THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, COLBORNE, ONT., THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1927. 7 THE BEST MEDICINE JAPAN NOT SO G090D SHE EVER USED Editor of Japan Times Denies She is Great Power. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Highly Praised by a Quebec Lady. Mrs. David IxJSJn, Tbetford Mines West.. Que., gives unstinted praise to Dr. Williams' Pink Fills for the good they have done in her family. Mrs. Logan says:--"I have been a user of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for many years, as occasion required, and have always found them a most reliable medicine. My husband, who was recovering from an attack of typhoid fever, and was in a very weak condition, took the pills, and through them gained health and strength. My daughter was In a run-down condition, and was forced to discontinue work. Again Dr. Williams' Pink Pills were resorted to and she was soon restored to excellent health. Then my eldest boy had an operation performed for adenoids, which left him in a weakened condition. Once more Dr. Wil-N Hams' Pink Pills were tried, and he was soon in excellent health. So I can truly say that more than satisfaction has been obtained by the use of this medicine. The pills have done more good in my home than hundreds of dollars worth of more expensive medicines." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills assist digestion, correct the lassitude, the palpitation of the heart, shaky nerves and the pallor of the face and lips that are the results of thin, impure blood. You can get these Pills from any medicine dealer, or by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. I po*.. e docs it huv than in Japan," aeueets Roderick O.; Mathesen, edeV.. r of Tl-e Jftpsn Tint's, in May "Current Hts'iory Magazine." "Her military svreng-Jh is .U*f t'y1 rmy of about 200,000 and a OOO trained 1 of about 2.0' a farorJdai 1 mob foi Sleep. Sleep is most important. Men have gone sixty-three days without food and a week without water, but they cannot last more than ten days without sleep. While some authorities would not go so far, others claim that the food we eat is digested and transmitted into new muscle, brain, blood, and nerve cells, while we are asleep, quoting endurance racers to prove this. They cite those engaged in six-day bicycle races and other witless forms of diversion, who eat four or five times as much food as does the ordinary man, yet the end of the contest finds them hollow-eyed and cadaverous from the loss of sleep more than from the physical exertion. Sleep recharges the exhausted body batteries and fills the organic furnace with fresh fuel. Sleep is a positive process not a negative one. It is not merely a stopping of bodily activity. process for a destructive one. While we are unconscious we recuperate. The deeper the sleep, the quicker the recuperation. The lighter and the more disturbed the sleep, the more we need of it, the longer it takes to affect repair. see something force on paper but roactieal pur,was, as the country h.ts 1 not the arms to put one-balf her le-Bervos In the field nor the rr,ource» to maintain a great army cn any d.e-ta/nt front. . . . The paper strength of the navy Is also impressive, but waein one considers the lack of natural and financial resources behind the figh:;'.ng ships the realization comee that no t Japanese fleet, can operate effectively, except close to its buses and in any, war upon the Pacific could control only 1 the waters around the coast. . . . What robs the army and navy of their im-presslven't'ss to those who knew the Japanese people is the knowledge that the people of Japan, viewed from the Western standpoint, are individually iuefik-k nt, s"Jow to learn, lacking in initiative and unable to function without leadership. Coupled with all this! is an Inordinate conceit and a recently cultivated stubborn refusal to accept j and fundamentally new idea." Financially, Jcpan is in a precarious condition, according to Mr. Matheson. The surplus of $700,000,000 which she received from the war manufacturing "boom" has been swallowed up in the adverse trade balance since 1919, amounting on January 1, 1927, to a debit total of $1,300,000,000. . . . "Lacking foreign leadership in manufacturing and spurning foreign advice and suggestions in marketing, exports have dwindled in very many lines. . . . With i labor that Is inefficient and highly j paid, with capital almost exhausted and with a foreign trade dependent upon the United States, China and Japan, both for markets and for a bulk of raw materials used, Japan is financially unable to go to war. "The Japanese are not taught to think nor allowed to think. . . . They can follow the rules they have been taught in Industry and warfare, but are lost and confused the moment the rules are not adhered to. If a ww in which Japan should be engaged were fought according to the textbooks on strategy end tactics, Ja,pan would have a good chance, but if the rival commander introduced something new, no Japanese commander could adjust himself, nor cou'Id be rally his troops from the confusion into which they would be thrown. . . . the Japanese have so far demonstrated their fighting prowess against poorer trained and slower thinking poopCe; they have yet to meet a naitiion that cam out-think them, as can every other.nation ranking as a first class power. . . . The sooner this fact is recognized, the sooner will all talk of war with Japan die to the betterment of the world and to the betterment of Japan." Hot-Water Supply. The water ln a hot-water boiler outside the stove may be kept hot for from 12 to 18 hours if a frame-work is built around the boiler and this is filled with sawdust. In summer when there is a fire In the kitchen coal range only in the morning, and a gas or kerosene stove is used during the remainder of the day, this insolation of the boiler will insure plenty of hot water all day long for use In the kitchen and bathroom. HOLLAND TOO 8UFFERS FROM FLOODS. r Meuse in Hoiiand has risen and overflowed its banks. The some of the flooded highways In the Dutch province of North TO WED IN RUSSSIA WHY TORTURE NEEDS NO LAW THE LITTLE ONES Pure tea of finest quality, free of dust^ and packed in Aluminum. % REDR0SE XEAis^oodte? RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good. California Colorado New Mexico Arizona Gland Canyon Indian-detour Seashore Mountains Dude Ranches (tai&i Santa Fe iXcumons this summer i Tsant. Fe ServiceBureau. 404 Transportation") | Bldg., Phone Randolph 374S. Detroit. Micii. i | Please mall free picture iold»rs"Grand Can- { | yon Outinas." "Caliiornia Picture Book," j Clergy Also Deemed Unnecessary in the Soviet Eyes. "Soviet Russia lias recently adopted a new marriage code, extending recognition to the de facto marriage, that is, a marriage without legal or religious sanction, but considered binding by both partners," states Dr. Vera Danchakoff of Columbia University in May "Current History Magazine," "Such recognition is, however, restricted to those presenting at least three characteristics, namely, living together, a common household end the exhibition of marital relationship before otjher people." The "wife" in these marriages has now certain claims to alimony and the man is financially responsible for the support of his de facto family. Amusing complications are already arising as a result of this dignifying of the extra-legal union, according to Dr. Danchakoff, and she cites this example: "A servant I knew of had three children. She was married to a policeman. The children resemble their father In quite a striking manner, but according to the Council of People's Commissars, the relation between the two people Is not marriage, as they do not live in the same apartment and have no common household. The only evidence of their marital state is that they consider themselves husband and wife. The Council of Commwur. objects, however: 'You need two more points that your relationship! be recognized as marriage.' The servant says: 'I have two children growing up,' but the Council says: 'No, you are a single woman.' " Mothers, do you think It fair to torture your little ones by forcing them to take ill-tasting oils when they need a laxative medicine? Don't you find that the child's dread of these medicines often do more harm than good ? i Baby's Own Tablets are the modern j substitute for these nauseous doses.' They are the very medicine the child requires and are so pleasant to take that they are as easy to administer as a glass of water. They are the perfect remedy for all the minor ailments of little ones, being absolutely guaranteed from Injurious drugs. Baby's Own Tablets accomplish all that castor oil ,and other bad-tasting remedies can do. In fact they accomplish more as they do not leave the child exhausted from its struggle against taking medicine. They relieve teething pains, banish indigestion and constipation, break up colds and simple fevers and promote healthful, refreshing sleep. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Engineered to Insure Dependability Wanted to Get Her Pace. Just a Hubby--"Are you going to buy your wife a wrist watch?" Hubby of Gay Wife--"No--a speedometer." The faith of thousands of tire users in Firestone Gum-Dipped Balloons is founded on exacting service--long mileage and dependability. Known as the pioneer of the Balloon--Firestone has consistently led in its development--using only the best materials and engineering to bring it to the highest point of reliability. It is only natural, with such a high quality product, that Firestone has attracted the best tire dealers in the country. Call your nearest one to-day. FIRESTONE TIRE 8. RUBBER CO. OF CANADA LIMITED MOST MILES PER DOLLAR Tlrestotie Firestone Builds the Only Gum-Dipped Tire. Canadian Winter Port Does Big Business. Halifax, N.S.--Thirty-five thousand passengers- were landed in Halifax from transatlantic liners during what Is termed "the winter port" season, or those months, December, January, February, March and part of April, when the St. Lawrence ports being dosed, ships are diverted to Halifax. The very great majority of this number was composed,of immigrants, or settlers. It is the largest passenger traffic through the port since pre-war ;, with exception, of course, of the and demobilization traffic, which «ached abnormal heights under ab->rmal conditions. ; of the Ontario Forestry Department to Have Four New Airplanes. Sault Ste. Marie, Ont.--Word has been received In the forestry office here that the ice is now out of the IcStes w«s«. of Port Arthur and the 'planes allotted for that district and additional machines for Sioux Lookout will proceed to their stations in the first available flying weather. The machines of the provincial! air service will be stationed as follows: two at Sudbury; one at Remy Lake; one at Biscotasung; one at Metagama Post: two at Oba Lake; two at Orient Bay; two at Long lac; one at Sheb-andowan Lake; one at Fort Frances; one at Kenora; three at Sioux Lookout; and two at Pine Ridge ln the Red Lake District. The above mentioned machines Include four should arrive Poets Who Were Prophets. The ease with which men In London have recently talked to other men in New York or San Francisco and: the continued strides now being made in the field of television have served to call attention to eotme remarkable prophesies found In English poetry. Perhaps the most striking of these prophetic visions is to be found in Stephen Phillips's poem, "Midnight 31st of December, 1900." When he wrote the lines the old horse bus was still in use in the great cities of the world. The automobile had not emerged from an experimental stage, air travel was unknown, wireless was a plaything only and television undreamed of. Ye stoali ride on a power of the air on a Force that is bridled, On a saddled Element leap; In that day shall a man out of uttermost India whisper, And in England his friend shall hear; And a maid in an English meadow have sight of her lover * Who wanders in far Cathay. Strange as are these prophecies of Steiphen Phillips, they are not more strange nor more accurate than Lord Tennyson's dream of flying many j years before, in which he Saw the vision of "the world, and all the wonder that would be; j Saw the heavens fill with commerce, argosies ofmagic sail®, Pilots of the purple twilight, dropping j down with costly bales: There is a lack of complete fulfill-; ment in the vision of Stephen Phillips, j Television has not yet readied that stage of perfection when a maid in an English meadow may see her lover in far Cathay, but no less an authority than Senator Marconi is convinced that such a thing will be possible in the I pain--Mlnard's Linin How "Briefs" Were Named. I>aymen have often wondered why in the legal profession briefs are so called, when as a rule owing to the more or less elaborate legal phraseology, they are anything but brie". A lawyer explains that this name was given because such documents "are ippcsed to cover Jhe necasrury sub- MUST STAY DRY ^ Man Can't Keep "Crock" in Office. "Can i office an This was the query put to Hon. I)i> I R\ J. Manion, one of the members ot the liquor control board, in the ab-«i sence of Chairman D. B. Hanna, nn$ it related to the proper and legal procedure under the new governnienl|; sale law. j "A man's office is not his resD»{ dence," replied Dr. Manion. "He if not entitled to have liquor there." "Not even to have an occasional "I would say it would be outside, the law," was the commissionerV view. He thought it would be bette* not to have office drinking. 1 "Snuff is Served," Clerk Announces. London.--"Gentlemen, snuff is now J. L. Koldspink, the clerk, with this announcement handed a snuff box round to members at the annual meet> ing of the Lambeth Board of Guard1- The box was given to the board in 1846 to commemorate the union of the parishes of Lambeth and Kennington, and has been produced regularly at every annual meeting since. Better Chicks that will pay you. Bred to lay. Barred Plymouth Rocks, S.C. W. Leghorns, Barron and WycoH and fm err;'.-a. BJl-C.ti Whit, Wyandottes Pure-bred, healthy, vigorous. Smith Hatched. GANGER" FREE BOOK ___SENTonREQUEST Tells cause of cancer and what to do for pain, bleeding, odor, et-. Write for it to-dav, mentioning this paper. Address Indianapolis Cancer Hospital Indianapolis, Ind. itter i moth planes When you get th« tired g.asy: water. Docs the trick and sa SHORT SKIRTS SMALL TRUNKS _ j Modern Garments Can Be Packed in Much Smaller j Space, Say Designers. New York.-- Where is the waist line? That is almost as important a question to the designers as who is going to be elected president in 1928. The Parisian designers, according to the models they are sending over to this side of the water, answer it by saying the waist line will be "just on top of the hips." That may be a perfect answer to some but the hip line has been known to wander from its accustomed place more than once. When one speaks of short trunks sible." It is also pointed out that many of the "whereases," the "afpre-salds" and the "to wits" are really essential. Although the uninitiated may still flounder in the mazes of law technicalities, modem briefs are very much less encumbered with cerbiage than were the briefs of earlier days. The modern tendency is to simplify. Writing long legal documents used to be profitable, because, to begin with, they were prepared by scriveners who were paid by the word. An amusing story is told of a certain ancient scrivener in England who has lived through the ages because he perpetrated the most columiiiotis brief ever evolved in the profession. It was so prodigiously long that the authorities thought, the time or reform had come. They decided to make of him an example. The wordy manuscript was affixed to a placard beard, and as the scrivener was forced to parade with it all about the town. Pear ThePores Of Impurities With CuticuraSoap I«lcum sold everywhere). SPLITTING HEADACHE, quick relief. Bathe the forehead --also inhale. The number of hrough Halifax for ;e that of the sam bathing : Now that < dresses, coats and all other femi distin ) short, there sr of the luggage carried. The tre-nassive wardrobe ssary since the Added to the greater value built into the 1927 Twins-- 'Added to the improvements that every ride; will before. Harley-Davids Motorcycle stands without a rival performance. One ride in our 1927 sidecar outfit and you will declare you never dreamed such a comfortable riding combination could be built. Fully garments has been shape and chara in which they at mendously high trunk no longer i garments can be packed smaller space. 'Summer hats are trending strongly toward pink when the coloring is determined on. Blue and black will attract their share of wearers but the pink shades are apparently sure of the lead. On the hats one sees a multitude of b>o;x-hes, buckles, circles and other ornaments.--"The Star." Important deposits of magnesite are found in the Grenville district in the Province of Quebec. Magnesite is used largely as linings for steel-making furnaces and in the manufacture of cement. "* j Keep Minard's Liniment in t ise (osmetics The effectiveness of that ^ popular touch of "make-up" will be greatly enhanced if the skin has the velvety smooth-s and clearness that result from the use of TRU-BLOOD. This much-prescribed Blood Tonic corrects the coarsening tendency of "complexion \ nakes the skin clear, smooth and colorful. • Druggist now has TRU-3. Test its health-and-beau qualities. Get a bottle today. J 991 in ei'ertf (000 need TRU-BLOOD A {i.u^J PRODUCT SICK ABED EIGHJJONTHS After Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Could Do i All Her Work and Gained in Weight Melfort, Saskatchewan. - "I had ward troubles, headaches and severe -- --Ipains in my back and sides. I was so sick generally that I could not d most of the" time for eight months. An aunt came to visit and help me as I was : unable to attend | to my baby and | could not do my _tJwork. She told ...a to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and after taking two bottles I could get up and dress myself. I also took Lydia E. Pinkham s Blood Medi2ine. When I first took the medicine I only weighed seventy-eight pounds. Now I weigh twice as much. If I get out of sorts or weary and can't sleep I always take another bottle of the Vegetable Compound. I find it wonderfully good for female troubles, and have recommended it to my neighbors. I will be only too glad to answer any letters I receive asking about it." -- Mrs. William Ritchie, Box 486, Melfort, , Saskatchewan. C ^ ISSUE. No. 22--'27. |