THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, COLBORNE, ONT., THURSDAY, NOV. 17, 1927 ANOTHER WORD OF WARNING ABOUT RADIO SETS As predicted last year, radio without batteries, chemicals, chargers, attachments, etc., are now the standard, iln another year or so battery-operated sets will be obselete, almost wortheless, wherever current is avail- Those considering the purchase of a radio operating without batteries should bear this in mind: There are two types of "electric" radio--(1) those that are built to operate direct from a light „ocket, made in one fac-[tory, complete in one cabinet--all ready to operate, and--(2) ordinary electric sets that can be "adapted" to light-socket operation by installing a so-called power unit, which power unit generally consists of a 'B" Elim-^ator, a storage battery and a i charger. You still have the "A" battery; you still have chemicals, but (the charger is connected to a light socket, and so they are termed "socket-power." This latter type serves very well for those who already have a battery operated set, but : cannot afford to turn it in for a new genuine Batteryless Model, but when buying a new radio supposedly "Bat- teryless," be sure to get the type that is completely batteryless and built to be so. Of this type the "Rogers Batteryless' is the only one with any record of proven performance behind it. Conceived in 1923 and introduced in 1925, it is the first and only time-tested radio set, complete in one cabinet, made in one factory and operating direct from any alternating current socket (and in most cases it needs aerial). Moreover the Rogers was conceived, developed, perfected and made right in Canada and was the world's first Batterless A/C radio set. Producing such a set that will give uniform performance in all localities under all conditions is not easy. The first year or two brings grief. Now, In its third year, with thousands of sets in active operation from coast to "coast the Rogers has proven Don't experiment. It may cost you dearly. Look for the name "Rogers; look for the Rogers A/C Tubes with the top clips and be sure then you'" have no regrets later.--Advt. Spend 10 Ped Cent, of Income on Pleasure "At least ten per cent, of whatever income one has should be invested in ! pleasure," advises liabeth Marbury, (writing in the November issue of '"Delineator." Here is some more of the advice given by this "wise woman" to work-nen, and particularly crifice all to their to those Jobs. hard earned pennies. This is bad reasoning. .Relaxation is the oil which makes the wheels of life go round. "Some enjoyment is necessary. K is the relief from tension. It is as necessary to the brain as bread is to the body. "Nothing ages one so fast as to live in dullness. One's vitality becomes sapped, one's outlook becomes warped. Doing anything is better than oine lothin "It often costs money but amuse -ments are not as expensive as doc "How many old fashioned peopli refuse to spend on pleasures. They pinch and save and believe that to g to the movies, to the theatre or t listen to music is a waste of thei What is wrong with the tea? If this question is ever asked at the table you may find that the tea you are using was in a poor package. Careful experiments have proven that Aluminum is the only fit package to keep good tea in. You should try Red Rose Tea and see how fresh and brisk and pungent it is in the Aluminum package. 10T A "Vital" Problem London Daily Mail (Ind. Cons.): Farming is more profitable than ever, and in various districts wheat-growing is being abandoned altogether. If things are left as they are the ploughlands of Britain, except in a few favored localities, will fall out of cultivation. What is going to be done to avert that national catastrophe? It is" not alone the Farmers' Union but the community as a whole which waits impatiently for an answer. It wants to know how the Government proposes to deal with the problem which was certified to be "vital" in October, 1924. . These international golf tournaments bring to notice some important links of Anglo-American amity. NORTHERN ONTARIO NORTHERN ONTARIO contains millions of acres of the finest agricultural land in the world and may be had by returned soldiers and sailors free; to others, 18 years and over, 50 cents per acre. What settlers say of the soil, climate, farming and forest life, is told in a most attractive booklet issued under the direction of the Hon. John S. Martin, Minister of Agriculture for Ontario. FOR FREE COPIES WRITE: Director of Colonization, Parliament Buildings, s'i . Toronto, Ont., Canada "Please mention this parper" RUN DOWN IN HEALTH Lindbergh Has ™, « ™-,n Consulting Job Why Many Men and Women Are Badly Handicapped j Guggenheim Foundation Says When you are so run down in health He Will Not Engage in that it impairs the efficiency of your j Commercial Activities vonr Y8 y°" t0 e?J°H C01' Charles A- Lindbergh has been nip leisure hours, or obtain rest, it | retained Dy tne Danjel Guggenheir„ Fund for the Promotion of Aeronau tics in a "consulting" capacity and is time you looked you do not, a serious breakdown is almost sure to resultt. In nearly all cases this condition, which doctors usually describe as general debility, is due to poor blood--blood that is deficient in red corpuscles. When the blood is thin and weak your whole system suffers. You lose appetite, have energy, your nerves trouble you and you feel restless. What you need is help to build up your blood and you should begin at once to make your blood rich and red by taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, you will soon notice tho difference in your health by a better appetite and increased vigor. The reason is that the new blood created by Dr Williams' Pink Pills stimulates all the organs of the body to healthy activity and so the system gains nourishment and strength. . If you are weak or out of sorts, begin gaining new strength to-day by taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. "I was in a badly run down condition," says Mrs. J. Potter, of Winnifred, Alta., "when I began using Williams' Pink Pills and they fully restored my health. I strongly recommend this medicine to all weak Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville. Ont. Parents Punish to Salve Own Ego That most children are punished not to make them better but because the parent is angry or has had his ego wounded is revealed by Winthrop D. Lane writing in the November issue of "Delineator Magazine." "Parents have certain pictures of themselves," points out Mr. Lane, "Certain conceptions of themselves, and they do not like to have these disturbed. Even a child, if he steps on an adult's ego, is likely to regret it. 'And then we have to admit that children are nuisances. Love them as we may, cherish them as tenderly as we wish, they annoy us tremendously. They make us climb th< stairs at night to give them drinks they disobey us; they endanger oui property by striking matches. They break things--the lose things. They pile all the chairs in one corner of the room and call it a steamboat. They trail mud through the house; they leave marks on .the walls. They break out In new misconduct every day. We can not cope with all the varieties of their mischief. "And so we punish them, punish them because they make angry, interfere with our plans and e us worry. No parent likes to ! his day knocked into a cocked hat." will make his headquarters in New York after his return from a trip on which he left recently, it was announced to-day in behalf of the foundation. The announcement specifically denier that Col. Lindbergh would at present engage in any commercial activities. He will, in his new connection, be left free to "engage in any activities which will, in his judgment, promote the cause of aviation." At the office of the foundation no suggestion could be given as to what tivities would be. !, The flyer's tour of the country, just completed, was- made under the auspices of the Guggenheim fund. "Col. Charles A. Lindbergh has determined that for the present at least he will not identify himself with any commercial undertaking^ "The Daniel Guggenhejm Fund for the Promotion of Aeronautics has therefore retained Col. Lindbergh in a consulting capacity. Under the arrangement with him he will be free to engage in any activities which will in his judgment promote the cause of aviation. "At his request he will be at liberty to make such flights or other experimental efforts in behalf of aviation as he may choose upon his initiative and responsibility. "He will become a member and trustee of the fund and his official headquarters will be at tthe office of the fund." High School Boards and Boards of Education Are authorized by law to establish INDUSTRIAL, TECHNICAL AND ART SCHOOLS With the approval of the Minister of Education. DAY AND EVENING CLASSES may be conducted in accordance with the regulations issued by the Department of Education. THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION Is given in various trades. The schools and classes are under the direction of AN ADVISORY COMMITTEE. Application for attendance should be made to the Principal of the school. COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS, MANUAL TRAINING, HOUSEHOLD SCIENCE AND AGRICULTURE AND HORTICULTURE are provided for in the Courses of Study in Public, Separate, Continuation and High 8chools, Collegiate Institutes, Vocational Schools and Departments. Copies of the Regulations Issued by the Minister of Education may be obtained from the Deputy Minister, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. He Knew. The colonel's orders to his batman at camp were: To call him first thing, tel him the time, fetch him some tea, and say how the weather was. In the morning the batman went in and reported: "It's 6 o'clock, sir; here's your tea, and the weather's fine." The Colonel's haughty reply was: "I know, I know, I know." The second morning the batman called the Colonel, and repeated: "It's 6 o'clock, sir, here's your tea, and the. weather's fine." The Colonel grunted, know, I know, I know." On the third morning the batman again announced: "It's 6 o'clock, sir, here's your tea, and the weather's fine." The Colonel murmured: "I know, I know, I know." At this the batman retorted prompt-: "You don't know anything, be-.use it's 9 o'clock; there's no tea, and the rain Is pouring down!" Comic strip cartoonists are finally making themselves felt. A Pittsburgh woman has been convicted of killing her husband with a rolling pin. little ones are seized with colds that may hang on all winter. Baby's Own Tablets are mothers' best friend in preventing or banishing colds. They act as a gentle laxative, keeping the bowels and stomach free and sweet. An occasional dose of the Tablets will prevent colds, or if it does come on suddenly their prompt use will relieve the baby. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cts. a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. homesick Irishman-had got a. job as crossing guard for a railroad. The foreman handed him a red flag and a green flag, and told him, "Whenever you see a train coming, get out and wave the red flag." "Git away wid ye job!" exclaimed Pat; "me wave a red flag when Oi got a grane one handy. I'll starve first." If you would achieve success in almost any line you happen to choose, say little and look unutterable things. Youthful Energy for Canadian Farms GUARD THE CHILDREN FROM AUTUMN COLDS The Fall is the most severe season of the year for colds--one day is warm, the next cold and wet, and un-the mother is on her guard, the Now packed in Aluminum. REDROSE Your grocer knows when you order RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE you are a judge of fine tea. Marines Advance In Island Fray Expedition Froni H.M.S. Adelaide Deterred by Hills and Jungle Sydney, Australia.--A radio message from the Solomon Islands states that the punitive expedition landed by the cruiser Adelaide has advanced 10 miles into the interior and has established a base 3,000 feet above sea level, in a deserted village, which has been evacuated by the disaffected na- Military operations have been delayed by the nature of the country, Consisting of precipitous hills covered by almost impenetrable jungle.. For all pains--Minard's Liniment. Classified Advertisements MtTSICAI. INSTBUME1TTS ITLTRAPHONIC GRAMOPHONE. 38 sections $165.00 for $65.00. GuatU anteed. Poisson, 340 Mount-Royal Easrtg BUSINESS CHANCES ND HARNESS. ) Nelson Streetf"Toronto. Steady Advertising Seen as Investment Atlantic City, N.J.--"Consistent ad vertising is an investment second tc none," according to C. M. Lemperly of Cleveland, at thhe annual convention of the National Paint, Oil and Varnish Associatio here. Mr. Lemperly who is sales manager r one of the largest -paint firms in e country, declared that not only is vertising essential for the success of any business, but that it must be maintained "because the public soon forgets." Certain manufacturers who though they would save money by dis-itinuing or cutting their advertis-," he said, "can attest to this." CELLO PLAYERS pocket) 'cello floor gri SA L ES 1 ABLE selling our 3 BROTHERS' Curate (to Sunday School ClCa3s)j --'Where do little boys go lo who,' don't put their colections in lhe box-on Sundays" Tommy Jones (absent, mindedly)--"I generally save mine until Saturday, and go to a cricket match." mSw $2.00 Given 3£fg Simply sell CO Sets of Our Famous Christmas Seals for 10c b set When fold semi us $3.00 and keep n W, trust: you till Xmas. St. NirhoV.s Real. Co.. Dept. C04W 1. Brooklyn. N V IT.S.Ai! |ATEN1'S and Full Information "sen"' Free THE RAMSAY CO.. Dept. W, \ 373 Bank St., Ottawa, Ont. A \Ky and perfect IF yc imekind of dyes Professional Dyers use. Dyes that arc put up in highly concentrated, finely powdered, soluble form. No work to dissolve them. Never any shaving, scraping or mbling them up. They are:-- DYES Cuticura Talcum Is Soothing For Baby's Skin DEALERS AND AGENTS G. C. PAYETTE & Co. 190 Bt. Catherine St. West, Montreal DEAFNESS HEAD NOISES LEONARD EAR OIL At All Druggists. Pric. Folder «bout "DEAFNESS" I. 9. ;.E0H«8n, Inc., 70 Fifth*™ Stop Falling Hair .urteen to eighteen years, this party of sturdy boys recently arrived in Canada on board the _L Anchor Donaldson Liner "Athenia" to take up farming in Canada. They all hail from Scotland and were keenly enthusiastic to take up their new life on the land. Prior to being placed on larms they were entertained at the Hostel lor boys maintained by the British Immigration and Colonization Association. ^ SPIRIN The whole world knows Aspirin as an effective antidote for pain. But it's just as important to know tliat there is only one genuine Aspirin. The name Bayer is on every tablet, and on the box. If the name Bayer appears, it's genuine; and if it doesn't, it is net! Ileadaches are dispelled by Aspirin. So are colds, and the pain that goes with them; even neuralgia, neuritis, and rheumatism promptly relieved. Get Aspirin--at any drugstore--with proven directions. Physicians prescribe Aspirin; it does NOT affect the heart CARRIED WIFE TO BED Suffered So She CouUl Not Walk. Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham's ] j Vegetable Compound y ' Minesing. Ontario. -■ "I am a prao* tical nurse and 1 recommend Lydia E. Pinkham'sVegetableCompound to suffering women. For three month* j I was almost helpless and could not j sit at the table long enough to drink i a cup of tea. Many a time my husband carried me to bed, 1 would bo j so weak. Then he read in the paper of a woman suffering as I did who got better after taking the Vegetable Compound, so he went and got it for me. When 1 had taken three bottles I was just like a new woman and have had splendid health ever since. : When I fee! a> -. bor.rinjr-down pains. 1 always take it; sometimes a half, kifhltlc or whatever I or.iv medicine aud ! 1 or* about it. Any knr.v, more about Ly< Vegetr.Ue Co-ioour k (roistered In Canada) Indicating Ba/cr MaunfM rln moans Bayer manufacture, to assure tue public « stamped wltli their "Bayer Oro»»" trademark. well? Lydia E. Pinkha ileCompound is cx<«-ii<": u,-h a time. It always h sken regularly and pel relieve this condition. ISSUE No. 40--'27