Page Eight THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13th, 1927 REYNOLDS & KEATING SEASONABLE OFFERINGS Thursday, Friday, Saturday Granulated Sugar............141b for $1.00 Hollbrook's Custard Powder......3 pkgs. .25 Rice........................3tb .25 Macaroni, ready cut..............3ft .25 Fresh Bulk Dates..............2ft .25 Spanish Onyons, large, per lb...........10 Sausage, fresh pork, per lb.............22 Creamery Butter, finest quality, per lb.....48 Dry Goods and Footwear Dept. .79 Men's Heavy Wool Socks, reg. 45c. . . . 2 pair Men's Heavy Union Socks, reg. 35c . . 3 pair Men's Rubbers, lumberman style, reg. $3.25. . 2.79 Ladies' Rubbers, new stock, all styles, reg. 95c. . .79 Children's Rubbers, all sizes, reg. 70c, for.....59 Reynolds & Keating WARKWORTH Mrs. Herkimer of Bobcaygeon is visiting Mrs. Pollock in Warkworth. Mrs. Chas. McKenzie of Vancouver, B.C., is visitin the home of Mr. Thos. A. Allen. Mr. Duncan Harvey of LeRoy, N.Y., spent a few days in Warkworth on business last week. (Mr. and Mrs. Smith and Miss Richards of Toronto, spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. J. N. Richards. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Losie of Toronto, and Dr. P. R. Drewry of Cobourg, spent the weekend at the home or Mr. W. V. Drewry. The death of Dr. George M. Her-miston of Toronto occurred in Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Md., on Thursday, September 29th, 1927. Dr. Hermiston was born and brought up in Percy and was a brother of W. E. Hermiston and Mrs. A. B. German of this vicinity. Mr. Hermiston and family and Mrs. German attended the funeral at Toronto on Saturday. If you have anything to sell advertise in "The Express." The article you wish to dispose of may be the very thing someone is looking for. The cheapest and quickest way to sell is to advertise. Butter Wrappers at Express Office. Nannette Hairdressing Parlour EXPERT MARCELLING AND CURLING SHAMPOOING FACIAL MASSAGE Open Every Day and Evening F. A. Philp Block Over Park Inn Church Street Colborne 12.00 CRAMAHE COUNCIL Cramahe Council met in the Council Chamber, Castleton, Sept. 30th, 1927, at 10 o'clock. 'Members all present; Reeve Clark in the chair. The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted. Moved and seconded: That the bylaw for payment of taxes by discount and per oentage be given its several leadings, signed, sealed, and numbered 803--Carried. Orders were drawn on the Treasurer as follows: Arthur Jones, work on grader 4.90 Cramahe Tel. System...... 200.00 Harold Mutton, 12 lairibs killed by dogs..............110.00 W. W. Mutton, 1 lam!b killed Iby dogs ............... W. A. Philp, 1 lamb killed by Walter Carr, Valuating sheep. . Wm. Graham, teacher's salary, s. s. No. 9 .......... C. W. Massey, teacher's salary s-.s. No. 16............100.00 Cecil May, gravel........ 3.10 Clark Pomeroy, work in village 29.45 Andrew Wolfraim, work in vil- W. W. Mutton, work on dam.. A. Clark, work on road . . Thos. Haynes, work on bridge John Wilce, work on bridge .. E. D. Hopkins, work on bridge F. D. McCallum, gravel .. .. 7.6U F. A. Philp, cement........ 59.50 J. W. Warner, cartage...... 4.50 Mrs. P. A. Thompson, care of hall................ 2.00 Gladys Collins, teacher's salary s. s. No. 23............ 87.00 Chas. Cook, 1 sheep........ 10.00 Garnet Mutton, 3 sheep .... 36.00 R. Barrett, 1 sheep........ 10.00 Jas. Pegnam, 1 sheep...... 12.00 Hugh Mutton, 1 sheep...... 12.00 Wm. Craig, 1 sheep........ 10.00 W. E. Chesterfield, 2 sheep .. 18.00 ,T. E. Cooney. 1 sheep...... 12.00 Archie Samons, 2 sheep .. .. 18.00 Geo. C. Walker, valuating sheep 23.00 Chas. Quinn, cedar for bridge 32.90 Neil F. MacNachtan, charity.. 69.90 Archie Frost, teacher's salary s. s. No. 4 ... ......... .. 100.00 Council adjourned to meet the last Friday in October at ten o'clock. 90.00 75.90. 29.00 9.05 20.00 Camp'bellford Town Council last night passed a resolution requesting the Government Liquor Commission to establish a warehouse in that town?-The petition was signed by 143 bus, iness men of the town. Those sponsoring the petition claimed that the business of the town had suffered, as people took advantage of their pres-. ence in other towns to buy other things besides beer or liquor. In support of their statement they cited the case of the friction between Cobourg and Port Hope regarding the location of a government warehouse in those Butter Wrappers at Express Offici Better Gasoline in Five Ways A LL you seek in a super gasoline is attainable at a Cities Service station. This improved fuel insures speedier starting, faster acceleration, greater mileage, increased flexibility and no carbon. A super-gasoline at an everyday price. CITIES SERVICE OILS "ONCE -- ALWAYS" CITIES SERVICE GASOLINE (Cobourg Sentinel-Star) 'On Fiiday week Judge McGlade beard the appeals of the Kuntz Brewing Co., of Waterloo, and Hugh Harvey, a driver of the McPherson Transport Co., of Hamilton, from decisions of roiice Magistrate Floyd of November 2nd last, when 2,640 bottles of beer in transit from Waterloo to Belleville were ordered confiscated, and Harvey was fined $200 and costs as being., in charge of the shipment. The beer was being taken to order of W. O. Middleton, of Belleville, for shipment to a Mr. Turney, of Syracuse, and was seized as it was passing through Cobourg by License Inspector Goodrich and Provincial Constable Fewtrell. James Haverson, K.C., of Toronto, entered an appeal on behalf of the two defendants on the ground that the Carriage of Liquor Act 1922, new repealed was ultra vires, and the appeal was put over until this fall. The appefcl was on two grounds: (1) Was the Carriage of Liquor Act within the powers of the Province to pass. (2) If it was, was the regulation made by the Liquor License Board that any brewer or distiller sending liquor by truck over the highways must notify the license inspector three hours in advance of his starting out with the truck, an interference with the right to export. According to decisions handed by Judges Coughlin and Livingstone the act was ultra vires and beyond the power of the Province to pass, and Judge McGlade held that their decisions were correct in his judgment, when he allowed the appeal with costs. The beer is to be returned to the brewing company, and Harvey returned his $200 and costs, and the Convictions are quashed. RIFLE SHOT GIVES ALARM iSherbrooke, Que., Oct. 8th.-- The discharge of a loaded rifle which stood m their home yesterday morning awakened the family of Mr. M. Va-chon, Walkerville farmer, to the real-, ization that the home was on fire. They were awakened just in time to mlake their escape from the burning building. TWO BIG DAYS Friday and Saturday, October 14 and 15 "GET ACQUAINTED" CLOTHING SALE FRED UZZELL has secured the agency of the Reliable McDougars Clothes, famous for popular priced suits and overcoats. This affords every man the rare opportunity of securing guaranteed garments, which up to now were only availabie in the larger populated centres. For these Two Days PRICES ARE LOWERED. ONE MUST SEE AND EXAMINE THESE GARMENTS TO APPRECIATE THE VALUES SUITS $1 ft ftn OCOATS * J K nri WITH EXTRA PANTS 1 i/lVV BLUES and TWEEDS I VlV/U THESE VALUES ARE YOURS WHILE THEY LAST Men's Suits -- Ready-to-wear A wonderful assortment of suits to choose from. All patterns and styles-- Everyone guaranteed to satisfy, at prices that mean a saving to you of at least $15.00. Come Early! Suits priced from $15.00 BUY NOW FOR LATER! HERE'S THE CLOTHING SNAP OF YOUR LIFE Botany Serges, Tweeds, Worsted's, etc. MADE-TO-YOUR-MEASURE Art Silk Lined $25.00 and $35.00 WITH EXTRA PANTS Heavy Winter Overcoats lined with Plush or Polo Cloth--All styles--The season's best-- The latest in cloth-- Coats that were made to sell for values up to $45.00. The first comers will save the most Priced from $15.00 McDougal's Clothes Are Guaranteed SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY CHEERFULLY REFUNDED Fred Uzzell COLBORNE, ONTARIO Sale is for 2 Days ONLY