THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, COLBORNE, ONT.. THURSDAY. MAY 26, 1927. MISTAKES MOire MAKE II CARE OF LliTLE CUES Many mothers give their children solid foods at too early an age and say proudly that their babies "eat everything that grown-up people do." Such a course is almost certain to bring on indigestion and lay the foundation of much ill-health for the little one. Other mother administer harsh, nauseating purgatives which in reality Irritate and injure the delicate stomach and bowels and at the same time cause the children to dread all medicine. Absolutely no meat should be given to a child until it reaches the age of 18 months, and then only if approved by the doctor. For medicine, all strong, disagreeable oils and powders should be abandoned and Baby's Own Tablets given instead. Baby's Own Tablets are especially made for little ones. They are plea- ADDED TO THE WHITE STAR LINE FLEET i be i with He knocks by ni0 And roasts b And yet he To-day it's a wise father who knows as much as his own child. A hotel proprietor, not far from here, I threatens to name his hotel "The Foot-1 ball," because every one of his guests J is sure to register a kick. There might be fewer petting parties j on the roads if thei ing parties at home. For a woman driver, one bad turn deserves another. absolute safety to even the new-born babe. They quickly banish constipation and indigestion, break up colds and sample fevers and make the cut-ing of teeth easy. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Machine Shells Peas. small crak machine to shell peas been invented. 3O Days FreeTrial t, We will ship, FREIGHT PREPAID No obligation to buy, but if you do, easiest terms are arranged. Guaranteed for ten years. Write now for particulars. Agents wanted where ti are not represented. Swedish Separator Company. Giles--"So you've got a post in the bank, eh? I suppose it was partly because you knew the manager." Har-1 ris--"Partly that, and partly because he didn't know me." j "You have a new maid, I see, Mrs. I Muston." "Yes, I got her about a (week ago." "How do you like her?" "Very much, indeed. She lets me do almost what I like about the house." | Suitor--"Tommy, does a young man come here in the evening to see your sister?" Tommy--"Not exactly to see her, because there's no light ir the room when he's there." | Wife (in back seat)--"Henry, dear you musn't drive so fast!" "Wh? not?" "The motor cop who has beeu following us won't like it." A Scotsman returning home from a visit to some English friends, was asked, "How did they treat you?" "They didn't," was his reply. "Johnny, there v»kic mice ^-----cake in the pantry, and now there is only one. How did it happen?" Johnny--"Well, it was so dark in there I didn't see the other piece." j Uncle--"And you like school, Jimmy?" Jimmy--"Oh, yes, uncle; but I like Sunday school best." Uncle-- "I am very pleased to hear you say that. Tell me why." Jimmy--"Well, we only go to Sunday school once a week." e three pieces of High School Boards and Boards of Education Are authorized by law to establish INDUSTRIAL, TECHNICAL AND ART SCHOOLS With the approval of the Minister of Education. DAY AND EVENING CLASSES may be conducted in accordance with the regulations Issued by the Department of Education. THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION is given in various trades. The schools and classes are under the " i of AN ADVISORY COMMITTEE. directio Application for i endance should be made to the Principal of the COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS, MANUAL TRAINING, HOUSEHOLD SCIENCE AND AGRICULTURE AND HORTICULTURE are provided for in the Courses of Study In Public, Separate, Continuation and High Schools, Collegiate Institutes, Vocational Schools and Departments. Copies of the Regulations issued by the Minister of Education may be obtained from the Deputy Minister, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. APPLICATIONS Are Filled As Far As Possible in th« Order In Which They Are Received APPLICATIONS ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Farm Help Supplied Offering Annual Work Are Invariably Given the Preference The Colonization and Immigration Branch of the Department of Agriculture for Ontario wm hWaviwSte a number of Experienced Married Men With Their -' and Families--Married Couples Without Childre ako Boys between 15 and 17 years of age. Geo. A. Elliot pile Your Application at Once All Men Placed Subject HON. JOHN S. MARTIN, r of Agriculture The Calgaric will be a binding link with Scotland because she will maintain a regular and direct service to Glasgow before completing her east-bound voyages at Liverpool. , The Calgaric has five decks including the boat deck. The public rooms are located on "A" deck which is glass enclosed thereby enabling passengers to enjoy daily exercise irrespective of the weather. The lounge,1 the smoke room and the verandah cafe are grouped on this promenade deck. . Another lounge, and the gymnasium are on "B" deck, the accommodation on which also includes suites and a i number of staterooms all of which are equipped with beds instead of the berths usually found on ocean liners. In addition the offices are on this deck. : Star Line Canadla "C" deck is utilized for statero,____ and the same applies to "D" deck w[tih the exception that the dining saiooa is on the latter. One of the great features of the steamer is the elevator service necting all deck®. The steamy fitted with wireless apparatus and salD. marine signalling apparatus. water tight bulkheads, emergency light!] plant, combined semaphore and Mor Signal apparatus, bilge keels, firepro0f bulkheads', fire extinguishing apnara. hairdresser's shop, a dark for photographers, and a general shop. Special attention has been give^ to the ventilation of all suit of which a constant supply of fresh air is carried to all parts of tne THIS GREAT TONIC RENEWSJTRENGTH Simply Because it Enriches and Builds Up the Blood In no trouble is delay or neglect more dangerous than in anaemia, which means poverty of the blood. It is very common ln young girls and m persons who are overworked or confined within doors. It makes its approach in so stealthy a manner that it is often well developed before its presence is recognized. But taken in time there is a tonic that so enriches and purifies the blood that good health and strength soon comes to the former weak, anaemic sufferer. This tonic is Dr. Williams' Pink PiKs, which for years have been the most successful blood-builder known, and have credit for restoring to good health thousands and thoi:sands of people who have suffered from some of the many ailments that come through weak, watery blood. The correction of anaemic conditions by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills is as certain as anything can be. As proof of this Miss Margaret A. Smith, Bur-goyne, Ont., says:--"After having a severe attack of Jaundice I was left in a very weak and run-down condition. I was pale and my nerves on ] edge. I could not sleep at night and i would toss and turn for hours at a I time. I finally decided to try Dr. Wil- j liams' Pink Pille, and soon began to' feel better, and aftef taking a few more boxes of the pills I left as strong as ever, and could thoroughly enjoy my rest at night. Now, I always recommend these pills to any friends who may be ailing." Better sleep, steady nerves, improved appetite, increased vigor--all these can be yours by taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Begin them to-day. Sold by all medicine dealers, or by mail post paid at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Honeymoon Over. "The honeymoon is over with them you think?" "Oh, yes; I've several times heard her complain of having been chilly when riding with him." Measure Affecting Natives Introduced Its fine qualities preserved, in the modern Aluminum package. RED ROSE RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good«, Classified Advertisements. la ^aix votra 1926 and Tobacco Last year the tobacco growers m i Western Ontario produced leaf to the I \j value of ?6,OO0,0OO from a mere 80,000 TauuTuVuUr acres. This is almost a quarter of the free, avocado park gbovbs. value of all wheat produced In the Fiona.. province. In the present year the | A 0: tobacco acreage will likely run to £^.,.c 45,000, or double that devoted to the <* fragrant weed In 1925. Good tobacco land can still be bought in Essex and Kent counties for $150 to $300 per acre; but this opportunity may not last much longer as the stimulus of successful crops is already being felt. iway tonight. Better Good Settlers Mennonites have bought 2,500 acres of land in the Vulcan district, paying $125,000 to the vendors, Messrs. M. & R. Lyman. The Mennonites have acquired 12 sections this spring in Southern Alberta. Keep Minard's Liniment In the house. The mistress was interviewing an applicant for the post of housemaid. After several questions as to experi-and capacity, she said: "Now about references." "Oh, that's all right, mum," answered the maid. "I likes yer face. I won't bother you for reference." Lawyer--"If you expect to be acquitted, your wife will have to weep l little during the trial." The Ac-used--"That's easy. Just tell her 'm going to be acquitted." CHICKS ThatPay All that the name Implies. Prom healthy, free range parent flocks. Bred to lay, S. C.W. Leghorns and Barred Plymouth Rocks from nationally known strains. Get more poultry profits from these healthy, vigorous,'Smith Hatched Chicks. Write tor circular FREE ONTARIO QUALITY HATCHERY , ~J i,Ontario/" (.'a; , Town>--The Native Adnunis atJouBirl, which the Prime Minister has just introduced, is really a consolidating measure, but it inelU(jes one or two important new provisions. Under the bill native people shall) not be responsible for the personal 0x,\i. gations of their chief. ' Any contract binding them must be approved by the ministers, after being adoption by a majority of the adult male members of the tribe present at a public meeting convened for the purpose. Furthet', nto legal proceedings ln respect of land may be taken by members of the tribe against their chief without the written consent of the Governor-General for the institution of the proceedings. The BEST FLOWERS &c. Thousands of Flowering Shrub3, Kose Bushes, Boxwoods, Climbing Vines, etc. Write for Catalogue. D. SPENCE, Importer 82 COLBORNE ST. TORONTO HIKERS Take Minard's in your first aid kit Fine for stiff muscles, bruises and Insect bites. PAINS ALL OVER BODY Two More Cases of Feminine Illness Relieved by Lydia E. Pink-ham's Vegetable Compound Leaves $800,000 for Winnipeg Charity Winnipeg, (CP.)--The Winnipeg Foundation, established several years ago for charitable endeavor, benefits to the extent of $80,000 through a bequest from the will of the late Mrs. William Alloway,- which was made public recently. Mrs. Alloway, who died last year, leaves her entire estate to the foundation. The amount is ex- Beauty and the Spring Clean-Up. "Oh, let's go round by Aylmer: I wouldn't mi«s those flowering shrubs for anything'"--That's what all the motorists say who travel the roads and highways within fifty miles of the little town in Elgin County. All because the town council and the householders have worked together to make the boulevards something more than a series of grass plots. They have planted spirea (bridal wreath) between the trees bordering the roadway, and when it blooms, the streets are a thing of beauty. To be beautiful a town must, of in^Blood More than skin-deep lie the causes of disfiguring rashes, eczema and painful boils. The trouble is impure or impoverished blood. You can eliminate the cause and remove any trace of unsightly blemish by taking TRU BLOOD. The taste is pleasant and the cost is only $1.00 a bottle. TRU-BLOOD is now obtainable at most Drug Stores. Get yours today. A (ftu^ PRODUCT ■ -u EVERY !Q0n 'Worth its weight in gold" Says Ottawa Matron Mme. Beatrice Charlebois could not hold pen to write, "Nerves completely shattered, health ruined. Now alert, vigorous and strong, she gives praise to Tanlac The two-year ordeal which she passed through before Tanlac came to her permanent relief, was recently described by Mme. Beatrice Charleoois, of 22 Rose St., Ottawa. "What I endured in that time could not be told," she said. "I was so weak I could hardiy walk. My appetite was poor and my stomach gave no end of trouble. Gas and pains would bring on fainting spells. "My nerves ware so completely shattered that I jumped in frigK every time uie doorbell rang. My hand trembled so that it could net hold the pen to write my name. Nigh 6 after night I've gone without sleep, too nervous to lie still for even a few moments. Even my housework became too much for me. calm and steady as ever. Tanlac is "I tried all kinds of remedies in worth its weight in gold." those two years, but can honestly say Build up your health on Tanlac, Tanlac gave me my first real relief. It nature's own tonic made from roots, built me up so t ha I \ >, ga .i.ed 11 lbs., herbs and barks. Your druggist hag it. cut and aleeu fiati &ud have uem& as Over 52 million bottles sold. Mrs Alloway ' duti ! the ' course, be clean, month for the town a difficult task if i id it can mi l. A better vife of Wil- liam Alloway, prominent Winnipeg Brobst Forestry Go. Y-O-LA is unexcelled for Dyeing and Tinting. Professional DYES Dyers use the Same Kind of CANCER' FREE BOOK SENTonREQUEST Tells cause of cancer and what to do for pain, bleeding, odor, etc. Write for it to-day, mentioning this paper. Address Indianapolis Cancer Hospital Indianapolis, Ind. ISSUE No. 21--'27. May is the yone does his big things for a means better business and better health; a cleaner town means a better town for the children, and a more attractive town for the young people. Rubbish can mostly be burned, and the rest collected and buried in the town dump. Vacant lots can be turned from unsightly nuisances to garden plots by the school children in competitions promoted by business men or the horticultural society, the flowers made into weekly donations for the sick and shut-in at home or in hospitals, sanatoria, &c, while both flowers and vegetables can be entered for prizes at the school fair. One objective of the clean-up, however, is to do away with every possible breeding-place for flies. The fly that looks so timid and harmless in May is the diarrhoea fly that carries death to the baby in July; it is the typhoid* fly that spells serious sickness to hundreds during the summer season; so swat the fly in May. "Better kill one fly in May than a million in August." Covered garbage, fly-proof privies, and fly-traps, are the first shots in the campaign. E"ery man, woman and child can help by killing every fly they gee --especially in May and June. | For all pain--Minard's Liniment. Barrington, N. S.--"I had terrible feelings, headaches, back and side aches and pains all over my body. I would have to go to bed every month and nothing would do me good. My husband and my father did my work for me as I have two children and we have quite a big place. I read in the paper about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and then got a little book about it through the mail, and my husband sent to Eaton's and got me a bottle, and then we got more from the store. I am feeling fine now and do all my work and am able to go out around more. 1 tell my friends it is Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound that makes me feel so well. "--Mrs. Victor Rjchakdson, j Barrington, Nova Scotia. Dull Pains in Back •St Thomas, Ont. -- "I took four bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and found great relief from the dull, heavy pains in the small of my back and the weakness from which I suffered for five years after my boy was born. After taking the Vegetable Compound and using Lydia E. Pinkham's Sanative Wash I am feeling better than I have for the past seven years, and advise my friends to take it-"--Mrs. P. johnson, 49 Moore Street, St. Thomas, Ont. O Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians foi; Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism . DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART Accept only "Bayer" packagd which contains proven direction^ Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tabletf Also bottles'of 24 and 100--Druggist*. c mar* (registered In Canada) of Ba; •cldester of Sallcylicacld (Acetyl Salicylic ^J™'^- £jlc S*BaV»r'oompaa/ w*M ^.Um^A^iUi tteir geaeral ti