Page Four THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, APRIL 28th, 1927 Cloverleaf Baby Chicks, Hatching Eggs and Six Week-old Pullets Owing to the heavy demand for CLOVERLEAF Baby Chicks we were forced to increase our incubator capacity to 4,200 eggs, consequently we will be able to supply a limited number of orders for Baby Chicks for May and June Delivery. Do not delay in placing your order if you intend to cash in on the big profits next season. If you are unable to accommodate Baby Chicks we still have a small supply of six week-old pullets for July delivery at reasonable prices. Cloverleaf White Leghorn Farm L. V. POMEROY, Proprietor Member of R. O. P. Breeders' Association of Ontario Member of Canadian Baby Chick Association New, Fresh Stock CIGARS, CIGARETTES and TOBBACOES OF ALL KINDS A share of your patronage respectfully solicited! C. A. Post 1 Door West of P. O. Colborne, Ont. Salem Store Re-Opened New and Fresh Stock GROCERIES and PROVISIONS GASOLINE and OILS Cochrane & Evans Phone 68r23 TULIPS A limited number of Tulips--all colors-- now on hand WE WOULD LIKE TO BOOK YOUR ORDER FOR Tomato Plants or Sprouts All plants sprayed for blight before leaving hot house. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Crandell & Scripture COLBORNE SEEDS GARDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS in Bulk TURNIP and MANGOLD FORMALDEHYDE For Treating Grain, etc. EVERY FARMER SHOULD USE IT ! W. F. Griffis VERNONVILLE April 26th, 1927 Deviney visited at it Salem, a few days Mrs. James her old home, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Dusendorf, Cobourg, were in this neighborhood on Tuesday last and called on friends. Miss Fern Winter, who underwent an operation for appedicitis recently, at the Cobourg hospital, has returned home and is doing well. Mr. Gordon Rutherford was taken to Bowmanville on Saturday last and on Sunday morning was operated on for appendicitis at the General Hospital. At time of writing he is reported to be doing nicely. Mr. Thomas Anderson, Smiths Falls, Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson, Mr. Wm. Anderson, Mr. George Smith, and Mr. and Mrs. S. Rpclett, Havelock, were here on Tuesday attending the funeral of the late Raymond Anderson. Mr. Joe Oalnan has just completed considerable additions to his poultry plant in the shape of colony and brooder houses. Mr. Calnan intends shortly starting work on another large hen house. When this is completed he will have the largest and most up-to-date poultry plant in this vicinity. His favorite hen is the White Leghorn. The M. S. M. G. organization, locally, is resuming its old activities. Some of the members indeed are show ing themselves phenomenally enthusiastic. Recently, at a meeting of the executive, new officials were appointed and plans laid for advance movement. The present incumbant of the President's office is Miss Leona Locke, and the recording scribe is Miss S. J. Ives. The cool weather of the past week had the effect of delaying seeding operations to some considerable extent. Farmers in a good many cases have the ground all in readiness to sow, but have been holding off for warmer and more favorable weather conditions. This does not mean that the farmers are without a job these days, no, not at all. These are house-cleaning days and not many care to show any disposition to loaf around for fear they may be called upon to assist in this annual operation of renovation. This community was shocked to learn on Sunday night lest, April 24th, 1927, of the sudden and unexpected death of Mr. Raymond Anderson, which occi|rred at 6.30 p.m. of that day. He had only been sick a >/ew days and at first his illness was not considered serious; but alarming symptoms developed three or four days previous to his death, when his physician entertained but slight hopes for his recovery. The funeral service was conducted on Tuesday afternoon, the Rev. L. H. Coles of Colborne officiating. Interment was made at St. Andrew's Cemetery, Vernonville, and a large concourse of friends and neighbours followed the remains to the last resting place. Born in Havelock, 27 years ago, he came to this vicinity along with his late father and fellow members of the famil . 73.1 Honours 75% Pass 60% Sr. IV- % Irene Oke . . Frank Grosjean Jr. IV-- Madeline Kernaghan . . 73 Madeline Grosjean .. .. 72.1 Marjorie Williams .. .. 68.3 Verna Brock........ 67.9- Ada Bishop...... 67.5 James Moore........ 64.9 George Bishop...... 62.1 Johnnie Cowey...... 33.2 Sr. Ill-Betty Orrock...... 75.6 ■Gordon Adams...... 75.4 Marion Irvine...... 68.6 George Calberry...... 65.8 Tommy Cuthbert...... 49.2 Class II-- Annie Bishop...... 62.3 Ijorena Grosjean . . . . absent Nelson Cuthbert...... 50.8 Emma Calbery...... 48.6 . 75.6 Sr.I-- Myrtle Jo Jr. I-- Alex Kells...... ..82.8 Bobby Irvine........76 Bobby Moore......73.6 Howard Grosjean .... absent Grace Calbery........52 May Fagg........absent Margaret Fagg .... absent Dorothy Bishop .. .. absent Primer-Alex Adams Lloyd Cable Helen Jones Stanley Boyd Ruth A. McCullarrh, Teacher ! 19 5 ago. before he left Havelock, and his father predeceased him five years ago. He leaves a widow, who was formerly Miss Susie Harnden, and three sisters, Mrs. A. Hamden and Miss Iva of Bowmanville, and Mrs. T. Cuthbert of Oshawa, to mourn his loss. They have the sympathy of the community in their sad bereavement. The Rev. A. E. McLauchlin completed last Sunday a series of sermons Honours 75% Pass 60% Sr. rv-- % Clifford Godwin......79 Chas. Godwin........73 Frances Montgomery .. . . 59 Stanley Pearson......57 Jr. IV-- ' Glen Walker..........72 Sr. Ill-- Marald Gummer......84 Marjorie Herrington . . . . 81 Emma Stimers........75 Fosta Waite........74 Geo. Branscombe......67 Jr. Ill-- Ross Branscombe......71 Teddy Pearson........58 Sr. II-- Helen Waite........68 Irene Godwin........62 Earl Branscombe......60 Jr. II-- Lionel Herrington......71 Vernon Walker......60 First Book-Gerald Waite Sr. Primer-Evelyn Gummer Bertha Branscombe Jack Herrington Eldred Walker Adrian Stimers Melville Inglis Evelyn Nobbs Glenn Waite fa?"^*iL Primer-- iother diedf^**:rlc Martini M. I. Murphy, Teacher s Edward County is to be the first in Ontario set aside by the Dominion Department of Agriculture as one free from bovine tuberculosis, according to an announcement made by Hon. W. R. Motherwell, Minister of Agriculture, at the annual meet-._„ Ing of the Prince Edward Board of „r. the parable'of the Lost Son. This j Trade at Picton. Working in con-inspiring series ended with "The Eld- Junction with the Ontario Department Brother." Next Sundav. May 1st, and the principal stockmen of the is the occasion of Quarterly Communion Service, when the Pastor will be in charge. The usual preparatory service will be held on the Friday after-in preceding the Communion at ) o'clock. The Rev. D. W. Best, D. of St. Paul's Church, Bowmanville, ill be the preacher on that occasion. County, the Dominion Department will apply tests to all herds of cattle in the County. Those found to react from tuberculin will be destroyed, and the owners compensated. Prince Edward was chosen on acount of its isolated and insular position, it being the only county in the province en- Dr. Best is one of the outstanding I tirely surrounded by water, ministers in the Presbytery and this will be the first time that the Vernon ille congregation has had an opportunity of hearing him. On the evening of the same day, the members of the Young People's Associations of Eddystone and Vernonville are fraternizing in a special meeting to be held here. The visiting society are provid- Rub soap under the finger nails before blacking the stove and none of the blacking will work under the its soil. Many of the people who own lots there for the last resting place . of their dead have made commend-E ^r^&SETfc! the ^ <^ort in keeping them neat and the topic they have chosen for the night is "My Life's Work." A printed program has been prepared and it promises a real helpful and interesting meeting. Among its numbers we notice a Pageant, entitled, "Fron> Garden to Galilee." You are cordially vited to attend. The Vernonville Ladies' Aid announce a cemetery bee for Saturday afternoon, the 7th of May, 1927, to which all able bodied men who have an interest in the cemetery are invited to attend. Vernonville has an ideal cemetery as to its location and tidy and thus shown honour and spect towards their departed relatives and friends .vho lie in God's acre. Much more could be done to improve individual lots and the general appearance of the ground. It is hoped that all parties concerned will accept this invitation to be present and assist in improving the appearance of the grounds as much as possible. It should not be considered a burden, but a duty to be cheerfully rendered in honour of those departed, and a duty to the present community large in an effort to raise the stan Milled Specially For Home Baking You can only have complete success in home baking by using flour specially intended for that purpose. SNOWDRIFT Hour is carefully milled to meet that need. Try it In yp your next baking. sii Vol! SOLD AND RECOMMENDED BY I. PALEN -- - - - Colborne MRS. S. M. PURDY - - Castleton setting, as well as in the nature ofjdard of thought, and honour and '^m^^w^---- jnaHno to those who were the pione I ers and builders in the earlier days j ' | of this locality. Pupils of rolbornc Flirh School; case, but th're mighty few and far between. The average pupil is too modest or too bashful to reach out and take too large a helping of education when it is passed around. Once in a long while you have to tell some one not to over-study, but the general admonition that is needed is to tell them not to under-study. When education is being passed around you want to forget all about your mpdesty. you want to overcome all your bashful-ness and reach right out and take just as large a helping as you can get everv time. Don't be afraid of robbing the other fellow; there's lots to go around. Education is about the only commodity we have lying around loose and the supply is inexhaustib'e. You can have all you can take away and there's no danger of you getting too much or more than you can carry around. The main thing for you to do f» to get it and be sure and freeze right onto it so that you'll have It when you need It. A. C. CORBY MONUMENT DEALER Brighton, Ontario who has been unable to attend to business o\tring to illness, wishes to announce that he expecla to return home in a few days and will be pleased to attend to any orders with which he may be favored. Please call, write or phone A. C. CORBY Brighton BANKING FIFTY I YEARS i Create an Account With Your Victory Loan Coupons VICTORY Loan Coupons Will mature on the first day of next month. Clip you coupons and use them to open a Savings Account with us. 1 ien the money your Bonds earned will in turn be earning. STANDARD BANK OF CANADA COLBORNE BRANCH--C. A. Bry. ANTHRACITE Lehigh Valley Coal Name-- Stands for Quality This Coal is sold in all siaea. ORDER NOW WHILE PRICES ARE LOWEST Also Pocohontas Soft Coals for Domestic Use J. Redfearn & Son C.P.R. Telegraph Office. Issuers of Canadian Pacific Railway and Steamship Tickets Car Load of Wire & Gates CHEAP FOR CASH FULL STOCK OF IMPLEMENTS AND REPAIRS AT REDUCED PRICES We handle PLOW POINTS and SHOES for ALL MAKES of Plowi. Full Stock of BINDER TWINE on hand. JOHN REIVE . King Street Colborne OUR 18-inch SURFACED ROLL ROOFING makes an excellent Barn Roofing, being nailed every 18 inches. It offers special resistance to the wind. A carload of the Mineral Surfaced 4 in 1 Shingles, Sheathing and Building Papers to choose from. PRICES RIGHT ! Will exchange logs for roofing material. Custom Sawing done promptly R. H. TYE x 358 Planing and Saw Mill Phone 307w Newspaper Subscriptions Renewed WE ARE AGENTS FOR Leading Daily and Weekly Papers In many cases our clubbing rates^will save you money. In all cases you are relieved of the trouble and expense of remitting. We Will Appreciate Your Subscription Orders THE COLBORNE EXPRESS If you have anything to sell, or want to buy anything--try our Condensed .Ads-