THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, APRIL 14th, 1927 APPLE SCAB CONTROL (Experimental Farms Note) From our observations of experimental orchards for the control of apple scab, it would appear that the sprays applied at the time of the delayed dormant and the pink stages in the development of the buds, are the most important. At the delayed dormant stage when about Vi to Vi inch green leaf tissue is exposed, an application of spray material gives protection to the young leaves and the sepals of the developing fruit buds, which are very susceptible to primary infection. It is important to prevent this infection as much as possible because where a heavy infection takes place early in the season it becomes difficult to effectively prevent rapid spread of the disease with subsequent spraying. The pink application is of great importance. Many growers do not realize the loss of fruit which takes place at this time from the infection of the fruit pedicels. From our experience this has been a serious loss in the check plots of our experimental orchards. The important factor here is where possible, depending on weather conditions, to delay the spray until the fruit pedicels have separated and are exposed. This will allow the spray material to give protection and present infection of these susceptible The calyx application, when most cf the petals have fallen, is also an important spray. A spray at this time should largely prevent the sea infection which results in the severe cracking and deforming of the fruit. A spray two weeks later is recommended also and is directed towards further protection against this type cf scab injury. It is essential that sprays for scab control should be applied before periods of prolonged rainfall and not after. The severity of attacks of scab depends on rainfall and the best results are obtained where the applications are made according to the stages of development and the probability of rainfall. C. C. Chamberlain, Dominion Laboratory of Plant Pathology, St. Catharines, Ontario. Since the discovery of vitamins there has been a campaign to push sales of vegetables that contain t valuable food constituents. Lettuce cabbage and tomatoes are particularly valuable for promoting health and growth. Many people whose preference Is for pies and puddings are adding a few vegetables to the daily n with the expectation that their bodies will be benefitted. And now comes professor of chemistry who says that human beings should display horse flense and eat more horse food--alfalfa He bases his statement on the res of analysis which sh"": aiialfa ti richer than Vegetables in vitamins --and 7;5n. It is more than probabl. that men will in this case show on; of the characteristics of the horse and "shy" at the appearance of such a strange dish on the table. Nutrition experts are pretty well agreed that vegetables are the kevnote to successful nutrition and with fruit, bread, dairy products and meat we have all that is required for the body. If the animals are fed on alfalfa then the milk should furnish the needful vitamins. With so many discoveries and changes in habits, it is, however, within the range of possiblities that some one will devise a delicious alfalfa salad and make it popular by offering it at a fancy price in fashionable restaurants, Report that the United Church of Canada has 434 candidates for the ministry at college was reported to the Church Board by the secretary, Rev. J. W. Graham. D.D. Of these students 248 are still proceeding with arts courses in university, while 167 have gone on to theological seminary, and 19 to other special training. The latter two classes would provide a total of 186 ordinands, who would be followed later by those not yet graduated in arts. CERTAIN TUBER BORNE DISEASES WHICH SHOULD BE ELIMINATED FROM SEED POTATOES INTENDED ' FOR APPROACHING SEASON'S PLANTING (Experimental Farms Note) Severe and careful grading of potatoes intended for seed and the discarding of all abnormal tubers during cutting operations is not only i mendable, but absolutely essential, if maximum return from the crop i be expected. It is extremely fortunate that the majority of diseases which attack the potato, decreasing if not entirely ruining the crop, manifest themselves in the tubers before planting time. Therefore, removal of this source of contamination, insures the crop to a remarkable degree. Before cutting the seed run the stock over a hand rack and remove all tubers that are off-type or under three ounces in weight; all showing scruf and anything showing brown necrotic lesions on the surface or rot of any kind no matter how slight. Even during" careful grading certain diseased tubers will pass by unnoticed, therefore, unless the greatest care is taken the object will be defeated. Upon the completion of judicious grading there is still another step. There are many internal abnormalities such as black heart, stem end browning or internal necrosis which can only be observed after the tub( is cut. Under no circumstances should sets exhibiting these conditions be planted. How many farmers would raise progeny from animals known to be diseased and of inferior type or plant grain harvested from badly smutted fields and expect to be recompensed for their efforts? Then why expect so much from a potato? Show a little foresight. You can't expect to sell all your marketable stock and keep the seconds for your own planting without paying the penalty. As long as a set,' when planted, has an eye that is all some people think is necessary to secure satisfactory returns. The laws of nature cannot be disputed; a man can harvest only what he plants. If only carefully selected seed is used for planting the resulting crop will more than compensate for the labor expended. J. K. Richardson, Dominion Experimental Farm, Frederieton, N. B. Advertising Impresses your name and business into the public mind, so that when people think of anything in your line they connect your name with it. The business that is advertised keeps in contact with hundreds of homes every week. LIVE POULTRY AND JUNK WANTED Highest prices paid for Live Poultry, Rags, Brass, Copper, Iron and Bags. Long distance telephone calls will be paid if purchase Is made. B. GOODMAN Phone 153 Third St. Cob- COBOURG Miss Jessie Rowcliffe returned last night from Milwaukee, and will spend some time at home to recuperate from her illness. Miss Eleanor Armstrong, nurse-in-training at the Sick Children's Hospital, Toronto, spent a couple of days during the week with her mother, Mrs. A J. Armstrong. Mr. H. L. Cruso, a son of the late Harry Cruso of Cobourg, a resident of Fort Frances for the past thirty years, was on March 17 sworn in as police magistrate of that town. Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Ivey announce the marriage of their daughter, Marion Brook, to John Barrett Marshall, of Toronto, the ceremony being preformed by Rev. Geo. Coulson Workman, at 1111 Bay St., Toronto, March 29th, 1927. CAMPBELLFORD The funeral of the late Mrs. Robert Cock was held on Friday, April 1st, 1927, from her late residence. After a short illness, Annie Rannie, beloved wife of Mr. Henry Dunham, passed away at her home, West Seymour, on Friday evening, April 1st, 1927. Mrs. Durham was the oldest resident of this vicinity having been born In East Seymour in August, 1844. ATTENTION! WE BUY ALL KINDS OF JUNK Goldstein Bros. Massey-Harris ALL KINDS OF FERTILIZER F. C. Morrow Phone 40 East Colborne Raw Furs Wanted! HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID A. Margies - Cobourg Phone 124 We Pay for Out of Town Calls. New, Fresh Stock CIGARS, CIGARETTES and TOBBACOES OF ALL KINDS A share"of your patronage respectfully solicited! C. A. Post [ Door West of P. O. Colborne, Ont. 15,701 EGGS IN 131 DAYS have been laid by 200 CLOVER-LEAF Pullets from Dec. 1st to Apr. 10th, inclusive. Just think of it, 1308 doz. at the low conservative average of 40 cts. per doz. amounts to $523.20, and after deducting the cost of feed the owner would realize $3.00 per day profit. Will you realize that much profit from your dairy cattle or hogs in the same length of time at as low an expense? Figure it out for yourself and be convinced or come in and see our flock and watch them still doing their daily $3.00 profit, remember that is only 200 pullets. We will have for delivery the latter part of July a number of six week-old pullets for sale that are capable of repeating the above performance next season. Also a few more orders for baby chicks can be supplied if ordered at once. Agents for Miller Ideal Incubators and brooders. Ask for our circular describing our stock and equipment. CLOVERLEAF White Leghorn Farm lember R.O.P. Breeders' Association of Ontario Member Canadian Baby Chick Ass'n SEEDS GARDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS in Bulk TURNIP and MANGOLD FORMALDEHYDE For Treating Grain, etc. EVERY FARMER SHOULD USE IT ! W. F. Griffis Druggist King Street Colborne COAL GENUINE SCRANTON COAL We screen our coal. My scales are enclosed and always in perfect order. 20001bs. is a ton with us. Service Is a pleasure. Special attention to farmers. Shed open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. My Prices are $14.75 at the shed Delivered for $15.75 Ira Edwards NOTICE After a careful study of my business and present conditions, I have decided that by putting my business on a cash basis I can save money for the consumer, as I can sell on closer margin of I wish to announce, therefore, that from this date our sales will be made on a Casrr Basis. Also, I wish to call to attention that all outstanding accounts must be settled on or before the 28th day of Februrary, 1927. I. PALEN Colborne. Chilled lambs may be revived by immersing them several times in warm water and then thoroughly rubbing them with a woolen cloth. A few drops of stimulant in a little warm milk also helps. Treating grain for smut is just as important as sowing good seed. They are both essential to a crop. Butter Wrappers at Express Office. CHURCH NOTES TRINITY CHURCH, COLBORNE Rev. T. McKim, M.A., Rector Sunday, April 17th, 1927 8.00 a.m.--Holy Communion. .1.00 a.m.--Holy Communion with Morning Prayer. Special Easter Music. 2.30 p.m.---Special Children's Service 7.00 p.m.--Evening Prayer. St. Peter's Church, Lakeport 9.30 a.m.--Holy Communion 8.15 p.m.--Evening Service UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. S. C. Moore, B.A., B.D., Pastor Sunday, April 17th, 1927 Rev. Dr. Baker of Belleville in charge of all services. SPECIAL EASTER SERVICES Colborne-- 10.30 a.m.--Usual ' Easter Sunday School Program -- Readings and Song Service, assisted by the orchestra, directed by Mr. Green-field. 15 minute address by Dr. Baker. 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School.-- Easter Service of Readings and Songs, assisted by the orchestra. 7.00 p.m.--Special Easter Service of Music and Sermon in the form of a play entitled "The Charms of the Cross"--by the Mission Band. Salem-- 1.80 p.m.--Sunday School 2.30 p.m.--Rev. Dr. Baker of I ville will preach. All welcome at all services GRAFTON CIRCUIT Rev. R, A. McLauchlin, B.A., B.D. Sunday, April 17th, 1927 10.30 a.m.--Grafton 2.30 p.m.--Vernonville 7.30 p.m.--Wicklow An invitation extended to all. HILTON CIRCUIT Rev. W. H. Clarke, Pastor Sunday, April 17th, 1927 11.00 a.m.--Eden 2.30 p.m.--Sharon 7.30 p.m.--Hilton All Sunday Schools on the Circuit at the usual hour. Is Ironing Hard Work? If you have to stand over a hot store, heating old-fashioned sad-irons, and walk backwards and forwards between the stove and your ironing board, it uo< doubtedly is. But, if you use a SOVEREIGN Electric Iron you can do your ironing on the back porch if necessary. The " Sovereign " Electric Iron is truly the housewife's friend. It has a cool handle, tapering nose, and is beautifully balanced. Telephone us, and w w ill deliver a "Sovereign" immediately. Itsellsfar the remarkably low , rice of "MADE IN CANADA*! Sold in Colborne by G. M. PEEBLES ESTATE A. C. CORBY MONUMENT DEALER Brighton, Ontario who has been unable to attend to business owing to illness, wishes to announce that he expects to return home in a few days and will be pleased to attend to any orders with which he may be favored. Please call, write or phone A. C. CORBY BANKING! FIFTY ! YEARS Where Do You Keep Your Valuable Papers ? THE whereabouts of your valuables is nobody's business but your own, and for that very reason they should be placed beyond the reach of meddling persons, thieves or elements which compromise their security. Use a safety deposit box in ycur nearest branch of the Standard Bank. It is the most convenient method of safe keeping for documents, jewels and other small objects of STANDARD BANK OF CANADA. COLBORNE BRANCH--C. A. Bryans, Manager Branches also at Brighton, Caatleton, Cobourg. Grafton ANTHRACITE Lehigh Valley Coal Name-Stands for Quality This Coal is sold in all sizes. ORDER NOW WHILE PRICES ARE LOWEST Aloo Pocoliontas Soft Coals for Domestic Use J. Redfearn & Son CP.R. Telegraph Office. Issuers of Canadian Pacific Railway and Steamship Tickets Car Load of Wire & Gates CHEAP FOR CASH FULL STOCK OF IMPLEMENTS AND REPAIRS AT REDUCED PRICES We handle PLOW POINTS and SHOES for ALL MAKES of Plows. Full Stock of BINDER TWINE on hand. JOHN REIVE King Street Colborne OUR 18-inch SURFACED ROLL ROOFING makes an excellent Barn Roofing, being nailed every 18 inches. It offers special resistance to the wind. A carload of the Mineral Surfaced 4 in 1 Shingles, Sheathing and Building Papers to choose from. PRICES RIGHT ! Will exchange logs for roofing material. Custom Sawing done promptly R.«H. TYE x 358 Planing and Saw Mill Phone 307w cometh after arise such as good cooks experience in bread-baking with SNOWDRIFT Flour. This fine Western bard wheat flour produces bread delightful to behold, delicious to taste and of a surprising lightness. It justifies pride. fll SNOWDRIFT llouL 9*e Standard of Quality Since 7853 Foi Sale and I. PA L E N Recommended by ^ g M pijRDY Colborne Castleton