THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, COLBORNE, ONT., THURSDAY, SEPT. 15, 1927 7 GIRLHOOD DANGERS Come Through a Weakening of the Blood--A Tonic is Needed, In their early teens it Is quite con 'toon for girls to outgrow their [Strength, and mothers should careful-jly watch the health of their daughters at tills time. It is when the strength its sapped by rapid growth that anaemia develops. The first signs may be noticed by peevishness, lan-gour and headaches. The face grows pale, breathlessness and palpitation become apparent, with low spirits and depression. Neglected anaemia often leads to decline, but if you see that your ^daughter's blood Is enriched, there peed be no cause for anxiety. The finest blood-builder ever discovered is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. They will build up your girl's health and ensure lor her healthy womanhood. In proof of this Mrs. George Justason, Black's JHarbor, N.B., says:--"I think Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a wonderful medicine. My daughter, Margaret, was in Such a badly run down .ondition that *o feared she was going into a decline. Her face ^exertion would leave her breathless and she suffered from headaches. She had no appetite and lost in weight. >Up to the time we began giving her Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, no treatment iad helped her. But thanks to the se of this wonderful medicine she is again well and strong, showing no signs of the trouble that had so weakened her." * In all troubles due to weak, watery fclood, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will be kound a* reliable remedy. Sold by all Medicine dealers or sent by mail at KO cents a box by The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. OUR EIGHT-MILE 1 DAILY HIKE Surprise was in store for Joe Toye, contributor to the Boston Traveler, when he undertook to Investigate recently the distances walked by various classes of citizens in the course of their dally tasks. He tells us in that paper that the amounts, as calculated by Dr. Joseph Lelyveld of Boston, executive director of the National Association for Foot Health, average i to eight miles per day: "Tests made in Boston have produced some interesting results. They how far various business men walk, how far housekeepers walk, and children. After checking up on the daily walking mileage of business nen, housekeepers, salesmen, dancers tenographers, children at play, wait-rs, conductors, policemen, letter-car-lers, salesgirls, and others, Dr. Lelyveld finds that the average distance walked in a day is 18,098 steps, or 7% miles. housekeeper, without leaving the house, walks every year a tance equal to that from Boston to San Francisco. A business man e three or four weeks walks farther "Well, what do you think of the miies jn a day. when away from business. "A woman shopper in Boston durii the Christmas season walked 11 miles in one day. On average shopping days the woman shopper does about 8 1-3 miles through the stores. A school girl at school and at play averages 11% miles a day. A boy does 15 ies a day. 'A doctor In a hospital walked 18 miles in a day, using his car when out-of-doors. A salesgirl walked 8 miles a day. A steward in a grill room from eleven in the morning until nine at night walked 12% miles. A railroad conductor on a run from Boston to Cleveland walked 7 miles picking up tickets, yet from Boston to Chicago walked only 5 miles. The difference was due to the fact that there were fewer stops to take on passengers on the Chicago trip. "Here are some of the totals: "Salesman walked 75 miles in a eek. "Letter-carrier walked 22 miles in "Department-store buyer walked 7 Poets find poetry in trees and rip-Ipling brooks and slushy springtime, and editors of magazines will tell you they find lots of poetry in wastepaper backets.--Lord Dewar. The Whispering Baritone is still going strong. But our applause is for the silent soprano. 'Golfer doing 18 holes walked 8 1-8 "Store manager who spends most of day at his desk walked 6*4 miles in a "Girl in a business office walked 57 miles in a week. "Stenographer walked 43 miles in a week, yet she rode to and from work. "At one of Henry Ford's dances a dancer, from eight until midnight, covered 5% miles. NORTHERN ONTARIO NORTHERN ONTARIO contains millions of acres of the fineskagricultural land in the world and may be had by returned soldiers and sailors free; to others, 18 years and over, 50 cents per acre. What settlers say of the soil, climate, farming and forest life, is told in a most attractive booklet issued under the direction of the Hon. John S. Martin, Minister of Agriculture for Ontario. FOR FREE COPIES WRITE: Director of Colonization, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, Ont., Canada "Please mention this paper" Its fine qualities preserved in the modern Aluminum package. RED ROSE RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good. NICKEL GALLEON FOR MINISTER Fashioned from solid Canadian nickel this model of a fifteenth galleon was recently handledi in shipment to Canada by the Canadian Pacific Express Company and forwarded to the Hon. Charles McCrea, Minister of Mines in the Ontario Government. The ship was manufactured in England at the request of the Mond Nickel Company which concern presented it to the Minister of Mines. Every detail in the reproduction of ttiis model has been adhered to and during the entire construction nothing was used but pure Canadian nickel. On account of the hardness of this metal the model was produced only after many weeks of work on the part of expert metal-workers. The ship stands about two feet counting the base which is ornamented with curling waves and battle towers. Tlhe model is valued at $3,000. Very Dangerous. T hear your brother was knocke out and had to be taken to the hoi pital." Yes, he flew right in front of radio description of a prize fight!" High School Boards and Boards of Education Are authorized by law to establish INDUSTRIAL, TECHNICAL AND ART SCHOOLS tal of tl i Minis r of Education. vith the regulations Issued by With the apprr. DAY AND EVENING CLASSES may be conducted In accordan the Department of Education. THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION Is given In various trades. The schools and classes are under the direction of AN ADVISORY COMMITTEE. Application for attendance should be made to the Principal of the school. COMMERCIAL SUE^ECTS, MANUAL TRAINING, HOUSEHOLD SCIENCE AND AGRICULTURE AND HORTICULTURE are provided for in the Courses of Study in Public, Separate, Continuation and High Schools, Collegiate Institutes, Vocational Schools and Departments. Copies of the Regulations issued by the Minister of Education may be obtained from the Deputy Minister, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. [PAYER washrih Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for. Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago Pain Neuralgia .Toothache Rheumatism Concerning Aviation Stunts Detroit Free Press: When somebody the other day asked Thomas Edi-what he thought of recent transoceanic flights he replied: "Stunts, which always follow pioneering in new things." Perhaps it is too early to attempt a classification of the "Hawa-ian Derby" under the Edison categories. The Dole prizes were undoubtedly hung up with the commendable intention ofencouraging advancement in avation; moreover, with the aim of bringing the Hawaiian Islands into closer touch with the mainland. The result was an undertaking of a nature and scope unprecedented in the annals of aviation, but with an aftermath of machines wrecked, limbs injured and lives lost that suggest tragic futilty and prematureness. Is aviation at its present stage ripe for breack-neck "The wonder metal of the age" is a fitting term for Aluminum. Its lightness, brightness, freedom from rust, and many other good qualities, make it a container par excellence for good tea-- Red Rose Tea is packed only in this modern metal package. 1X DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART The Chaplin Case One of the mo,st unfortunate features of the publicity that pursues the leading lights in the film world is that an exaggerated importance is attached to almost everything they may say or do, and in particular their marital infelicities are blazoned forth as though a matter of international import. It is all the more satisfactory, therefore, to note that the public has been spared the customary welter of unpleasant data in the Chaplin case. The settlement made by the comedian upon his wife is evidently satisfactory to her. On interlocutory divorce has been granted on grounds of desertion and cruelty--the latter consisting of Chaplin's absence from home. The future of the children is assured under j an ample trust fund. The unsavory , details that were circulated in the form of rumcrs and allegations have ; been wholly eliminated from the re,-' cord. Since Court proceedings in such cases cannct be private, the Chaplins, have done the next best thing--they have refused to wash I their dirty linen couples who find Id follow their wofld would be spared a let of degen-idTng. BABY'S OWN TABLETS HELP A PRIZE WINNER Baby's Own Tablets are without equal for little ones. From the n< born babe to the growing child they are an absolute safeguard to health. Once a mother has used them she will nothing else. Thousands of mothers always keep them on hand. Among the mothers who state that iby's Own Tablets are the best medicine for little ones that they know of is Mrs. Russell Hill, of Norwood, Ont. Her experience with the Tablets should be of great benefit to any mother who has not already given the Tablets^a trial. Mrs. Hill says:--"I havtPflve"" fine he'aTthy children, and from the youngest to the oldest they get no other medicine but Baby's Own Tablets. When our baby girl was eleven months old she won second prize at the Norwood Fair, and when was a year older she won first prize in competition with twenty-eight other babies. It was the Tablets that gave her the health and development carry off these prizes. I always delight in telling other mothers what the Tablets have done for my child-Baby's Own Tablets are sold by medicine dealers, or by mail at 25 i a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Motoring on Sunday Hartford Courant: Many motorists, e more cautious operators especially, believe that driving a car on Sunday )t an amusement but a hazardous occupation. . . . Statutes and ordin-s have been enacted without number with no apparent effect upon the death rate, but there is a possibility that eventually the situation will be relieved as the public becomes fully j aware of the danger of Sunday travel. I When the public realizes the chances ; of accident it may find other ways of j diverting itself on Sunday. Few per- i sons will start on a pleasure trip if they feel that it may end in a hos-j pital. PHANTOM SHIP'S FATE DerelictSubmarine Is Believed To Have Sunk Honolulu, T.H.--New information regarding the mysterious submarine which has* been drifting across shipping lanes of the Pacific for the last several months indicates that the itom craft and the secret of its identity may be resting on the bottom of the ocean. In a delayed message to the United "Press Capt. Smith of the steamship Liberator, the most recent vessel to sight the derelict, declared he left the submarine's hatches' open after he had sighted the deserted craft on August 5 and that a storm since that time would have scuttled her. At the time Smith saw the rusty hulk it was 1,492 miles west by north from Honolulu. It was marked with the numerals "02" on the hull instead of "027" as reported originally, said the captain's message. Smith said the "02" was painted on both sides of the ship under the conning tower in white paint on a green background. The drifting craft was 200 feet long, he said. The hatches had been battned down and the rigging apparently had been repaired recently, The torpedo tubes forward and aft were not of an Ameri-:ype, and no name or marking i were visible. The boarding party was kept from going below b7 heavy gas, but Smith asserted there no bodies below because of the lack of odor. The Liberator's master said that careful scrutiny failed to reveal the nationality of any crew which might have manned the mystery craft. The fact that the derelict was a menace vigation had led him to leave the hatches open so that the Irulk w( dnk, he said. Classified Advertisements SITUATIONS VACANT OOK! READ--LAST OPPORTUN 1 Ity. We are authorized to sell pre •red stock guaranteeing 8per cent, cou ns payable at National Bank. Sem stage for partic Jlars. St. Clair Tro cts Co., Ruder Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. To realize their full value as bonds of national unity, roads should be unbonded. Deafness--Head Noises RELIEVED BY LEONARD EAR OIL . LEONARD, Inc., 70 Fifth Ave., N Mlnard's Liniment r > backache was Evan Morgan's first visit to London,, and being unused to the of the roundabout traffic systems, he thoughtlessly wandered Into the road and was run over. The ambulance quickly rushed him off to the hospital, where a kindly doctor took case in hand. Under his expert treatment Morgan soon regained consciousness. "What's the matter, indeed? Where am 1?" he cried. "You were injured in a street accident," replied the doctor. "But don't be alarmed, you will recover." The Welshman cheered up immediately despite his bruises. "How much?" he asked. What is the corollary of govern-ent control of liquor? Change tre position of two words and you have TO WOMEN OF MIDDLE AGE Mrs. Wilson's Experience a Guide to Women Passing through the Change of Life Hamilton, Ontario. -- "I have taken - ?veral bottles of Lydia E.Pinkham's I Vegetable Com. pound and 1 can-not speak too highly of it as I , wasat the Change of Life and was all run-down and had no appetite.. I was very weak md sick, and tho ains in my back »ereso bad I ouMh.-inllymovc. got very sad at " not a frieni" . if I lived ot died. I was very nervous, too, and cid not go out very much. A Ilk nd advised me to try a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, so I did. I am a farmer's wife, and always worked hard until lately, and1 was in bed for two months. I began to feel like a new woman after the first bottle and I recommend it with great succces, also Lydia E. Pink-ham s Liver Pills. I am willing to answer letters from women asking about your medicines, as I cannot speak too highly of them. "-Mrs. Emma Wilson, 471 Wilson Street, Hamilton, Ontario. Sold by druggists everywhere. 0 "Does your wife go in for athletics? 'Absolutely! You should see he iimp at conclusions!" Just Ask /or "Dreadnought Tissue A most satisfactory roll for the bathroom. A soft, absorbent tissue made, like all Eddy Toilet Rolls, under the most exacting sanitary conditions. Soft jjf«»^>AcccPt only "Bayer" package dr^y^ which contains proven directions. Pains in the Back FLIT