Page Eight THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, JULY 21st, 1927 The Stately Gift AS A WEDDING GIFT, CUT GLASS HAS A STATELY CHARM ALL ITS OWN. IT GRACES AND DIGNIFIES THE BRIDE'S HOME AND ITS LASTING BEAUTY SYMBOLIZES PERMANENCE. MAYHEW'S CUT GLASS BECAUSE OF ITS MASSIVE WEIGHT AND BECAUSE OF ITS PAINSTAKINGLY ACHIEVED PERFECTION IS THE MOST APPFOPRIATE WEDDING GIFT OF ALL. H. j. MAYHEW Jeweller*' Colborne Optometrist ANTHRACITE Lehigh Valley Coal Name-- Stands for Quality This Coal is sold in all sizes. ORDER NOW WHILE'PRICES ARE LOWEST Also Pocohontas Soft Coals for Domestic Use J. Redfearn & Son C.P.R. Telegraph Office. Issuers of Canadian Pacific Railway and Steamship Tickets. REYNOLDS & KEATING Friday & Saturday Specials Granulated Sugar............101b for 69c F. & G. Soap................5 bars for 25c Toilet Soap................8 bars for 25c Domestic Shortening, per lb package...... 19c" Certo . . ..................3 bottles for 1.00c Lima Beans.............7 . . . . 2 lb for 25c Christies Sodas in lb packages........2 for 25c Fresh Pork Sausage, per lb ............ 22c Fresh stock of Fancy Biscuits, apple blossom, jelly wafers, cocoanut crisps, etc, per lb 24c For your picnic--Lobster, Shrimp, Cream Cheese, Marmalade and Jam in Small jars.* Fresh and at the right price. Cups and Saucers, Cloverleaf pattern, doz . .$1.79c Mixing Bowls, all sizes, from........13c to 69c Butter Crocks, all sizes, per gal.......... 30c Dry Goods Section 5 pairs only Lace Curtains, worth $1.50 pair, for 99c 6 pair only. Heavy Lace Curtains, floral design, regular $2.25, to clear, per pair......$1.49 Boys' Waterproof Collars, to clear . ._ . . 6 for 25c Boys1 and Girls' Bathing Suits, special...... 79c Children's Sateen Dresses, with bloomers, black with gold trim, to clear . . 7. . . 98c REYNOLDS & KEATING Phone 49 King Street Colborne which opens July 28 and lasts fi< days, reveals that at least 142 papers are to be presented and possibly eight additional, if time permits. Congress has been divided into seven sections for the purpose, covering every phase of the industry, as follows: breeding, disease, general marketing, nutrition, baby chick and extension. FOWL KILLED BY LIGHTNING One hundred and seventy-ffve broil's and one valuable cow were struck 7 lightning in the severe electrical orm which passed over Roseneath -district on Wednesday. The cow was owned by Albert Edington. The hen house owned by Walter Bates was struck by a bolt of lightning and 175 broilers met instant death. From Daily Hearld, Everett, Wash, July 7th, 1927 Last evening, Wednesday, in th' United Presbyterian Church ; wa celebrated the golden wedding an hiversary of Mr. and Mrs. George Robson of Pinehurst. Over 100 relatives and friends congratulated the honour guests on their 50 happy y cf married life. The - auditorium and lecture room of the church 1 decorated with summer flowers. Miss Minerva Edwards played on the harp as the opening number on the program "Angeles" and as an encore, "Believe Me If All Those Endearing Young Charms." Mrs. George Moore sang "When You and I Were Young Maggie" and "We've Been Chums Fifty Years" accompanied on the harp by Miss Edwards. A musical reading "That Old Sweetheart of Mine," given by R. X. Baird with Mrs. I Jones as accompanist. "Elf" was title of the encore number. Another harp number "En Reve" (Ver Dalle) was played by Miss ^Edwards. Mrs. George Moore, accompanied by Mrs. Jones, sang "Put On Your Old Grey Bonnett" the audience joining in the chorus. » In a closing talk, the pastor, the Rev. H. M. Jamieson, commented on those graces which make for happy home life and as a token of esteem from the many friends presented to Mr. and Mrs. Robson a purse containing gold coins. Mrs. E, A. Jones played the wedding march from "Lohengrin" and little Miss Margaret Pearson and Mildred Jamieson scattered rose leaves in the path of the bride and groom of 50 years who led the way to the lecture room w refreshments were served. George Robson and Elizabeth Honeywell were married in Cobourg, Ontario, Canada, July 4th, 1877. They came to Everett in 1906 and they have been members of the United-Presbyterian Church most of this' time. For a few years they were residents of Cranbrook, B. C. Since returning to this community they have been living on a small ranch in Pineihurst. For the reception last evening Mrs. Robson wore a dress of mauve silk. Mr. Robson wore the suit in which he was married 50 years ago. Of the 40 guests who were present at the wedding eight are still living. One, of these was present at the golden wedding, Thomas Honeywell, a brother of Mrs. Robson. The following from out of the city were present: Miss Jessie Robson, Toronto, Canada; Mr. and Mrs. George Robson and two children of Bindloss, Canada; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Honeywell of Marysville. and Mr .and Mrs. Smith Honeywell and two children of Port Angeles, and Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Bannon and two sons of Pinehurst. Among the friends froni out of th|e city were Miss Daisy McCallum of Vancouver, B.C., and Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Campbell of Seattle. During the past quarter there were .wenty prisoners committed to the ;ounties goal at Cobourg for infrac-ions of the criminal code, and 13 for infractions * of municipal . by-laws. Twenty-four were discharged after ierving time or being admitted to bail. ACCEPTS CALL TO BELLEVILLE ;v. E. McCutcheon. who is^at SHORT CROP OF APPLES From different parts of .the t ounty, •eports. announce considerable dropping of apples,-and a crop much below the a*erage will be the. result. Better Gasoline in Five Ways A LL you seek in a super gasoline is **■ attainable at a Cities Service station. This improved fuel insures speedier starting, faster acceleration, greater mileage, increased flexibility and no carbon. A super-gasoline at an everyday price. CITIES SERVICE OILS "once -- always" CITIES SERVICE GASOLINE Wednesday HALF HOLIDAY The Business Places in Castleton will be closed WEDNESDAY Afternoom and Evening from 12 o'clock noon during the months of May, June, July, Aug. and Sept. Used Car Parts for sale SOME GOOD AS NEW PRICES LOW Jack Cowey jr. ADVERTISING IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING ABOUT ANY BUSINESS. IT IS THE VITAL SPARK. WHAT GOOD DOES IT DO YOU TO HAVE THE VERY BEST THING OR THE VERY GREATEST BARGAIN ON EARTH IF PEOPLE DO NOT KNOW IT. SQUARE and ROUND DANCING little lake pavilion Every Friday 8.00 p.m. Commencing May 2uih COUSINS' ORCHESTRA C W. TRENEAR & SON Have you observed that no up-to-date business man neglects to show windows? Some merchants neglect advertising. The window is seen by by those who pass the store and by no others. The newspaper carries " show window, as it were, into the homes of the town and district » the people an idea of the goods carried, and the prices at which they be'secured. With drinking licenses, drivi Griffis 'The Rexall 192fi Canadian Nat attendance eclipsed i ords. with 1.573.000 v COAL GENUINE SCRANTON COAL We screen our coal. My scales are enclosed and always in perfect order. 20001bs. is a ton with us. Service is a pleasure. Special attention to farmers. Shed open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. : shed Ira Edwards The Coliseum at the Canadian National Exhibition is the World's largest exposition building. PRICE TELLS QUALITY SELLS | ALLEN'S STORE Weekly Announcement Do you realize the money you save by trading at this store? Bankrupt Stock Sale Still Going--lots of goods yet at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Fresh Mincemeat.. ..........31b for .25 Fancy Cakes.. .. . ..........21b for .25 Rowntree's Cocoa i/2> per tin.............15 Mustard, Vilb tins, reg. 30c, our price.....15 -Health _Salts, per tin .................10 Quick Quaker Oats, per pkg. . . T........20 Soap Chips, bulk..............81b for .25 Toilet Soaps.................7 cakes .25 Chase & Sanborn's Coffee, fresh ground, per lb .50 Blue Rose Rice................31b for .25 Fresh Walnuts, per lb...............48 Baking Powder, 16 oz. tins.............19 Shredded Cocoanut, per lb......>......20 Ingersol Loaf Cheese, reg. 40c lb, our price, lb .25 Wrapped Bread, 31b loaves..............16 Get our prices on^pt. Lawrence Sugar--Just unloaded a car this week! Get our prices on everything--We sell for less! CM. ALLEN & SON Phone 140 King Street Colborne Bankrupt Stock Dealers and Grocer;/ Brokers WE LEAD IN PRICES -- OTHERS FOLLOW PRICE TELLS j QUALITY SELLS the maVmfaeti 3 to be what What it cost s something else Red and White Chain Store Specials for Saturday July 23rd, 1927 Puffed Wheat......... . 2 cans for 25c P. & G. Soap..............22 for 1.00c Old Dutch Cleanser . . .«........'. 2 for 19c Carnation Milk, tall tins........2 for 25c Circle Pineapple, per can.......... 17c Servus Corn Flakes..........3 for 29c Laundry Starch..............3 for 27c ^ Peas....................2 for 25c Corn....................2 for 25c Servus Tomatoes.................. 15c PROMPT DELIVERY W. A. SEED Phone 74 Standard Bank Block Colborne