Cramahe Archives Digital Collection

The Colborne Express (Colborne Ontario), 22 Dec 1927, p. 4

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▼ THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDa DECEMBER 22nd, 1927 Your PERSONAL Operator ' Township of Cramahe Second instalment TAXES SATURDAY Dec. 31 IS LAST DAY A SUCCESSFUL ENT.ERTA'INnr The Concert presented by the stai and pupils of the Colborne ..,,,,„,. •School in aid of the G.P.S. Piano Fund on the evening of Wednesday, Dec. 14, V.,;" wf an-"^qualified success. The 1 i - w -re delightful, and ••r;l>!! -lasticallv received by a audience. The pupils and staff 'be congratulated on the excellent showing of the pupils during the even- la*ge foi dard packages over the counted Every call is turned out "to ^ j i~ a custom service designed to meet personal needs at a moment's notice. Your telephone operator is a multiple personality. She sits at the switchboard - local, long distance - with signal lines tf her festers "at the other end" ready to select the track for any journey you select. y than^f ^ uC.aU means more than Just a combmation of switchboard manipulations. It is a call ying the Second Instalment of Taxes due the Township of Cramahe, after which date a penalty of 5% will be added. L. W. NAISH, Tax Collector ing. The chair A pies occupied by M a very satisfactory ma; iing feature of the eve was me presentation, at the clou the concert, to Mrs. Wilson and mr, Fleming for their painstaking work in handling the accompaniments and Reparation of dances for the dialo- ■ ?hft/}emin? fenestra furnished delightful music during the - evening. ie staff and pupils wish to thank public for their generous patron- Flour and Feed CAR OF FIVE CROWNS FLOUR TO CLEAR ALSO BRAN, SHORTS AND GROUND SCREENINGS A Satisfaction Guaranteed Laying Mash and other Egg Producing Foods for Poultry. MR. JOHN H. MEN2IES HEADS CALGARY KIWANIANS r Ml\J\n; Menzies, Superintendent for Alberta for the Royal Bank of Canada, was honoured by election as President of the Calgary Kiwanis Club for the ensuing year at the annual meeting held on the 8th inst.- That tne Club is a live organization was shown by the reports of the ofifcers I therTL lstructed i St. eorge's Island, s activity in -VERNONVILLE December 20th, 1927 A M' Christmas to all readers of Veri -ille itei Mr. V. Lane, Orono, is visiting friends this vicinity. Mr, JMrs. R. Turk have gone to TorontcJ spend the Christmas season i ThvJrnonville Threshing Syndi-i cate J hold their annual meeting ; on Tr-iay next. I Mrs. tne Deviuey, who ! in Co^fg for some time, returned Don'jbrget the School Concert Fridayjght, 23rd, at 8 o'clock. Next event-4nday School supper and entertaftient, Friday night, Dec. 30th. The Igiilar monthly meeting and annual Jisines smeeting of the Women's [ssionary Society of St. Ai drew'sts held at Mrs. C. B. Turk' this afrnoon. The following wer electi as officers for the ensuing Pres.--Mrs. A. McLauchlin. Mrs. Robt. Litster. Deviney Blackburn Christiffl Stewardship Secretary-- Mrs. J. T. Robson. B. Turk. To-dajyour correspondent complet-" work for the Ex-have rolled around since \^ sent in our first budget of many happy recollections died. In many ways we have k but for some time conviction growing Used Car Parts FOR SALE I. PALEN Phone 97 COLBORNE cToXlT When in need of Coal do not forget I handle nothing but the GENUINE SCRANTON COAL We screen our coal. My scales are enclosed and always in perfect order. 2000lbs. is a ton with us Service is a pleasure. Special attention to farmers. Shed open the Club continued beautifying the Menu,..., dreds of trees were planted, and'live interest was taken in the Children and old People's Homes, the Be Scouts, and other welfare activitu in and around the city. At Christmr | hundreds of dolls, dressed by mem: wives, along with toys for th s, will be sent to the families c ' settlers and those to whom the e sent last year will be rememlbe-with a communication from th Chfl>. Mr. Menzies is a son-in-law c C. Larke of Colborne. his wife formerly known as Miss Fram COLBORNE SCHOOL BOARD Regular meeting Colborne Union Board of Education was held Monday evening, December 19th, 1927 Present: A. E. Donaghy, chairman; J. A. Corbyn, H. J. Mayhew, H. Gale, H. S. Keyes, B. McCTacken, E. Quinn •3. F. Wilson, H. J. Coyle Absentee report showed the attendance good,- only two pupils being irregular. 6 The following accounts were pass- 1 your correspondent that it is time t his emancipation papers time for a change--time e else was wielding the year we have been news from our vicinity ie best we could to give accurate a presentation f the happenings. From we have attempted onsideration of matters unity permitted and aders have not regarded ogether characterless or 3 admit that we have not good a job of it as we should, ast the effort has been honest, lave tried to make our corres-i reflect a live community. In sasure at least have done our share in keep-of the county on the map. . written pages and- pages of new| in keeping we believe with the bes principles and interests of d cause, institution and neighbourhood, and yet all i and effort, has been expend- made ed to by the pressed little purpose it we are to judge "measure of appreciation ex it possible that peoph little interest in one another, nterest in their well-deserv? ins, and organiza.i( milies 17 -o f,f'"!? ? 10 see every item of news ll-i>9 ! regardiri ; them recorded from time to eir heme paper, so that it ei ect a community where the ;eep the grass under their , ead of letting it grow ovei live community. You Can Extend Credit yfj\ /[ANY a profitable & JLVX sale of farm pro* duce is lost through the failure of the purchaser to provide spot cash and the inability of the vendor to extend credit The Standard Bank of Canada is always glad to finance sound business transactions. When difficulties seem to prevent some transaction consult the local manager of the Standard Bank of Canada. He can help you. STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Cramahe Coum Chamber. Castle at 10 o'clock. Members in the Chair. The minutes of la: read and adopted. Orders were drawn er as follows: Wm. Spear, dragging......$ 9.00 W. W. Wait, refund dog tax . . 2.00 W. E. Fiddick, work on road W. B. Onyon, work on road Fred Pearson, shovelling . . C. Glover, work on road . . C. E. Huff, woirk on road . . F. D. McCallum, gravel . . A. Trenear, dragging .. Teachers' Salaries-- Gladys Collins, s. s. 23 Colborne S. S........... 869.00 Colborne School Debenture .. 225.00 School Section No. 2 & 3 .. .. 468.00 " " 4 ......: . 358.00 " " 6 & 7 .... 336.00 22.00 87.75 home for i. R. Webb spent Sun-dr. C. Turk'sN .sa Harnden spwit Monday at ionv ille, at Mr. H. Hnrnden's. Mr. ayd Mrs. W. Shaw spent one week at Mr. V. Harnden's. Mrs. ^Cells of Lakeport spent last Mrs. Asa Harnden. ■thur McKenzie and his moth-expec t to move to Toronto for the inter very soon. Harnden and Cameron ipent last weekend with their Guelph. forget the Xmas Tree on Fri-23rd, 1927. A good prepared. Blackburn's home took Friday night, doing considerable dariage, but by help from neigh-ar d friends the fire was put out. Tapscott Has rented Mrs. (Mr. R Some Radiator Caps, Moto Meters, Tires, Tubes, Cement, Patches, Windshield Wipers, Rubber Strips for Windshield, Tire Chains, Exhaust Heaters, Blow-Out Patches, Anti-Freeze, Batteries (wet or dry) for car or radio, Three-in-one Stop Lights, Etc. See the New Magnetic Trouble Light! LET US HELP YOU SELECT YOUR XMAS GIFT POOLE & ONYON one 122 King Street Colboi Christmas Cheer Throughout the Year ELECTRIC APPLIANCES as Christmas Gifts will win instant approval. And every time they are used throughout the year their recipient is bound to remember gratefully their thoughtful giver. Listed below are a few timely suggestions:-- Electric Lamp Fixtures from $3.00 up. Table Lamps from $2.50 to $10.00. Irons from $4.50 up. Curling Tongs from $1.50 up. " Toasters from $1.00 up. " Grills and Violet Ray Machines. Flash Lights from $1.30 to $5.00. Heaters from $12.00 up. " Lamps, all sizes, from 25 to 200 watts. " Shades of different patterns. " Washing Machines. " Vacuum Cleaners. G. M. Peebles Estate Phone 28w King Street Colborne Building Material We carry a large stock of Rough and Dressed Lumber, Gyproc, B.C. Red Cedar and Mouldings. Let Us Supply You -- Prices Right Custom planing and matching. Sash made to order. h. A. GRANT COLBORNE expects to move here | Mr. S. Joice has bought j in Colborne and expects to J the spring also. I ACTS ABOUT EYES ph Aylsworth Eye Sp fcuist (Optometric) Trenton j ii o persons' eyes are alike and ; vhy we must give the closest to each case, and where •e furnished they must be j and prescribed to suit the i each individual, people buy, or are supplied they not! OUR 18-inch SURFACED ROLL ROOFING makes an excellent Barn Roofing, being nailed every 18 inches. It offers special resistance to the wind. A carload of the Mineral Surfaced 4 in 1 Shingles, Sheathing and Building Papers to choose from. PRICES RIGHT ! Will exchange logs for roofing material Custom Sawing Done Promptly R. H. TYE Box 358 Planing and Saw Mill Phone 99 " " 25 ...... 270.00 G. E. Vanwicklin, work on road 122.00 j Walter Carr, valuating sheep. . 8.00 [ Clarke Harren, work on road. . 16.50 : Wm. Somerville, work on road 16.50 j Albert Bray, work on road .... 16. 50 j Clayton Bradley, work on road 16.501 Jrd. Phynn. shovelling...... 8.00 j Geo. Marsh, shovelling .. .. 6.00 j Lome McComb, shovelling .. 6.00 Ceo. Puffer, shovelling .. .. 6.50 L. B. Gould, shovelling .. .. 8.00 S. M. McComb. gravel...... 20.20 Mrs. M. McDonald, gravel .. 11.20 Walter Carr, gravel........ 10.00 A. W<°eks, gravel........ 1.10 Geo. Farrell, gravel...... 9.00 Cecil May, gravel........ 8.30 Wan. Day. work on road .. .. 132.00 Albert Fiddick, refund dog tax 2.00 Orten Purdy. refund dog tax.. 2.00 A. V. Clark, cedar........ 28.08 Lome Darling, cartage .. .. 4.00 Lome Darling, stamps...... 5.31 Dr. Crichton. M. H. 0....... 117.31 Elton Goodrich, refund dog tax 2 Crarcahe Municipal Tel System 300.00 Gcc. Walker, valuating sheep 4.50 Sheep Killed by Dogs-John Cooney, 1 ewe, 1 lamb 20.00 Lou Mutton, 1 lamb .... 12.00 WilHiert Bradley, 1 Iamb .. 10.00 W. W. Mutton, 1 lamb .. 15.00 W. A. Philp,-sheep .. .. 29.00 L. B. Gould, 3 sheep, 4 1ms. 94.00 Walter Carr, damage to grain 3.00 or ly cannot get satisfact: jp.ct their eyes to a danger that will cause serious trouble. Avoid this by laving me examine your eyes. I' do this without charge; should you require glasses I guarantee satisfaction (To be continuted) Xmas shoppers No 1, for j Clearing sale of boys' ?,7.50 and boys' suits for $5.00 at Hawkins', Colborne. J. F. Haynes, work and gravel 36.50 A. J. Jones, work on grader . . 14.00 I.. W. Naish, postage...... 11.84 G. B. Tait. supplies...... 10.50 Thompson, care of hall.. 2. no McCracken & McArthur Funeral Directors ROOMS IN OPERA HOUSE BLOCK COLBORNE, ONTARIO Day or Night Calls Promptly Attended Telephone Connection Motor Equipment FARMS TO RENT , A. Knapp, dragging .. . . 1.50 Geo. Blakely, wood........ 15.00 John Beatty, dragging...... 2.50 J. F. Haynes, gravel........ 3.00 S. Rice, work on road...... 63.00 •iV. Trenear, work on road. ... 26.00 A. MoCiiacken. work on road.. 132.00 H. Isaac, work on road .. .. 11.65 A. Cochrane, work on road .. 125.00 GOOD FARM TO RENT- Thos. Havnes, gravel...... 54.00 R. H. McGregor, putting in culvert ................ 7.00 Wm. Ingles, work on road .. 15.50 Neil F. MacNachtan, County Grant..............11050.20 Council adjourned to meet Jan. 9th, 1928, at 11 o'clock. Terms Moderate -north of Grafton, about 300 acres, north M,. lot 20, In the 1st Con. and part of lot 20 in the 2nd Con., Township of Haldimand, now occupied by Mr. Runciman. For terms apply to Miss McTAVISH, or to G. E. R. WILSON, Insurance and Real Estate Agent, Colborne. 37-tf persons To be operated free of charge to all patients coming to Cobourg General Hospital from any part of Northumberland County, a modern new ambulance has been purchsed and is now at the Hospital. The new ambulance, of the latest design and of wonderful appearance, was secured through generous donations from many

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