THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, COLBORNE, ONT., THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 1927. Your Fall Wheat As a rule, properly fertilized wheat matures from a week to ten days earlier than unfertilized wheat. Get the advantage of an earlier and better-quality crop this season by using National Fertilizer. Every bag is uniformly mixed with guaranteed analysis attached to each bag. All National Fertilizers are "Made in Canada" from tested formulae it has taken years to perfect. You can't go wrong on "National". Write us now. Ask also about National Stock Foods--they get results! AGENTS WANTED in districts where v, NATIONAL FERTILIZERS, LTD. West Toronto 9, Ontario I Taken Down. I A energetic speaker at meeting lashed himself int< "And i:;dia: like : to t CANADA AND THE ST. LAWRENCE j Hoover report there have gestions that the Canadian govern-might use the St. Lawrence ----- i bargaining point in other issues The publication of the note from j the United States, such as t the Prime Minister of Canada refusing raised by our tariffs or the drainage for the* present to enter into negotia- i canal controversy. And there have tions over a convention for the execu- been fears lest the United States gaii tion of the St. Lawrence waterway too much control over Canada's na project is a sharp reminder that the tional river highway, famous proposal is, after all, an in- j The St. Lawrence canal is an inter-ternational affair. It is a point which national project, containing the seeds seems sometimes to be overlooked by of difficulty which international pro-trie American proponents of the plan. Jects frequently do contain. When When, after a long series of studies the Canadian advisory commission has extending back over many years, the reported we shall have a better under-second point engineering board fially standing of their importance, but in brought in its favorable report at the the mean time we must not forget that end of last year, and when Mr. Hoover, this is a Joint enterprise with anas chairman of the American advisory other nation and that in prosecuting It commission on the economic and na- the other nation's wishes will always tional aspects of the project, had pre- haye to be studied.--N.Y. Herald-sented this report to the President Tribune, with the recommendation that an agreement should at once be negotiated with Canada It seemed that the | greatest obstacles to the project had I glimpse them here andth ere. High been overcome. The economic and | on a hill, engineering practicability of the But half revealed, calm and serenely scheme appeared to be promising, op-1 still, position in the Eastern sections of the As 1 flash swiftly by, a lonely spot country was fading before the dis- Is unaware how fortunate its lot. tresses of the West and the support Wood creatures only knkow its charm of the Administration was definitely | and mystery, pledged. All factors were favorable No human eye will ever all its beautyj except one thing--the opinion in Can- Lonely Places doing that." j What's the Difference? Tourist--"Think of it! Two hundred miles from nowhere and tho engine is missing." I His Wife--"Don't mind, dear, no-[body'll know the difference; they t see it under the hood, anyhow." Nothing To It. m--"Hello, where have you been?" ick--"To see my folks." m--"And how did you And them?" ick--"Easy. You see, I knew re they lived." tea" You must try RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE. A little higher price than other teas, but a real difference in quality. Nov/ packed in Aluminum. The bang place of the bells when M Oshawa, and Edmonton, we ; Replace Weddin > Ilou; HouseTramp-only mad t Help. front of the Banff The happy couple had planned to I be married in the evening but entry j thusiastic marksmen attending the | Alberta Trap shooting championships it! refused to be denied and fired volley j after volley iu honor of the couple, - I who drove immediately to the Banff Phillida had gone to an exhibition Springs Hotel for their honeymoon, of pictures. Not that she knew any- The ceremony took place on the very thing about art, but it was the thing spot where the groom had just finish-to do. "Hullo, Miss Phillida," said a ed a run of 25 straight tnr^t* clever young artist, as she stood gazing at an oil painting. "I see you are interested in art." Phillida turned her lovely, vacant eyes on the speaker. "Me?" she said. "Art who?" "I'm going to get married, ma'am," said the colored chore man. "Vou I hope-it's a good match, Sam." fine match, ma'am. She has four houses." "Four houses. What kind?" "Where she does the washln', "That nephew of yours who has st coma home from college-" we began. "She is so smart," replied Farmer Flumblegate, "that he shows symptoms of being able to make his n living even if he has been to WEAK AND NERVOUS When winter wraps the earth in shawls of white, The virgin forests call me through the night. Midsummer moons oft point a finger where A lifted wing alone stirs sultry air. I lie awake and, through the darkness, visions steal Of cliffs whose coolness human hands Safe frora noticed that the reception oNMr. Hoover's report in Canada was not enthusiastic. Mr. King's Liberal government, which had just extricated itself from disaster, found its most solid support in Quebec Province, and Quebec has consistently opposed a project which is thought to threaten the supremacy of its chief city. It has even been argued Out the Canadbn 'government could not legally carry out the canalization without the assent of the province. At the time -Montreal newspapers pointed out that the joint engineering board was divided as between the American and Canadian representatives, and that the Canadian advisory commission, unlike the American one, had failed to bring in its report. Difficulties were emphasized; it was said that Ontario could find the power which it wants elsewhere than in the St. Lawrence, and that the Western wheat provinces were more interestd in the Hudson Bay than the St. Lawrence route. The Canadian railroads, which carry some 150,000,-000 bushels of grain annually from the upper lake region, were not favorable. Against this background it is easy to understand Premier King's hesitation. The differences between the American and Canadian mmbers of the engineer- A mixed metaphor is forgivable, ing commission to which he points do but beware of slang.--Dr. J. Herbert not in Jismselves seem a very formid-! Low> Principal of Erasmus High able obstacle. But as American opin-, School, ion has been growing more favorable Canadian opinion seems to have been The dawn intrlgi alien view, The modest woodland flowers are filled with dew, The twilight hour which veils the flaming west, Enchants with thoughts of every hidden nest. And when rain falls I turn from nearby faces, My heart goes questink far to lonely places. --Kalfus Gurtz Gusling. A girl in Hamilton, Ont., has never been absent or tardy from school in 14 years. There's a girl who will make some man a good alarm clock. s like mosquitoes, easier Si-.ce the catch after a full meal. Baby Buzz, sounds a "mess'call FLIT spray clears your home of flics and mosquitoes. It also kills bed bugs, roaches, ants, and their eggs. Fatal to insects but harmless to mankind. Will not stain. Get Flit today. Distributed in Canada by FredJ. Whitlow &Co., Limited, Toronto DESTROYS Flies Mosquitoes Moths Ants Bed Bugs Roaches ibei'Jk'b*ld" Two men were having an argument s to their respective strength. "Why," said the first, "every morning •e breakfast I get a bucket and pull up 90 gallons of water from the well." "That's nothing," retorted the other "I get a boat every morning and pull up the river." man charged with throwing a book at an official in a public library dismissed with a caution. The magistrate evidently considered the library was lucky to get the book back B>")yhow. First Tramp (reading an old newspaper)--"Here's a story about a cove who did no work for thirty years." Second Tramp (wearily)--"Oh, don't talk shop." Notice posted in a Swiss hotel-- "Strange gentlemen will to please not to dress for dinner, as this costume flutters the souls of the maid folk and no work is resulted. Humbly asked." The Condition of a 1J. E. I. Lady Who Again Rejoices in Good Health "I can most heartily recommend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to all weak people," says Mrs. Augustin Arsen-ault, Wellington Station, P.E.I. "Before I began their use I was very weak and nervous.. I had always worked hard, with no thought of health, until suddenly, my strength left me. I began to feel tired and pressed, and did not sleep well at night, feeling just as tired In the morning as when I went to bed at night. I began to feel discouraged when I would think of the work sary for me to do. I got some medicine from the doctor whom I consulted, but it did not appear to meet my case as I showed no improvement while taking it. Then a neighbor advised me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and I got a supply of this medicine. I very soon found they were helping me, and I continued their use until I was well again, and I have been strong and well ever since." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills th4 blood supplies the whole body, life is given to the entire system. Better sleep, steady nerves, improved appetite, increased vigor--all these be yours by taking Dr. Wllliabs' Pink Pills. Begin to-day. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail, post paid, at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockvllle, Ont. Only the Ladder in the Way-Dad--"You want to rise in life, don't ,-ou, my boy? What's standing be-;ween you and the top of the ladder, :'d like to know?" Son (sadly) -- "Only the ladder, Minard's Liniment relieves Backache. "The fact that economy is being achieved for the future is no guarantee that excessive charges have been l the past."--Winston Church- Let Cuiicura Soap Keep Your Skin Fresh and Youthful NO BETTER MEDICINE FOR LITTLE ONES Is What Thousands of Mothers Say of Baby's Own Tablets. A medicine for the baby or growing child--one that the mother can feel assured is absolutely safe as well as efficient--is found in Baby's Own Tablets. The Tablets are praised by thousands of mothers throughout the country. These mothers have found by actual experience that there is no other medicine for little ones to equal them. Once a mother has used them for her children she will use nothing else. Concerning them Mrs. Charles Hutt, Tancock Island, N.S., writes: "I have ten children, the baby being just six months old. I have used Baby's Own Tablets for them for the past 20 years and can truthfully say that I know of no better medicine for little ones. I always keep a box of the Tablets in'the house and would advise all other mothers to do so." Baby's Own Tablets are sold by all medicine dealers or will be mailed upon receipt of price, 25 cents per nox, by The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Mr. Tightfist--"And so you are 1he noble fellow who rescued my wife from in front of the electric car at the risk of your life? Take this shilling, my heroic man, as an expression of our undying regard." Mr. Rags-- "All right, boss. You know better'n I do what the woman's worth." "Do you want to know the man against whom you have the most rea-eon to guard yourself?" asks Whate-ly. "Your looking-glass will give you a very fair likeness of his face." Especially, one might add, after the first attempt with that cheap safety-razor of yours. It is stated that the higher the grade of a Civil servant, the better the quality of the soap supplied to him for office use. It is gratifying to the humble taxpayer to think that extremely important Government officials are given every chance their schoolboy complexions. CANCER* FREE BOOK LQUEST Tells cause of cancer and what to do for pain, bleeding, odor, etc. Write for it to-day, mentionir.t; this paper. Ad. dress Indianapolis Cancer Lospital lndiar A New Story of The Ypres Salient Told in "The Battle Book" Here is a little story of the Ypres Salient which probably few persons have ever heard:-- 'In June, 1916, work had begun on the deep galleries that led ultimately to the great mines under the Messines Ridge, when, in the Petit Bols, and | enemy blow destroyed 150 feet of the gallery. "Twelve men were entombed, and j the reserve party labored under great; difficulty for ten days to break out and , make a new gallery. When at last \ they got througbi they discovered the bodies of the imprisoned men, who j had collected near the block to listen > for sounds of rescue work, and had j all been suffocated, as this point, hap- j pening to be the lowest, was a pit of j foul air. lut one -man, a miner by trade, ! had stayed in a higher part of the gallery, and 6e was found alive. He ; owed his life to finding half a pint of water in a bottle, which he kept taking into his1 mouth and returning to the flask." This incident, with 200 pages of others, is told in "The Battle Book of Ypres-," compiled by Miss Beatrice Brice, with the assistance of Lieut-General Sir William Puiteney, and a foreword by Field-Mars'Val LoTd Plainer. The volume is published "as a memorial book of' Ypres in furtherance of the aims of the Ypres League." No such record has been made before, and it wild probably be treasured by those who read it like a family Bible or an old copy of Homer. Captain Thomas Drake, of Seattle, Washington, who sailed alone from Charleston, S.C., April 2th, in a 25-foot boat and landed in Plymouth, Amish ductor, bendts." in a Pennsylvania Dutch l a street car as a bonneted iman paid her fare, "Con- mplains through : Llnin t for b The doctor who c °a- ! the press that people do not keep enough attention to their feet r j ably thinks they still use them. j ~ ISSUE No. 34--'27 Why Gum-Dipped Mileage Costs Less "Per Mile" The demand from car owners for Firestone Gum-Dipped Tires ha3 given Firestone Dealers a large increase in volume that enables them to sell these tires to you at the lowest prices in the history of the industry. The Firestone Balloon Tread, scientifically designed three years ago, and unchanged today has the wear-resisting qualities that give thousands of extra miles. This tread must be placed on a carcass that has the qualifications to withstand terrific flexing. The Firestone carcass is made of cords dipped in rubber solution which not only saturates and insulates every fibre of every cord, but unifies sidewalls with carcass, eliminating any possibility of separation under the extreme flexing of low-pressure tires. The Firestone Dealer in your locality will gladly explain the Gum-Dipping process, the scientifically designed tire tread, and other advantages that only Gum-Dipped Tires can give. See him FIRESTONE TIRE & RUBBER CO. OF CANADA LIMITED Hamilton, Ontario MOST MILES PER DOLLAR PAINS ALL OVER BODE Two More Cases of Feminine Illness Relieved by Lydia E. Pink-) ham's Vegetable Compound Firestone Builds the Only G Barrington, N. S.--"I had terrible feelings, headaches, back and side aches and pain3 all over my body. I would have to go to bed every month and nothing would do me good. My husband and my father did my wort for me a3 I have two children and we have quite a big place. I read in the paper about Lydia E. Pipkham's Vegetable Compound, and then got a little book about it through the mail, and my husband sent to Eaton's ana got me a bottle, and then we got more from the store. I am feeling fine now and do all my work and am able to go out around more. I tell my friends it is Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound that makes me feel so well.' '--Mrs. Victor Richardson, , Barrington, Nova Scotia. Dull Pains in Back St. Thomas, Ont. -- "I took four bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and found great re* lief from tho dull, h< avv [>ains in the small of rny back and the weakness from which I suffered for five yesrs after my boy was born. After taking the Vegeta and using Lydia E. Fini tra's 1 ai ' eWashl am feeling better than I have for the past seven years, and advise my friends to take it."-Mrs.F.JOHNSON, 49 Moore Street, St. Thomas, Ont. O, Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians fo« Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART »Accept only '■'Bayer" package ich contains proven directions. r Bayer Company wl