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The Colborne Express (Colborne Ontario), 1 Dec 1927, p. 5

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THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1st, 1927 Page Five Deltah Pearls--A Name To Conjure With H1NK of Deltah Pearls, and the name conjures _ visions of subdued lus-es, of divine colors, of glorious radiance and sheer loveliness such as has fascinated women since the beginning of history. These Deltah Pearls are here in a wide selection for you to inspect and admire. Deltah ' H, J. Mayhew Jeweller, Colborne Oscar C, Morgan Several good farms for sale; also some valuable town property. Phone 7r18, Orlana. . 38-6m E. QUINN FUNERAL DIRECTOR Colborne - - - Ontario Day or Night Calls Promptly Attendet MOTOR HEARSE Phone 103j - - Colborne J. BLACKLOCK & SON Grafton Directors of Funeral Services MOTOR HEARSE IN CONNECTION Day or Night Calls Promptly Attended PHONE 38, GRAFTON Used Car Parts FOR SALE SOME GOOD AS NEW PRICES LOW Jack Cowey jr. Raw Furs Wanted ! HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID A. Margies - Cobourg Phone 124 We Pay for Out of Town Calls. LiiVE POULTRY AND JUNK WANTED Highest prices paid for Live Poultry, Rags, Brass, Copper, Iron and Bags Long distance telephone calls will be paid if purchase is made. B. GOODMAN Phone 153 Third St. Cobourg 43-emos- SALT! Just unloading a carload At C. N. R. Station, Colborne I. PALEN Phone 97 COLBORNE FARMS TOJRENT GOOD FARM TO RENT--north of Grafton, about 300 acres, north V±, lot 20, in the 1st Con. and part of lot 20 in the 2nd Con., Township of Haldlmand, now occupied by Mr. Runeiman. For terms apply to Miss McTAVISH, or to G. E. R. WILSON, Insurance and Real Estate Agent, Colborne. 37-tf Married women have a keener sense of humor than unmarried women, and goodness knows they need it.--Bran Xmas Gifts 15c to $5.00 at Hawkins DUNDONALD November 29th, 1927 Mr. W. L. Dunnett is spending a few days in Toronto. Messrs. Melville Dudley and Tom. Goulding recently called on friends hefe. i ,j Mrs. Harry McDonald and Mrs. S. Puffer spent Saturday at the home of Harold-Puffer, Orland. + Mr. Norman Dickenson of Bowman-ville recently visited his cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dunnett. The hall in connection with Eden Church has been repaired, cleaned and redecorated, and greatly improved. Mr. and Mrs. Harry MicDonald and Master Fred spent. Sunday at the home of Mr. Wm. Samons, Colborne. Our teacher, Miss Ruth McDonald is preparing for an entertainment to be given on Wednesday evening, Dec. 21st. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dunnett and Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Mutton were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs.-Arthur Dunnett, Brighton. A number of friend's from this vicinity attended the funeral of the late John Collins, on Monday, and sincere sympathy is felt for the bereaved relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Manley Finch and family and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Finch and family of Springbrook visited Mr. and Mrs. Archie Samons, "Pleasant View Farm," on Saturday last. EDVILLE November 29th, 1927 Mr. Rolfe and family have gone to Toronto for the winter. Mrs. Ben Lacey is suffering from paralysis and very dangerously ill. Mrs. M. S. Gould is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Farrow for a while. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Morgan spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lome McDonald. ■Mrs. Ross Walker and two little children are visiting in Cobourg with her sister, Mrs. Macklin. Mr. Howard Drinwalter is home for awhile as the boat on which he was working went on the rocks in recent storms. A pleasant surprise party was held at the home of Mrs. Mernev last week and a purse with twenty dollars was presented to her as a gift from" her many Edville friends who wish her a a happy and prosperous life in her new home. Her marriage to Mr. W. Oliver of Colborne will be solemnized early in December. ■Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Hinman spent Sundy with Mrs. Walter Minaker at her home at Mountain View, Prince Edward County, to offer their sympathy to her and her familx in their trouble. No further word has been received from those searching for Walter Minaker, and it is presumed he is drowned in Lake Papineau. LOST TWO INDIAN BLANKETS, between Colborne and Castleton, on the night of Friday, November 25th, 1927. Finder will receive reward by leaving same at Express Printing Office. Colborne. 48- HOUSE FOR SALE HOUSE AND LOT for sale, on Norton Lane, Colborne, at present occupied by John Cowie. For particulas apply to Wm. TJsborne, R.R. 3, Colborne, Ont. 46-3 USED CARS FOR SALE Mclaughlin touring car--Good running order, 5 good tires, almost new battery, cushions in good condition, also top and curtains. A real bargain for quick sale. Apply at Express Printing Office. 48- ARTICLES FOR SALE AUTO KNITTING MACHINE for sale, in first-class order. Apply at Express Printing Office. 44- CASTLETON November 29th, 1927 j Mrs. C. Ferguson and daughter, i , Martha are visiting friends in Roeh ' Mr. Herbert Rogers and bride, of) Rochester, made a short visit here at 'he home of his mother. Mrs. Elgie Moore, who has been \ with friends in Brighton fer several J weeks, has returned to her home here. j Special services are being conducted this week in the Cramahe Baptist Church, under the leadership of Capt. Best, Evangelist. "Whosoever will may The Women's Missionary Society are holding their December meeting in the basement of the Church this Thursday afternoon, Dec. 1st, 1927, 2.30 o'clock. Service in the United Church this coming Sunday, Dec. 4th, 1927, at 7 p.m. The pastor will preach. Subject: "The Second Mile." Strangers especially welcome. Mr. and Mrs. D. Lathrope, Mrs. J. Bowen, Raymond and Vivian spent the weekend with friends in Kingston. Mr. Arthur Quinn and family are moving to Oshawa. The annual Christmas Entertainment under the auspices of the Sunday School is to be held in the Town Hall, Castleton, on Friday evening, Dec. 23rd, 1927. Please reserve the date and plan to attend. ■ *Our community was deeply stirred on Saturday of last week, when it was known that Mr. John Collins had passed on to his Eternal reward. Some years ago Mr. Collins had a fall from a load of hay and ever since he has been in failing health. He was- in Colborne last week, but on Thursday took very ill and on Friday night, November 25th, 1927. died. He was a mernlber of the Castleton Church and Official Board, and until his accident took a very active interest in Church work. The funeral service was held on Monday afternoon in the Shiloh United Church, conducted by Rev. J. E. Beckel, assisted by Rev. W. H. Clarke. Interment was in Shiloh Cemetery. He leaves to mourn his loss, his wife and two children, Gladys and Garnet. The sympathy of the community is extended to the sorrowing relatives and friends. Our village was again visited by the Divine Messenger on Sundav afternoon, Nov. 27th, 1927, when Mrs. George H. Pomeroy departed this life to take her place with those who have pf.ssed on before her. For a number of years she had been in delicate health, suffering from pernicious anaemia. She became worse on Thursday and slowly became unconscious and slept away. She was a member of the Castleton United Church and when able did her part in this organization. The funeral seryice was held on Tuesday afternoon at the home of the deceased. Interment in Castleton Cem every. She leaves to mourn her loss, her husband and three children, Clarke, Dora and Gladys; her mother, sister and brother. Your correspond dent extends to the sorrowing friend! the sympathy of the community. NORHAM November 29th, 1927 Mrs. (Rev.) Clare as called to Omemee on account of the Illness of her mother. We are sorry to report Mr. Amos Smith losing two children last week with diphtheria. Glad to say the others are better. Mrs. S. Gummer spent a week with her daughter. Mrs. Newton, Trenton. No Sunday School or Church, last Sunday on account of diphtheria. Mrs. Vansiekle of Marmora was visiting her daughter, Mrs. I. McNutt. Mrs. Mary Palmateer has been very sick with 'neuritis, but pleased to say she is improving. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Addison Stirrers All persons having claims against the estate of Addison Stimers. late of the Township of Cramahe. County of Northumberland, Farmer, deceased, Who died on or about the 25th day of August. 1927. are hereby notified to Keith Llewell-n Colborne, R.R. 2, Ontario, nnders-iirr.-d Executors, on the Stimers. of the before 1927 29th Day of Decei full particulars of their clai mediately after the said 29th day of December. 1927, the assets of the intestate will be distributed aniongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the Executors shall then have notice. Colborne this 30th day of iv 1 e 1927. NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the Estate of William h. Cochrane .All persons having claims against the estate of William H. Cochrane, late of "he Township of Cramahe, County of Northumberland. Mechant. deceased, who died on or about the 18th day of October 1927, are hereby notified to send to Minnie L. Evans, 69 Pleasant Boulevard, Toronto, one of the undersigned Executrices, on or before the 24th Day of December, 1927, fall particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said 24th day of December, 1927, the assets of the intestate will be distributed amongst (he parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the Executrices shall then have notice. Dated at Colborne this 21st day of November, 1927. MINNIE L. EVANS, BLANCHE E. BOWDEX, 47-5 Executrices. WARKWORTH Mr. Wfalter Honey attended the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto last Miss Elizabeth VanBlaricom. R.N., has accepted a position in the Harper Hospital, at Detroit, Mich. Miss Laurel Arkles of Castleton has been spending the past week with her sister, Mrs.- W. B. Baker. Mrs. Wm. Crealock has returned from Nichol's Hospital, Peterboro, and is spending a few weeks at the home of Mrs. W. C. Duncan. Mrs. Thomas Sykes is spending few days with her sister, Mrs. Levi Herrington, of Codrington, who improving enough to be able to sit a short time each day. Bruce McCurdy, son of Mrs. McCur-dy of this village, died at his home on Sunday, Nov. 20th, 1927. Bruce had been ill from rheumatism for several Catharine Sager, widow of the late Timothv Anderson of Codrington, in Caivpbellford at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Nelson Lloyd, on Tuesday, November 8th, after an illness of about two months. She was eighty-one years of age. ILL'. James Stevenson, formerly of Percy, celebrated his ninety-fourth birthday on Friday, November 11th, 1927, when a birthday party was en in his honor at the home of his daughter. Mrs. Harold Beavis, Norwood. Mr. Stevenson is still enjoying good health and is remarkably well preserved for his years. Mr. Smith Abar, a former resident of Warkworth, died at his home in Campbellford on Monday. November 14th, 1927, in his 82nd year. He was born near Percy Boom, and is survived by his wife, formerly Miss Catharine, of Castleton, as well as three sons and one daughter. At Milton Police Court, Arthur Williams, Jack Walker and Clarence Thomas, convicted of robbing the Bank of Nova Scotia at Campbellville, were sentenced to 15 years in Kingston Penitentiary. Wm. Duncan was given 10 vears for same offence. Williams, Thomas and Duncan will in addition receive 20 lashes. Already sentenced io 40 lashes for a similiar crime, Walker will escape further whipping Duncan was driver of the bandit car Men's suits at Hawkins. Luxuries Once ButNecessitiesNow PRACTICALLY any Canadian *~ citizen may own today an automobile possessing elements of beauty, style, comfort and efficiency which no amount of wealth could have commanded a dozen years ago. For the automobile industry has outgrown its original function, as a supplier of transportation, and has in an amazingly short time, brought about the refinements which are exemplified in the present-day General Motors car. Since its foundations first were laid sixty years ago, this institution has believed that every Canadian has a right to the best his country produces, has a right to satisfy his sense CHEVROLET PONTIAC M*LAUG H LIN-B UICK LA SALLE of beauty, his desire for comfort, his need for dependability. General Motors has at its command the master minds of the industry. It has the finest automotive research laboratories and the greatest automobile proving grounds in the world, wherein have been pioneered and developed some of the industry's most revolutionary advances. And General Motors has used its prosperity and success unstintingly in improving the quality and increasing the value of its products. . . . It is thus that General Motors of Canada has played its part in translating once-inconceivable luxury into terms of every-day necessity. . . • OLDSMOB ILE OAKLAND 'CADILLAC GENERAL MOTORS TRUCK GENERAL; MOTORS of CAN, Limited Try Our Job Printing Department for Good Printing on Good Paper, at Reasonable Prices. a LIGHT on your horse-drawn vehicle at night may SAVE YOUR LIFE! Horse-drawn vehicles (as well as motor vehicles) on the highway at night now MUST, display a light. This new law is designed to prevent accident to occupants of horse-drawn vehicles as well as of motor cars. You will provide for your own safety by obeying this law. Drivers of fast-moving vehicles have become accustomed to looking for lights on ALL vehicles at night. The danger of accident to horse-drawn vehicles without lights therefore is greater now than it was when lights were not compulsory. At this season, when nights are darker and longer, the hazard is ' increased. The light on a horse-drawn vehicle must be placed on the left side in a conspicuous position. It must show white to the front and red to the rear. It must be clearly visible at a distance of at least 200 feet. Where vehicles carry- inflammable materials or are structurally unsuitable for carrying lighted lamps the Department, by regulation, may permit the use of a reflector instead of a lamp. $5.00 Fine The penalty for failure to observe this law is a fine of $5.00. Motor traffic officers or city or town police will apprehend all who fail to comply. MOTOR VEHICLES BRANCH Ontario Department of Highways The HON. GEO. S. HENRY, Minister

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