THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, COLBORNE, ONT., THURSDAY, NOW 24, 1927 7 HEAR THIS BEAUTIFUL VITALITONE SPEAKER There's something about the rich hand-colored effect of this Radio speaker which Immediately attracts the eye and creates a desire to own one. The Vitalitone "Conqueror" model shown above appeals to those who want something "Distinctively Different." Hear this Vitalitone at your local Radio Store, Priced at only $21.50, or write direct to the Q.R.S. NttlSIC CO., CANADA, LTD. 310 Spadlna Avenue, Toronto 2. A Warm Spot Live Wire (A Sermon in Verse). To-day I saw living wire (Emitting fire among the mire; With hiss and crackle spitting smoke, iAthoo' its back was clearly broke: (And there for hours it writhed and i'A menace in the public way-- At test amusing young and old 'Who did the spectacle behold. ISuch, thought I, is the potent man |Who has no special aim or plan. "Live wire" his critics may allow, jAnd even enemies avow, But what avails it to possess Ability without a guess If not controlled, or misapplied. Or opportunity denied? He must by destiny be doomed ,To have his energy consumed iBy wasting time with fruitless splut- Kot only he himself is loser, But those that he might benefit iWhile to his fate he must submit (Whatever be the true objection (To giving him a good connection. For me, a sorry sight to view ,Compared to all the good I knew 'It could perform with Force and Light When functioning and hooked-up right, iThe sever'd wire a sermon preache'd !Few pulpit-thumpera ever reached By parable or apologue In chape], church, or synagogue! Hawaii enjoys a Father--"Young man, I understand jyou have made advances to my daughter." Young Man--"Yes; I wasn't going to say anything about it, but since 'you have mentioned it, I wish you .could get her to pay me back." Aluminum, the modern metal, has uses almost without number, a chief one being as a container for good tea, the best of all packages. All Red Rose Tea is now packed in Aluminum and we have so much faith in both the tea and the package that your money will be refunded if you are not completely satisfied. jjt MADE HER BABY PLUMP AND WELL Nothing makes a mother more grat« ful than a benefit conferred upon her child. Mothers everywhere who have used Baby's Own Tablets for their children speak in enthusiastic terms of them. For instance, Mrs. Zepherin Lavoie, Three Rivers, Que., writes: -- "Baby's Own Tablets are a wonderful medicine for little ones. They never fail to regulate the baby's stomach and bowels, and make him plump and well. I always keep a box of the Tablets in the house and would advise all mothers to do likewise." Most of the ordinary ailments of childhood arise in the stomach and bowels, and can be quickly banished By Baby's Own Tablets. These Tablets relieve constipation and indigestion, break up colds and simple fevers, expel worms, allay teething pains and promote healthful sleep. They are^guarauteed be free from injurious drugs and i safe even for the youngest and most delicate child. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25c. a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. HE'D FIND 'EM THERE a great desii the different nations of the ei. thinking of going abroad." "Why not spend a few weeks In foreign travel in New York?" His Request. Lady Visitor (at convict prison) -"My poor man, is there anything I ca do to help you outside the goal?" Convict--"Yes, madam, I'd take it as a great kindness if you'll call m the Mayor of this city an dask him t( extend to me its freedom, that's all.' LIGHT Overalls outwear two ordinary pair SOLD BY LEADING MERCHANTS EVERYWHERE ENJOY WINTER in the SOUTH On the Beautiful GULF COAST Mild, equable temperature; never too hot, never too cold. A land cf history and romance. Beautiful foliage; inspiring water views. Outdoor sports under perfect conditions. Modern, new hotels; also apartments and cottages. Tie Pan-American, all-Pullman train of de luxe accommodations, leaves Cincinnati daily at 10:20 A. M., reaching Gulf Coast points early next morning. Other through trains daily. In Qlorious FLORIDA Detroit ami Write for free r, V: ■ ■ ,C! hvc, ^■ruii.l throic'-: .!-.;-..: r ■.. - ! LOUISVILLE & NASHVILLE R. R. The Arctic Tern The tern is a beautiful, graceful bird, and from its skimming, darting flight is sometimes called the swallow. There are several varieties, including the black, common, roseate, least, sooty, bridled, and Arctic terns. The last named is about 15 inches in length, grayish above and pearly below, with red bill, deeply-forked tail, an wide wing-spread. The Arctic tern is a great bird traveler, its migrations extending from the Arctic regions to the Antarctic. Over the thousands and thousands of miles of space their graceful wings carry them, from polar regions at the north, over north temperate, rrid, and south temperate lands and as, to polar regions of th south. In mid-June the bird appears in the Arctics, nesting as far north land has been discovered. It keeps ;ar to the shore, for much of its liv-g is garnered from the waters. Through the time while the eggs are hatching and the young birds growing, the Arctic terns enjoy the perpetual day of mid-summer in that northern "land of the midnight sun." For weeks, although the sun dips near the horizon, it never sets. When the young birds are full-grown and have gained strength for traveling, the flight southward begii Thousands of terns from along the northern coasts depart by the first of September. No -ornithologist hao been able as yet to trace their full flight, so their route--if like most migrating birds they have regular routes --is not wholly known. Arrived in far southern lands, time has passed, and the sun now shines on the Antarctic regions, while at the north which they have left behind them, day disappears in the long night of winter. Thus it may be seen that the Arctic tern enjoys more hours of daylight during the year than any other living creature. Is it love of light that prompts them to take the long journey twice yearly? If so, how do they know that the changing seasons will shift the weeks of daylight from one pole to the other' The wonders of nature are many, and not the least among them is this knowledge possessed by these beautiful birds, the Arctic terns, or sea swallows. Button! Button! Where's the Button? The housemother who may be called upon any minute to mend Johnnie's trousers, or match Florence's sash, or repair a run in a still new pair of chiffon stockings, needs all her etceteras at hand. The writer sought for her materials something better than a basket. She remembered that a smart dressmaker in her town kept her sewing utensils in a beautiful cabinet of many shallow drawers. Expensive cabinets, however, were not for this amateur. What was to be done? One day, as she walked through the kitchen equipment section of a department store, she caught sight of a wooden spice box, about 18 inches Mgh and 12 across, fitted with 8 small drawers. The price was $1.' She bought it at once, for she saw her difficulty wa# solved. The sewing basket was promptly done away with, and its contents transferred to its Every one will have her own way of dividing the articles. The writer kept one bottom drawer for spools of cotton; the other for sewing silks of many shades. Above, a drawer was given over to darning and embroidery silks and cottons, another to tapes, with the measuring tape tucked in. Yet another held hooks and eyes, and assorted snappers. Buttons of all sizes from the mother-of-pearl shirt I button to the large cloak fasteners. | had a drawer to themselves. The' needle drawer housed the needle book, 1 package-needles, darners and bodkins.! The eighth compartment was for' stray articles that come under none of these classifications. ^ I It is eight years since that dollar was spent, and never since that day has it been necessary to disentangle threads or braids, or hunt for any What is Wrong With Zionism? "Zionism is facing a crisis in its attempt to build up a Jewish National Home in Palestine," asserts Ervin S, Acel, Ph. D., in November Current History. "Since August, 1926, more Jews have been leaving the Holy Land than are going there. In fact, immigration is practically suspended and this condition has been caused by an economic crisis due to a large amount of unemployment which in turn has caused a large financial deficit (in 1926, $23,408,000). The answer to the question, 'What is wrong with Zionism?' seems to be that, although Jews are financially and culturally very powerful all over the world, only the poor and unsuccessful Wfew who has a heroic capacity to suffer but is without constructive experi-'enrje, goes to Palestine. If rich Jew-isfi bankers, manufacturers and merchants settled in Palestine permanently with their capital, Zionism would have at least a fair trial." TONE UP TOE BLOOD AND NERVES NOW Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Have No Equal for This Purpose. Anaemia, or lack of good blood, causes not only pale faces and white lips; it is the root of many pains and miseries. It is the cause of shattered nerves, headaches and backaches, and the always tired feeling from which so many women and girls suffer. To regain new health and strength the blood should be enriched through the tonic treatment with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. This medicine has brought new health and strength to thousands of weak despondent people. Among those* who have found new health through the use of this medicine is Mrs. Gregory J. Murphy, East Ship Harbor, N. S.., who says:--"I bless the day I heard of Dr Williams' Pink Pills. Before I began their use l a run-down and very weak condition. The least exertion would leave me breathless, and tired out. Housework was a trial, and at times j ry despondent . A friend ad- 1 a to try Dr Williams' Pink 1 Pills and I got six boxes. I had not been taking the pills very long until I began to improve in health, and continuing their use they restored me to my former good health. I also gave the pills to my daughter, who was aenaemic and run-down, with the same good results. Now I always have the pills in the house, and would to be without them" box of Dr Williams' Pink Pills from your druggist to-day, or send 3 to The Dr. Williams' Medl-% Brockville, Ont., and a box sent you post paid A little book, "Building Up the Blood," which explains the treatment, will be sent request. Grown in the best, gardens In the Orient. Blended by men trained in the world's greatest tea market RED ROSE TEA.'is^oodte? Packed in the^best packet yet found for tea--Aluminum. Keeping Lingerie Tapes in Place Tapes and ribbons, which play an important part in the make-up of present-day undergarments, have a bothersome trick of pulling out of the casings. This may be entirely eliminated if, when the tape is first inserted, it is fastened to the casing with a few firm stitches in the very middle of its length. 9 The Villain--"Ha, ha! You mine, my beauty, by fair means or foul!" The Heroine (absent-mindedly)--"Yes, of course, it's all right so long as you have means!" Opposed to Slang. Harold had been to Sunday school, and was asked by b,is sister, a few years older, what he had learned. The lesson was the story of Joseph, and the small learner was evidently full of his subject. "Oh," he said, "it was about a boy, and his brothers took him out and put him In a hole In the ground, and then they killed another boy, and took the boy's coat and dipped it in the blood of this boy and--" , no, Harold, ont another boy!" his sister interrupted, horrified. But Harold stood his ground. "It was," he insisted. "1 know the teacher said 'kid,' but I don't use words like that." For all pains--Mlnard's Liniment. da£ty trains including The Chief You really enter sunny California the moment you step' aboard oneof the five famous Santa Fe cross-continent trains. The Chief--extra fare--is the finest and fastest of the Santa Fe California trains.1 Only TWO business days! i on the way. * No extra fare on the four other daily trains: The California Limited, Navajo, Scout and Missionary. Fred Harvey dining-car and din-mg-statlon service sets the standard in the transportation world. Enjoy out-of-doors this winter -- take your family. California hotel rates are reasonable. Indian-detour-Grand Canyon Line May I send you our picture folders! SPIRIN Headaches may be swiftly and safely relieved by an Aspirin tablet. A most efficient remedy, and there's no after effect; its use avoids much needless suffering. Try it next time; see how-soon its soothing influence is felt. Just as helpful when you have a cold; neuralgia, neuritis, rheumatism, lumbago. Just be certain you get real Aspirin--the genuine has Bayer on the box, and on every tablet. All druggists, with proven directions. Physicians prescribe Aspirin; it does NOT affect the heart Classified Advertisements MUSICAI. IHSTBTTMEKT8. BUSINESS CHANCES H Co., Dept. 604Vv teep $2 no. w . Nicholas Sea Horace--"Have you seen Hilda's new gown?" Herbert--"No. What does it look like?" "Well, in many places it's very like Hilda." Judge (In assault and battery case) --"What weapon did you uso to reduce the complaintant to thi.-j condi-tion" Defendant (proudly) -- "No weapon at all, yer honor. . It was all F OX ARM -ING 20 Pairs of Registered SilveiH Black Fox Pups for Sale. E. C. H. TISDALE "Simcoe Lodge," Beaverton i-cent bottle ! Pleasant to take I instant In action in ev, ' I Whooping Cough. F rlu" and Pneumonia. Ea______ tr^ed throats. Buy "Buckley's". Sold by all druggists and guaranteed. W. K. Buckler. Limited. 142 Mutual St., Toronto 2 | ^ Act. like a flash- Jff • single sip proves it 317 /jff Chapped Hands Mixed with sweet oil and applied often, Minard's will heal rough and chapped skin. PAINS ALL 1* OVHBODli Two More Cases of Feminine Ilk ness Relieved by Lydia £. Pinkxi ham's Vegetable Compound ^ ' Barrington, N. S.-"I h?d terribl^. feelings, headaches, back and side, aches and pains all over r: y body. I! would have to go to bed every montlj I and nothing would do me good. My : husband and ray father did my work ' for me as 1 have two children and we have quite a big place. I read in '.■■(. paper about Lydia E. Pinkham's , Vegetable Compound, and then got a I little book about it through the mail, j and my husband sort to K;!ton's and irot me a bottle, and tUn we got more from the store. I am feeling fine now and do all my work and am able to go out around more. I tell my friends it IsI.vdiaF Pinkhmn's Veg-etabKM'ompwTMt "••at make.- v> e feel sowe'.i." Mr...Vi«"i.,KKicu.u:usoN,, .[■ianii'.-tu: . NV a Sc.!:;..