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The Colborne Express (Colborne Ontario), 28 Jul 1927, p. 5

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THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, JULY 28th, 1927 Page Five A Joint Savings Account Is a Real Convenience PARTICULARLY as a matter of family convenience does the joint account demonstrate its value. All funds deposited are subject to withdrawal at any time by either of the persons in whose names the joint account is opened. In case of the decease of one of the parties holding a joint account, all money may be withdrawn by the other. A joint savings account in the Standard Bank is a real convenience where; two people desire access to the same funds. STANDARD BANK OF CANADA COLBORNE BRANCH--C. A. Btyans, Manager Branches also at Brighton, Castleton, Cobourg, Grafton Car Load of Wire & Gates CHEAP FOR CASH FULL STOCK OF IMPLEMENTS AND REPAIRS AT REDUCED PRICES We handle PLOW POINTS and SHOES for ALL MAKES of Plows Full Stock of BINDER TWINE on hand JOHN REIVE King Street Colborne Service and Satisfaction in OUR GROCERIES We aim to make this Grocery a better one--a more desirable source of supply--an efficient aid to thrifty housewives. We aim for perfection in all details-- quality, prices, service and better foods for you. - Phone your orders. W. H. EDWARDS East Side Victoria Square New SPRING Wall Paper Stock IS NOW IN All the Newest Patterns and Colorings PRICES VERY MODERATE See the "Special" we are running ! Before buying, look over our stock! Jas. Redfearn & Son Division Street McCracken & McArthur Funeral Directors ROOMS IN OPERA HOUSE BLOCK COLBORNE, ONTARIO Day or Night Calls Promptly Attended Telephone Connection Motor Equipment Terms Moderate If you have anything to sell, or want to buy anything--try our Condensed Ads. DUNDONALD Many fields of hay ruined by the frequent rains. Dr. W. J. Rolston, Natroma, Pa., called on old Dundonald friends this week. Miss Grace Mutton, Shiloh, spent Sunday with her cousin, Miss Ruth McDonald. ;Mr. and Mrs. Will Mutton, Colborne, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. M. Broomifield. " Mrs. George Ellis, TrentRiver, and Mrs. Ross, Rochester, N.Y., were recent callers at "The Cedars." Mrs. J. P. Dunnett has been spending a few days at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. Mutton, Hilton. 'Mrs. Kenneth Mutton is reported on the road to recovery, after having undergone two operations at Cobourg Hospital. Mrs. A. G. Campbell and sister, Miss McLaren of Toronto, have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Mark Broomfield this week. (Mrs. Arnold Joice and children of Campbellford have been spending a week at the home of her mother, Mrs. F. Chapman. Mrs. Palen of Colborne and Mrs. L. McDonald, Grand Rapids, Mich., recently visited at the home of their sister, Mrs. W. E. Chesterfield. Mr. and Mrs. Harry McDonald were called to Toornto on Saturday night to bid a last good bye to their uncle, Mr. W. J. King, and later attended his funeral on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mutton, Mr. Kenneth Mutton, Master Rex Mutton, Mrs. Cecil Mutton, and Averil, and Mrs. Gordon Dunnett visited Mrs. Kenneth Mutton at Cobourg Hospital recently. EDVILLE Mr. Geo. Stimers is some better at time of writing. Miss Marald Gummer is visiting friends at Baltimore. Mr. and Mrs. Will Graham recently visited Campbellford friends. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jackson spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hoare. Miss Maybee of Brighton is spending this week with her friend, Miss Mabel Purdy. ,Mr. and Mrs. Grant Massey of Baltimore recently visited Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Drinkwalter. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Farrow of Bowmanville spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Farrow. Mr. and Mrs. Martin, with their two daughters, of Brooklyn, N.Y., were the guests of Mr. Martin's sister, Mrs. W. Graham, on Thursday last. Miss Josephine Onyon, Miss Hazel Young, and Mr. and Miss Mutton of Shiloh spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Neil Mutton, Bowmanville. Rev. Mr. Clarke and Mrs. Clarke ft on Monday for Michigan, to visit their son. Mr. Davey of Hamilton will Mr. Clarke's work on Sunday next. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Geo Snelgrove regret to hear of the burning of their barn and contents during the thunder storm in the early hours of Wednesday morning. * July 18th, 1927 Our new school teacher is to be Mr. Johnston from near Grafton, a former Colborne boy. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Graham, Miss Alice Graham, and Mr. and Mrs. Will Graham spent Sunday at a family re-lion at Bewdley. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Walker and family recently spent a few days in Oshawa anid Botwmanville. Miss Arline, Brunt accompanied them home for a short visit. (Miss Muriel McDonald has been reengaged to teach the Breeze Neighbourhood School another year at an increased salary. She is at present camping with girl friends at PresquTle Point. Mrs. Kenneth Mutton of Dundonald (nee Miss Marjorie Waite) of Ed-ville was rushed to Cobourg Hospital and underwent an operation for appendicitis on Sunday morning. All hope for a speedy recovery. CODRINGTON Mrs. Jennie Wilson and son are spending the month at Rochester. Mr. W. McNutt, who has been ill the past year, was buried on Sunday. Mr. G. Beswetherick and family of Arkon, Ohio, are visiting at Mr. •Ryckman's. Dr. and Mrs. Runnels of Rochester e spending a couple of weeks at Mr. Jas. Wright's. "t. and Mrs. Ray Goheen of Detroit intly visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Ames. The new Orland minister, while •ecting the tent on Saturday, preparing for the camp meetings, fell when rope broke and cut his head badly. b is at Mr. Latimer's and Dr. Run-e in attendance. (Experimental Farms Note) September to early Octofoer is a good time to lift and divide herba-s perennials. As soon as the great" heat of summer is over and one feels that the soil is not likely to dry out again, the work may be begun. The longer time the plants have to make roots after re-planting the better condition they will be in for blooming year. The Bearded Irises may be divided and transplanted earlier than ost perennials, the month of August being a good time. In re-planting the pieces of Iris they should be planted quite shallow, the rhizome or thickened root part being barely covered ith soil. If planted deeper they are liable to rot. The top buds of Peonies should not be more than two or three inches below the surface of the soil. Deep planting is one cause of Peonies not blooming well. Small pieces of perennials, if they have a few roots, will soon develop into good size plants if they have good soil condition, so that large clumps may be divided into many plants. Dominion Horticulturist. W. T. Macoun, CASTLETON Mr. W. Robinson of Toronto visited friends here on "Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Warner are visiting his daughters in Buffalo. ' Miss Carter of Norwood is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Honeywell. Mr. Ziba Fox of Toronto spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. C. Warner. Mrs. J. E. Moore spent a week with Mrs. Ada Newman at her cottage at Presqu'Ile. Mrs. M. Arkles and Miss V< have returned from visiting friends in Detroit. MrT and Mrs. Harrison and Spencer spent Sunday with Miss Laurel Arkles. Rev. W. H. Spargo and wife of Bowmanville spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. R. Newman. Niss Clara Nelso has been engaged to teach the Rutherford School and Miss Wilson the Black's School. Mr. and Mrs. Trusdale, son daughter of Kingston visited Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Lathrope on Sunday. Mr. Harold Brown had the misfortune to run his car in a deep ditch near Morganston and had much difficulty in extracting it. No person was injured. We extend congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Black. The young people of the community had a shower for them on Thursday evening. July 21st. Rev. J. E. and Mrs. Beckel and family left on Monday for their holidays. They will be away the balance of July and all of August. During Mr. Beckel' absence his pulpit will be supplied. Remember the date of our Sunday School and Community Picnic, Wednesday, Aug. 3rd, 1927. A good programme of sports is being prepared. Come and bring your basket and have a good time. Services in the United Church this coming Sunday, July 31st: Sunday School at 11.30. Go Get 'Em Class at 2.45. Preaching service at 7.30. In the evening, Mr. H. Reynolds of Morganston will preach.^. The funeral service for the late Floyd Summerville was held in the Baptist Church on Friday afternoon July 22nd, 1927, conducted by the pastor of the Church, Rev. C. Ec wards. Interment was made in Stone' Cemetery. The sympathy of the con munity is extended to the bereaved parents and friends. A special meeting was held in the Town Hall, Friday evening, July 22, 1927, to discuss plans for the cemetery. A new cemetery board was appointed, consisting of Mr. George Harnden, Pres.; Mr. Charles Ghent, Sec.-Treas., and five directors--Mrs. Fred Black, Mrs. Maud Purdy, Mr. Dennis Lathrope, Mr. Andrew Wol-fraim and Mr. George Brown. It was decided to solicit subscriptions to finish the work carried on so efficiently by the Women's Institute. It was also decided to hold the annual meeting on or near May 15th each year. Already plans are laid for a decoration day to be held next year at the later part of June. FOR SERVICE MORGANSTON ter. Mr. Lester Turney and son of Oswego, N.Y., are visiting at Mr. W. Turney's. We are much pleased to see Mr. David Glover and Mr. Clarence Puffer around again. The sad news came on Monday to Mr. James Summerville of the death of his eldest son, who was living in the U. S. A. His parents are bringing to Canada for interment. John Darling and wife of Churchbridge, Sask., motored all the way to Morganston to visit their parents and friends. The entire distance s covered without any tire troubles other accidents. WARKWORTH Mrs. E. Nichol of Toronto is visiting her aunt, Mrs. W. Shaw. Miss Verna Thompson visited relatives in Rochester, N.Y., last week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dick of Toronto -e holidaying at his parental home. Mrs. W. H. Smooker and son, Jas., re visiting her brother in Rochester, N.Y. Misses Annie Huyck and Delia Diamond are spending the week in Toronto. Mrs. W. A. Kelly spent last week with her son, Ray, at Margaret Island Rice Lake. • Mr. Wilfred Bowen is holidaying at the home of his aunt, Mrs. Joyce of Grafton. Mr. George Armstrong left onSun- ,y for Detroit, Mich., where he has secured a position. Mrs. Harold Insley and children spent a few days with relatives in Rochester, N.Y,- last week. Mr. Wm. Wiggins has accepted a . jsition with the Canadian General Electric Company, Peterboro. Mrs. Anna Millar has returned after spending the past two months with friends in Detroit and Jackson, Mich. Mr. J. F. Stewart, manager of the Royal Bank at Brockville, and Mrs. Stewart, are holiday guests of relates here. Mr. Richard Honey contracted a chill and developed pneumonia, but ire pleased to say he is progressing favorably. Mrs. W, J. Harper, who has been in poor health for the past few months, has gone to the Clinic at Peterboro, to receive treatment under e care of Dr. Neil. Miss Helen Gorman has returned to St. Joseph's Hospital, Peterboro, after spending her holidays at the parental home in Percy. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Corneilus, who have been spending the past nine months in Toronto, are visiting the old home in Warkworth. Mrs. John Sweet, who, with her in, Bruce, left Warkworth early in May, died in California on July 7th, 1927. She had been ill for several months before leaving here. At Detroit on Wednesday, June 29, 1927, Verna Mildred Helson. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Helson, Toronto, was married to Mr. Alex Ingram, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wtm. Ingram, of Sarnia. After a short honeymoon the young couple will take up residence at Detroit, Mich. THE GOVERNMENT STOCK BOAR will be kept for service on the premises of E. A. Rutherford. Fee $1, and 25c to join Club annually, payable at time of service. Lot 27, Con. 5, Cramahe. 29-3 MEDICAL k. C. McGLENNON, B.A., M.D., CM. Office opposite the Fire Hall, Colborne. Telephone No. 123w. Residence: King St., East --Phone 123j. ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE--New Pair of Oars, Wood Stove, also Canned Fruit. Apply at Express Printing Office. 28-4x APPLICATIONS WANTED Applications, addressed to the undersigned, will be received up to noon on Friday, July 29th, 1927, for the position of Treasurer for the Township of Cramahe, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of John E. Wol-fraim, for the balance of 1927. S. A. CLARK, Reeve. G. R. BEAVIS, Clerk. NOTICE REWARD The Cramahe Council offers a ward of $5 to the person that will give relaible information as to who is dumping rubbish on the Base Line west of Colborne. FARMS WANTED WANTED--Hear from owner good farm for sale. Cash price, particulars. D. F. BUSH, Minneapolis, Minn. FOR SALE OR TO RENT FOR SALE OR TO RENT--House and Lot on Elgin Street, Colborne, for sale; or six rooms and garden rent. Apply at Express Printing Office. 100 ACRE FARM for sale or to rent, in good state of cultivation; good fencing; 6-room frame house and outbuildings, plenty of well water and creek; about 5 acres of apple orchard; pears, plums, cherries, etc.; plenty of wood. Apply to JOHN COLLINS, Castleton, R.R. 2. Phone: Castleton 33r24. 27-4x HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE on Percy Street North, Colborne, 6 acres of land, with orchard, small fruits, etc. Bungalow house, electric lights, spring water, piped in, soft water; garage, stables, hen house, etc. All new and in first-class condition. Would make a good poultry ranch. Spring water runs through lot. Possession anytime after March 1st, 1927. Apply at Express Printing Office. _2tf LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS n the Estate of James Jay Joslin All persons having claims against the estate of James Jay Joslin, late of Longbeach, California, canner, deceased, who died on or about the 28th day of January 1926, are hereby notified to send to the under-3d Administrator on or before the 6th day of August 1927, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said 6th day of August 1927, the assets of the intestate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the Administrator shall then have notice. Dated at Cojbourg this 13th day of July 1927. NATIONAL TRUST CO., Ltd. 20 King St. E, Toronto, Ontario, Administrator. By FRANK M. FIELD, Their Solicitor herein. VOTERS' LISTS, 1927, MUNICIPALITY OF THE VILLAGE OF COLBORNE, COUNTY OF NORTHUMBERLAND NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with section 9 of the Voters' Lists Act and that I have posted up at my office at Colborne, >n the Twenty-sixth day of July, 927, the list of all persons' entitled to vote in the said Municipality for Members of Parliament and at Municipal Elections and that such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions correct-id according to law, the last day for ppeal being the 16th day of August, 1927. Dated at Colborne this 26th day of July, A.D. 1927. H. S. KEYES, Clerk of the Village of Colborne. Have you observed that no up-to-date business man neglects to show his windows? Some merchants neglect advertising. The window is seen by by those who pass the store and by others. The newspaper carries the show window, as it were, into the homes of the town and district and ! the people an idea of the goods carried, and the prices at which they be secured. Butter Wrappers at Express Office. J. ARCHER BROWN, M.D., L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S., Edinburg, Scotland. Office and residence, Division St, Colborne, Ont. Coroner for United Counties of Northumberland and Durham. Phone 22. LEGAL FRANK J. HART, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public &c, King St., Colborne. Phone 110. 18 FRANK M. FIELD, K.C., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. Phone No. 86, Cobourg, Ontario. W. L. PAYNE, K.C., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public and Conveyancer. Office, first door east of Registry Office, Colborne, Ontario, Phone No. 19. FRANK L. WEBB, B.A., LL.B., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, &c, Offices, King St., Colborne, Ontaria, and 411 Temple Building, Toronto. At Colborne office on Fridays and Saturdays and Court Days. INSURANCE G. E. R. WILSON, General Insurance and Real Estate Agent, Money to Loan at 5 to 6 per cent. Office: Brunswick Block, Colborne, Ontario. Phones--Office 10; residence 13. AUCTIONEERS S. E. ROBINSON, Auctioneer. Farm Stock and Implement Sales a specialty. Sales conducted anywhere. Satisfaction guaranteed. Real Estate Broker. Address: Colborne R.R. No. 3. Phone 78r23, Colborne. ARNOLD POOLE, Auctioneer and Real Estate Broker. Auction sales of all kinds handled anywhere in the Province. Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. Pure bred sales a specialty. I pay for all Telephone Calls. Call or write: ARNOLD POOLE, Castleton R.R. No. 1, Ont. Phone: 10r23 36-25-lyr. Real Estate for Sale S. E. ROBINSON Real Estate Dealer and Auctioneer Phone 78r23, Colborne Oscar C. Morgan Several good farms for sale; also some valuable town property. Phone 7r18, Orland. 33-ftm BRUNSWICK HOTEL Colborne First-Class Meals and Accomodation Give us a call when In Colborne J. F. WOLFRAIM - - Proprietor BUILDING MATERIAL Rough and Dressed Lumber, Flooring, Clapboards, etc CUSTOM SAWING W. W. MUTTON Colborne, R.R. 2 - , Phone---Castleton '19r3. E. QUINN FUNERAL DIRECTOR Colborne - - - Ontario Day or Night Calls Promptly Attended MOTOR HEARSE Phone 103j - - Colborne J. BLACKLOCK & SON Grafton Directors of Funeral Services MOTOR HEARSE IN CONNECTION Day or Night Calls Promptly Attended PHONE 38, GRAFTON If you are a subscriber, your label is either a receipt or a notice according as your subscription is, or is not paid up. It comes to you every week. How does it appear to you? Over 700,000 school children of Canada have received invitations to attend the Canadian National Exhibition as guests of the management on Youag Canada's Day. Magazine Subscriptions We are Subscription Agents for all LEADING CANADIAN, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PERIODICALS Also Foreign Ones most likely to be asked for GET OUR CLUBBING OFFERS ! Reduced Rates on Any Combination of Magazines THE EXPRESS Printing Office <

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