THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, COLBORNE, ONT.. THURSDAY, JULY 21, 1927. THIN WATERY BLOOD ALWAYS DANGEROUS War Paint? Altamha Apt., 5 and 6 rooms. Corner Colfax and Lafayette, beautifully If Not Corrected SeriOOS Results decorated janitor.--Ad. In a Denver Sure to Follow PaPer- In no trouble Is delay or neglect more dangerous than in anaemia-thin, watery blood. It is very commoi in young girls and in persons who are overworked or confined within doors It makes its approach in so stealthy a manner that it is often well developed before th* trouble is recognized. But taken in time (tie tonic- treatment through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, so enriches the blood that good health and strength is spe< regained. The correction of anaemic ^conditions by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills is as certain as anything can be. Miss Teresa Heafey, Dunraven, Que., is of the many anaemic sufferers who has found new health through the of this medicine. She says:--"I i not express too warmly my thanks for what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have done for me. I was suffering from a badly run-down condition, was very nervous? had little desire for food, and would feci tired out at the least exertion. In this condition I began taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and before using them very long found my health gradually improving, and under their continued' use completely restored. For this re; 1 earnestly advise all weak girls take these pills, feeling sure that they will do for others what they did for Send your name and address to The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock-ville, Ont., and they will mail you free a useful little book on "Building Up the Blood." The pills caa be obtained through any druggist or by mail at BO cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Jackie's orders were that he should come straight home immediately school was over. He had obeyed them to the letter for some time, but unfortunately a day came when he forgot. He arrived home very late, dirty and tired. v "Look here," said his father angrily, "didn't you promise me that you'd come straight home?" "Yes, father," was the meek reply. "And didn't I promise to punish you if you stayed behind?" "Yes, father," answered Jackie, more meekly still. "But as I forgot my promise I won't hold you to Conscientious Witness The old-time practise of kissing the bride received a jdlt at a recent RowanCoimty wedding when an awkward-looking guest was asked if he had kissieXi the bride, and repliedt "Not lately."--Hardware Age. V Behind the Door. 'John, I wish you'd bring me home e of those tabloids." 'The kind you take with a't of water?" "No; the kind you take with a grain of salt."--Boston Transcript. The Flapper Flaps. "Well," remarked a married after examining his friend's new fish I could afford a place like this." es," said his friend, "you i ried men may have better halves, but bachelors usually have better quarters." No Spectator. They were newly wedded and not in the best, of circumstances. Said "If things don't go better with us, darling, I suppose your father won't "No, poor dear," replied the young fe, 'his eyesight gets worse every day."--Boston Transcript.- Dog Fight. I can read a book and still listen the radio music," said Miss Cayenne. "Isn't it confusing?" "No. Each helps to take by mind off the other."--Washington Star. Co: I Mining Unc!~er the Sea in Cane da Tim Sydney cpal field In Cape Breton 1: land, Nova Scotia, has a total area of fcbout 200 square miles and supplies from 05 to 78 per cent, of the total coal production of the province. The largest mines are all producing from submarine areas, some of the workings running for more than two miles under the Sea. About 130,000,000 tons have been won from this field and there is an estimated reserve of 2,500,000,000 tons within economical mining distance. RED KOT JULY DAYS HARD ON THE BABY July--the month of oppressive he red-hot days and sweltering nigli is extremely hard rhoea, dysentery, colic and cliol infantum carry off thousand: cicus little lives to prevent these ome on suddenly mothers during the hot Baby's Own Tablets. They re the bowels and stomach, and an dose given to the well the trouble does will banish it. The Tablets are sold bj medicine dealers or by mail at 2& cents a box from The Dr. Willi Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Classified Advertiser»:2nts INEttS. Sells hlng like mag LEFEBVRE . sight. Clean, they Aviation prog-res photographs of.i tured in 1912, ai Museum. 3 strikingly illustrated 1 ies, one of which, the bottom, was r n 1927. The old one is in South Kei He Poor Man. a good-natured Irishman le of a number of men em-erecting a new building, of the building, who knew ployed ir The owne him, said "Pat, didn't you tell me once that brother of yours is a bishop' "Yis, sor," replied Pat. "And you a hod-carrier! The good things of this life are not' equally divided, are they?" "No, sor," said Pat, as he shoiild-ered hfe hod. "Poor fellow! My brother couldn't do this to save his loife" - Ma Buzz gets it in the neck FLIT spray clears your borne of mosquitoes and flies. It also kills bed bugs, roaches, ants, and their eggs. Fatal to insects but harmless to mankind. Will not stain. Get Flit today. Distributed in Canada by FredJ. Whitlow & Co., Limited, Toronto DESTROYS Flies Mosquitoes Moths Ants Bed Bugs Roaches the yMa*£bind-* NORTHERN ONTARIO NORTHERN ONTARIO contains millions of acres of the finest agricultural land in the world and may be had by returned soldiers and sailors free; to others, 18 years and over, 50 cents per acre. What settlers say " of the soil, climate, farming and forest life, is told, in a most attractive booklet issued under the direction of the Hon. John S. Martin, Minister of Agriculture for Ontario. FOR FREE COPIES WRITE: Director cf,Colonization, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, Ont., Canada v . / "Please mention this.paper" OUR EMPIRE UNITED Advisor to Foreign Office Tells Chicago University Conference That Crown Could not Be Supplanted by Elected Head for Family of Dominions Chicago--Commenting on there-cent w'hiich constitute the links which bind establishment at Washington, D.C., of ministera acting for the Dominion of Canada and for the Irish Free Sta Sir Cecil J. B. Hurst, legal advisor the British Foreign Office, and editor of the British Year Book of International Law, said here, "Whether the practice will spread I cannot tell you. It wiill do so if the Dominion governments feel that their interest will be better served by making such appointments. Unless^ they feel that, I should opine that they will prefer to continue the existing system and make use as heretofore of the British diplomatic j-rvice as the medium for their com-unlcations with foreign powers. "Since their return to their own countries after the Imperial Conference, both Mr. Brue, the Prime Minis*______ of Australia, and General Hertzog, never have" the Prime'Minister of Sooth Africa, 'whenthe together, sentedi arguments to the effect that the British Empire would collapse if a President were to be substituted for have stated that their governments do Intend to appoint special diploma-representatives." lir Cecil was speaking at the Nor-a Wait Harris Memorial Foundation Institute of Politics at the University of Chicago. Research Committee Described "One thing is certain," he declared. 'There are many matters' of business in which the members of the British family of nations must act together. particularly so- in the case of foreign affairs which affect the of the whole group. The day has i by when these general questions of foreign affairs, questions affecting of the whole group, can be lift to one member of the group to Interest Would Be Lacking "No one unit of the Empire would feel the .least interest in, much less enthus-iasm, for a process of election of a head of the State," he declared. "One can well imagine a homogeneous community like Australia or New Zealand taking a fervent interest in the election of a president for itself, but what interest would 10,000,000 of Canadians take in the election of a president, when the votes to be cast would tet#-nriilli.ons,~when the candidates ejection might be men whom Canada had never seen and who might isited the country and to be elected would have nduc ethers ltd ( with;); refei tho his seat of office overseas and would merely be represented by a governor-general. "I am putting first the consideration in favor of the retention of the monarchy which is of greatest weight from the point of view of the self-governing communities of the Empire, but if you will think for a moment of India you will see how hopeless a presidential election in the Empire would be. It would be an election in which it would j be rank injustice if the preponderant elements were not in India, but of I which India herself would be the first to spurn the results. "Apart from all questions of personal loyalty, of sentiment, -of tradition and of devotion to a sovereign for work weM done, the crown is indeed the keystone of the imperial arch in the B^tish Empire." iTCh < , to c »t of the Prime Minister of Great 'i'tain and such other persons ;,3 he ay summon and- to be charged with giving connected forethought from a central standpoint to the development, cientifio, and statistical roearch in relation to civil policy and iminjstration, Sir Cecil.reported. This o be purely an advisory group but its work is so important that it will assume an Empire-wide scope, he said. Emphasizing that it is the crown and the common citizenship which flows from allegiance to the crown High School Boards and Boards of Education Are authorized by law to establish INDUSTRIAL, TECHNICAL AND ART SCHOOLS With the approval of the Minister of Education. AY AND EVENING CLASSES may be conducted in accordance with the regulations issuei the Department of Education. KEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION ADVISORY COMMITTEE. Applicat; for , tendene COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS, MANUAL TRAINING, HOUSEHOLD SCIENCE AND AGRICULTURE AND HORTICULTURE are provided tor in the Courses of Study in Public, Separate, Continuation and High Schools, Collegiate Institutes, Vocational Schools and Departments. Copies of the Regulations issued by the Minister of Education may be Now to Keep Your Tent Dry The best method of water-proofing a tent is to iron.jn paraffine but thle will leave ly heavier and stiffer than formerly. The method is to put two pounds of paraffine into two gallons of turpentine, and sot the vessel in a tub cf hot water. After a solution is made ■the tent should be set up and painted quickly and evenly witlr a stiff brush. The paraffine method will turn almost any rain., but makes a tent that, is inflammable. The following process makes a tent easier to handle and less inflammable, but tho treatment will need to be renewed priodically every one or two seasons'. The tent should be soaked over-night in water. Dissolve alum in hot, soft water in proportion or one pound to four gallons. In another tub dissolve the same proportion cf water and sugar of lead (a poison) and let both solutions stand until clear, then pour the svugar of lead solution into the' alum solution. Let stand about four hours, then pour the clear liquid back into the empty tub, leaving the dregs. The liquid is now ready for the tent. Rub in, wetting thoroughly every part, and- let soak overnight. Then rinse, wring and hang up to dry. CANCER-"- Tells cause of cancer and what to do for pain, bleeding, odor, etc. W rite for it to-day, mentioning this paper. Address Indianapolis Cancer Hospital Indianapolis, Ind. Neuritis. Better Still. One of the American film magnates was recently approached by an acquaintance of less affluent days w a request that he endorse $500. "All you have to do," said the man "is sign this paper and the managei of, the bank will let me have the "Do you know Unit bank manager?' asked the magnate. "Not personally." "Well, do you think I'd let you bor row money from a strange bank ager? An old friend like you? have him endorse the note an lend you the money myself." Keep Minard's Liniment near at Good Yarn. -Salesman, (showing customer ling stockings)--"Surprising i sir. Worth double the money. I pattern, fast colors, holeproof, shrink, and it's a good yarn." Customer--"Yes,- and very told!" Found It. imagine why Smith si for Yoii THEY SUFFER NO MORE Two Women Owe Health to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound St. Adolphe, Manitoba.-- "I was very weak and had great paios during -1 my periods so that "I c Office Why Go Through? Alice--"Do you ever go through husband's pockets?" May--"No; you've gotten every hen you reach the bottoms-- --why go through?" "This is tho ttge of specialists," said Charles M. Schwab, "but there is such a thing as overdoing it. inefficiency has ruined many j wiee good business. " 'I want the office boss said to his se 'who is a high-school graduate; I ; want a girl who can spell words of at ' least two syllables; and I want a girl i knows something about busi- ! I want a girl who has ambition ; to become an executive.' " 'Yes, sir,' j said the secretary, looking up from ' is. 'You want four girls for j • office.' " - angry with his acted on instructions." father advised him to go oui and find an opening, and the nexi hing the youngster did was to writ* and tell his father he was in a hole.' these trout took the Vegetable Compound. I saw about it in a paper and one woman prevailed on me to take it. It has helped me in every way, tha pains are less, and I have more appetite. It is a pleasure to recommtndt Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to other women.' '--Mrs. J. I* Coukchaine, St. Adolphe, Manitoba. Found Great Relief ' Toronto, Ont. -- "I am at the Change of Life with hot flashes, dizziness, weakness and nervousness. I had head noises and was short of breath. 1 was this way about six months when I read about Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg-etable Compound in the newspapers-I have taken eiplit bottles so far and found jrreit relief "-- Mrs.R.J.SALMON, 112 Lawiu Ave., Toronto, Ont George--"There goes a fe'.lov whistles tt danger." Sam--"He be a very brave fellow. Who i ear you end Peggy ha "Yes. Last night omething about her I didi Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism [ DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART [ ^^.Accept only "Bayer" pack.!?.-? &^t^^ which contains proven directions. Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablet* Also bottles'of 24 and 100 -Drm'-;isU