THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, issued every Thursday morning by H. S. Keyes. Subscripticn $2.00 per annum in advance; $2.50 to U.S.A Transient adviertisements 12 cents per line first insertion and 8 cents per line for each additional insertion. Business cards net exceeding one inch $7 per annum. Yearly contracts at uniform rates. MARRIAGE LICENSES INSURANCE G. E. R. WILSON, General Insurance and Real Estate Agent, Money to Loan at 5 to 6 per cent. Office: Brunswick Block. Colborne, Ontario. Phones--Office 10; residence 13. __MEDICAL A C. McGLENNON, B.A., M.D., CM. Office opposite the Fire Hall, Colborne. Telephone No. 123w. Residence: King St., East --Phone 123j. J. ARCHER BROWN, M.D., L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S., Edinburg, Scotland. Office and residence, Division St, Colborne, Ont. Coroner for United Counties of Northumberland and Durham. Phone 22. LEGAL FRANK J. HART, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public &c, King St., Colborne. Phone 110. 18 FRANK M. FIELD, K.C., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. Phone No. 86, Cobourg, Ontario. W. L. PAYNE, K.C., Barrister, Solicitor, -Notary Public and Conveyancer. Office, first door east of Registry Office, Colborne, Ontario, Phone No. 19. FRANK L. WEBB, B.A., LL.B., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, &c, Offices, King St., Colborne, Ontaria, and 411 Temple Building, Toronto. At Colborne office on Fridays and Saturdays and Court Days. AUCTIONEERS S. E. ROBINSON, Auctioneer. Farm Stock and Implement Sales a specialty. Sales conducted anywhere. Satisfaction guaranteed. Real Estate Broker. Address: Colborne R.R. No. 3. Ph<jne 78r23, Colborne. ARNOLD POOLE, Auctioneer and Real Estate Broker. Auction sales of all kinds handled anywhere in the Province. Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. Pure bred sales a specialty. I pay for all Telephone Calls. Call or write: ARNOLD POOLE, Castleton R.R. No. 1, Ont. Phone: 10r23 36-25-lyr. Oscar C. Morgan Phone 7r18, Orlam $10.00 REWARD A reward of Ten DoUars will be given to anyone who could 'give any information that would lead to the conviction of the person or persons who removed the bath and bathroom fittings from the house on the Bid well farm, belonging to the Lakebourne Farm 4-r LIVE STOCK WANTED KORiSE WANTED--Fair size, well broken. Apply at Express Printing Office, Colborne. Ltd. ROBERT e United Chufoh, coming Sunday evening, 1928, is to " ter. The Rev. George Formosa will preach, by the choir. Strangers POULTRY FOR SALE A NUMBER OF PURE BRED WHIT LEGHORN COCKERELS for sab S. E. Robinson. EGGS FOR HATCHING Mrs. mid. PURE BRED-TOLAY BARRED ROCK EGGS for hatching 50c per doz. ^JVlarch and April Day-old-Chicks at $20.00 per 100; May and June at $17.00 per 100. Also custom hatching done. Please order early as we don't want to dissappoint you. PLEASANT HILL POULTRY FARM 3-tf H. A. Philp, Prop. ARTICLES FOR SALE AUTO KNITTING MACHINE for sale, in first-class order. Apply at Express Printing Office. 44- PERSONAL KNOW YOUR FUTURE. Send 25c and birthdate. Let me try and locate your future mate, will send name and address. Adel, Box 519 Sta. C, Los Angeles, California. 3-4x FARMS TO RENT FOR RENT--The Frazier Lazier Estate, five miles East of Colborne, on Provincial Highway, 100-acre farm, well adapted for dairying, good orchards, shipping station less than quarter of a mile away, spring water piped to all buildings. Apply: Mrs. F. H. LAZIER, Brighton R.R. No. 4, Ontario. 3-2 GOOD FARM TO RENT--north of Grafton, about 300 acres, north *4, lot 20. in the 1st Con. and part of lot 20 in the 2nd Con., Township of Haldimand, now occupied by Mr. Runciman. For terms apply to Miss McTAVISH, or to G. E. R. WILSON, Insurance and Real Estate Agent, Colborne. 37-tf Real Estate for Sale S. E. ROBINSON Real Estate Dealer and Auctioneer Phone 78r23, Colborne E. QUINN FUNERAL DIRECTOR Colborne - - - Ontario Day or Night Calls Promptly Attended MOTOR HEARSE Phone 103j - - Colborne J. BLACKLOCK & SON Grafton Directors of Funeral Services MOTOR HEARSE IN CONNECTION ©ay or Night Calls Promptly Attended PHONE 38, GRAFTON TENDERS WANTED TENDERS FOR CEDAR TENDERS addressed to the undersigned will ~be received up till January 27th, 1928, for 50 pieces 14 ft. long 10 ins. top end, 25 pieces 16 ft. long 10 ins. top end. 2000 ft. Cedar Plank, 4 ins. thick, 16 ft. long. 2000 ft. Cedar Plank, 4 ins. thick, 14 ft. long. All must be absolutely sound. Dellv-ii on at Ciiasv Qc.lun's. G. R. BEAVIS, Township Clerk, Jan. 10, 1928. Colborne, R.R. 5. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Henry Carnall, late of fhe Village of Colborne, County of Northumberland, labourer, deceased, who died on or about the 5th day of June. 1927. are hereby required to send to G. E. R. Wilson, Colborne, Ontario, the Agent of the undersigned Administratrix, on or before the Hth day of February, 1928 full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said 11th day of February, 1928, the assets of the intestate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the Administratrix shall then have notice. Dated at Colborne this 10th dav of January, 1928. OLIVIA JANE KEMP. £-5 Administratrix. merly Miss ton. died in January 22, have Regina on Jan. 25th. and Friday, January take place in the Dorland of Cas Regina. Sask., on Sund 1928. The body will le Wednesday morning, . will reach Colborne Oastlefon Cemetery. Remember the debate under the auspices of the Young People's League in the United Church, Castleton, on Friday evening, January 27th, 1928. The subject: "Resolved, That Canada presents greater opportunities for young person than does the Unf States." Messrs. George Brown George Clarke have the affirmaj while Messrs. Everett Allen vie Welton have the negative, and enjoy a good debate. Jam ■ 24th. 191 jcently visited Mr. Harry Walk, friends at Oshawa. A number of Edville people tering from severe colds. Miss Maliol f'urdy is visiting friends at Dartford and Warkworth. ■Mlrs. E. M. Hinman is with her mother in Toronto for a few weeks. Mrs. Manley Stimers is gaining nicely now and is able to be around the house. Miss Mabel Purdy has been spending a couple of weeks visiting friends at Dartford. Glad to report Mr. J. Onyon's shoulder doing nicely. Mr. Onyon is able to be out again. Our young people have been enjoying the lovely skating on Little Lake these last few days. Mr. and Mrs. Will Graham and .Miss Maude Hoare motored to Port *Hope last week, where Mrs. Graham wds the delegate from Sharon W.M.S. I The friends of Mrs. (Dr.) Gould in this neighbourhood were very sorry to hear of her death at the. heme of her brother in Western Canada. The reorganization meeting of the Ladies' Aid was held at the home of Mrs. Ed. Farrow on Tuesday of last week with a good turnout of the members. The officers were elected as (Oil! 2nd Vice-I'n siiler Mr. Harry Mutton has been visiting aronto relatives. . -Master Raymond Dudley has been visiting his parents at Waikworth for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. A. Broomfield of Oshawa were guests cf Mr. and Mrs. M. C Broomfield last Sunday. Mrs. Harry McDonald spent a few days last the home of her father. Mr. W. Samons, East Colborne. Mr. and Mrs. Wills of Wicklow and Mr. W. Samons of Colborne visited at the boirie of Mrr. and Mrs. Harry McDonald, last Sunday. A truck load of young people of this vicinity a (tended the ovster supper at Castleton on Friday night, returning in the early morning hours. Mrs. Eldon Robinson of Toronto and .Morley Shortt of Winchester have been guests in the homes of Messrs. H. and K. Mutton and Mrs. D. McDonald. Many friends in this vicinity will be interested to hear that Miss Helen Dunnett, who is in training at the General Hospital, Toronto, and Miss Marjorie Dudley, in training at Kingston General Hospital, have both passed successfully the probationary stage and are now entitled to wear the A number of Dundonald young folk recently met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elton Goodrich and organized "The Live-wire Club." The following officers were elected: President--Kenneth Mutton Vice.-Pres.--Ruth Chapman Secretary- -Harold Clarke Treasurer--Effie Goodrich Motto--"Do as you wish to be done by." Next meeting the 2nd Friday evening in February, at the home of the President, when it is expected more memfbers will be added. Membership fee 25c per annum. EDDYSTONE January 24th. 1928. . Howard is ill with stomach . Coffey is laid i sitli rtion- Mr. and Mrs. F. Eddy spent Sunday at Mr. R. Merriam's. Mr. and Mrs. F. Taylor spent Wednesday at Mr. C. Turk's. Miss Alena Locke is visiting friends in Oshawa and Toronto. Mrs. C. Turk had a very successful quilting on Tuesday of last week. Miss J. Branigan is spending a few weeks at her sister's. Mrs. Joice. Mrs. J. Joice left last week for her daughter's, Mrs. Stackhouse, at Ridge- . Coch- Mr. and Mrs. V. Harnden and Miss Darling spent Sunday at Mr. Darling's, Dartford. The B. Y. P. U. are having a social evening on Wednesday night at Mr. E. Joice's. The young people are having lots j of fun these days and nights, skating and sleighriding. Mr. Angus Harnden of Midland is spending a few weeks with his brother. Mr. Andrew Harnden. I Mr. and Mrs. H. StewArt, Mr. and Treasurer-- Mrs ' A * Wallou- S__v'rs; Albert Harnden spent Sunday __'_■ """at Vernonville, at Mr. J. ^Stewart's. I All very sorry to hear Mrs. Geo. Joice is on the sick lis\; also Mrs. George Harnden, who is^ under the doctor's care. Mrs. W/m. Blackburn is spending a few weeks with her daughter. Mrs. Davidson, Precious Corners. Mrs. Blackburn is very poorly. Mr. Jim Stewart had the misfortune to cut his knee last week while cutting wood for his father. Mr. H. Stewart. The doctor had to put in Hope to see him able to MT. OLIVET Mr. and Mr some compan The weathi t F: Ha;. mildeiv The Worn Wednesday, home of Mi Jan. 25th, 1928, at the Raw Eurs Wanted! HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID A. Margies - Cobourg Phone 124 We Pay for Out of Town Calls. LIVE POULTRY AND JUNK WANTED Highest prices paid for Live Poultry, Rags, Brass, Copper, Iron and Bags. Long distance telephone calls will be paid if purchasa is made. B. GOODMAN Cobourg BRUNSWICK HOTEL Colborne First-Ciass Meals and Accomodation Give us a call when in Colborne J. F, WOLFRAIM - - Proprietor BUILDING MATERIAL Rough and Dressed Lumber, Flooring, Clapboards, etc CUSTOM SAWING W. W. MUTTON Colborne, R.R. 2 Phnrie -Castleton 19r3. Used Car Parts FOR SALE SOME GOOD AS NEW PRICES LOW Jack Cowey jr. To the Public That we may reach every home we take this way to let you know our thoughts go out at this the beginning of a New Year to one and rll to wish them success in all their endeavours, and to offer our appreciation to old associates. A ! with its bright i of p to know that upon your page would inscribe pleasant thoughts and best wishes of health, happiness and prosperity. I. PALEN -- for -- Flour, Feed, Grain, Poultry Supplies Phone 97 COLBORNE ron has returned to Castleton, after two weeks' with her brother Eldrid. . Ross Sherwin was visiting i home of her parents. Mrr-ahd David Plumipton, the past week. and Mrs. Gordon Carr elnter-1 a number of their friends" on j night. They indulged in cards BRIGHTON Mr. J. S. Liggett of Zealandia, Sask., was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Tinson, last week. Mrs. Arthur Allen, jr. left on Saturday last for her home in Forest, after .spending three weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Clouston. Sheriff D. J. Nesbitt has been in town all week on business, having closed some deals with Dr. Wade, whereby he bought from the Dr. certain properties on Main Street. ■Mrs. W. E. Rudd of Toronto has been spending a few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Cheer. Mr. Rudd was also a Christmas and New Years guest in Brighton. Mesdames W. S. Boyce and F. Snelgrove, representing Trinity W. M. S.. and Misses Marjorie Wright, Ina Fiddick and Agnes Quinn from the Mission Circle were in Port Hi Thursday, attending th ing of the Cobourg Pr Mr. Mac Morden. of the Mail and Empire reportorlal ' staff, was the guest of his uncle. Mr. Jas. McCrack-en on Wednesday. Mr. Morden is a son of H. J. Morden, who at one time resided here and later in Colborne. He was down on the Seymour ghost be £ usiness or community ir Western and Eastern whit .behind them. As men have made a poor *k in this Province, to show them how. Congratulations to Ken. and Don. Langdon, whose names appear in the list of successful first year students in law examinations at Osgoode Hall last week. Rud comes in for congratulations too, having passed on each subject but lacking a few marks his total. However, he was with the majority, as over 90 out of a class of 176. failed to make the grade. At a recent meeting of United Lodge, A.F. & A.M., No. 29, Brighton, the following ofifcers were installed: W. Bro. H. K. Roblin .. .. W.M. " O. L. May . . . . I.P.M. " R. J. Taylor . . . . S.W. " H. A. Bullock . . .. J.W. " Rev. W. S. Boyce, Chap. V. " " B. C. H. Becker .. Sec. R. " " O. L. Morrow . .D. of C. " Dr. H. Clarke . . . . S.D. " G. T. Solomon. . . . J.D. " M. H. Maitland. . . . S.S. " F. S. Douglass. . . . J.S. " H. D. McColl . . . . I.G. " R. M. Hare . . . . Tyler " W. R. Freeman. .Organist hot stove, beating old-fashioned sad-irons, and walk backwards and forwards between the stove and your ironing board, it un> Awbtedly is. But, if you use a SOVEREIGN Electric Iron you can do your ironing on the back porch if necessary. The " Sovereign " Electric Iron is truly the housewife's friend. It has a cool handle, tapering follv balance <"»'°- Prosperity Follows the Dairy Cow AGRICULTURAL surveys prove that the farmer who banks a monthly milk or cream check soon becomes independent of financial worries. The dairy cow--the milk cheque--the bank account form an indestructible chain which defies "hard times" and business depressions. Since 1873 the Standard Bank of Canada has catered to the needs of the dairy farmer, rendering efficient service to his business, THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA ^ESTABLISHED 1675^ S. SUTTON Manager, Colborne Branch Branches also at Brighton, Ca»tleton, Cobourg, Grafton New Wall Paper Stock IS NOW IN All the Newest Patterns and Colorings PRICES VERY MODERATE See the "Special" we are running ! Before buying, look over our stock! Jas. Redfearn & Son Division Street COMBINATION CREAM A Wondrous Beauty Cream YOU will love the fragrance first. Then the velvet smoothness, the delicate creaminess, of this marvelous beauty cream. It fairly melts into the skin--without a trace of grease, or the clogging of a single pore. Anemic tissues speedily drink it in, becoming smooth and softly pliable under Combination Cream Jonteel. A perfect base for powder. Take home a jar today. Sold! in Colborne by W. F. Griffis '*Th« Rexali Store" phone " Soy i and will Oliver a U sells for *6 ""ABE IN CANADVt Sold in Colborne by G. M. PEEBLES ESTATE Newspaper Subscriptions Renewed WE ARE AGENTS FOR Leading Daily and Weekly Papers In many cases our clubbing rates will save you money. In all cases you are relieved of the trouble and expense of remitting. We Will Appreciate Your Subscription Orders THE COLBORNE EXRESS