THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 19th, 1928. THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, issued every Thursday morning by H. S Keyes. Subscriptitn $2.00 per annum in advance; $2.50 to U.S.A Transient adviertisements 12 cents per line first insertion and 8 cents per line for each additional insertion. Business cards not exceeding one inch $7 per annum. Yearly contracts at uniform rates. MARRIAGE LICENSES INSURANCE G. E. R. WILSON, General Insurance-and Real Estate Agent, Money to Loan at 5 to 6 per cent. Office: Brunswick Block, Colborne, Ontario. Phones--Office 10; residence 13. MEDICAL A C. McGLENNON, B.A., M.D., CM. Office opposite the Fire Hall, Colborne. Telephone No. 123w. Residence: King St., East --Phone 123j. J. ARCHER BROWN, M.D., L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S., Edinburg, Scotland. Office and residence, Division St, Colborne, Ont. Coroner for United Counties of Northumberland and Durham. Phone 22. LEGAL FRANK J. HART, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public &c, King St., Colborne. Phone 110. 18 FRANK M. FIELD, K.C., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. Phone No. 86, Cobourg, Ontario. - W. L. PAYNE, K.C., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public and Conveyancer. Office, first door east of Registry Office, Colborne, Ontario, Phone No. 19. FRANK L. WEBB, B.A., LL.B., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, &c, Offices, King St., Colborne, Ontaria, and 411 Temple Building, Toronto. At Colborne office on Fridays and Saturdays and Court Days, AUCTIONEERS_____ S. E. ROBINSON, Auctioneer. Farm Stock and Implement Sales a specialty. Sales conducted anywhere. Satisfaction guaranteed. Real Estate Broker. Address: Colborne R.R. No. 3. Phone 78r23, Oolborne. ARNOLD POOLE, Auctioneer and Real Estate Broker. Auction sales of all kinds handled anywhere in the Province. Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. Pure bred sales a specialty. I pay for all Telephone Calls. Call or write: ARNOLD POOLE, Castleton R;R. No. 1, Ont. Phone: 10r23 36-25-lyr. Oscar C Morgan Auctioneer and Real Estate Broker _------------ HILTON --- _ Sales conducted anywhere at reasonable rates. Several good farms for sale; also some valuable town property. Phone 7r18, Orlarro. 38-6m MORGANSTON January 17th, 1928 - Mr. Ogden Puffer is some better at time of writing. Master Glen Carr is suffering from an attack of Lagrippe. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Clark spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Stewart, at Centreton. Mr. Frank Dingman. from the West, is visiting at Mr. Norris Dingman's, and othr friends. Mrs. J. W. Glover has returned home from visiting her mother, Mrs. H. Ross, of Meyersburg. The Ladies' Aid of the United Church meet on Thursday next for dinner and the annual election of officers. Mrs. Fred Church is coi bed and will be for some ing to the doctor's repor Mrs'Gerow had a nur friends and neighboui CASTLETON j | Hor,. W. E. Foster, Chairman of lo the Saint John Board of Harbor Commissioners, announces that plans for the first unit in the enlarged harbor facilities for Saint John I I would include four new steamship ber of li&r berths and an elevator of 2,000,000 houie bushel capacity and that pis PRODUCE FOR SALE HAY DRY OAT STRAW SMALL WHITE BEANS SEED OATS, O. A. C. 144, from registered seed. REV. T. McKIM, Colborne. 3tf EGGS FOR HATCHING PURE BRED-TO'LAY BARRED ROCK EGGS for hatching 50c per d March and April Day-old-Chicks $20.00 per 100; May and June at $17.00 per 100. Also custom hatch-iing done. Please order early as we don't want to dissappoint you. PLEASANT HILL POULTRY FARM 3-tf H. A. Philp, Prop. ARTICLES FOR SALE FLOUR BARREL for sale cheap, 6 hoops. Apply at Express Printing Office. 50-lx FIANO FOR SALE CHEAP--First-class condition. Apply Box M, Express Printing Office. 49-2x AUTO KNITTING MACHINE sale, in first-class order. Apply at Express Printing Office. ARE YOU LONELY? I have a sweet heart for you. If you wish health; happiness, write: Mrs. James, Drawer C, Hollywood, California. KNOW YOUR FUTURE. Send 25c and birthdate. Let me try and locate your future mate, will send n and address. Adel, Box 519 Sta Los Angeles. California. FARMS TO RENT Real Estate for Sale S. E. ROBINSON ;ai Estate Dealer and Auctioneer Phone 78r23, Colborne E. QUINN FUNERAL DIRECTOR Colborne - - - Ontario Day or Night Calls Promptly Attended MOTOR HEARSE Phone 103j - - Colborne J. BLACKLOCK & SON Grafton Directors of Funeral Services MOTOR HEARSE IN CONNECTION Day or Night Calls Promptly Attended PHONE 38, GRAFTON Raw Furs Wanted! HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID A. Margies - Cobourg Phone 124 We Pay for Out of Town Calls. LIVE POULTRY AND JUNK WANTED Highest prices paid for Live Poultry, Rags, Brass, Copper, Iron and Bags. Long distance telephone calls will be paid if purchase Is made. B. GOODMAN Phone 153 Third St. Cobourg 43-6mos. GOOD FARM TO RENT--north of Grafton, about 306 acres, north Vi, lot 20, in the 1st Con. and part of lot 20 in the 2nd Con., Township of Haldimand, now occupied by Mr. Runciman. For terms apply to Miss McTAVISH, or to G. B. R. WILSON, Insurance and Real Estate Agent, Colborne. 37-tf TENDERS WANTED" TENDERS FOR CEDAR TENDERS addressed to the. under-slj-ntd -will be nkelved up- till January 27th, 1928, for 50 pieces 14 ft. long 10 ins. top end. 25 pieces 16 ft. long 10 ins. top end. 2000 ft. Cedar Plank, 4 ins. thick, 16 ft. long. 2000 ft. Cedar Plank, 4 ins. thick, 14 ft. long. All must be absolutely sound. Delivered .at Chas. Quinn's. G. R. BEAVIS, Township Clerk, Jan. 10, 1928. Colborne, R.R. 5. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE "TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Henry Carnall, late of the Village of Colborne, County of Northumberland, labourer, deceased, who died on or about- the 5th day of June, 1927, are hereby required to send to G. E. R. Wilson, Colborne, Ontario, the Agent of the undersigned Administratrix, on or before the 11th day of February, 1928 full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said 11th day of-i'ebruary, 1928, the assets of the intestate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the ■Administratrix shall then have notice. Dated at Colborne this 10th day of January, 1928. OLIVIA SfANE KEMP, 2-5 Administratrix. ening of tms A number of the ladies of the c4 gregation are planning to attend the Cobourg Presbvterial which is being held in Port Hope Thursday of this The Ladies' Aid of the Castleton United Church are staging a special activity on Thursday afternoon. Jan. 26th. 1928. beginning "at 2.30 o'clock. All ladies of the congregation and tl eir friends are cordially invited. Service in the United Church this coming Sunday, January 22nd, 1928, at 7.00. The pastor expects to be present and conduct, service. Sunday, January 29th. Rev. George Williams of Formosa will preach. Young People's League is withdrawn this week owing to the Oyster Supper. On Friday evening, January 27th, 1928, a debate is to be staged. Last week a large numiber were present to hear Rev. R. T. Richards of Port Perry. The following attended the WintjjB School at "Cobourg last week: Miss Marion Quinn, Miss Laura Arkles, Miss Harriett Bowditch, Miss Marjorie Purdy, Miss- Eltva Bowen,, Mrs. C. Wolfraim, Mrs. Andrew Kemp, and Rev. J. E. Beckel. The school was a grea DUNDONALD January 17th, 1928 Mr. Ross Wright had a wood bee on Tuesday. Miss Ethel McDonald is suffering from a severe cold. Mr. and Mrs. J. Sharpe lately visited Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sharpe, Little Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mutton and soli, Trenton, spent Sunday at "The Home-Mrs. J. Collins is visiting at the home of her brother, Mr. W. E. Chesterfield. Mr. and Mrs. Harry McDonald and Master Fred spent Sunday with'Bow-manville Wends. Many friends ffill regret to hear that Miss E. Mutton. "Orchard Farm," is quite ill again. Mr. Archie Samons has already com menced sawing, and immense piles of wood are the result. Mr. and Mrs. S. Lawrence of 'Oak Heights were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cordon Dunnett on Sunday. The Ladies' Aid was entertained at the home of their President, Mrs. J. I' "Wright, on Wednesday, this week. Many friends in this vicinity are rleased to hear of the improvement in the health of our formeT neighbour, Mr. David Bland. Mr. and Mrs. George A. Walker entertained a very large and merry party of friends on Friday night of last week, who gaily sang "We Won't go Home 'Til Morning.'"' these would be prepared at once. They will be located on the western side of the harbor, Increasing interest is being manifested throughout the country in the project sponsored by the Department of National Defence regarding light-aeroplane clubs, and two queries have been received formally requiring the Government to fulfil its part of the scheme by shipping the two Moth planes promised under the provisions of the plan. Montreal and Edmonton are the first two applicants. Inaugurating a direct, mail service by air from Quebec City to Ottawa and bringing British mail to the Capital 48 hours ahead of regular train schedule, a seaplane with first class mail from the Canadian Pacific liner "Montroyal" landed on the Ottawa River near the Parlia-' ment Buildings. This is the first mail to reach Ottawa by the air, and is part of a more general experiment on the part of the postal authorities. Manitoba's first fox show will be held from November 30th to December 3rd, in the old Hudson's Bay-store at Winnipeg. J. H. Evans, Deputy Minister of Agriculture, will be superintendent, and A. M. Doyle general manager. There will be eight classes including one for the best pair of matched foxes, one for groups or herds and one for the most desirable fox from a pelt standpoint. Several championships will be awarded, all of which are open to all classes. What is said to be the most valuable shipment of horses ever to reach Canada arrived in Montreal recently aboard the Canadian Pacific freighters "Bosworth" and "Bolingbroke." The owner is W. J. McCallum, of Brompton, Ont., and Regina, who secured these prize animals in England, Scotland France and Belgium. They include the famous "Lord Willingdon," for which Mr. McCallum paid 810,000. The horses will be sold throughout the West after being exhibited at Toronto, Chicago, Guelph and Ot- Canadians would be considerab!\ surprised if they were given full details of the British investment going into Canadian channels at the "' »; according ' Pea< CODRINGTON January 17th, 1928 Mrs. T. Martin is spending a couple weeks in Rochester. Mr.. and Mrs. F. Clarke visited at r. J. Lomis' on Sunday. Mrs. W. Ames was in the city last iek for a medical examination. Mr. R. Anderson and Jas. Wright e kept busy with their new trucks, awing for the farmers. A congregational meeting met with large attendance at the home of r. R. Cole on Thursday. The pastor, Rev. Clare, conducted the meeting. New officials were appointed and the S. S. .nized. NORHAM . Clausen is on the sick list at Mr. Philip Brintnell of The Ladies' Aid met at the home f Mrs. Chas. Pierson and spent a very njoyable afternoon. We are sorry to report Mr. Wm. Robinson under the doctor's care. Mr. Amos Smith had the misfortune fall and hurt his shoulder; but, glad report no hones were broken. BUILDING MATERIAL Rough and Dressed Lumber, Flooring, Clapboards, etc. CUSTOM SAWING W. W. MUTTON Colborne, R.R. 2 Phone--Castleton 19r3. Used Car Parts FOR SALE SOME GOOcTaS NEW PRICES LOW Jack Cowey jr. P'home 9 17-tf CoflJsorne To the Public That we may reach every home we take this way to let you know our thoughts go out at this the beginning of a New Year to one and ?ll to wish them success in all their endeavours, and to offer our appreciation to old associates. A new year faces us with its bright pages of promise and we want you to know that upon your page we would inscribe pleasant thoughts and best wishes of health, happiness and prosperity. I. PALEN -- for -- rlour, Feed, Grain, Poultry Supplies Phone 97 COLBORNE NOTICE of Public Hearing to Consider the Advisibility of Amending-Certain Regulations Under the Destructive Insect and Pest Act. .V public hearing has been called for Tuesday, January 24, 192t\ at 10 a.m. on the fifth floor of the Birks BuiMinf. 103 Sparks Street. Ottawa, for the The proposed changes include the 2. The advisability of prohibiting the importation of elms from Europe on account of the elm disease. 3. The advisability of prohibiting the importation of conifers from " rope on account of the nun moth and other noxious insects. 4. Modifications of several regula-lions already in force may also be considered. All those interested are invited to r-ttend and express their views. Arthur Gibson, Chairman Leonards S. Martin, Secretary Entomological Branch, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa. COAL GENUINE SCRANTON COAL We screen our coal. My scales are enclosed and always in perfect order. 2000lbs. is a ton with us Service is a pleasure. Special attention to farmers. Shed open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. You ' ■ find i Ira Edwards BRUNSWICK HOTEL Colborne First-Class Meals and Accomodation Give us a call when In Colborne J. F. WOLFRAIM - - Proprietor 'The Express" is authorized agent to take subscriptions and orders for advertising for "The Globe," Toronto. All orders received will be forwarded 'The Globe" without extra charge. Butter Wrapper? at Express Office. Is Ironing Hard Work*/ If you have to stand over a hot stove, heating old-fashioned sad-irons, and walk backwards and forwards between the stove and your ironing board, it ui*< donbtedly is. But, if you use a SOVEREIGN Electric Iron you can do your ironing on the bade porch if necessary. The " Sovereign " Electric Iron is truly the housewife's friend. It has a cool handle, tapering nose, and is beautifully balanced. Telephone us, and we will deliver a "Sovereign" imni ,'i it,-!v. It sells for the remarkably low i rice of '•MADE IN CANADA^ Sold in Colborne by G. M. PEEBLES ESTATE The Personal Element in Banking Affairs BETWEEN the curtness and coldness of printed bank forms and the human element for whose use they are designed, are vast opportunities for the banker to give valuable personal assistance. The Standard Bank, through the members of its staff, is anxious to use any opportunity that arises to demonstrate its value in offering personal advice on financial matters. The local manager, of the Standard Bank will be glad to give intimate counsel upon money matters pertaining to your business. THE STANDARD BANK S. SUTTON Manager, Colborne Branch Brighton, Castleton, Cobourg. Grafton McCracken & McArthur Funeral Directors ROOMS IN OPERA HOUSE BLOCK COLBORNE, ONTARIO Day or Night Calls Promptly Attended Telephone Connection Motor Equipment Terms Moderate New Wall Paper Stock IS NOW IN All the Newest Patterns and Colorings PRICES VERY MODERATE See the "Special" we are running ! Before buying, look over our stock! Jas. Redfearn & Son Phone 1 Division Street Colborne A Wondrous Beauty Cream YOU will love the fragrance first. Then the velvet smoothness, the delicate creaminess, of this marvelous beauty cream. It fairly melts into the skin--without a trace of grease, or the clogging of a single pore. Anemic tissues speedily drink it in, becoming smooth and softly pliable under Combination Cream Jonteel, A perfect base for powder. Take home a jar today. Sold in Colborne by W. F. Griffis "ihn Rexall Store"