THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, COLBORNE, ONT., THURSDAY, NOV, 10, 1927 TRIALS OFIIDICIESTIOM Errors About This Trouble Into Which People Fall Many people so far misunderstand |the d!;---;tlve system as to treat It jllke a machine; neglecting it until it works sluggishly, then irritating it 'into work again by the use of purgatives. The stomach needs help at all times, but a study of the process of digestion will show that purgatives, 'as commonly taken, are seldom neces-Icary and often harmful. To safeguard your digestion the 'diet must be controlled. Over-eating [is always harmful, but one must assimilate enough food to supply the needs of the blood. Remember, the blood has to carry nourishment to all parts of the body and find fuel for its energy. Hence when the blood becomes weak and fails to do its work, indigestion arises. Therefore the sure remedy for indigestion is to build up (the blood. If you suffer from any form of indigestion choose your diet carefully and take wholesome nourishment. Above all, start building up iyour blood by taking a course of Dr. [Williams' Pink Pills. Then under the ■influence of the new blood supply, lyour digestive system will respond 'naturally, your appetite improve and lyour food will do you good. So begin to improve your digestion by starting io take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills now. 1 You can get these pills from your Hruggist or by mail at 60 cents a box Strom The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., iBrockville, Ont. TWO BOMBAY WOMEN SET UP PRECEDENT First Women in India to Become Editors -- Publish Household Magazine Bombay--The ever-increasing number of women graduate^ of Bombay University find very little scope for their talents outside the education department and the medical profes- ; Two of these graduates, however. Miss Tara Tilak and Miss Piroj An-andkar, have launched into journalism as a career. They have start- Music from Unseen Orchestras i J KB39 ^CXA39J>J£CK^o o o o o MS OlfclMO SAtOOH ° ° i monthly in Marathi under theii joint1 editorship, known as Griha Luxmi (housewife) which aims teaching Marathi girls how to successful housewives. Miss Tilak, who is a devoted dent of sociology, and Miss Anandkar, who is interested in the education of girls in Bombay, have ample scope for their enthusiasm and energy this direction, and judging from tha standard of the articles which have appeared in the first few issues of Griha Luxmi and the .list of university women who have promised to contribute to Its pages, their venture should prove a useful link between university women and their less educated sisters. Australian Eagles Southern districts of Australia are being plagued by eagles to such an extent that a campaign of extermination had been undertaken by the inhabitants, according to a report from Adelaide. The eagles, it is said, in groups of fifteen or twenty, frequent water holes and swoop down on stray lambs. So> many lambs have been carried off that the Government has it a premium of a half crown 'on gles' heads, and shooting parties e the order of the day. r--MR. TRAPPER-- Join the Ever Increasing Army of Satisfied Raw Fur Shippers WE ARE ALWAYS WITH YOU FOR HIGHEST HONEST PROMPT PRICES GRADING PAYMENT Profit by the Experience of Others MAKE MORE MONEY. We "«d, R*w ™*f "VV^' Ing REAL HIGH PRICES for them. Your neighbour is one of our many thousands of satisfied shippers, who knows, through actual experiences, that Raw Furs, when shipped direct to us, bring PROMPT AND SATISFACTORY RETURNS. We pay Highest possible prices, give you honest grading and send you your money the same day as your shipment arrives. FREE0ur 1927 RAW 5% BONUS-on top of highest possible formation for the trapper who tional 5c. EXTRA for every MONEY. Write for our shipped direct to us. This SHIPPING TAGS TO-DAY! the pockets of the wise ship- Have Your Name Added lo Oar Mailing List Today LEVIN FUR COMPANY, LIMITED 172 King Street East, Dept. "B", TORONTO 2, Canada A PERFECT MEDICINE FOR LITTLE ONES Baby's Own Tablets Should be in Every Home Where There Are Children The perfect medicine for little oi is found in Baby's Own Tablets. They are a gentle but thorough laxative which regulate the bowels, swe' the stomach; drive out constipation and indigestion; break up colds and simple fevers and promote healthful refreshing sleep. It is impossible Baby's Own Tablets to harm even the new-born babe, as they are absolutely guaranteed free from opiates or other injurious drug. Concerning the Tablets Mrs. Alex., J. Perry, Atlantic, N.S., writes: always keep Baby's Own Tablets in the house for the children, as I have found them a perfect medicine for little ones." Baby's Own Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Case Like Solomon's Up to French Judge Real Mother Demands Foster Mother Give Back Child Sold into Adoption Paris.--A problem comparable to the famous one solved by King Solo-must be decided by Judge Vallee ie small town of Auversurcise, not far from Paris, when he determines which of two French women is legally the "mother" of Emilienne Desen-clos, a pretty French child now nearly vo years old. The actual mother is Elvire Gla-dieux, whose husband is a gardener, and she is the mother of two other children. At the time Emilienne was expected to be born Mme. Gladieux's husband was sick and out of work and she was desperately poor. Meeting a friend of hers, Emilienne Desenclos, she agreed to sell the child for the sum of 300 francs and bring it into the world under the latter's name. . The money was paid and the transaction carried out apparently to the satisfaction of both parties. A short while ago, however, Mme. Gladieux decided that she wanted the child back. . Mme. Desenclos refused to give her up, saying that she paid the money in good faith, had cared for the child for more than a year and that she now loves it as her own. So Mme. Gladieux instituted suit. Just Ask for "Dreadnought Tissue A most satisfactory roll for the bathroom. A soft, absorbent tissue made, like all Eddy Toilet Rolls, under the most exacting sanitary conditions. Big value for Is Another War Near? Travelers from abroad report that war clouds are again hanging over Europe. They declare that the nations across the Atlantic are feverishly preparing for an outbreak of hostilities. The Balkan disturbance is said to be only a symptom of an impending conflict. Italy at the present time appears to be the most aggressive nation in Euo-ope y/Jth an army of 750,000 men ready for action. Germany is reported to be coming back with a large army regardless of tne limitations placed upon her military forces. France has 600,000 well-trained men and is said to be spending vast sums for war equipment. Russia seems to be workifig in the dark, but both Great Britain and France are said to be afraid of what she is doing. In the advent of war what the line-up of nations will be is a matter of conjecture, but in all probability every European country will become involved in the next struggle. We are wondering if another holocaust of war is necessary to impress upon Europe that saner means exist for settling differences. Trelle's Wheat Very Promising Ripens Over Two I Weeks Earlier Than Marquis--Resists Frost--Straw is Stiff as Bristle -- Can Be Easily . Handled With Combine Thereby Reducing Harvesting Costs. Wembley, Alta.--"Mystery Wheat' is not yet ready for the world, Herman Trelle, world's wheat and oats king, declared recently. Trelle is still developing it on his farm near here. Two Weeks Earlier. The wheat king has at last revealed the history and hopes of his new "mystery wheat," which, it is claimed, equals the best wheat now known, and has the great advantage of ripening gome 15 to 18 days. earlier. Looks Likely. On the farm of the wheat wizard stands one plot of the "mystery wheat," which, although it looks dead ripe and ready to cut, has been left standing. From this plot Trelle hopes to develop a wheat that will harden in the straw and reduce its moisture content sufficiently to permit of first-class markating. This grain ripens early and thereby almost eliminates the danger from frost that would seriously damage Marquis just before it is ready to cut. Some heads of the mystery wheat," on being examined, were found dead ripe, untouched by recent frosts an da light snow, and so hard that when bitten the kernels literally snapped.. The straw was asJ^j^a.B briatle siad stood erect up to^ftre^Trooping head. Trelle intends to foave the wheat stand to see if it will combat heavy frosts and snow. Cheaply Handled. "This wheat," Trelle declared, weighs more to the bushel than the Marquis, and, in appearance, only an expert can tell them apart." He thought that it was easily on a par with Marquis, and, furthermore, it appears to be a wheat that can be mixed and marketed with Marquis ^without lowering the standard. "A combine wheat, that is, one that will not shat-readily and can therefore be harvested with a combine," he said, which gives the promise this does, an be marketed at from 14 cents greater profit per bushel than any wheat cut and threshed by the old method." Mystery wheat does cot yield quite as much as Marquis, but this is offset- by the fact that it is safer and can be handled so much i economically. There is also another advantage. Trelle revealed. This new type wil Imake it possible for Canadian wheat to reach the world markets fully two weeks earlier.--Canadian Press dispatch. Is good tea" You must try RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE. A little higher price than other teas, but a real difference in quality. Now; _^packed in Aluminum,_ ers will suspect all perfume salesmen of running their own still and doing their own bottling. For all pains--Mlnard's Liniment. Good sportsmanship is the sugar that takes the bitterness out of defeat. If this neglect continues, the North Pole may yet have to adopt those barber's stripes. Classified Advertisements MUSICAi INSTEITLIENTS. LTLTRAFHONIC GRAMOPHONE, 3» J selections $165.00 for $55.00. Guaiy nteed. ^Poisson, 340 Mount-Royal East BUSIWESS CHANCES substitu Of course you want fresh, fragrant tea. Then cee that i it iz put up in Aluminum. ! Aluminum does not absorb ! dampness, or cause loss of j flavor and pungency. Red ! Rose Tea is packed in Alumi-I num and every package I carries a "money-back" | - narantee of satisfaction. 9T i " ISSUE No. 45--'27 That Which We Call a Rose A swindler has been counterfeiting the rose, and we don't mean "Abie's." He has been imitating or diluting the perfume of a well-known French firm and selling it as the genuine article I to retail shops. Not only the rose, | but chypre, l'origan and other fancy scents have been watered and doctored and put into bottles that are exactly like the originals. Labels, corkl, | wrappings and boxes have been made up to look like the package of the I real perfume, and about the whole j ' had been sprayed the familiar aroma i ' of the Paris house, j The story of this counterfeiter ' reads very much like the story of de-| tected bootleggers. In their possession the police also find bottles, labels stoppers and cartons made In close imitation •. of containers of genuine liquors. There is one point of difference. The bootleggers, despite all their elaborate efforts to make their , home-made gin or whiskey look real, i can hardly expect to be believed. The ' perfume swindler had no such skepticism to contend with. . He passed himself off as a bona fide salesman of the manufacturing house, and the unlucky retailers were completely Imitating perfume seems to be a new form of graft. Crooks and confidence men are usually satisfied with the old games, but occasionally a fellow of inventive mind thinks up a new one. The next man to try it, or the other members of this one's gang, will not be so fortunate, for shopkeep- • Minard's Lin t for Distemper. TRAPPERS Our Free Price List of Raw Furs and Traps is now complete. If you have not been trading with us, write to-day for a copy to Rosenthal & Shapiro Ltd. 143-145 King St. E., Toronto 2 The House That Guarantees Satisfaction When you want the most economical & satisfactory lumber cutters, write us for information & prices. SIMONDS CANADA SAW CO. LTD. Montreal Toronto Vancouver St. John 1-27 CATARRH Heat Minard's and inhale. Excellent for colds in head, throat and chest. MINARD'S LinimenT Box 26i, Exeter II 0 ste & han: BOYS 8s rjO iTLiVen NO WORK Simply sell 50 Sets of Our Famous Christmas Seals for 10c a net. When sold send us $3.00 and keen S2.00. Wa trust you till Xmns. St. Nicholas Real Co.. Dept. e04WI. Brooklyn. N.Y.. U.S.A. A well-known writ Well, an appendix, an; Durham laboref^acci said. "Let bygones be t of assault 3d?lheD GOOD HEALTH Mother of Eleven Children Praises Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Her Interesting Experience Buckingham, Quebec --"I am tha mother of eleven living children, and my baby 13 five months old. I am only 38 years old and I have taken Lydia B. -Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for weakness and ves.Iknew Dame Ed-ouard Bellefeuille o f Rarnsayville. For five years I misery and was always ready to cry. Now I am so happy to have good health. My daughter, who is 18 years old, has also taken it and will be happy to recommend i •Is/'-Dan " young girls. lame William Parent, T3ox 414, Buckingham, Quebec.; Why suffer for years with back-" ache, nervousness and other ailments common to women from early life to middle age, when Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound will give you relief? In a recent country-wide canvass of purchaser:? of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, over 250,000 replies wore received, and 98 out of every 100 reported ihey wore bene--fited by its use. <i l SPIRIN To break a cold harmlessly and in a hurry try an Aspirin tablet. And for headache. The action of Aspirin is very efficient, too, in cases of neuralgia, neuritis, even rheumatism and lumbago! And there's no after effect; doctors give Aspirin to children--often infants. Whenever there's pain, think of Aspirin. The genuine Aspirin has Bayer on the box and on every tablet. All druggists, with proven directions. Physicians prescribe Aspirin; it does NOT affect the heart