THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24th, 1927 Page Five STANDARD QUALITY Standard Priced eVERY Key Quality Diamond Ring is of the newest and most exquisite -design, set with a Perfect Diamond of unusually high quality. The prices are the same everywhere. H. J. Mayhew CASTLETON November 22nd, 1927 Mrs. Harry Harrison is spendir _ week visiting her mother, Mrs. James Arkles. Miss Myrtle Hardy, A.T.C.M., of Morganston is conducting a weekly class in music at the home of Mr. and Mrs John Bowen. Mrs. Chas. Wolfraim is spending a good deal of time these days helping vait on her grandfather, Mr. S. Black, who" is very ill, in Warkworth. While driving to Toronto Sunday ternoon, Mr. Harold Brown, our local barker, had a bad accident with ■; car near Port Hope. It is now in Oo'bourg garage undergoing repairs. All our local boys will remember that the election is in charge of Mr. George Brown, who has arranged to have them vote either Friday evening, Saturday afternoon or evening. Service in the United Church this coming Sunday evening, Nov. 27th, 1927, at 7.00. Rev. Mr. Williams of Toronto, a missionary on furlough from Formosa, will have charge of he service. Mr .Williams is a native if Campbellford and is one of the missionaries assigned to the support cf E. Northumberland County. Castleton community is to have a real treat on Wednesday, Nov. 30th, 1927, when the Indian Entertainer, Mr. Cooke of Ottawa, will present one of his worth-while programs in the United Church, under the auspices of the YoungJPeople's League, Nannette Hairdressing Parlour EXPERT MARCELLING AND .CURLING SHAMPOOING FACIAL MASSAGE Open Every Day and Evening F. A. Philp Block Over Park Inn Church Street Colborne Oscar C. Morgan Phone 7r18, Orlana. 38-6m E. QUINN FUNERAL DIRECTOR Colborne - - - Ontario Day or Night Calls Promptly Attended MOTOR HEARSE Phone 103j - - Colborne J. BLACKLOCK & SON Grafton Directors of Funeral Services MOTOR HEARSE IN CONNECTION Day or Night Calls Promptly Attended PHONE 38, GRAFTON Used Car Parts FOR SALE SOME GOOD AS NEW PRICES LOW Jack Cowey jr. Raw Furs Wanted ! HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID A. Margies - Cobourg Phone 124 We Pay for Out of Town Calls, LIVE POULTRY AND JUNK WANTED Highest prices paid for Live Poultry, Rags, Brass, Copper, Iron and Bags. Long distance telephone calls will be paid if purchase is made. B. GOODMAN Phone 153 Third St. Cobcurg 43-6mos. FARMS TO RENT GOOD FARM TO RENT--north of Grafton, about 300 acres, north lot 20, in the 1st Con. and part of lot 20 in the 2nd Con.. Township of Haldimand, now occupied by Mr. Runciman. For terms apply to Miss McTAVISH, or to G. E. R. WILSON, Insurance and Real Estate Agent, Colborne. 37-tf Home has been humorously referred o as a feed station: a mdsprinter once :alled it a "harem .of rest;" home today seems little more than a dressing room where one goes to get ready to go somewhere else. Hunters' and Trappers' Licenses are issued at Griffis' Drug Store, Colborne. DUNDONALD i. November 22nd, 1927 j Our farmers are making efforts to j finish fall ploughing. Mrs. W. L. Dunnett and guests from j Toronto visited Prince Edward rela- j tives a few days last week. Mr. Clayton Dudley of the Wark-1 worth Roller Mills, and cousin, Mr. T., Warkworth, spent Sunday with relatives here. Mrs. W. L. Dunnett accompanied Mrs. Jacques and Mr. and Mrs. S. Kelly home to Toronto, where she will visit a few days. In spite of snow in the morning and rain in the evening, last Sunday, fair sized congregations greeted their former pastor, Rev. D. R. Clare, B.A., P.D., who has lost none of his old me earnestness and eloquence. Mr. and Mrs. A. Broomfleld, Oshawa, ,ent Sunday with Dundonald friends. A large number of neighbours hastened in answer to the call of fire and rendered all the assistance possible, when the barns, sheds, etc., of "Bobby" Bland were destroyed, together with hay, grain and other produce of the season, with horse, buggy and many implements, on Saturday evening last. Mrs. Bland, alone at the time, very bravely managed to get all the live stock, excepting the cne horse from the burning buildings. The chicken supper in connection ith the anniversary services of Eden Church, which was held in the hall on Tuesday evening, was a success, notwithstanding rain, slippery roads, and darkness which cc-nlc1 almost be felt. Still car loads from Hilton, Shiloh, 'on, Morganston, Castleton and Colborne came, and all partook of the very excellent and abundant supper, veil prepared and well served, and mjoyed afterward the delightful musical programme of the Fleming Orch-stra, Colborne. USE OF MARE given to suitable person for her keep for the winter. Apply to Albert Cox, Colborne R. R. No. 2. 47x HOUSE FOR SALE hOUSE AND LOT for sale, on Norton Lane, Colborne, at present occupied „by John Cowie. For particulas apply to Wm. Usborne, R.R. 3, Colborne, Ont. 46-3 USED CARS FOR SALE 1 Ford Fordor Sedan, 1925, nearly new fires, upholstering good, well equipped with radiator shutters, bumper, 1 Ford'Coupe, 1923, with Ruckstell Axle. 1 Chevrolet Touring, 1923, fine finish, good tires. These cars carry our regular 30-day guarantee, and may be purchased on terms if desired. They are priced right for quick sale. SPARLING & REESON LTD. Cobourg 47-1 ARTICLES FOR SALE_ AUTO KNITTING MACHINE for sale, in first-class order. Apply at Express Printing Office. 44- PERSONAL ARE YOU GROWINT LONELY? I have a sweetheart to cheer you. If you wish wealth and happiness write, S. James, Drawer C, Hollywood, California. 44-4x LIVE STOCK WANTED HORSE WANTED--general driver. Apply at Express Printing Office, Colborne. 44-41 LIVE STOCK FOR SALE HORSE FOR ' SALE--10 years old. Apply at Express Printing Office, Colborne. 44- EDVILLE November 22nd, 1927 Wedding bells will soon be ringing. Mrs. Merney and Miss Laurene Merry spent Monday in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Graham have both been on the sick list, Mrs. Graham suffering from Asthma and Mr. Graham from "flu." 'Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Talcott of Bow-manville called on Miss Nellie Hin-man on Sunday, on their way to visit friends in Bloomfield. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Onyon, little Miss Jean, and baby Betty, and Miss Josephine Onyon attended the Royal Winter Fair at Toronto last week. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Farrow and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Walker recently accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Percy Macklin of Cobourg on a motor trip to Toronto for a couple of days. The Ladies* Aid met at Mrs. Mur-. ly's on Tuesday last. The report of the Treasurer. Mrs. A. T. Walker, was mjost gratifying. Mrs. Lome McDonald and Mrs. Cecil Gummer had charge of the social program, after which lunch was served. A splendid program is being pre-ired for the December meeting of the W.M.S. This is the autumn Thank-offering meeting. Everybody welcome. A. 10c lunch will be served. The ing will be held at Mrs. A. Hoar] Wednesday Nov. 30th, 1927. rhenmejj fcv"e barj^f n LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the Estate of William H. Cochrane All persons having claims against the estate of William H. Cochrane, late of the Township of Cramahe, County of Northumberland, Mechant, deceased, who died on or about the 18th day of October 1927, are hereby to send to Minnie L. Evans, 69 Pleasant Boulevard, Toronto, one of the undersigned Executrices, on or before the 24th Day of December, 1927, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said 24th day of December 1927. the assets of the intestate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the Executrices shall then have notice. Dated at Colborne this 21st day of November, 1927. MINNIE L. EVANS, BLANCHE E. BOWDEN, 47-5 Executrices. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of John Cowey All persons having claims against the estate of John Cowey, late of the township of Cramahe, farmer, deceased, who died on or about the 27th, day of August, 1927, are hereby required to send or deliver to the undersigned Administratrix on or before the 26th day of November 1927 full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said 26th day of November 1927, the assets of the intestate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the Administratrix shall then have notice. Dated at Colborne this 24th day of October, 1927. BARBARA J. COWEY, Administratrix, 43-5 Castleton, Ontario. MORGANSTON November 22nd, 1927 Mrs. T. Ames is visiting her daught-r. Mrs. W. Weaver of Trenton. IMr. C. W. Massey has purchased the property in Morganston owned by Mr. Edward Denike. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Darling and r. and Mrs. Ray Darling spent Sunday with friends at Dartford. Mrs. W. Glover was called to the bedside o? her sister, Mrs. John Petty, Monday. Mrs. Petty has been ill some time and her condition is cause of much anxiety, he annual dinner given by the Ladies' Aid of the United Church will be held on Thursday, Nov. 24th, 1927, in the basement of the Church, when the officers for the coming year will be elected. This community was shocked to bear of the mysterious dissappearance of an old Morganston boy, Walter Minaker, who went, north to hunt and fish. His coats were found in a boat and his friends fear he has been drowned. No trace has been found of his body. CODRINGTON November 22nd, 1927 Mr. Rees and family have moved near Kingston. Mrs. Samis and son have returned to her home in the village: Mrs. Reycraft spent last weekend with .Mr. S. Phillips, Petenboro. Mrs. Vern Ames of Hamilton visited her mother, Mrs. Dusenbury recently. Mr. and Mrs. George of Cobourg spent the weekend with Mrs. Dusen- Mr. Hardy got his hand caught in the threshing machine and badly injured. He is under the doctor's care. Mr. and Mrs. Terry and family of Manchester, Eng., have arrived at Mr. Will Hazlewood's. They intend to We were sorry to hear of Mrs. J. B. Moran's accident. When cleaning the floor she slipped and fell on her wrist giving it a bad break. SHILOH November 22nd, 1927 Mrs. Mabel Vanslyke recently visited her daughter at Cobourg. A number from here attended the anniversary services at Eden on Sun-Mr. and. Mrs. W. E. Fiddick and son, Lyal of Sharon were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Mutton and Daughter, Mae, accompanied by . Mr. and Mrs. W. Darke and Miss Alma Mutton, motored to Oshawa on Saturday, and spent a few days with relatives there. • Xmas shoppers! No worry for you ---if it's a man's gift you want--buy it where he would buy it himself.-- At Hawkins'. Spats, Gloves and Socks at Hawkins The TIP TOP TAILORS REPRESENVATlVE Will be at This Store Friday, December 2, 1927 With the Season's Latest Samples A Great Variety of Fabrics to Select from Do not Miss These UNUSUAL VALUES in Suits and Overcoats ALL AT THE One Staple Price of $24.00 The Greatest Values in the Wide World "FIFTH AVENUE* Every Garment Tailored to Measure Woolens from the Best British and Canadian Mills Come in and Make $10.00 Phone 47 Every Suit and Coat Guaranteed FRED HAWKINS COLBORNE COAL GENUINE SCRANTON COAL our coal. My scales are enclosed and always in perfect order. 20001bs. is a ton with us. Service is a pleasure. Special attention to farmers. Shed open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Ira Edwards ANTHRACITE Lehigh Valley Coal Name-Stands for Quality This Coal is sold in all sizes. ORDER NOW WHILE PRICES ARE LOWEST Also Pocohontas Soft Coals for Domestic Use J. Redfearn & Son C.P.R. Telegraph Office. Issuers 6f Canadian Pacific Railway and Steamship Tickets. After November 30th you will not be able to get a Motor Vehicle Operators License without examination After November 30th every applicant for a Motor Vehicle Operator's License will be required to pass an examination of fitness and ability before an inspector of the Department of Highways. This examination will take some time and will cost a fee of $1.00. It will be assumed after the above date that every experienced and capable driver will have heeded the law and secured a license. If you have been careless in not applying for your Motor Vehicle Operator's License, you will save yourself inconvenience, time and money, by making application now. An application form can be secured at any garage. Licenses are now issued withput examination to those who have driven a car at least six months and for at least 500 miles, and also have no physical or mental disability which may interfere with the operation of a motor car. The fee for a license is $1.00 and licenses now issued will be good until December 31st, 1928. Licenses must be carried by drivers at all times. In case of accident or infraction of The Highway Traffic Act, drivers without Motor Vehicle Operator's Licenses cannot be considered as experienced and competent. $109°. Fine Without a Motor Vehicle Operator's License you have no authority to drive a car in Ontario. The penalty is a fine of $10.00. Production of the Driver's License may be demanded at any time by any policeman or traffic officer. If you have not yet secured your license you are subject to fine at any time, and if you wait till after November 30th to apply you will have to undergo and pass the driver's examination. Obey the law. Save yourself time, inconvenience and expense by getting your Motor Vehicle Operator's License without delay. MOTOR VEHICLES BRANCH Ontario Department of Highways The HON. GEO. S. HENRY, Minister