Cramahe Archives Digital Collection

The Colborne Express (Colborne Ontario), 15 Sep 1927, p. 8

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Page Eight THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15th, 1927 AT IT AGAIN! After being out of the Men's Ready-Made Clothing and Furnishings for four years, I take great pleasure to announce that I have again opened up that department with a full line of all that belongs to Men's, Boys' and Children's Furnishings from Hats to Shoes. I have just put into stock a splendid and full line of Fall Overcoats, Winter Heavy Top Coats, in double breasted Muskateers and single breasted fly fronts; many styles of Clothing, Men's Suits in the standard Blues, Greys and Fancy; Boys' splendid weight Suits in Blue Serge and Tweed. Come in and look them over! Men's and Boys' Odd Pants, Overalls, Smocks, Cottonade and Moleskin Pants, Combination Overalls, Work Shirts that are easy to wash and wear well. Fancy Top Shirts in many fabrics. Work Sox and Sox for fine wear. A large range of Neckwear and Scarfs. Fine Boots also Work Boots; all kinds of Work Gloves and Mitts; Underwear. I am back to the best standard makes I once carried, and my Mackinaw Coats--Just get inside of one and the price will be the means of wearing it home. Men's and Boys' Lumber Jacks, Pull-Overs and Sweaters--and to top them all, a fine Hat or Cap. Also a fin^ range of Blue Serge and Fancy Tweeds to make up to measure of my own make. T have secured the agency of the Famous Makers of Custom Clothing. Many of you have given repeated orders to this firm--The Semi-Ready Clothing Co., of Montreal. A call from you will be appreciated. To introduce these lines to my old friends and many new ones, I have marked the prices so there will be no drawback if goods are wanted. Remember, these goods are all perfectly fresh from the factories, so you are not buying moth holes or dust collections. Courteous, instructive and co-operative service is ready at all times to assist you in choosing what will suit you best. Entrance north facing Victoria Park or South Entrance, First Door North of Telephone Office. V. G. CORN WELL FOWLER BLOCK, COLBORNE REYNOLDS & KEATING 10 DAY'S SALE September 15th to 24th, 1927 Groceries Green Tea--choice tea of superior quality being introduced to you at this sale @, per lb 48 Certo, per bottle.....................29 Fresh Pork Sausage, per lb.............22 Sodas, fresh bluk . . . ..........2tt» for .25 Molasses Snaps..............21b for .25 Salmon, choice red, tall tins ...............38 Heinz Sweet Mixed Pickles, per pint.........35 Dates ......................2tb for .25 Handy Amonia................3 pkgs . 25 Castile Soap..............7 bars for .25 Rolled Oats "Victor".. .. 4y2lb 25c Rolled Wheat........31b for 25c Granulated Sugar . . . . 141b for $1.00 Hardware We are adding a Staple Line of Hardware. Get your Shells for Duck Shooting Here! Footwear A SLAUGHTER IN BOOTS TO CLEAR ODD LINES 84 pair of Women's high laced Boots, sizes 3 to 6, in values up to 4.00. This line muse be cleaned out, and they're yours for, pr. $1.69 10 pair Children's Shoes, patent with kid top, sizes up to 7Y>, to clear, per pair.....79 10 pair Boys' Boots, sizes 2 to 5, worth up to $3.50, to clear, per pair...........95 12 pair Boys School Boots, tan, sizes 11 and 12, special, per pair.............. 1.95 11 pair Boys' fine quality Boots, gun metal, sizes 3 to 5i/2- Extra good value .. .. 2.95 Ladies' Strap Shoes, in kid, Cuban heel. Special, per pair.................... 2.65 Dry Goods We are showing a new range of Velvets, all shades, per yard.............. 1.50 Broadcloth Bloomers................ 90 Broadcloth Slips.................; 1.00 Silk Rayon Bloomers...........: .. . . 1.50 Reynolds & Keating me 49 King Street Colbo If you have anything to sell, or want to buy anything--try our Condensed Ads. CRAMAHE COUNCIL Cramahe Council met in the Council Chamber, Castleton, August 26th, 1927, Members all present, Reeve Clark in the chair. The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted. Moved and seconded, That the bylaw for striking the several rates for the year 1927 be now read a first .Moved and seconded that the bylaw for striking the several rates for the year 1927 be now read the second and third time, signed, sealed and numbered 802. IMoved and seconded that Lawrence Naish be appointed Collector for the Township of Cramahe for the year 1927.-^Carried. P. R. Darling gave notice that at the next regular meeting of this Council he would introduce a by-law for the refund of 2% on all taxes paid before Dec. 1st, 1927, at par through the month of December and 5% added after January 1st, 1928. Orders were drawn on the Treasurer as follows: VanBlaricomb Bros. Tel. Deb. 679.50 I. B. French, work on bridge 34.97 Prank Yabsley, gravel. Ed. Irwin, gravel and work .. 13.30 Charles Welkins, gravel .. .. 6.50 Wm. Everdeen, gravel .. W. E. Irish, gravel and work 15.60 F. D. iMicCallum, gravel .. .. 2.40 S. M. MoComb, gravel .. .. 4.50 Clare Jones, gravel .. . A. Trenear, work on road .. 81.25 A. Wolfraim, work in village 38.75 Jones, 2 lambs...... 19.00 19.00 9.00 19.00 10.00 2.40 200.00 10.00 Harold Miutton, 2 lambs W. W. Mutton, lamb, j . . Ernest Mutton, 2 lambs . . S. Goodrich, drawing gravel Wm. Goodrich, gravel .. Cramahe Tel. System.. .. J. E. Alyea, work on road S. Rice, work on road......105.00 Geo. Walker, valuating sheep J. W. Warner, drawing tile and 9.00 10.00 27.50 Jas. Cochrane, sheep...... Clark Pomeroy, work in village Cecil May, gravel........ Wm. Theobald, work on road 42.50 Mrs. P. A. Thompson, hall . 3.50 Philp, cement...... 52.50 Council adjourned to meet the last Eriday in September at ten o'clock. HALDIMAND COUNCIL Haldimand Township Council m at Grafton on Thursday, August 25t 1927, with the members all present, £ii(l Reeve A. R. McKenzie in chair. The minutes of last meeting w read and confirmed. Mr. Michael Drumm interviewed the Council re the closing of a certain road running through his property known as the Danforth road. He requested the members of the Council to view the proposed change. On motion the council did then adjourn to view the road. No action Applications for the office of collector of taxes :he Council. By-law No. 127, appointing W. C. Finlay collector of for the year 1927 was duly read, cd and sealed. Moved by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Isaac, That the Reeve sign orders on the Treasurer in favor of the following persons Wlal. MoGregor, sheep damages 15.00 Wim. (Mcintosh, lamb killed .. 10.00 \. Nichol, rep. bridge...... 19.10 E. Branigan, rep. road Lorne Fulford, grading .. .. 20.00 Thos. Jones, rep. culverts .... John Aird, gravelling...... Thos. Linton, cutting weeds .. Jas. Deviney, gravelling and gravel.............. 17.75 H. M. Hutchinson, gravelling and gravel............ 25 5.00 5.50 Honeywell, dragging O. Cable, cutting weeds .. . Fred Herron, repairing road . D. Lyons, cutting weeds . . . W„ C. Finlay, repairing road. J. H. Rowe, repairing road . Orlo Mann, repairing road . John King, cutting weeds.. . Telephone account, service an long distance.. 7.50 10.00 9.75 5.00 17.25 Bellamy, repairing road Jas. Cooney, gravel...... A. Larry, work on road .. .. 67.60 C. Howard, gravel...... Mrs. D. McKenzie, work road................ 18.50 Robt. Tungate, work on road. . 28.50 Rex Taylor, gravelling...... 40 E. McGrady, repairing road . . 8 J. A. McAuley, repairing road 22.75 R. McGregor, repairing road . . 19.00 Jas. Harnden, gravelling.. .. 12.50 John Cox, repairing culvert .. 6.00 Wim. Robert, bridge material 7.00 Chas. Thompson, material .. 8.50 Thos. Walsh, cutting weeds .. 7.50 F. D. Boggs, services rendered 9.32 Michael Patten, cutting weeds 22.50 --Carried. On motion Council adjourned 'to meet at Centreton September 29 at 'clock p.m. COBOURG The Cobourg public school board have secured two extra rooms in the Armouries to take care of the in-Teased attendance. Among the ou't-of-town guests at the Cavanagh-Bulger nuptials on Tues-were: Mrs. Gordon Chinn, Miss Catharine Lavis, Mrs. Glover, Miss Kathleen Oavanaugh of Toronto; Miss May Tunney of Grafton, Miss M. Kan-aley of Buffalo, and Mr. Thos. Bulger of Erie, Pa. On Monday the Cobourg Bowling Club paid a gracious tribute to the nemory of the late John W. Bickle, ?hen they put a fine silver memorial up up for competition in memory of that fine sportsman and gentleman. Mr. David Moore of Peterboro, who knew well the late Mr. Bickle, spoke the tournament on Monday words of appreciation of the actions of the crlub here in putting the cup up for competition, and of the fine sportsmanship of the late Mr. Bickle. Mr. George T. Bickle, a brother of the late Mr. Bickle, told how much the family appreciated the honour the club be-1 stowed on his brother in naming a cup after him. Nannette Haird ressmg Parlour EXPERT MARCELLING AND CURLING Every Tuesday and Wednesday F. A. Philp Block Over Park Inn Church Street Colborne Live Poultry WANTED Highest Market Price J. E. ALYEA Phone 37 Colborne I TEST THE CAPACITY OF STRAIN YOUR EYES WILL ENDURE, THE DELICACY OF THE EYE, ITS FORMATION AND THE INTRICACIES OF NERVE SYSTEM ARE INDEED WONDERFUL. Had Your Eyes Tested ? IT'S HAZARDOUS THINKING THAT NATURE WILL CURE THAT DEFECT. IT CAN'T. GLASSES ARE RESTFUL, CURATIVE. GET THE BEST, ALWAYS CHEAPEST, HERE. H. J. MAYHEW Jeweller and Optician KING ST. COLBORNE PRICE TELLS I QUALITY SELLS WE SELL FOR LESS ALLEN'S STORE The Price Cutters Our Specials are not just for one day, but for EVERY DAY IN THE WEEK. Do not think you can buy cheaper elsewhere, as we WILL NOT BE BEATEN ON PRICES on anything in our store. TEA AND COFFEE WEEK Garden Blend Coffee, fresh ground, reg. 80c lb. Our price per lb . . .............50 Our Own Blend Tea, green and black, reg. 80c. Our price, per lb............ .50 Our Special Japan Green Tea, per lb . . . . .38 See Our Window Display of Teas and Coffees This Week! CANNING AND PICKLING SEASON NOW ON Fruit Jars-- Pints, per doz.............. . $1.00 Quarts, per doz............... 1.15 Half gal., per doz............. 1.45 Extra Heavy Red Rubber Rings . . Metal Rings, extra heavy, per doz. Glass Tops for Sealers, per doz. . . 4 pkgs. .25 .19 .25 All Kinds of Pickling Spices Soaps-- P. & G. Naptha, Pearl White Naptha, and Comfort Soap, back to the old prices, per cake.................05 Jelly Powders, large pkgs....... . . 5 for .25 Certo, per bottle, each.................30 Kellogg's Corn Flakes, per pkg.......... .10 Pure Lard, per lb ...... .......... .18 Chipso, large package...............23 Snap, reg 20c tin. Our price......2 tins .33 We are Sole Agents for the J. M. Schneider & Sons, Meat Packers, Kitchener Choice Smoked Bacon, sliced, per Itj.......25 Peameal Back Bacon, sliced, per lb...... .45 Picnic Hams, smoked or pickled, per lb.....25 Choice Cooked Ham, per lb ........ . .55 Macaroni ;& Cheese Loaf, per lb.........35 Pure Pork Sausage per lb............ , .25 Bologna, per lb...................20 Long, clear Bacon, per lb..............25 Pure Lard, per lb ...................18 Fancy Cakes................ 21b for .25 Castile Soap................8 cakes .25 Get Our Prices on St. Lawrence and Redpath Sujar before buying elsewhere. We can Save You Money! SEASONABLE HARDWARE AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES C. M. ALLEN & SON Phone 140 King Street Colborne Bankrupt Stock Dealers and Grocery Brokers PROMPT DELIVERY AT ALL TIMES WE LEAD IN PRICES -- OTHERS FOLLOW PRICE TELLS | I QUALITY SELLS Better Gasoline in Five Ways A LL you seek in a super gasoline is attainable at a Cities Service station. This improved fuel insures speedier starting, faster acceleration, greater mileage, increased flexibility and no carbon. A super-gasoline at an everyday price. CITIES SERVICE OILS "ONCE -- ALWAYS" CITIES SERVICE GASOLINE

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