FATEFUL YEARS FOR ALL WOMEN Much Suffering Can be Avoided Through the Use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. The most fateful years in a woman's life are those between forty-flvo and fifty. Many women enter this term under depressing conditions; through overwork, worry, or a watery condition of the blood, and they suffer heavily. Among the commonest symptoms are headaches, palpitations, dizziness, backaches, depression and other well recognized disturbances of the health which show that the blood requires attention. Women stand in need of rich red blood all their lives, but never more so than at middle age, when the oerves are also weak and overwrought. In this condition there is no other medicine can do so much for women as Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, for these pills make rich, red blood, which gives tone to the whole body, thus restoring robust health. Thousands of Canadian women have proved the value of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in cases of this kind. Among them is Mrs. J. H. Johnston, Lion's Head, Out., who says: --"I am writing to let you know the wonderful good your pills have done me. I was a complete wreck, and would faint if I crossed the room. I was going through the change of life, and was so weak I could not do my work. I went to Toronto, when my folks said nothing but an operation would help me. But I said: 'No, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills helped me in girlhood, and J am golng^to give them a trial.' I took the pills steadily for a month, when I returned home a well woman, able to do all my work with ease. Friends here say it's a wonder I am alive after what I went through, and I am thankful to say I believe Dr. Williams' Pink Pills saved my life." Try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for, anaemia, rheumatism, neuralgia, ner-1 vousnees. Take them To Charles Dickens. As when a friend (himself in music list) Stands by somo rare, full-handed o I And glorying as he sees the maste roll The surging aweets through all the! depths of soul, Cannot, encouraged by his smile, fo: With his own hand to join them belaud there; And so, if little; eo add somethin To the sound's volume and the golde THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, COLBORNE, ONT, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1927. v TO THE POLICE Cut Charles Dickens, »nd charm from laud So I, dear friend. though thy 1 Needs but itself, t- to land, Make liold to join ij To this thy new-found music of oui spheres, In hope that by thy Household Words and thee The world may haste to days of har --Leigh Hunt Gems from Examination Papers. 'Denmark is washed by the Catty Cat and the Scraggy Hack," wrote a despairing English boy at a geography examination. Other gems embalmed in the examination papers included: "The highest peaks in the Alps is Blanc Mange." "Amongst the islands of the West Indies are the Pyjamas, noted" for toilet sponges." Ceylon is Joined to India by a chain of coral wreaths." A focus is a thing like a mushroom, but if you eat it you will feel differently from a mushroom, focuses is poison. 'Habeau Corpus is what the people ; to say to the undertakers at the time of the great plague of London. It means, 'You ma have the body.' " Louis XVI. was gelatin&d during tonfc if the French revolution." you are not in the best physical con-1 "Chaplets are small places of ditlon and cultivate a resistance that j snlP-" will keep you well and strong. You ! can get these pills through any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box The Folding Tune. And I first played the tune : sheep know, as, one after Bo docile they come to th- folding be done. They are white and untorn by bushe«>, for lo, they have h IS THERE A BABY IN YOUR HOME? w the Is there a baby or young children in your home? If there is you should not be without a box of Baby's Own Tab-door till j lets. Childhood ailments come quickly and means should always be at hand to promptly fight them. Baby's Tablets are the ideal home stifle the : remedy. They regulate the bowels; water wiuiin me stream's bed; I sweeten the stomach; banish consti-And now one after one seeks its lodg- j p.a.tlon and indigestion; break up colds ing, as star follows star and sinipiQ fevers--in fact they relieve Into eve and the blue far above us,-- j all the mlnor ills of little ones. Con-■WLMMfcand fifljnr! --..p. -^^eTirhrg-^rem Mrs. Moise Cadotte. i Makamik, Que., writes: "Baby's Own | Tablets are the best remedy in the js in France, j world for little ones. My baby suffer-le meet important at Cairnmarais, ; ed terribly from indigestion and vomdt-hich contains more than 700 adult ' ing, but the Tablets soon set her right The Beatitude for the will is obedience to the truth a* the final form of good. Outside of the truth beheld good there is no such thing as freedom. The freedom of the earth, the freedom of the planets, the freedom of every star that burns in the firmament, is in fidelity to law. Truth is finally a revelation of the moral order of our human world and universe; this moral order is finally the supreme ^ood matched to the inevitable desire and love of mankind; and in obedience to this view of ultimate eternal good lies all genuine human freedom. It is not freedom to break from the path that leads from the mountain summit to the plain; it is madness. It is not 'freedom for the navigator to steer his ship from the great lanes clear of icebergs and shaols into the uncharted sea; it is a criminal mistake. It is not freedom to do as one pleases when one pleases to run in courses of crime, vice, and blasphemy; it. is to run against the demonstration of right and good delivered by the sound moral experience of mankind. To be a liberal does not settle the question of a man's freedom or slavery; to be a modernist or a fundamentalist settles nothing as to the same question. The truth that is moral order, the moral order that is good, is the final judge here. Obedience to the highest and best is freedom, and nothing else is or can be other than slavery.--The Christian Leader. -Browning, ' There herons. _________a. Buy "Buckley' by all druggists and guaranteed. W. K. Buckley, Limited, 142 Mutual St., Toronto 2 . a singh sip proves it 817 in perfect health. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25c a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Centenarian's Advice. "Keep cheerful, eat plenty of pork and potatoes, and drink plenty of good milk," was the recipe of longevity of Mrs, Ellen Parkin, who has died at Falmouth, aged 101. The bachelor, with his insistence that life is best without a wife, may be single, but just the same he's wedded to an idea. SPIRIN Dissolve two "BAYER TABLETS OF ASPIRIN" in four tablespoonfuls of water and gargle thoroughly. Swallow some of the solution. Don't rinse the mouta. Repeat gargle every two hours if recessary. This is an effective gargle proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians. Accept only "Bayer" package. Look for "Bayer Cross." bcxes of 12 tablets. Also bottles of 24 and 100--Druggists For TONSILITIS and SORE THROAT e^tan^ed with tUelr general trade mark, the "Bayer C Our Rural Constable, the Prov Policeman, the "Motor Cop" an Urban Officer Would Do Wei! fc Out and Paste In His Hat the fol fowing Article from the London Daily Telegraph. cod 3 for the re- be moved in the slightest degree by language or threat that may be used." Such was the ideal of 1829. It may stand without alteration for. 1927. "O blest with temper!" is the perfect policeman, servantissimus aequi, as hough he were the Lord Chancellor him elf. What is Freedom? Women of Canada Pay Striking Tribute to Aluminum --the Modern Metal FROM Windsor, Ontario, to Hudson's Bay, from Halifax to the Rockies, RED ROSE TEA within the last few weeks has scored an extraordinary increase in sales. It is because we have stopped using paper packages, and are again packing this finest of teas in the old, familiar Aluminum package of years go. The reception it has been given demonstrates beyond all doubt that housewives of Canada recognize Aluminum as the perfect container. For more than thirty years we have been experimenting with packages -- trying lead, paper and Aluminum--seeking always a material that would protect and be worthy of Red Rose quality. But it was only after Red Rose has been offered to the public in all these packages--first lead, then Aluminum, then paper--that the great advantages of Aluminum were proven. Aluminum keeps out moisture, preserves the flavor and protects the quality. Paper packages, on the contrary, absorb moisture which occasionally impairs the quality. So now and in the future RED ROSE TEA will be packed in the Aluminum package, as it was in years gone by. T. H. Estabrooks Co., Limited Saint John Toronto Winnipeg Calgary Edmonton A Real Cosmopolit "He considers himself i mopolitan, eh?" "Oh, yes, he once spent New York." "The Great Jullien" and His Music. Pocket Sunrays. all that It can be slipped into pocket, a portable artificial sunlight generator weighing only two pounds has been invented by a German scientist. The generator, which resembles a toy phonograph, can be plugged into an ordinary electric lamp socket. It consists of a little nickel-plated horn BALDWIN, THE MAN. After Reading American Views of the Classified Advertisements. GRAMOPHONE. Louis Jullien conductor of mi middle of the n was a man who believed very fl: advertisement. Whether criticism good or bad did not worry him as long as somebody said something. He was full of little eccentricities such as conducting Beethoven with a jewelled baton, wearing a new pair of white kid gloves for each piece he conducted, indulging ln a prodigious display of diamonds, and so on. He was known, on account of his extravagances, as "The Great Jullien." Nevertheless, he was a man of sound musical common-sense who started a series of promenade concerts In London so that the public could hear the great classics cheaply; who dreamed of founding an English opera company iri connection with the Royal Academy of Music, who, in short, spent a vast amount of energy in fostering a love of good music among the people of England. "Mr. Baldwin i was hardly mor Englishmen than they hung what , fitted to a circular metal case. Inside | fancied ^ He ^ e most popular the norn are two specially prepared ' England in the \ carl><>ns, across which passes a spark h century He ' &vin& out ultra-violet rays. A person ily in i Blt*'mK two feet away may have the vhole body bathed in the rays. Common Source of Rivera. Every river originating in the state of Arizona finds its source in "Old Baldy," a 13,000-foot peak in the northern part of the state. Doctors vouch for Minard's Liniment. Liberty Does Not Mean-- --That we are free to obey only those hlch v y with it. denounce all --That we are free t( people's rights. --That we are free other people's expense. --That we aire free- to friends if we can get aw --That we are free tc those who disagree with us. --That we are free to drr highways as if we owned th. --That we are free to li there was no judgment day. Gift by the Queen. The Queen has sent £100 in support of Mrs. Cecil Chesterton's scheme to provide lodging houses in London for homeless women. Truth. Nothing is easier than spending the public money. It does not appear to belong to anybody. The temptation i3 overwhelming to bestow it on somebody.--Calvin Coolidge. In search of copper and other minerals, thousands of square miles in Northern Rhodesia are to be explored by aeroplane. PUT STOMACH IN ORDER AT ONC 'Tape's Diapepsin" Gas, Indigestion or Sour Stomach Instantly! Stomach corrected! You never feel the slightest distress from indigestion or a sour, acid, gassy stomach, after you eat a tablet of "Pape's Diapepsin." The moment it reojehes Everyone is ready to admit or even! the stomach all sourness, flatulence, to boast that he has a good heart, but' heartburn, gases, palpitation and pain no one dares to say as much of his! disappear. Druggists guarantee each t>i-ains3. j package to correct digestion at once. .__ I End your stomach trouble for few Minard's Liniment for animal ailments cents. VT 1CTKOLA STYLE, FULL CAB-teresting to SeeT Wha"t«e~ London ': INET- Pla>'s all records 48 selec Sundav Times (Cons 1 Savs tions> automatic. Value SOo.OO for Sunday T.mes (Cons.) Says. { f35.00 guaranteed. Poisson, 340 Mount couple of years ago Royal East, Montreal.__ to the majority of - ADIES WANTED TO DO PLAIN . lay figure on which . Ij and light sewing at hom6> whole vex attributes they : or spare time. Good pay. Work sent ow become a slngu- I any distance, charges paid. Send raotive personality, ! stamp for particulars. National sealed faults as well Manufacturing Co., Montreal, has not been lessea- larly real and and If time has edi thereby. He is distinguished perhaps more than any other Prime Minister by a brad and tolerant humanity, by willingness that amounts almost to anxiety to understand the other side-, and by a singular clarity of judg- ope. Paris Specialty Co., Montreal. FARM ENGINES--USED, GOOD condition, cheap, 1% to 15 h.p. Boat engines, 3 to 35 h.p. Get lists. Engine repairing done. Guarantee Motor Co., Hamilton, Canada. newly patented aviator's suit made of rubber will support two persons in water indefinitely. EARACHE. Don't lit the children suffer. Minard's with sweet oil will rn'Jckly relieve the pain. I'KWCOFBUIT, EDSSS BAD COLD? TAKE 4 "CASCARETS" FOR ? BOWELS TONIGHT No headache, constipation, bad cold or sour stomach by morning Get a 10-cent box. Sick headache, biliousness, coated tongue, head and nose clogged up with a cold--always trace this to torpid liver; delayed, fermenting food in the bowels or sour, gassy stomach. Poisonous matter clogged in the intestines, instead of being cast out of the system is re-absorbed into the blood. When this poison reaches the delicate brain tissue it causes congestion and that dull, throbbing, sickening headache. Cascarets immediately cleanse the stomach, remove the sour, undigested food and foul gases, take the excess bile from the liver and carry out all the constipated waste matter and poisons in the bowels. A Cascaret to-night will surely straighten you out by morning. They work while you sleep--a 10-cent box from your druggist means your head clear, stomach, sweet and your liver and bowels regular for months. ISSUE No. -'27.