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The Colborne Express (Colborne Ontario), 16 Feb 1928, p. 5

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THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THJU! RSDAY, FEBRUARY 16th, 1928 /age Five THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, issued every Thursday morning by H. S. Keyes. Subscript'cn $2.00 per annum in advance; $2.50 to U.S.A Transient adviertisements 12 cent* per line first insertion and 8 cents per line for each additional insertion. Business cards not exceeding one inch $7 per annum. Yearly contracts at uniform rates. MARRIAGE LICENSES INSURANCE 3. E. R. WILSON, General Insurance and Real Estate Agent, Money to Loan at 5 to 6 per cent. Office: Brunswick Block, Colborne, Ontario. Phones--Office 10; residence 13. MEDICAL * C. McGLENNON, B.A., M.D., CM. Office opposite the Fire Hall, Colborne, Telephone No. 123w. Residence: King St., East --Phone 123J. 1 ARCHER BROWN, M.D., L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S., Edinburg, Scotland. Office and residence, Division St, Colborae, Ont. Coroner for United Counties of Northumberland and Durham. PboSe 22. LEGAL FWANK J. HART, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public &c, King St., •Colborne. Phone 110. 18 WOOD FOR SALE--Hardwood, stove lengths. Elton Goodrich, Dundonald Phone Castleton 38r23. 7-3 DOMESTIC HELP WANTED GIRL WANTED, for general housework and care of children. Apply at Express Printing Office. WATCH FOUND--Owner may have same by proving ownership and paying expenses. C. W. ROSE, R. R. 1 Colborne. 6-3 The following found articles await wners at Express Printing Office: Pair Wool Mitts. Keys--2 on small ring for spring locks. Keys--3 on small ring--for spring lock, satchel and trunk, respectively. Key--for door lock, Key--for door lock. LIVE STOCK WANTED HORSE WANTED--Fair size, Well hroken. Apply at Express Printing Office, Colborne. POULTRY FOR SALE » NUMBER OF PURE BRED WHITE LEGHORN COCKERELS for sale. S. E. Robinson. 4- WRANK M. FIELD, K.C., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. Phone No. 86, Cobourg, Ontario. FRANK L. WEBB, B.A., LL.B., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, &c, Offices, King St., Colborne, Onfcetria, and 411 Temple Building, Townto. At Colborne office on Fridays and Saturdays and Court Days. __AUCTIONEERS S. E. ROBINSOT*i, Auctioneer Farm Stock and Implement Sales n specialty. Sales condwcted anywhere. Satisfaction guaranteed. Real Estate Broker. Address: Colborne R.8t. No. 3. Phone 78r23; Oolborne. AUCTIONEER and REAL. ESTATE BROKER--The undersigned is an experienced auctioneer--pays for the clerk, pays for the advertising, and guarantees a satisfactory sale or positively no pay. Sales conducted anywhere in the Province. Pure bred stock sales a specialty. Phone at my expense. ARNOLD POOLE, Castleton, Ontario. Phone 10r23. Oscar C. Morgan Real Estate for Safe EGGS FOR HATCHING PURE BRED-TO'tAY BARRED ROCK EGGS for hatching 50c per do£. March and April Day-old-Chicks at $20.00 per 100; May and June *t $17.00 per liGO. Also custom hatching done. Please order early as we don't want to dissappoint you. PLEASANT HILL POULTRY FARM 3-tf H. A. Philp, Prep. BABY ©HICKS AND HATCHING 5-OGS Also Custom Hatching JOSEPH CALNAN Vernonville, Grit. ARTICLES FOR SALE AUTO KNITTING MACHINE for "sale, in first-class order. Apply at 'Express Printing Office. 44- FARMS FOR SALE CASTLETON February 14th, 1928 Mr. P. A. Thompson of Colborne spent the weekend at home. Miss Marjorie Purdy spent the week end visiting friends in Grafton. Mirs. L. Lapp, who has been ill for so many weeks, seems to be slowly sinking. Dr. A. H. Millar of Toronto ' calling on friends in the village Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moore of Colborne spent Sunday with Mrs. Wolfraim. Miss Gertrude New-man of Oshawa spent the weekend with her parents, Mrr. and Mrs. R. Newman. Miss Harriett Bowditch has returned home, after spending a few weeks visiting friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Prout havi turned home . Mr. Prout is getting ready for the spring cut of logs. Miss Eleanor Wolfraim has returned home, after spending a few days with Miss Maggie Wamsley, Colborne. The Fishers of Men and of Toronto are having service Sunday afternoon and evening, Feb. 19th, in the t hall. Mrs. Arkles, Laura and Craig, spending a couple of weeks visiting their daughter and sister, Mrs. Harry Harrison. Service in the United Church this coming Sunday at 7. The pastor will preach. Special music by the choir. The leaders are endeavoring to make this a very helpful service. Come. iRemember the monthly meeting of the Ladies' Aid in the basement of the Church on Thursday, Feb. 23rd, 1928. Plans are under way to make this a very helpful meeting. Plan to attend. A meeting was held on Thursday evening, February 9th, 1928 to discuss the question of huildlng a new school in our village. Your correspondent hopes that plans will soon be completed for the same. The "at home" under the auspices of the Women's Institute in the Town Hall, Saturday evening, Feb. 11th, 1928, was a success. A goodly number were present and after the supper, enjoyed themselves by visiting and playing games. The contest which is being carried on rn Our Young People's League is adding greatly to the interest and attendance. This week a special leap year programme is being prepared, followed by a box social. On Friday February 4th, a mock parliament is being planned. Be sure and get out •and help your side. *f you are buying a Jfarm-- here is a bargain--140 acres, splendid soil, some bush, new frame house, stone stable under barn. $1,500.00. 6. concession 6, BSa'ldimand. Apply Box 331, Colborne,- Ont. FARMS TO RENT S. E. ROBINSON Real Estate Sealer and Auctioneer P4wme 78e23, Colborne E. QUINN FUNERAL ,01 RECTOR Colborne - - - Ontario Day or Night Calls Promptly Attended MOTOR HEARSE Phone 103j - - Colborne J. BLACKCOCK & SON Grafton Directors of Funeral Services MOTOR HEARSE IN CONNECTION Day or Night Calls Promptly Attended PHONE 38, GRAFTON Raw Furs Wanted! HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID j GOOD FARM TO RENT--north 'Of C-rafton, about 300 acres, north %, lot 20, in the 1st Con. and part'of lot 20 in the 2nd Con., Township of Haldimand, new occupied by Mr. Runciman. For terms apply to Miss McTAVISH, or;*o G. B. R. WILSON, Insurance and Real Estate Agent, Colborne. :37-tf LEGAL NOTICES WARNING I, the undersrtgned, hereby give notice that I will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name without my written order. Dated January 31st, 1928. 5-3x PERCY H. COCKRTJBN. EXECUTORS-NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to the Statutes in that behalf, that all persons having Claims against the ESTATE of DAVID BLAND, late of the Village of Colborne, in the ■ County of Northumberland, retired farmer, deceased, who died on or about the 23rd day of January, A.D. 1928. ARE REQUIRED lo send or deliver to G. E. R. Wilson, one of the Executors of the Estate of the deceased, Colborne, Ontario, on or before the 17th day of March, A.D. 1928 their names and addresses and particulars of their Maims, duly verified, and that after said last mentioned date the Executors will distribute the assets of the Estate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard -only to the claims of which they then shall have received notice. Datejl February 14th, 1928. G. E. R. WILSON, SARAH JANE BLAND, Executors. A. iMargles - Cobourg Phone 124 We Pay for Out of Town <J«JI«. SJVE POULTRY AND JUNK WANTED Highest prices paid for Live Poultry, Rags, Brass, Copper, Iron and Bags. Long distance telephone callg will be paid if psrehase is made. B. GOODMAN Phone 553 Third St. Ccbourg 4?-6bjuos. BUILDING MATERIAL Rough and Dressed Lumber, Flooring, Clapboards, etc. CUSTOM SAWING W. W. MUTTON Colborne, R.R. 2 Phone--Castleton 19r3. "The Express" is authorized agent to take subscriptions and orders for advertising for "The Globe," Toronto. All orders received will be forwarded to "The Globe" without extra charge. ■MORTGAGE SAVE TINDER and by virtue of the powers of sale contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of f.ale, there will be offered for sale by Public Auction at Union Hotel, Castleton, on SATURDAY, THE 25th DAY OP « FEBRUARY, 1928 at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon, fends and premises knG' as South Half of Lot Nu-mebr Twenty-one in the Ninth Concession of the Township of Cramahe, exaopt a small part thereof. On the property there is sstld to be erected a house and barn. The property will be sold subject to a reserve bid. For further terms and conditions of sale apply to the undersigned. Dated at Colborne this 2nd day of February, A.D. 1928. FRANK J. HART, Colborne, Ontario, Solicitor for the Mortgagee. Our Mailing List has been corrected up to Wednesday of this week. Look at your label and see if you have been given proper credit. If you are paid up we thank you, " COMING TO CASTLETON Fishers of Men Band will Stop at 'Castleton on Sunday, Feb. 19th, 1928. "We give one and all a special invitation. Everybody made welcome. The people of Castleton and surrounding country showed their appreciation and respect for young men who stand for God and what they know to be pure and good. We had nearly a full house last time and look for more this Sunday. Castleton^iW all its religions work does not pn opportunity to get with God •once every few years when a revival breaks out. We thank God that" something comes along to offer food for hungry souls. Christian friend, if you have not got that satisifying portion of God's love in your soul, if you have not got a religion that will stand before God on that judgment morning, you can get it; you can be in a place where sudden death will be sudden Glory. If you are not satisfied with your religion come and get right. Do not '"hesitate. Those who hesitate are lost. Sinner, if you never "knew God, turn not away, for Jesus said, "All ye who are weary come -unto me and I will give you rest." Turn away from all evil and iniquity. What will all your pleasures of this world amount to when you come to die. Some people say there is no God, no heaven, or no hell. Listen what Jesus said: "The fool hath said in his heart there is no God." It would no doubt be pleasant if it were true. One noted man when he came to die realized there was a God. -a heaven, and a hell. But he was too late. He had spent all his life in folly and sin. Went out into eternity, lost, down into that bottomless pit, because he neglected to get right with God. While he lived he prepared for everything but death. How can we escape if we neglect so great a salvation. It is not God's will if you are lost; it is because yon will be lost; because m trample God's mercies under foot, st for a few trifling pleasures; for ar of what somieone might sav or ). There are not men nor devils lough to keep a man out of heaven he wants to go ther.e Don't, put it off too long. The devil will keep telling you there is time enough. But we have no lease on life. We know not when the Master com-eth. Make sure of soul salvation now. Jesus said, "Now is the day of salvation. Now is the accepted time." "He that hardeneth his neck shall be suddenly destroyed and without remedy." Take warning, friend. Don'i miss your opportunity. DUNDONALD February 14th, 1928 Mrs. W. L. Dunnett is spending a week with Toronto relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor of Norfolk, England, are at Mr. Garnet Mutton's. Master Lawrence Chapman and sister Ruth attended a party at Salem Friday night. We were all glad to see several cars pass through our neighborhood on Feb. 13th. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mutton are spending a few days with Trenton, Sidney and Belleville relatives. Mr. Clayton O. Dudley of the Warkworth roller mills and Mr. Melville Dudley, jith Con., Brighton, were guests of relatives here on Sunday. .Mrs. Harry McDonald and daughter, Miss Beatrice McDonald, Toronto, spent the weekend with Colborne relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Montgomery and Master Norman Alyea attended the funeral of the late Dr. Alyea, at Colborne, on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Wright, the Misses Emma and Grace Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wright and children recently visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Wright". Colborne. Mr. and Mrs. M. Broomfield and Messrs Milton and Ernest McDonald and Miss Ethel McDonald attended the Masonic Ball in Colborne on Friday night of last week. EDVILLE Feb. 9tb, 1928 Mr. Wallace Onyon is engaged with General Motors Co., Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Farrow both suffering from severe colds. Mr. George Graham is confined to the house, suffering from stomach trouble, Mrs. Alex Chatterson is spending a few days at her old home, Grafton. (Master Glen Chatterson is visiting his g.andmother. Mrs. Chatterson, East Colborne. Mr. Reuben Wait's family have all been sick with flu. Glad to see George out again after being laid aside for Glad to report Mrs. E. M. Hin has left St. John's Hospital and is convalescing at the home of her mother, Mrs. Isaac, Major Street, 'Toronto. The practicing is still going on every night, preparing for the Old time concert which will be given on February 16th. Don't miss this entertainment. February 14th, 1928 Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Onyon visited Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Onyon last week. •Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Denike and Master Harold spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Gummer. MSss Janey Cooper has returned home, after a pleasant visit with her aunt, Mrs. Gilbert Waite of Hilton. This neighborhood was very much surprised to hear of the sudden death of Dr. J. E. Alyea at his home in Colborne on Thursday morning last. Everything is being made ready for the Old Time Social on Thursday evening, February 16th. Come and enjoy an evening of fun and get an idea how to invest your surplus money. Final rehersal to-night (Wednesday evening.) . Ern SHILOH February 14th, 1928 i recently visited friends at Trenton. The young people of the E. L. are practicing for a play In the near future. IMS1, and Mrs. Frank Wllce and in-int son, Carl, recently visited rela-ves at Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. McDonald spent ist Thursday evening with her parents at Colborne. Mrs. W. W. Mutton and two children, Roy and Rena, spent the weekend with her parents at Cobourg. "r. and Mrs. W. A. Philp visited at home of their daughter, Mrs. Wm. Goodfellow, Mt. Olivet, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wright and chil-:ren, Elwood and Marion, were recent ;uests of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. McDon-ld. Mr. and Mrs here. Mr. and daughter Ml and Mrs Sunday. J. T. Wright and the and Grace Wright, ahrly visited relatives i. Lewis Mutton and risited at the home of Allen, near Castleton for Something a little better, try SNOWDRIFT FLOUR Sold and Recommended by I. PALE N.....Colborne MRS. S. M. PURDY - - Castleton BRUNSWICK HOTEL Colborne st-Class Meals and Accomodation live us a call when In Colborne F. WOLFRAIM - - Proprietor mittam 'UlrJ jciate NORHAM February 14th, 1928 Mliss Flossie Everson and friend of Lindsay is holidaying at Norham. We are sorry to report Mr. Bert West falling and cracking two ribs. Mr. Stimers of Dundonald is visiting Mrs. (Rev.) Clare, at the Parsonage. Mr. and Mrs. David Ferguson of Castleton spent the weekend with her brother, Mr. S. Piatt. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Valleau of Hastings spent the weekend with his sister, Mrs. Clousen, and also celebrated ber 77th birthday on Monday, with a few other relatives. More than 200 applications for divorce are to be dealt with by the Senate Divorce Committee at the present session of Parliament. That is e than 200 cases too many.--Globe Butter Wrappers at Express Office. Used Car Parts FOR SALE Jack Cowey jr. We COAL GENUINE SCRANTON COAL coal. My scales are enclosed and always in perfect order. 2000fbs. is a ton with us Service is a pleasure. Special attention to farmers. Shed open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. You will find my prices always Ira Edwards Banking and Profit WHEREVER goods are bought and sold Banking has a service to render--a service which simplifies transactions and renders them more profitable. During more than Fifty Years of constructive banking practice the Standard Bank of Canada has built up throughout the Dominion a loyal clientele who have learned to rely on this Bank's THE STANDARD BANK OF CANAM ^ESTABLISHED 1873^, S. SUTTON Manager, Colborne Branch Brighton. Cutleton, Cobourg, Grafton New Wall Paper Stock IS NOW IN All the Newest Patterns and Colorings PRICES VERY MODERATE See the "Special" we are running ! Before buying, look over our stock! Jas. Redfearn & Son .Phone 1 Division Street Colborne A Wondrous Beauty Cream YOU will love the fragrance first. Then the velvet smoothness, the delicate creaminess, of this marvelous beauty cream. It fairly melts into the skin--without a trace of grease, or the clogging of a single pore. Anemic tissues speedily drink it in, becoming smooth and softly pliable under Combination Cream Jonteel. A perfect base for powder. Take home a jar today. Sold in Colborne by W. Fe Griffis "The Rexal!

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