Page Four THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1st, 1927 The Service a Bank Renders FROM the very moment production of a commodity is planned until, through the channels of commerce, it finds its way to the ultimate consumer, it must be financed. In providing funds to finance production and distribution, banking renders one of its major services to the c nity. STANDARD BANK OF CANADA COLBORNE BRANCH--C. A. Bryani Branches also at Brighton, Castleton, Cobou Service and Satisfaction in OUR GROCERIES We aim to make this Grocery a better one--a more desirable source of supply--an efficient aid to thrifty housewives. We aim for perfection in all details-- quality, prices, service and better foods for you. Phone your orders. W. H. EDWARDS East Side Victoria Square New SPRING Wall Paper Stock IS NOW IN All the Newest Patterns and Colorings PRICES VERY MODERATE See the "Special" we are running ! Before buying, look over our stock! Jas. Redfearn & Son Phone 1 Division Street Colborne COBOURG Judge and Mrs. McGlade and family are visiting friends in Brockville. Mrs. G. M. Roger has gone to Kingston, where she will reside in future. Major and Mrs. A. S. Morrison, of Niagara Falls, Ont, are spending a week with her mother, Mrs. Thomar Mitchell, Sr. IMr. James Bulger, of Waterbury, Conn., has been spending his vacation with his father, Mr. James Bulger, William Street. Mr. Jack Carroll, of New York, has been spending his holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carroll, Baltimore. Mrs. Amelia Rosevear, of Wools-ley, Sask., spent the past week in town visiting relatives, going on to Port Hope and Toronto before returning to the West. Mr. W. J. Youden, jr., of New York, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Youden, William St., leaving last week on a business trip to California. Mr. Stuart Henderson of Henderson Bros., Cobourg, was rushed to Cobourg Hospital and underwent an operation for appendicits. He is reported to be improving. Mr. George McEllenborough and his bride of Chicago are visiting his sister, Mrs. A. P. Bray, Hamilton Township. It is twenty years since Mr. McEllenborough has been here before. Mr. F. M. Field, K.C., was in Toronto last week attending the annual meeting of the Canadian Bar Association, of which he is on the executive council as a representative of Ontario. His Honour Lieutenant-Governor Ross. Messrs. Alfred Beadmore, Clarence A. Bogart, A. F. Dyment and Agar Adamson, of Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Misses Evelyn and Mildred Benedict, accompanied by Miss Edith, Gordon and Reuben Lynn, of Toronto, were weekend visitors at the home of the former's parents, Mr and Mrs. F. H. Benedict. Cobourg. A pretty wedding took place in St. Michael's chrch on Monday morning, August 22nd, 1927, when Miss Mary Kathleen Croft, fourth daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Croft, Water St., became the bride of Mr. Percy J. Ouilette, of Kitchener. Miss Kerr, daughter of the late Hon. Senator Kerr. K.C., of Cobourg, and her niece, Mrs. Carlton Rankin, of Montreal, formerly of Toronto, who were in Ottawa to attend the garden party at Government House in honour of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, have returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lerick, Mrs. Emma Gottaband and Mrs. Richard Allen, of Rochester, are guests of Mr. and Mrs.. Fred Cochrane, of Baltimore. Mrs. Lerick and Mrs. Gottaband are the only two surviving sisters of Mr. Elmer Eastwood, of Baltimore, out of a family of 11, while Mrs. Allen is a niece of Mr. Eastwood. SEPTEMBER ROD AND GUN Packed with stories of special interest to the sportsman now about to commence a new hunting season, the September number of Rod and Gun and Silver Fox News has just been published. This issue of the magazine contains the usual good collection of articles and stories on sporting and outdoor subjects. A great deal of material of interest to specialists and sportsmen in general is included in the fishing department conducted by G. P. Salden, the guns and ammunition department by C. S. Landis, Kennel by C. G. Hop-ton and Outdoor Talk by W. C. Motley. Rod and Gun and Canadian Silver Fox News is published monthly by W. J. Taylor, Limited, Woodstock. Ontario. EDDYSTONE Miss Jean Branigan spent the week end with Miss Berniece Turk. Mr. and Mrs. S. Turk spent the weekend at Peterboro and Lakfield. Mrs. Andrew Harnden's uncle from Michigan spent a few days with her. Mrs. Haliday is spending a few weeks with Mr. Mackie of Toronto. Mr. Charlie Harnden is spending a few days with his brother at Bowman-ville. Mrs. Andrew Harnden spent a few days with her mother, Mrs. Miller of Warkworth. Mrs. John Coffey has returned home after spending a week with her daughter at Toronto. Miss Esther Harnden of Vernonville is spending a few weeks with her grandmother, Mrs. Asa Harnden. Mr. E. Coffey and daughter spent a few days with his brother and sister, Mr. John Coffey and Miss L. Cof--fey. The young people met at Mr. C. Howard's on Friday evening and presented Miss Olivia Joice with a Bible before she left for Toronto General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Silher and son Harold of Rochester, N.Y., Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fiske and family of Wicklow, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Score of Centreton spent Friday evening Mr. C. Turk's. Special Fertilizer -- for -- Fall Wheat and Rye Also furnish Fertilizer Drill to any Farmer purchasing fertilizer at a small charge per acre. F. C. Morrow SQUARE and ROUND DANCING Little lake pavilion Every Friday 8.00 p.m. Commencing May 20th COUSINS' ORCHESTRA C W. TRENEAR & SON We Have It! ONE CAR OF MILLFEEDS '-«i&S*IE CAR OF STANDARD RE-CLEANED SCREENINGS --EXTRA GOOD -also- A QUANTITY OF CORN CHOP TO CLEAR AT $45.00 PER TON I. PALEN 97 COLBORNE Two Makers of Canada R WILLIAM VAN HORNE Among the Canadian books that have come to be recognized as standard works a high place i3 taken by the series known as "The Makers of Canada." They were first published by George N. Morang, of Toronto, in 1904, and comprised twenty volumes covering Canadian history from Champlain to Macdonald and from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Each period and historical figure discussed was dealt with by a scholar and writer particularly conversant with his subject, the result being to gather into the confined space of a few volumes a comprehensive View of Canadian history. With the more than twenty years that have passed since this series was first published there has taken place a vast amount of research and discovery in the history of this country, and episodes and characters of past days are now much more clearly seen than they previously were. Thus the Oxford Press of Toronto, into whose possession the plates of these books have passed, very wisely decided to issue a new and revised edition of the series. This has been produced under the able editorship of W. L. Grant, M.A., LL.D., who has succeeded in greatly adding to the historical value of the work. Each volume has been carefully gone over and revised, and in some cases whole books have been re-written in the light of newly discovered facts. Perhaps the most important improvement in the series is the addition of a volume on the lives and work of Lord Strathcona and Sir William Van Horne. It was obviously imperative that Western Canada should receive more attention than was possible when the series first appeared, and no better way of doing it could be devised than in presenting a faithful account of the life work of the two men who, more than anyone else, had to do with the foundation of the Canadian West. In John McNaughton's life of Strathcona and Walter Vaughan's life of Van Horne were the ideal books for the purpose. They are, of themselves, a rich storehouse of information concerning the founding and building of the West. The dynamic force of Van Horne built the Canadian Pacific, the railroad that made Confederation an actual fact. His work was and still is an epic of Canadian history and he, like Strathcona, rightly belongs to that company of giants who may properly be termed "Makers of Canada." McCracken & McArthur Funeral Directors ROOMS IN OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. COLBORNE, ONTARIO Day or Night Calls Promptly Attended Telephone Connection Motor Equipment Terms Moderate Salem Store Re-Opened New and Fresh Stock GROCERIES and PROVISIONS GASOLINE and OILS Cochrane & Evans Phone 68r23 Building Material We carry a large stock of Rough and Dressed Lumber, Gyproc, B.C. Red Cedar and Mouldings. Let Us Supply You -- Prices Right Custom planing and matching. Sash made to order. H. A. GRANT COLBORNE New Service Station Victoria Opera House. Colborne Full Supplies of GASOLENE OILS, ETC. IRA EDWARDS, Proprietor J. M. SNETSINGER, Manager OUR 18-inch SURFACED ROLL ROOFING makes an excellent Barn Roofing, being nailed every 18 inches. It offers special resistance to the wind. A carload of the Mineral Surfaced 4 in 1 Shingles, Sheathing and Building Papers to choose from. PRICES RIGHT ! Will exchange logs for roofing material Custom Sawing Done Promptly R. H. TYE ox 358 Planing and Saw Mill Phone 99 Car Load of Wire & Gates CHEAP FOR CASH FULL STOCK OF IMPLEMENTS AND REPAIRS AT REDUCED PRICES We handle PLOW POINTS and SHOES for ALL MAKES of Plows Full Stock of BINDER TWINE on hand JOHN REIVE King Street Colborne EXPRESS ADS. BRING RESULTS Butter Wrappers at Express Office.