Page Eight THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1st, 1927 Your Xmas Baking? Why worry about your Xmas Cakes and Puddings when your home baker will supply your needs (made from the very best nuts, peels, spices, ete.) in Xmas Cakes, Xmas Puddings and Scotch Bread--each 40c lb. Please order EARLY--it will help us. See Our Line of Xmas Candy before making your selection. Chocolates in bulk and fancy boxes, and all kinds of Xmas Confectionery in novelty packages. Ice Cream in Bulk and Bricks always on hand E. W. ROWSOME 50 King Street ( Genuine Bargains Everything you see advertised at a reduced price is not a bargain. To be a real bargain it must be of good quality and full weight or measure. These are the kind of bargains you get at the "old reliable" grocery store--the kind that make satisfied customers. TRY US FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS NEEDS ! W. H. EDWARDS Phone 2 East Side Victoria Square Colborne QUALITY Christmas Groceries ALL FRESH ST^PCK NEW FRUITS OF ALL KINDS QUALITY and SERVICE PRICES RIGHT R. COYLE A Joint Savings Account Is A Real Convenience PARTICULARLY as a matter of family convenience does the joint account demonstrate its value. All funds deposited are subject to withdrawal at any time by either of in whose names the joint decs ►unt i ! Of oper : Of 1 i parties holding ;,ount, all money may be by the other. A joint ount in the Standard Bank STANDARD BANK OF CANADA COLBORNE BRANCH--S. Sutton, Manager Branches also at Brighton, Castleton, Cobourg, Grafton ANTHRACITE Lehigh Valley Coal Name-- Stands for Quality This Coal is sold in all sizes. ORDER NOW WHILE PRICES ARE LOWEST Also Pocohontas Soft Coals for * Domestic Use J. Redfearn & Son C.P.R. Telegraph Office. Issuers of Canadian Pacific Railway and Steamskip Tickets. China for Presents NOTHING BETTER THAN A NICE SET OF CHINA AS A USEFUL GIFT. NEW PATTERNS -- A BIG SELECTION JUST ARRIVED Lloyd Dorland Elected to Older Boys' Parliament The Election for the Older Boys' Parliament for Northumberland Co. was held on Saturday, November 26, 1927. The candidates had spent a busy week speaking in different centres, Wooler, Morganston, Smithfleld, Warkworth and Havelock. The poll on Saturday was rather light owing to the inclement weather and bad roads. Lloyd Dorland of Wooler was elected by a majority of 16 over Gerald Wright of Brighton. The vote 233--217. The poll over the County was as follows: Dorland Wright Cramahe Baptist........ 6......-- Morganston ............ 9...... 3 Oak Heights ............ 4...... 6 Orland ..................10...... 8 Castleton ...............112...... 1 Smithfleld .............. 3......28 Havelock ............... 7......13 Warkworth .............11......19 Hartford____............ 2...... 6 Hastings . .|.............. 6......-- Brighton ................--......53 Hilton .............--......13 Tninn School ...........--...... 7 Rnseneath .............. 4...... 1 Sharon................ 1.,,.... 7 Norham................. 2...... 1 OamplbelFlord ..........50......22 Stanwood.............. 3. .... . 6 Meyersburg .'.....'...... 6...... 4 Fnglish Line ............ 3...... 4 Zion (Seymour) ........ 3...... 8 1 vent Bridge............14...... 3 Wooler ____.............43...... 2 Zion (Munroel ..........11......-- Ptockdale ..............21...... 2 Colborne ............... 2......-- 233 217 CRAMAHE COUNCIL Cramahe Council met in the Council rhamber. Castleton, November 25th, 527. at 10 o'clock. Members all present; Reeve Clarke i the chair. The minutes of last' "-■ptir.s: were read and adonted. Moved ard »< comb d. Tint the by- I 804. ■aled and That the by-of candidates or the offices of Reeve, Deputy Reeve ud Councillors for the year 1928 and o appoint Derrnty Returning Officers' nd Poll Clerks and Polling Places be '(,w given its several readinks, sign-d sealed and numbered 805. Moved and Seconded, That the and the Cranv - Svs! i hai t of all a ■ this day ■■, up ■).W ntil December 31st. 1926, and the balance due the Telephone System is S58S.18 including Telephone Debentures paid Jan. 1st.--Carried. Orders were drawn on the Treasurer as follows: J. D. Adams & Co, repairs for grader..............$ 9.2* Municipal World, s Neil F- MacNachtan Teachers' Salaries-Gladys Collins, s Wm. Graham, s Archie Frost, s.s Ruth McDonald C. W. Massey, s.s. 16 .. .. 100.00 -Mildred Curtis, s.s. 26 . . 50.00 P. A. Black, s.s. 14 . . . . 78.00 Charles Palmateer, work road 95.00 Fred Grills, gravel........ 2.00 G. E. Dunnett, placarding .. D. J. Arkles. work on road .. W. L. Dunnett, gravel...... Clarke Pomerov, work, village Cecil May, gravel . r~...... V J. Jones, work, on grader P R. Darling, work on grader 10.00 G. E. Vanwicklin, work, road 7.50 C. W. Massey, work on road 12.25 R. H. McGregor, work, gravel Cecil May, gravel...... Chas-. Qtiinn. cedar. ... . . \lex Hewitt, work on road J. W. Mason, cutting brush Thos. Haynes, digging...... 3.uu Mrs. P. A. Thompson, care of hall................ 5.50 W. W. Rose. 4 sheep and 3 lambs.............. 75.00 Gordon Honey, 1 sheep and 1 lamb........i........ 29.00 W. E. Irish, 1 sheep, 2 lambs 25.00 28.50 3.50 6.75 .60 ..38.00 3.10 69.00 1.50 14.00 hired.............. 35.00 Siias Tryon work on road .. 17.00 E. Turk dragging........ 5.00 G. C. Walker, valuating sheep 13.50 Mrs. Sarah Nelson, refund dog tax................. 2.00 Telephone System........ 250.00 W. A. Philp, 10 sheep......100.00 Balance Municipal Salaries-- S. A. Clark, Reeve...... 86.00 W. A. Samons, Councillor 118.50 W. A. Samons, Councillor 117.50 P. R. Darling, Councillor 54.00 Chas. Quinn, Councillor.. 48.50 J. E. Wolfraim Estate, treas. 25.00 Lome Darling, Treasurer 40.00 !G R. Beavis, Clerk .. ..150.00 C. H. Ghent, Constable .. 10.00 Council adjourned to meet December 15th at 10 o'clock. COLBORNE TAXES All taxes must be paid on or before December 14th, 1927, to save the penalty of three per cent which will be added after that date. All taxes unpaid after Dec. 14th, 1927, will be collected with costs and penalty. Taxes may be paid at the Standard Bank, Colborne. or to the undersigned. WM. USHER, Tax Collector. Be at Hawkins' store Dec. 2nd and make money by buying your suit and overcoat for $24.00, tailored-to-meas-ure. An expert will be there all dav Friday, Dec. 2. j Hunters' and Trappers' Licenses are j j issued at Griffis' Drug Store, Col- j Counties Council has been r-aijod to ; meet at Cobourg om Dec 6th, 1527, for j routine business. QUALITY GOODS AT BARGAIN PRICES Clearing Sale of Winter Coats ALL FRESH STOCK -- AT PRICES THAT WILL SURPRISE YOU COME IN AND SEE FOR YOURSELF Ladies' Silk and Wool Hose, pair...........69 Ladies' Wool Hose, in sand, grey and black, pr. .65 Children's Rompers of Military Flannel, each. . .69 Ladies' Flannelette Lined Broadcloth Bloomers 1.50 Women's Nightgowns, Flannelette, short and long sleeves............ . . 98c to 1.25 Heavy Flannelette, 36 inches wide, per yard. . .25 Silk Hosiery, regular $1.75 to $1.50 per pr., for Silk and Cotton Underwear, no sleeves Silk and Cotton Underwear, short slee' Silk and Cotton Bloomers .......... , . SPECIALS IN LADIES' WINTER COATS AND DRESSES Ladies' Rubber Aprons, in green, blue, orange --Special 29 cents each THE NEWEST IN SWEATERS CRAIG & CRAIG "QUALITY AND FAIR PRICES" Phone 136 King Street Colborne ■■■ Winter Needs for Men and Boys! MEN ! Step into one of our Winter Overcoats--comfy, ^v^Sl. - well-built Ulsters or lighter weight models. Blue is the prevailing shade. All our coats are new this season--no carry-overs. Prices $15.00 to $25.00. /llV'r > ^ ^ Suits $15-°°" Buy a nice blue- * /■■y BOYS' OVERCOATS! On sale at $9.00. - Many rwi<5 c H J~- 1 shrewd buyers will take advantage of this special y offering. Our clearing sale of Bov/s' Suits at $5.75 V :° ' / ; : f please you-too. Q/Trib ell/1 -^ dressy appearance you will have in one of our blue coats, white scarves, and light grey snap-brim hat. Step in and try them on. We offer a huge display of Men's Fine Wear. Our low operating expenses allow us to sell cheaply. A CITY STORE'S RANGE AT PLEASING PRICES --Hats, gloves, hose, ties, a special range of fine shirts. Shoes, Spats, Heavy Oxfords for Winter wear $5.00. UNDERWEAR--All weights, wool or fleece, for men and boys. Specials in heavy wool. WORKING TOGS--Leading bargains in men's work-togs. Sweaters $1.00. Work Sox 3 pairs $1.00 Work Shirts, winter weight, $1.25. Overalls 98c. Smocks. Mackinaw Coats. Heavy Pants. Sale of Men's and Bc//s' Odd Trousers. HEAVY RUBBERS--Complete range. Every pair guaranteed. When you need Rubbers, try us! heavy Mitts and Gloves. SPECIAL STOCK --Men's Heavy lined Caps. A Sweater for every need--heavy, medium, and light weights. Sporty V neck pull-overs in new designs. BIG HELP FOR CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS ! The annual "proiblem" for you will shortly be here. The old familiar, "What will I give him?" Solve it. Buy it where he would buy it himself. No need to be perplexed and unable to decide. Just visit our store. You will see heaps of useful things for gifts. Prices 15c up. It will be sure to please him. Should you make a selection, we will put it into a Xmas box and reserve it for you. SHOP EARLY AND AT YOUR LEISURE. We Suggest a Few Useful Gifts: For the High School Boy--A neat silk tie, Colborne High School colors--garnet and grey. Sure to please the school boy. For the Men--Ties, new bright shades or conservative shades, 50c to $1.00. Pyjamas--broadcloth, flannelette,and cotton in fancy shades. Broadcloth Shirts. Underwear. Scarves. Gloves. Suspenders. Handkerchiefs. Bath Robes. Smoking Jackets. Sweaters. Spats. Oxfords. Hats. Caps. Club Bags. HOSIERY--More and more each year we find this being favored as gifts. Quality in small quantity. And he never has too many hose. Anticipatng a big demand for hosiery this season, we have stocked a large range in silks, silk and wools, cashmeres, faney worsteds, Holeproof, Interwoven, and English lines. See these. 50c to $1.50. Pigskin Gloves. Suede Gloves. Moco Gloves. Fownes make, that ensures quality. Give him a new Serge Suit and new Blue Overcoat. TAILOR-MADE SUITS, by Fashion Craft and Tip Tops. See our samples. $24.00. Hockey Boots. Slippers. Felt Boots. Fine Grey Flannel Shirts. Trunks. Suit Cases. Club Bags. LADIES' GIFTS--Hat Boxes. Suit Cases. Fitted Travelling Bags. Low Expenses Make Low Prices Fred W. Hawkins Specialising in Men's Wear On!«y