Pages Eight THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, MAY 5th, 1927 Raw Furs Wanted! HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID A. Margies - Cobourg Phone 124 We Pay for Out of Town Calls. ATTENTION! WE BUY ALL KINDS OF JUNK Goldstein Bros. f_L Grandad's greatest hankering as vas for a pair of boots with n tops and copper toes; Dad's was f of them new safety bicycles; Son wants a cream colored roadster that will do 80 per. What will grand- Butter Wrappers at Express Office. Special Display Men's Fine Shirts Just in time to fill your needs--The "coatless" time is near--Stock up with new shirts. New patterns and cloths. Broadcloth, Percales, Prints, Repps, with separate collars and attached collars, sizes 14 to 17. NEW CAPS, HATS, HOSIERY Special Prices Men's Separate Pants, Boys' Bloomers CLEARING SALE BLUE SERGE SUITS Boys' Suits, 2 pairs pants. Fine Shoes, Work Boots, Canvas Shoes, Overalls, Work Shirts, Khaki Pants SUITS MADE TO MEASURE 1000 cloths to choose ,from, prices $21.00 to $30.00 Sweaters, Trunks, Suit Cases, Club Bags EVERYTHING FOR MEN Underwear for Summer Famous Peck Work Shirts FRED HAWKINS Weekly Specials Congoleum Rugs These new serviceable floor coverings in good design and coloring-- 4i/2x9ft.....$5.95 9x 9 ft...$11.25 6 x9ft.....$7.25 9x10l/2ft.. . .$13.25 7l/2x9ft.....$9.25 9x121/2ft.. . .$14.75 NEW CURTAIN NETS These Curtain Nets are the very latest designs and are splendid values--36 inch cream and pearl white, very dainty designs, lace edge, per yard...................38 Also 42 inch at the same price. A better quality and different pattern at.....59 36 inch plain white net at......... . . . . .35 Plain white Spot Curtain Muslin, special, yd. ,19 Plain white and cream Scrims, per yd. ... . .19 Silk Panels, 42 inches wide, 2% yds. long, at 2.75 and........................3.45 CRASH TOWELINGS 200 yds. 15-16 inch, special, per yd........16 HUCK TOWELINGS Plain white Cotton Huck Towels, 14x31 inch, extra good buy, each........'. . . . NEW WALL PAPERS Nice selection to choose from. The price starts at, per single roll............. . . . Moore's House Paint JUST IN -- THEY ARE MADE TO LAST GROCERIES 10 lb Sugar...................73 3 Boxes Matches...............25 21b Soda Biscuits...............25 21b Ginger Snaps...............25 3 Boxes Lux.................30 21b Dates..................25 G. E. REYNOLDS & CO. King Street Colborne If the individual motorist would but exercise a little thought for others a little courtesy and a great deal more common sense there would not be the need for so many restrictive laws. But he won't. So--'there you are' APRIL CUSTOMS AT OSHAWA The biggest month for all time far as Customs returns for the Port of Oshawa are concerned, was indicated when the following figures for April, 1927, were announced: Last month, April, 1927 ..$1,190,503.24 Last year, April, 1926 .. 90S.503.33 Showing an increase of . . 285,160.91 For' March, 1927 the figures ■ also over a million and were, $1. 677.06. Premier Ferguson has announced the arrangement of a summer co in oral French at Quebec for Ontario teachers. The course will be open, without fees, for teachers of French in continuation schools, high schools and collegiate institutes of Ontario. It is anticipated that four weeks' training in the environment of the Ancient. Capital will quickly improve the knowledge of the visitors, and make them hetter teachers. Accent is hard to preserve in the environment of Ontario, where French is seldom heard. Division Court Clerks in Onl have been notified of amendments enacted at the late session of the Ontario Legislature. The clause of the wages act now reads so that 70% of wages due or accruing due for wages shall be exempt from seizure or attachment, garnishee proceedings, but if the creditor desires to contend that, having regard to the natur the debt and the circumstances of the debtor, it is unreasonable that 7~ "" of such debtor's wages should be empt, the judge may, upon a hearing of the matter, reduce the percentage of the exemption. But this section shall only apply where the amount of such exemi" exceeds $15 and that a portion of such debtor's wages not exceeding $15 shall in all cases be exempt. Another clause adds: "Nothing in this section shall apply to. any where the debt to the creditor has. been contracted for board or lodging, or where the debtor is an unmarried person and the judge, upon enquiry, finds that he has no one depending upon him for support." DANGEROUS SPRAY MIXTURES Certain spray materials cannot b< combined without danger of damaging the foliage and fruit. The most cc densed information on this subject contained in a bulletin of the Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College, from which the following is taken: Bordeaux Mixture--Safe with basic and neutral lead arsenate, calcium arsenate, Paris green, nicotine sul-phhate. Dangerous with oil emulsions. Doubtful with soaps. Sulphur--Safe with basic and __ tral lead arsenate, calcium arsenate, Paris green, nicotine sulphate, soaps, oil emulsions. Alkali Sulphides--Safe with oil emulsions, soaps, nicotine sulphate. Dangerous with Paris green, calcium arenate, acid lead arsenate. Doubtful with basic and neutral lead arsenate. Lime-Sulphur--Safe with lead arsenate, basic and neutral lead arsenate, calcium arsenate, nicotine sulphate. Dangerous with Paris green, soaps. Oil Emulsion--Safe with alkali sulphides, sulphur, basic and neutral lead arsenate. Dangerous with Bordeaux mixture, acid lead arsenate, calcium arsenate, Paris green. Soaps--Safe with alkali sulphides, sulphur, basic and neutral lead arsenate, nicotine sulphate. Dangerous with lime-sulphur, calcium arsenate, Paris green. Doubtful with Bordeaux, acid lead arsenate. Nicotine Sulphate^Safe with soaps, lime sulphur, alkali sulphides, sulphur, Bordeaux, acid lead arsenate, basic and neutral lead arsenate, calcium arsenate. * m Paris Green--Safe with Bordeaux ilphur. Dangerous with alkali sulphides, ne sulphur, oil emulsions, soaps. Calcium Arsenate--Safe with Bordeaux, sulphur, lime sulphur, nicotine sulphate. Dangerous with alkali sulphides, oil emulsions, soaps. Basic and Neutral Lead Arsenate-- Safe with Bordeaux, sulphur, lime sul-phtur, oil emulsions, soaps, nicotine lphate. Doubtful with alkali sulphides. Acid Lead Arsenate--Safe with sulphur, lime sulphur, nicotine sulphate. Dangerous with alkali sulphides, oil emulsions. Doubtful with soaps. The Mississippi River flows from Lake Itasca. Northern Minnesota, U. into the Gulf of Mexico, a dis-e of 2,286 miles. It has 54 tributaries with a total navigable length o£ 13,912 miles. One of the tributaries the Missouri River which is 2,945 les in length. The Amazon River, South America, is the longest river in the world, 3,900 miles in length. CRAMAHE COUNCIL Notice Given of By-Law to Abolish Statute Labor Refunds. Court of Revision of Assessment to be Held May 27th, 1927. Cramahe Council met in the Council Chamber, Castleton, April 29th, 1927, at ten o'clock. Memlbers all present, Reeve Clark in the chair. The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted. Moved by Samons, seconded by Chesterfield. That the Court Revision of the Assessment for the Township of Cramahe for the year 1927 will be held in the Town Hall, Castleton. on May 27th, 1927, at one S'clock in the afternoon, and all parties concerned govern themselves accordingly. P. R. Darling gave notice that at the next regular meeting of this Council he would introduce a by-law to 'do away with all refunds of Statute Labor for the year 1927. Orders were drawn on the Treasurer as follows: Harold Mutton, bal. on cedar . . 4.40 Jay Warner, cartage...... 3.50 Refund Statute Labor: Gordon Dusenbury...... 3.00 S. Russell.......... J. T. Coat.......... 1 L. B. Gould.......... 1.50 Work on Road: Thos. Jones........ 14.00 S. M. McComb...... 36.20 Geo. McDonald ........ 28.75 I A. Hewitt.......... 10.00 Walter Harnden...... 5.00 C. Flewelling........ 31.50 Harry Isaac.......... 62.75 A. McGlennon........ 85.75 E. Calbery.......... 49.00 Frank Grosjean........ 37.00 G. Cuthbert.......... 28.50 L. Brock............ 38.75 L. Isaac............ 17.00 ' S. Rice............ 43.00 E. Tuck............. 5.75 Wm. Tait............ 4.00 John Weatherup...... 24.10 A. V. Tinney, gravel ........ 39.25 S. M. McComb, gravel...... 16 Teachers' Salaries: A. E. Jones, s.s. 22 . . . . 180 Archie Frost, s.s. 4......107.00 Helen Dunnett s.s. 13 .. .. 100.00 Gladvs Collins, s.s. 23 .... 7 C. W. Massey, s.s. 16 ... . 90.00 Ralph Wilce. s.s. 26 .. .. 300.00 F. A. Philp, 30 bags cement .. 21.00 G. R. Beavls, stamps and stat. 7.20 A E. Rutherford, rep culvert 7.50 Wm. Everden, gravel...... 2.00 Austin Eddy, rep! culvert .... 26.50 •T. T. Cook, rep. culvert . . Clarke Pomeroy, sand...... 5.00 Percy Palmateer, work, grader 47.25 P. A. Thompson, care of hall. . ' fi.50 W. A. Samons, rep grader . . Municipal World, supplies.. .. 3.04 Cramahe Municipal Tel. Syst. 300... F. I. Moore, charity........ 12.05 S A. Clark, freight and.cartage 1.00 A. E. Wilson & Co., renewal road insurance..........157.00 Council adjourned to meet May 27, 1927, at ten o'clock. LIVE POULTRY AND JUNK WANTED Highest prices paid for Live Poultry, Rags, Brass, Copper, Iron and Bags. Long distance telephone calls will be paid If purchase is made. B. GOODMAN Phone 153 Third St. Cob 43-6mos. American Liquid Roofing Cement contains genuine Asbestos fibre, combined with a blend of elastic water proofing oil. Any workman doing a thorough job when covering an entire roof, it cannot leak, because it is positive waterproof, and is guaranteed for 10 years. Sold by B. D. Hollenback COLBORNE Sole Agent for Northumberland East Colborne CHOPPING MILL I have purchased the mill of Mr. Samuel Workman in East Colborne and am now ready to do all kinds of chopping of grain. A TRIAL SOLICITED! R. C. HUNT i-3x EAST COLBORNE The hired man problem is a mixed ne, with faults on both sides. Some mployers are hard to suit--and re the hired men. So many men are buying their suits--tailor made--for $24.00, at F. W. Hawkins'. EXPRESS ADS. BRING RESULTS NOTICE After a careful study-of my business and present conditions, I have decided that by putting my business on a cash basis I can. save m»ney for the consumer, as I can sell on closer margin of profit. I wish to announce, therefore, that from this date our sales will be made on a Cash Basis. Also, I wish to call to attention that all outstanding accounts must be settled. 1. PALEN Colborne. If you have anything to sell advertise in "The Express." The article you wish to dispose of may be the very thing someone is looking for. The cheapest and quickest way to sell is *o advertise. Many Satisfied Customers are eating our Wrapped "Maple Leaf" Bread, Whole Wheat Bread, Buns and Pastry of all kinds. Fleishman's Yeast for health, per cake 4c. Pure Malt Extract, per lb 17c. WILLARD'S ICE CREAM from our Frigidaire Cabinet in bulk or bricks, all flavors. DIXIE CUPS and ESKIMO PIES Soft Drinks of All Kinds -- Oranges and Bananas A Splendid Line of Choice Confectionery THE COLBORNE BAKERY E. W. Rowsome, Proprietor Phone 150 King Street Colborne Watch Your Children! EYESTRAIN often developes durin? school life, and frequently its existence is not even suspected. A little attention early in life will save much trouble and distress later on. The only safe plan is to Have Your Child's Eyes Examined..... H. J. MAYHEW Jeweller Colborne Optometrist We Sell for Less We Sell for Less | Allen's Bargain Store COLBORNE The Place for Real Bargains Painting season is on, and We have the goods for you Martin-Senour, the welt-known high-grade paint, a large range of colors to choose from, @, per quart $1.45, or per gallon 5.50 Household Paint--This is a paint that we purchased to conipete with Eaton's prices, a large range of colors, per qt. 75c, gal. 2.75 Elephant White Lead, per cwt..... . . . . 16 00 Raw and Boiled Oils, per gal......... 1.35 Complete line of Tinware and Hardware, Milk Pails, Milk Cans, Aluminumware, Graniteware, Paint Brushes, etc. Grocery Specials Corn Flakes..................3 for .25 Macaroni, ready cut..............31b .25 Tobacco....................3 pkgs. .25 Classic Cleanser..............3 tins .25 Soap Chips, large package...........2 for .25 Laundry Soap................20 bars 1.00 Large Size Prunes................31b .25 Seedless Raisins..............21b .25 Fancy Blue Rose Rice..............31b .25 Pure Lard................20tb pail 3.00 Brooms, each.......................25 Tomatoes....................2 tins .25 Corn........................2 tins .25 Peas........................2 tins . 25 Choice Figs....................21b .25 Jelly Powders.............. . . 5 for .25 Get Our Prices on Everything -- We Sell for Less OUR TERMS ARE CASH M. Allen & Son King Street Coll New Service Station -at- Victoria Opera House, Colborne Full Supplies of GASOLENE OILS, ETC. IRA EDWARDS, Proprietor J. M. SNETSINGER, Manager