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The Colborne Express (Colborne Ontario), 14 Apr 1927, p. 7

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THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, COLBORNE, ONT., THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 1927. 7 Imported direct from the Orient in metal lined chests. Blended and packed into lib., Vzlb., 54lb. bright Aluminum packages. RED ROSE 'isgoodteft RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good SMILES I WILL. I will start anew this morning with a higher, fairer creed; I will cease to stand complaining of my ruthless neighbors greed; I will cease to sit repining while my . duty's call is clear; I wiM waste no moment whining, and my heart shall know no fear. I will look sometimes about me for the things that merit praise; I will search for hidden beauties that elude the grumbler's gaze; I will try to find contentment in the paths that I must tread; I will ce- se to have resentment when another moves ahead. I will not be swayed by envy when my rival's strength is shown; I will not deny his merit, but I'll strive to prove my own; I will try to see the beauty spread before me, rein or shine I will cease to preach your duty and be more concerned with mine. You think that I am so dumb that grow together! Oh,- no, I don't think there is even tion between them. WHY WAIT? I would rather have one little rose From the garden of a friend J Than to have the choicest flowers j When my stay on earth must end. A GOOD MEDICINE FOR SPRING TIME Do Not Use Harsh Purgatives-- A Tonic is All You Need. Not sick--but not feeling quite well. That is the way most people feel in the spring. Easily tired, appetite fickle, sometimes headaches and a feeling of depression. Pimples or eruptions may on the skin, or there may be twingee of rheumatism or nouralgia. Any of these Indicate that the blood ts out of order--that the indoor life of winter has left its mark upon you and may easily develop into more serious trouble. Do not dose yourself with purgatives, as many people do, in the hope that you can put your blood right. Purgatives gallop through the system and weaken instead of giving strength. Any doctor will tell you this is true. What you need in tbe spring is a tonic that will enrich the blood and build up the nerves. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills do this speedily and surely. Every dose of this medicine helps to enrich the blood which clears the skin, strengthens the appetite and makes tired, depressed men, women and children active and strong. Mr. James Dickson, West.neatu, Ont., says:--"I quite badly run down, easily tired, cided t Pills, y Di taking ! lief can be had only from treatment by a nose specialist. Don't neglect sinus disease. It Is one of the conditions that you bear so much about these days--focal infection. From an infected sinus may follow a diseased heart, damaged kidneys, rheumatism, and (many doctors think) goitre may be influenced by it, not to mention the chronic "half-sick" feeling you have most of the time, particularly early in the morning. Classified Advertisements. All Up in the Clouds. "Her's an ad. writer, but you say his stuff Is all up in the clouds? It can't be- very practical then." "Juet the contrary--he'# a sky writer, you know." II 13 . Hadle?. Btanatewl. I Scenic Parks. Of the soven great scenic parks under Dominion control in the Rockies and Selkirk*, three are in Alberta and four in British Columbia. Waterton Lakes, Rocky Mountains, and Jasper^ national parks are in Alberta, and Yoho, Glacier, Kootenay, and Mount Revelstoke parks are in Britieh Columbia. For distemper--Mlnard's Liniment. I would rathei hav the kindest ; The Settlement Violin. shed in was his dearest pos-The tender care which i liis violin would have s fellolad it i been for his skill in its use. They forgave him all his solicitude after they had heard the angel voices which his hand was able to evoke from that small arid fragile instrument. Every village of that day had its "fiddlers," even in the lumber-camps such performers were plentiful, but the most skillful of them were no more like David McLane than a black-bird is like a thrush. They mostly performed with a mad scramble of fingers and a fantastic jerking of elbows, whereas Davirl, with long, graceful tones of such sweetness that his hearers'marvelled. How had be learned this method? Kichard never knew, •but he recognized the difference. None of the mechanical, scraping noises which accompanied the playing of other fiddlers could be heard when David's bow was in action, and although he good-naturally played jigs and reels for dances, his best beloved "tunes" were strange and beautiful melodies His adoration was Ole Bull. play," he vowed, and treasured every word which came to him descriptive of the great Norwegian's art. Some of the tunes he played were those Ole Bull was reported to use. In spite of his wondrous gift, David took a hand in all the forms of work, now swinging a scythe against the grass, -now the cradle against the wheat, and in these tasks Richard loved to have him for a leader. To ranke and bind after him was considered a test of any man's ability. How he could play the violin after such labor, was a mystery, but he often did.-- Hamlin Garland, in "Trail-Makers of the Middle Border." And a smile that I can see " Than flattery when my heart is still And this life has ceased to lie. " Bring me all the flowers to-day, ^ C Whether pink, or white or red; ] I'd rather have one blossom now , Than a truck-load when I'm dead, j Thinking lengthens life, says a physician. If you think quick enough, perhaps. BM'SHEALTH IN THE SPRING Can Best be Guarded With Baby's Own Tablets. The Spring is a time of anxiety to mothers who have little ones in the home. Conditions make it necessary to keep the baby indoors. He is often confined to overheated, badly ventilated rooms and catches colds which rack his whole system. To guard against this a box of Baby's Own Tablets should be kept in the house and an occasional dose, given the baby keep his stomach and bowels working regularly. This will prevent colds, constipation or colic and keep baby-well. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. j with a is cont throat Sinus Disease. are the sinuses? The e cavities in the skull Be Decisive--But Not Hasty. It is better to make hasty decisions than to make none at all. A fellow who never decides anything is as worthless as a clothesline in Timbuc-too. But one conclusion reached after looking on ail sides is worth a dozen snap judgments. Kill. with Minard's Liniment. Warner's Compound in Family Fifteen Years No better recommendation for the medicinal value of this 50 year old herbal remedy could be asked than this. "Your remedies have been used in our family for about 15 years. We are never without a bottle of Warner's Safe is ii: r y and Liver Remedy in our home. It is a wonderful medicine for diseases of the kidneys and liver." (Name on request). If you have pains in the back or other symptoms cf K: i: • > trouble. j< u sho.'d lose no ime in going to f druggist, to get a bottle of Warner's and faking it as per directions. Sold by all druggists. Price $1.25 per bottle. Warner's Safe Remedies Co., Toronto, Ont. "Lady" or "Woman?" The word "Lady" has been so mucB abused, both in England and in the United States, that it has lost its original meaning, and therefore the pendulum is swinging back toward the older and more democratic word "woman." The American Folk Dance Society long since decided to use only "men" and "women" in its directions for dances, and that is also the practice of the National Archery Association of the United States in its tournament programs. Now the Britisll Lawn Tennis Association has decided in favor of "women" as against "ladies." It is a sensible change. Nothing Els -"Not at all. It's the e found immediately above the eyes. No Ultima Thule. In th© flat world of the Romans Ulti-na Thule was the last island, the end >f the known world. No navigator was >o intrepid that he even thought of tailing beyond Thule. Lucius Seneca, tho wise poet of the irsl century, must have been the president of the original Optimist Club. Vo doubt prophecy drew sarcastic remarks from many gloomy pedants )cck»!us vincuJa rerun) iaxet et insane pateat tellus-nec sit tends ulti-na Thule. (The time will come in the far dis-ant years when the great ocean will oose the chains of things and the nighty earth shall lie open and there hall be no Ultima Thule in the world). After all, nineteen centuries is not irieut of such a wonderful prophecy. Spring Time is CELERY KING Time Brew a cup of this fine old vegetable tonic. It is all the spring medicine you need. It drives out winter's poisons, improves the appetite and makes you feel better right away. CELERY KING Is good for the whole family. At druggists, 30c & 69c. Deafness--Head Noises RELIEVED BY LEONARD EAR OIL "Rub Back of Ears" INSERT IN NOSTRILS At All DniigUts. Price $1.25 Folder about "DEAFNESS" on request. Because it is easy to acquire and ery difficult to cure, one point to re-, member in regard to sinus disease is : _ Joj>revenl it. This means that ex-' trenie care must be taken to completely clear up every attack of flu, grippe and running cold; treat them as serious affairs and do not consider convalescence complete until full bodily rength is regained It also means keeping away from people who are sneezing and coughing; it means keeping teeth (particularly in the upper Edge-Holding Sows Fast Eastj-Cutfjng > 'SiMONDS| SAWS HAVE GLOSSY HAIR Minard's will make your hair soft and lustrous. Stimulates growth. Use as a tonic. Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for through the nose passage leading i clogged up; the r Colds Headache Pain Neuralgia Neuritis Lumbago Toothache Rheumatism DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART lf\ Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proven directions. Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and 100--Druggists. '1 want to help" says Allen Boudria Tells facts from own experience to help others. Almost wild with pain, weak and rundown, he won new health and strength through Tanlac Allen Boudria engineer, of 432 St. Patrick St., is one of Ottawa's best known citizens 'My purpose in telling the facts of my experience," he said, "is to help others who suffer as I did. "For five ye i I was in misery. W'y whole system set med out of gear, but my stomach troubled most. Evenki drink of cold water would cause my stomach to bloat and swell abnormally. Gas would prevent me from sleeping at night so that I had to get up and walk the floor for hours. Violent stomach pains nearly drove me wild. I've seen times when I v.-;<« doubled over, unable to straighten up. "My friend M. Laponte told me how Tanlac had helped him out of similar trouble, so 1 got some and used 8 bottles in all. It j ust made: else, made this great change. I'm for Tanlac." If overwork or neglect have worn - feel 30 years younger than I am, and you down get Tanlac, the great weigh 214 lbs. My appetite and sleep ural tonic made from roots, herbs and are both fine. I eat what I like and barks. Your druggist lias it. Over 52 deep like a top, Tanlac and nothing million bottles sold. 1 be stamped wttt» ttreir general t mark, tbe "Baytr Cross," Free Treatments For DEAFNESS Head Noises from Nasal Catarrh plantation in full bloom and on its nativ dingy-looking product, but its trees of orig le. resembling nothing so much as a eug; itograph was taken recently at Singapon of the Canadian Pacific Empress of Scotia; reached its present growth within the last ISSUE No. 15--'27. Hearing Restored I have an original hi treatment f ordeaf ness and head noises from nasal tarrh which I want every sufferer to try free--with-j out obligation. For manyj years I suffered from catarrhal deafness and head noises. I perfected a treatment which completely restored my hearing. I gave it to others and they were able to hear again. Since that time, hundreds have used it successfully. Or. IV. O. CoHee This Is FREE I feel so sure that this treatment will restore hearing and end head noises from nasal catarrh that I want every sufferer to try it free. I want to prove at my expense that the results are quick and convincing. It is the best treatment that I have found in 42 years' practice as iand throat specialist. 25,000 Treatments To Be ETDETC GIVEN AWAY This Month F HCEi TRY IT FREE dition. I will Bend you absolutely t 7 book on Deafness. Head Noises I for many years can new hear asrain. Hundreds ! i DR.W.O. COFFEE, Suite 21 tl, St. James Hotel Bldg., Davenport, la.

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