Page Eight THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 4th, 1927 Business Announcement The Butcher Business of the late R. W. Martin will be conducted as the R. W. Martin Estate. A full stock of choice fresh and cured meats will be kept on hand. Customers will receive prompt and courteous attention. Mr. Thomas Craig, butcher, of Toronto will be in charge. PRICES MODERATE 31-3 Why Not Take a Holiday from baking during the hot weather? Just call at, or phone us for your daily needs. Bread, buns and pastry of all kinds always on hand. Willards Ice Cream "Take a Brick Home," or rest in our ice cream parlor while you enjoy a plain or fruit dish of any flavor of good firm cream from our frigidairs. Also cool and refreshing drinks of all kinds. THE COLBORNE BAKERY E. W. Rowsome, Proprietor Phone 150 King Street Colborne Building Material We carry a large stock of Rough and Dressed Lumber, Gyproc, B.C. Red Cedar and Mouldings. Let Us Supply You -- Prices Right Custom planing and matching. Sash made to order. H. A. GRANT Phone 54r24 The Stately Gift AS A WEDDING GIFT, CUT GLASS HAS A STATELY CHARM ALL ITS OWN. IT GRACES AND DIGNIFIES THE BRIDE'S HOME AND ITS LASTING BEAUTY SYMBOLIZES PERMANENCE. MAYHEW'S CUT GLASS BECAUSE OF ITS MASSIVE WEIGHT AND BECAUSE OF ITS PAINSTAKINGLY ACHIEVED PERFECTION IS THE MOST APPFOPRIATE WEDDING GIFT OF ALL. H. J. MAYHEW A Wondrous Beauty Cream YOU will love the fragrance first. Then the velvet smoothness, the delicate creaminess, of this marvelous beauty cream. It fairly melts into the skin--without a trace of grease, or the clogging of a single pore. Anemic tissues speedily drink it in, becoming smooth and softly pliable under Combination Cream Jonteel. A perfect base for powder. Take home a jar today. Sold in Colborne by W. FVGriffis CRAMAHE COUNCIL CVIembers all present; Reeve Clark in the chair. The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted. Lorne Darling was appointed Township Treasurer for the balance of the year 1927. Moved by Chesterfield, seconded by Samons, That the by-law for abolishing refunds for statute labor for the year 1927 be now read a first time. iMoved by Quinn, seconded by Darling, That the by-law_J:or abolishing refunds for statute labor for the y 1927 be read the second and third time, signed, se'aled and numbered 801. Orders were drawn on the Treasur er as follows: A. J. Jones, work on grader..? 59.50 Edgar Bush, work on road .. 20.00 Wjalter Carr, gravel...... 26.20 A. J. Jones, 1 lamb...... 10.00 Joe Pegnam, gravel...... 3.50 Walter Carr, valuating sheep 13.50 Cecil May, Telephone System........ 400.00 Evan Jones, work on grader grader 19.00 18.00 4.25 Will Tait, work on road Kenneth Jones, work on grader S. Tryon, work on road . . Harold Mutton, sheep .. N. Harren, work on road .. E. Hopkins, work on road ,. Fred Grills, gravel...... H. Reynolds, gravel...... Ralph Wilce, work on grader Geo. Harnden, rep. grader .. W. A. Philp, sheep........ J. Scripture, timber...... W. A. Samons, work...... A. G. Willoughby, searching register............ 2.50 Kenneth Mutton, work on road 93.40 Fred Grills, gravel Cecil May. gravel S. M. McComb, gravel...... 9.60 Frank Yabsley . . C. E. Thorne, drawing tile .. 15.00 A. B. VanBlaricom, gravel E Sharpe, drawing gravel .. 5.50 J. Warner, drawing cement Harold Mutton, cedar .. J. Bowen, lumlber...... A. Wolfraim, work in village 5.40 L. H, Hartford, work on road Clark Pomeroy, drawing sand D. Arkles, work on road .. Cecil May, gravel........ J. F. Haynes, work on road .. W. W. Mutton, work on road 91.56 Albert Cox, work on grader. . F D. McCallum, gravel .. Gordon Dunnett, health officer John Sharp, land and fence.. Mrs. M. McDonald, gravel .. Fred Pearson, shovelling .. W. A. Knapp, work 6n road.. Leslie Campbell, cedar...... Jos. Farrell, making tile . . B. Buchanan, burial expenses. . Geo. Walker, valuating sheep 20.50 Mrs. P. A. Thompson, care of hall................ Ziba Harnden, sand........ Thos. Haynes, work on grader Newman Co., supplies...... Neil F. MacNachtan,- Harold Mutton, plank. Council adjourned to meet the^j^t Friday in August at one o'clock. MT. OLIVET • y Mrs. Arthur Kenney has returned home to Rochester after visiting friends in this vicinity. Mrs. H. Orser is entertaining her cousin, Mrs. W. C. Rieberry of W' nipeg, and expectes to return home with her. IMrs. David Grieve accompanied her mother. Mrs. S. McNutt, home from Rohester and is visiting friends here and at Warkworth. Miss Ora Goodfellow and Mrs. Strudrick are expected home this week from Harcourt, where they have been visiting friends the past two weeks. The Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs, Will Goodfellow on Wednesday, July 27th, 1927, with a good attendance. They are planning for a picnic at Cobourg on August 10th, 1927. Everybody welcome. The Ladies' Aid are holding garden party on the lawn of Mr. Gr; Goodfellow on August 4th, 1927. They are having good music and a good program. Be sure to come and e: ' a real treat. Everybody welcome. KEEP A STEADY HAND The road is sometimes rough; Await one sure enough. You may be jostled by the throng From early morn till late, But boldly push your way along And keep a steady gait. Should misfortune wreck your plan, TJon't give up the fight-- Meet it bravely like a man And keep your "goal" in sight; Don't charge your failure to "hard Or to "an unkind fate"-- Push right ahead--just show your And keep a steady gait. ---Samuel O. Buckner. AUGUST ROD AND GUN Containing a varied assortment of tories of outdoor features, the Aug-st number of Rod and Gun and Can-rlian Silver Fox News, well-known Canadian sporting magazine, has been •eceived. A more unusual feature is ncluded this month in the' story, '.Midwinter Nights' Dreams." an intestine- aollection of reminiscenses of he little known Hudson's Bav coun-ry. Samuel Alexander White con-ributes another mirrlns yarn of the old time fur traders, "Convovs Cour-Bonnycastle Dale this Better Gasoline in Five Ways \ LL you seek in a super gasoline is attainable at a Cities Service station. This improved fuel insures speedier starting, faster acceleration, greater mileage, increased flexibility and no carbon. A super-gasoline at an everyday price. CITIES SERVICE OILS "ONCE -- ALWAYS" CITIES SERVICE GASOLINE Wednesday HALF HOLIDAY The Business Places in Castleton will be closed WEDNESDAY Afternoon and Evening from 12 o'clock noon during the months of May, June, July, Aug. and Sept. Used Car Parts FOR SALE SOME GOOD AS NEW PRICES LOW Jack Cowey jr. ADVERTISING IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING ABOUT ANY BUSINESS. IT IS THE VITAL SPARK. WHAT GOOD DOES IT DO YOU TO HAVE THE VERY BEST THING OR THE VERY GREATEST BARGAIN ON EARTH IF PEOPLE DO NOT KNOW IT. SQUARE and ROUND DANCING little lake pavilion Every Friday 8.00 p.m. Commencing May 20th COUSINS' ORCHESTRA C. W. TRENEAR & SON Ulanl Among the other interesting stories s one of fishing for rainbow trout in i.C. by Justin Wilson, and an article ;n photographing bird nests by H. H. 'ittman. Notes of especial interest to milters and anglers are contained in he regular Guns and. Ammunition, Fishing Notes. Outdoor Talk and Ken-■11 Departments. Rod and Gun and Canadian Silver ix News is published monthly by '-. J. Taylor Limited. Woodstock, Ontario. COAL GENUINE SCRANTON COAL We screen our coal. My scales are enclosed and always in perfect order. 20001bs. is a ton with us. Service is a pleasure. Special attention to farmers. Shed open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. PRICE TELLS I | QUALITY SELLS ALLEN'S STORE THE STORE THAT SETS THE PACE -- WHERE PRICE TELLS AND QUALITY SELLS Preserving season is on and we have your needs at right prices:-- We specialize in tea and coffee that brings the customer back for more. Black and green tea for which you pay reg. 75c per lb, our price per lb.........50 Our Special Coffee, fresh ground, per lb . . .50 Extra heavy Metal Jar Rings, per doz......19 Extra heavy Red Rubber Rings, 3 pkgs. . . .25 Certo, per bottle...................32 Corn Flakes................3 pkgs. .25 Eddy's Matches............3 pkgs. .25 1 pkg. Lux, 1 pkg. Rinso, 1 Cake Sunlight Soap, 1 Cake Lifebuoy Soap, 1 Cake Lux Soap, reg. 45c. Our price for the group .30 Handy Amonia..............4 pkgs. . 25 Snap, the hand cleaner you all know, 3 tins .40 Quick Quaker Oats, large pkg., each.......20 Brooms, each.....................25 We have all kinds of Fruit Jars--Get Our Prices! Seasonable Hardware at Rock Bottom Prices Get our price on St. Lawrence and Ridpath Sugar before buying elsewhere. C. M. ALLEN & SON Phone 140 King Street Colborne Bankrupt Stock Dealers and Grocer;/ Brokers WE LEAD IN PRICES -- OTHERS FOLLOW PRICE TELLS QUALITY SELLS My Pric are $14.75 at the shed vered for $15.75 Ira Edwards Have you observed that no up-to-date business man neglects to show his windows? Some merchants neglect advertising. The window is seen by by those who pass the store and by no others. The newspaper carries the show window, as it were, into the homes of the town and district and gives the people an idea of the goods*, carried, and the prices at which they «aa be secured. ANTHRACITE Lehigh Valley Coal Name-- Stands for Quality This Coal is sold in all sizes. ORDER NOW WHILE PRICES ARE LOWEST Also Pocohontas Soft Coals for Domestic Use J. Redfearn & Son C.P.R. Telegraph Office. - Issuers of Canadian Pacific Railway and Steamship Tickets. If yo« have anything to sell advertise in "The Express." The article you wish to dispose of may be the very thing someone is looking for. The cheapest and quickest way to sA is to advertise. Butter Wrappers at Express Office.