Page Eight THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14th, 1935 Governor General Expert Guide Lord and Lady Tweedsmuir spent much time on deck as the Canadian Pacific SS. Duchess of Richmond steamed Hp the St. Lawrence. In the above picture Canada's new Governor-General, who is a distinguished historian as well as a successful writer of romantic adventure stories, pointed out historic landmarks of Canada's Ancient Capital to Lady Tweedsmuir and his son, the Hon. Alastair Buchan, as the liner neared Quebec. BOYS! GIRLS! Row some's Prize Contest Starts Saturday, November 9th, and Ends Xmas Eve at 1 0 o'clock Boys' Prizes 1 Tricycle 2. Coaster Sleigh 3. Hockey Gloves 4. Flash-light 5. Box Chocolates Every cent spent in our store entitles you to one vote. The more votes you have the better prize you get. Ask your friends to vote for you! Girls' Prizes 1. Doll and Cradle 2. Ethiopian "Curly Top" 3. Electric Iron 4. Fountain Pen 5. Box Chocolates E. W. ROWSOME } King Street Colborne "You Need Stores in Colborne as Much as the Stores Need You" Coal, Coke, Wood Sewer Pipe and Land Tile WHEN IN NEED OF ANY OF THE ABOVE CALL F. P. STRONG Telephone 43 COLBORNE "Colborne's Prosperity Depends Upon Those Who Spend Their Money in Town" ANNOUNCEMENT McCracken & McArthur COLBORNE Have Remodelled Their Premises into a First-Class Modern Funeral Home ELDON F. McFADYEN Licensed Embalmer Phone 118--McCRACKEN &. P.IcARTHUR--Colborne Newspaper Subscriptions Renewed WE ARE AGENTS FOR Leading Daily and Weekly Papers In many cases our clubbing rates will save > ou money. In aH cases you are relieved of the trouble and expense of remitting. We Will Appreciate Your Subscription Orders THE COLBORNE EXPRESS COLBORNE COUNCIL Opposed to Highway Department Taking Control of Connecting Link --Licensing of Garages, Gasol Pumps, etc., in Vallage. November 26th Date Set for Hearing on Counties Equalization The November meeting of Colborne Council was held Monday, 11th, with the Reeve, Harry A. Grant, and Councillors Ira Edwards and Capt. W. J. Troop present. A letter from Judge O'Connor gave notice of a sitting at Colborne on Tuesday, November 26th, at 2.SO p.m., at the town hall, for the taking of evidence for the purpose of Counties equalization. Persons from different parts of the village are asked to attend this inquiry for the purpose of assisting the Judge in arriving at valuations. This equalization was brought about by the appeal of Darlington Township against their assessment for Counties purposes. The. same township brought on the equalization of five years ago. but its representatives have never been satisfied with the result of the equalization at that time, but have striven for a further reduction of $500,000. The; Judge's award fixes the equalization for five years. The rule has been that the appeal of any one municipality opens the question for the United Counties. A letter from the Ontario Department of Highways gave notice that* the Highwav Improvement Act now^ provides that the King's Highway will continue through all towns under' 2500 population. Under these circumstances the licensing of gasoline^ j P',' signs, etc., as applies on rural sections of the Highway will continue through these Municipalities with the fees payable to the Depart- The Council feeling that the new regulation is unfair to the villages, it was moved by Capt. Troop and seconded by Ira Edwards: That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to notify the Department of Highways that this Council respectfully protest against the Department taking charge cf the connecting Tnk and the licensing of gasoline pumps, service stations and signs, within the village. riled. were con- 2.92 J. Bell, piping ...............$ 1.00 W. A. Youngs, carting dirt ... 3.60 C. A. Carter, work .......... 1.75 Jos, Fan-ell, salary .......... 37.50 C. Brown, relief ......, C M, Allen, rent, relief P. R McMurray, truck Ray Montgomery, truck Robt. Trenear, gravel The Express, printing F. J. Smith, D. C. Clerk C. M. Allen. D. C. Bailiff . Jos. Parrell, salary ....... W. A. Youngs, hauling dirt A. Waller, truck ......... Bell Tel. Co., Sept. 11 acct. Colborne Hydro, lights ...... 128.66 Colborne Water Works, hall. 14.15 Jos. Farrell, salary .......... 37.50 H. S. Keyes, 2 mos........... 25.00 Colborne Planing Mill, cement and lumber ............... 43.35 C. Brown, relief ............. 2.41 Bell Tel. Co., Oct. 11 acct. .. 2.70 F. J. Smith, D. C. Clerk...... 4.00 C. M. Allen, D. C. Bailiff..... 4.00 A. & J. Hodges, bell, Sept. .. 5.00 Mrs. Alyea. meat, relief...... 1.65 H. A. Grant, selecting jurors.. H. S. Keyes, selecting jurors. . W. A. Moore, selecting jurors L. Gordon, eggs, relief ...... H. E. Peters, roads .......... Colborne School Board, 1934. .1200.00 Jos. Parrell. salary ........ C. N. Express water sample C. Brown, relief ............. 2.00 Ray Montgomery, truck Thos. Jones, team ---- The Enterprise, advg......... 11.25 Colborne Hydro, lights ...... 129.02 The Express, advg........... 4-50 & J. Hodges, bell, Oct..... 5.00 M. Allen, on acct. Collector 50.00 F. J. Hart, on acct. re Amiesite suit ...................____ 30.00 Solicitor Hart submitted acceptance by Amiesite Company of the Council's offer of $1400.00 in full settlement of claim and costs and dismissal of tion for amount claimed for balance on account of paving in Colborne. The amount claimed in the action was $2791.60 for balance due and $714.00 interest--a total of $3505.60. Laid for full Council. HALDIMAND COUNCIL ^/ Grafton, October 31, 1935 /"Council met this day. Members ail rpresent; Reeve A. R. McKenzie in the chair. Minutes cf last meeting read and confirmed. The tax collector, H. E. Minor, gave notice that he would be at Fen-ella, Nov. 28th, to take in taxes; also at Grafton at the December meeting of the Council. Moved by M. Rutherford, seconded by Stanley McBride, That we se bonds for Treasurer for $2000 and the Tax Collector for $2,000 with the Canadian General Insurance Co., ough Mr. R. Mallory.--Carried. Moved by J. A. Deviney, seconded by W. C. Finley, That the Reeve and and Treasurer sign orders for the following accounts: Cobourg General Hospital ----$ Cobourg General Hospital .... 1 R. Lawless & Sons, supplies . . A. L. Heenan, att. Court ---- H. C. Burnham, att. Court C. S. Rutherford, salary ...... 33.33 Stamps and excise .......... Haldimand-Cramahe Pair ---- 75.00 Roseneath Pair .............. 50.00 E. H. Baggaley. pension ..... 7.50 E. Tucker, sheep damage .... 10.00 ifRctbt. Waldie, sheep damage.. Hydro Electric ........... and the following road account: A. McGlennon .......... 11.40 Albert Ament ........... 3! Wm. Amemt ............. 25.60 John Cuthbert ........... 13.60 Nelson Cuthbert ......... 22.40 William Kells ........... 1.60 Archie Edwards .......... Thos. Pendergast ........ 20.70 G. A. Knight ............ 28.40 G. Gemmill .............. 14.00 D. J. Calnan ............. James Tunney .......... Ben Taylor .............. 3.00 Gordon MacGregor ...... 16.00 Archie Roney............ 31.00 Walter MacGregor ...... 34.00 Ed. Kernaghan .......... 1 Chas. Connolly .......... 16.00 George Pattison ......... 16.00 Fred Heron .............. l~ C. A. Hoskin ............ J. F. Vansickle .......... T. A. Vansickle .......... 22.40 'Thos. Connelly .......... 8 Wallace Rutherford ...... 17 Arthur Rutherford ....... 6.40 Wm. Haig .............. 12.80 Wm. Hoskin ............. 16.00 Milton Usher ............ A. T. Waite ............. H. G. Smith ............. 15.90 Bertram Haskin ........ 2 Ttouglas Hoskin .......... 6 Norman Turk............ 3.20 Jack Nelson ............. 16.60 . Smith . 13.20 Ontario Egg Laying Contest The sixteenth Canadian Egg Laying Contest, held at the CentTal Experir mental Farm, ended on October 23, having completed its 51 week course. The complete results' of the year show many excellent performances by both the heavy and the light breeds. A feature of the contest was the good health of the birds and the absence of infectious and eontageous diseases. A total of 107 birds qualified for' registration, which corresponds closely with the total for last yer. Egg weights were excellent throughout the contest, ' there being only 12 pens which failed to averge 24 ounces to the dozen. The average egg yield per bird was the highest ever recorded in contests at Ottawa. James Waldie ........... 11.25 Harry McLaren .......... 6.00 Gordon Carr ............ 17.35 Joseph Darling .......... 2.40 Grant Massey ........... 1.00 Wm. Nicholl ............ 18.00 "Percy Fraser ............ 1.80 Chas. Blakely ........... 24.00 Frank Isaac ............. 3.50 James Bray ............. 3.80 Chas. Blodgett ........... 6.40 Chas. Youngman ........ 4.80 George Whitehead ....... 4.00 Alvin Tucker ............ 9.90 L. R. Isaac ...... Mrs. A. Rogers .. H. C. Minor ............. 63.55 Ed. Pratt ................ 1.60 Norman Jewell .......... 1.70 P. Brahaney ............ 13.60 Wm. Roney.............. 16.45 Wm. Bright .............. 2.40 George Graham .......... 2.40 Albert Davis ............ 11.40 James Roddy ............ 16.80 Harry Down ............ 2.80 Harold McAuley ......... 1.60 Wm Keeler ............. 4.80 Ernest Joice ............ 7.20 Nelson Usher ........... 14.40 Elwood Edwards ........ 4.60 Howard Eraser .. ...... 4.00 Thos. Cuthbert ........... 3.20 George Cuthbert ........ 9.60 Archie Ferguson . .>...... 36.20 Gordon McKim .. Jack Cowey ............. 14.81 J. D. Adams Co.......... 4.65 MoGuire Bros............ 2.00 George Burley ........... 10.60 Lawless & Sons ......... 43.24 Miss Redfearn .......... 3.00 John Bowen ............ 19.00 Thos. Johnston .. Wesley Herron .. Art. Richardson ......... 1.60 Frank Caldwell .......... 13.60 Chas. Beatty ............ 13.60 Chas. Lisle ....... Wm. Hie ........ Irwin Hie ......... H. Harndi J. Salisbury ............. 2.80 Jack Phillips .............80 A meeting for the purpose of taking evidence regarding Counties Equalization will be hold at Cenfc-eton hall at 10.30 in the forenoon, Saturday, Nov. 16th, 1935. Anyone interested should be present. Moved by M. Rutherford, seconded by Stanley McBride, That we adjourn FeneUa on Thursday, Nov. 28th, at 10 a.m.--Carried. Rutherford, Clerk. Many of the farmers of Eastern Canada who fed Western lambs during the 1934-35 winter under the Dominion Lamb Feeding Project are placing increased repeat orders, in many cases1 asking for double the number of lambs they fed a year ago. The applications, particularly from Quebec and Ontario, reflect the abundant supplies of hay, grain, silage and other crops in Eastern Canada. page 5 Read condensed Hydro Extension in Haldimand Township Vernonville, Nov. 4th, 1935--Hydro is extending its lines in Haldimand Township. Residents of the locality are greatly pleased to know that an extension will shortly be built North from Mapleton Road that will serve this village and the vicinity to the South and East. Work will commence so soon as a survey is completed and it is promised that the current will be ready to be turned on by Christ- Before the discovery of antitoxin, at least 45 per cent of the cases of diphtheria ended in death. The $e*aJVL Drug Store PRIZE CONTEST for BOYS and GIRLS EIGHTEEN WONDERFUL PRIZES 10 FOR GIRLS and 8 FOR BOYS ONE VOTE WITH EACH CENT OF PURCHASE AT THE REXALL DRUG STORE RULES :-- No child over 14 years of age may be entered. No contestant shall solicit votes from coustomers while in the store. No Ballots may be deposited in the Bailee Box before November 4th or after 10 o'clock Christmas Eve. In the event of a tie for any prize oft'erd, a prize identical with that tied for will be uwarded to each contestant concerned. Have your favorite boy or girl entered in the Contest Come in and see the wonderful prizes GRIFFIS' DRUG STORE PHONE 85w COLBORNE WALL PAPERS and PAINTS FOR FALL HOUSE CLEANING NEW SUNWORTHY WALL PAPERS at 10c a Roll Varnish Stains -- Enamels Parchment Lamp Shades -- China -- Glassware VAT REDUCED PRICES Costume Jewelry and Novelties all Reduced Jas. Redfearn & Son One Door East of Post Office -- Phone 1 -- Colborne Theobald's Savings Store GROCERY SERVICE STATION Gas -- Oil -- Grease -- Coal Oil OUR PRICES ARE LOWEST Give Us a Trial and Be Convinced REPAIRS WATCHES -- CLOCKS JEWELERY Also Glasses Adjusted All Work Guaranteed TERMS STRICTLY CASH W. S. BELL Over Express Printing Office Colborne BULBS HYACINTHS DAFFODILS TULIPS J. BELL HAPPY COMBINATION is YOURS Subscribe to it and not only assure youreslf of 52 weeks of fine interesting helpful reading, but save money too! The Family Herald and Weekly Star is $1.00 per year The Colborne Express is...........$2.00 per year We offer you a one year subscription to Both Papers for $2.50 The Family Herald and Weekly Star presents:-- A digest of the latest world-wide and Canadian news; a weekly magazine replete with fine stories and helpful articles and an up-to-date farm journal. The Colborne Express presents:-- All last-minute, local and countv news and many feature articles, and advertisements of the beat local stores. Send your subscription to THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, Colborne, Ontario "Buy Empire Products and Support Your Home Town"