGregor, Percy and Mildred, visited their son, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence McGregor, on Sunday, at Grafton. Ossie Earl, Brockville, spent last Thursday with his sister, Mrs. Ted Black. Mrs. McCrae and his mother returned home with him on Friday. Miss Isabel Harnden, Miss Marion Olmstead and Russell Haynes are attending Normal School this year-Isabel at Toronto, and Marion and Russell at Peterboro. On Thursday, Sept. 12th, the Castleton W. I. met at the home of Mrs. Dickson, with sixty present. This being "Grandmothers' Day," the entertainment and lunch was provided by grandmothers. The delegates appointed to the Belleville Convention i Mrs. H. Welton and Miss Elea-Wolfraim. Mrs. Whitney, as con-\r, took charge of the following program: Song Sheet No. 6. Reading^Mrs. W. Bush, "The Old Wooden RQCker." Reading--Mrs. J. E. Wolfraim. Song Sheet No. 18. Paper--"Better to wear out than to rust out." Mrs. S. M. Purdy. Current Events--Mrs. F. Black. Song Sheet No. 22. A contest for grandmothers was on by Mrs. Fitzgerald and Mrs. Purely. The meeting closed with the National Anthem. An excellent lunch was served by Mrs. F. Black, Mrs. W. Bush, Mrs. j. E. Wolfraim, Mrs. S. M. Purdy, Mrs. W. Tait, Mrs. E. M. Whitney. The Castleton United Church An-versary services will be held on Sunday, 22nd. Rev. F. Lean, Frank-lord, will preach in the morning at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Everybody welcome. Mrs. Sherman Vanwicklin and dau-gter Lena and son Bill, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mallory and Harry and Bobbj motored from Rochester to spend with Mrs. Jennie Mallory, who is very sick at her daught er's, Mrs. Herman Lean. Another ball season passed and Castleton girls' softball team are again winners of the Eastern League The second game of the play-offs was played on Thursday evening at Grafton. A large number surrounded the ball diamond to see the last game of the league. The Castleton girls were victorious with a score of 17 to 11. They will play the first game of the play-offs with Baltimore, winners of the Western League, on Saturday, at 3 o'clock, on the school grounds here. Don't fail to support the team. Like the little girl who was wont to lose her whereabouts, Canadian flour occasionally loses its identity. Practically all of the flour imported into Haili is of Canadian origin, but the greater bulk of it being shipped to Haiti through United States ports is billed as a U.S. product. LAKEPORT September 17th, 1935 We are sorry to report that Mr. Geo. Fagg is on the sick list. Mr. Jim Smith has returned home, alter visiting friends in Toronto. Miss Jean McDougall of Vancouver, B.C., visited friends here on Sunday. Mr. Wm. Lennox of Michigan spent a few days with his sister, Mrs. J. Edwards. Miss Dorothy White of Peteihoro spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fagg. Miss Margaret Harnden of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kelts. Mr. and Mrs. D. Winter of Port Hope spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. R. Winter. Miss Madeline Kernaghan has returned to Toronto, after spending the weekend at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bowen of Fort Erie spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Rutherford. WHEN fire breaks out, and valuable property and life itself depend on quick and concerted . turn to your telephone. It gets help to you when help is most needed as thousands of cases on record show. On this one count alone, the telephone is indispensable: yet it serves you day by day in so many other ways as well. : OF YOUR TELEPHONE ; JUST WHAT YOU MAKE IT' ANNOUNCEMENT McCracken & McArthur COLBORNE Have Remodelled Their Premises into a First-Class Modern Funeral Home ELDON F. McFADYEN Licensed Embalmer Phone 118--McCRACKEN & McARTHUR--^Colborne HAPPY COMBINATION is YOURS Subscribe to it and not only assure youreslf of 52 weeks of fine interesting helpful reading, but save money too! The Family Herald and Weekly Star is $1.00 per year The Colborne Express is...........$2.00 per year We offer you a one year subscription to Both Papers for $2.00 The Family Herald and Weekly Star presents:-- A digest of the latest world-wide and Canadian news; a weekly magazine replete with fine stories and helpful articles and an up-to-date farm journal. The Colborne Express presents:-- All last-minute, local and county news and many feature articles, and advertisements of the best local stores. Send your subscription to THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, Colborne, Ontario Subscriptions taken at the Express Printing Office for all the Leading Newspapers and Magazines at Club Rates

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