THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, COLBORNE,'ONT., THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1928 "Pekoe" comes from the Chinese word "Pak-ho'% meaning silver hair, which was applied to the tip leaves on the Chinese tea bush. Tip leaves are wiry msfavp* In India they were more orange in colour; so were called "Orange Pekoe" (Pak-ho). Wells WHAT HAS GONE BEFORE. Garrett Folsom is stabbed to death .while swimming at Ocean Town, N.J. folsom's bathing companions had oeen Roger Neville, a business partner; Mrs. Helen Barnaby and Car-mehta Valdon. Anastasia Folsom, eccentric and niasterful sister of tho dead man, arrives and takes command. At the inquest it is learned that the death wea-pan was a pichaq, an Oriental knife, wall '* been bought on the board-, It is learned that one Croydon Sears 13 a fancier of curious weapons. Hi admits buying two knives but not the pichaq. Anastasia engages Titus Riggs, architect, to work on the case. Dan Pelton, the dead man's nephew, rives and is intrigued by some curious French dolls in Folsom's roor ■ Croydon Sears sends for Fleming Stone, famous detective. He tells him Folsom had been blackmailing him and he had^lied at the inquest but was Stone meets Nad and Madeline Bar-■ ron. He orders Dan Pelton to produce Folsom's papers, and Pelton acts as if he were trying to conceal something. NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY CHAPTER XLI. '•It isn't ridiculous, except that it's re' wka to jump., at conclusions so rapidiy," said Riggs. "But IJiave felt all alcng that Mrs. Valdon knows mora than she has admitted, .and that sha is a woman of-- "Of murderous impulses and peratc passions and capable of any crime!" Miss Folsom ranted on. "" knew her sort the moment I set eyes on her, and that was some years ago. She made a dead set for my brother, and they had an affair which, she thought, would end in Garry's marry ing her-but it didn't. Garry wa just a little too smart for that! Bu. tjiers waa a bit of a scandal, .jand 4omehcw or other Garry kept the whip hand. Since then Canny and I have been friends outwardly, and ('^: ."> v.eie seemingly friends, but she "Net afraid of him," amended Pel-ton, "but he had some letters of hers which were perhaps a bit indiscreet. Th?sc she mUurally wanted to get " ath- No woman wants ted to the public. So, naturally, she triad to get them, ew it wculd be useless to appeal police, and she doubted the wis->f asking my aunt for them, Before you get the reward your Uncle Garry got! I suppose she begged _ for that packet of letters- By the ay, where has it been all the time" I haven't seen it." "I took care of it," Pelton said, ob stinately. "I know you did. But where did you find it? In the suitcase?" "Yes. And I just laid it aside for the moment. I knew she never killed uncle. How could she?" "Why couldn't she?" retorted aunt. "She stood next him at the rope; that we know. Stood at his right-hand side. So she had motive and oportunity. As to the weapon, •we've no real reason to assume it must have been one of those antique things It may have been a hotel carving knife. Any woman clever enough to plan and carry out such a scheme of murder would bo quite clever enough to manage the weapon part of the business. Now, Mr- Stone, there's your criminal; go and get her!" Had the case been less serious, Fleming Stone would have been amused at the emphatic declaration of Miss Folsom. - She was striding up and down the roon, her bobbed hair, escaped from the influence c.f brilliantine, waving in quivering tufts. Her black la< evening gow7n was short and the gre; red rose at her shoulder shook on i stem as she gesticulated with her bare arm, which was held, now aloft, like the Statue of Liberty, and now straight out, as she pointed, in phasis, at one or another of her about the dolls!" Miss Folsom cried, impatiently. "I'm not using that point to fsaten this thing on Carmelita Valdon. I only say she had the real reason to want Garry out of the. way, and she had nerve necessary to do the deedV" And the opportunity," put ii Riggs. 'Those things are all required,' Stone said, smiling a little at the glib repetition of the hackneyed terms, 'but there are other things to be conr sidered. A murder such as this one we are considering is the result of careful planning and preparation. Your ordinary bather does not carry a sharp knife around in his pocket on the chance of wanting to kill somebody in a hurry. Nor is that sharp knife easily come by or easily carried about. It means premeditation and that means a long time and definite purpose. Now, Mr. Folsom only ar-'ed here the night before, so who-sr killed him prepared for it in a hurry- I mean, in a hurry at the last. I insist that the motive existed long before. To me it seems that who had the murder in his heart, was ilready down here and learned that evening that Mr. Folsom had arrived. That he then laid his plans and the Jiext morning carried them out with ;• lett: • a lot about it, Dan. with an accusing glano t Stasia, and I'm telling causa---well, because Ml implied that opannes way out." ure I implied all that, nd his l the f thos :-rc5t love- L.iters, they might bring suspicion 0:1 Mrs. Valdon. But if ; oved a real intent for revenge--" "They couldn't be as bad as that," Pelton said, and was stopped by his "Shut up, Dan," she advised. 'You've fallen for that woman, as ,-ou do for every specimen of that ■ran type. Given a low, wailing voice md a pair of dark, love-hungry eyes, md any woman can vamp you! Now hop her before you get in too deep. 1-e Interested hearers Riggs was getting a beautiful Carmelita; beginning to too, for Tite lew light Croydon Sears way out for himself, and Fleming Stone was hear: GUYS The cool, comforting flavor of WRIGLEY'S Spearmint is a lasting pleasure. It cleanses the mouth after eating--gives a clean taste and It is refreshing and ing ar«l freely given, and to its true place "Gently, gently, Miss Folsom," h< said, looking at her kindly. " I knov you think you have discovered the on< who killed your brother, and it excite: your sense of justice, but remembei we haven't proved anything and, in deed, have little to bank on. A paeke of love letters and a position next to Mr. Folsom on the rope in the ocean. I see no more than that, and that, dear lady, is not enough." "It's enough for me!" Anastasia •olsom's eyes snapped. She snatched 10 one of the dolls that was perched >n the mantel. "That's the type she xis!" she ex-laimed as she waved the puppet in he very face of Fleming Stone. 'That's the type of Carmelita Val-lon; a woman with a serpent's soul!" The doll, a superior specimen of French art, did indeed look like Car melita, so much so that it was sur prising- But it had a sly, even sinister, expression beneath the luring smile, and the exquisite features, whilo fascinating, were those of a wicked, designing nature. Fleming Stone was interested. "It does look like Mrs. Valdon," he declared. it does," Miss Folsom said scornfully. "My brother was a fool about women, or rather, they made a fool of him. So. whenever he could find a doll who reminded him of one of his favorites he bought it. All of these represent his sweethearts." Anastasia was a strange mixture of" scorn for these amours of her brother and a staunch loyalty and love for tha man himself, whatever he might do. "Why pick on that doll, then?" Tite Riggs said, thoughtfully. "Maybe the human prototype of some of these other dolls was the guilty person." "No," and Anastasia took his suggestion seriously. "You see, I know many of these. I don't mean personally, but I happen to know more or ks3 about them- No doll here is the image of a person down here, except that one." "I gave a doll to the girl, Myrtle," said Pelton, thoughtfully. "She chose it herself--said it was Uncle Garry's favorite. Maybe she's the--" NURSES WANTED The Toronto Hospital for Incurables, icriit-li miforn _ _nd Allied 3, New York City, offers a ars' Course of Training to "omen having the required 1, and desirous of becoming :ids Hospital has adopted the ir system. The pupils receive 1 of the School, a monthly of the knives bought that night; it may havo been bought at any time, or, indeed, brought here from elsewhere. But it dees seen to indicate a lover or collector of the antique, and that may or may not be a clue. Probably not, for to my mind a collector would use any weapon rather than one of his own curios." "Yes," agreed Croydon Sears, "I certainly should have done so." (To be continued.) such cleverness that he left no clue." t°n Herald "The knife " said Croydon. Sears, who, saying little, was listening to Stone. "That--and I think it was bought at the auction room--was a clevefr dodge. "I am "Your uncle seems rather hard of hearing?" 'Hard of hearing! Why, once he conducted family prayers kneeling on the cat!" The man who blew hot to warm his hands and cold to cool his soup had nothing on the candidate who is per-lly dry and politically wet.--Bos Uncle Sam has earned the credit of introducing two kinds of diplomacy: shirt-sleeve and airplane. Minard's Liniment reileves pain. SUN LIFE SETS NEW RECORD Wilson Publishing Company Canadian Company With World Wide Organization a Great Credit to This Country. Increase in New Business For Year Greatest on Continent. Sun Life Assurance Company ada during the last few years caused its annual report to be aw with unusual interest, not only by the policyholders of the Company, but by a large section of the general public. The annual report which the President has just submitted, and which ap---pears iu this issue, must have surpassed the expectations of the most sanguine. The total amount of surances in force with the Company now approaches the billion and a halt figure, $1,487, the year of over $231,500,000. The total net income for the year exceeded $100,000,000--five times ten years ago and more than $23,000,-000 in excess of the income for the previous year. Such statistics as are available for 1927 indicate that the aggregate new business of arf the companies operating in North America last year barelt exceeds the total new business of thJ previous year. The ' :ioh, so new-business of the Snn Life of ada, on the other hand, was twenty-three per cent. Assurances in force on the books of the Company have doubled in four years--new business has trebled in that period. This wonderful expansion has been paralleled by a great increase in the MR. T. B. MACAULAY President Sun Life of Oanada The strength and solidity of our large insurance companys, banks, etc., is a source of great pride to all Canadians, and it is in the best interests of the country that these institutions remain Canadian in ownership and not pass to foreign control, as have many of our large business enterprises. deducted $5,000,000 from the market value of its securities as a further provision against possible future fluctuations, the total amount set aside for this purpose now standing at $10,000,-000. The account to provide for unforeseen contingencies has been increased by $1,500,000 and now amounts to $12,500,000. The sum of $1,000,000 has been written off the Company's properties; an additional $500,000 has been set aside in anticipation of the greater longevity of annuities--the total provision under this head now being $2,000,000. Another "19^00 has been set aside to provide claims with respect to total disability cases as yet unreported. $11,-000,000 has been paid or alloted as profits to policyholders during the year, and over $6,000,000 has been contingently allotted to deferred dividend policies issued prior to 1911 and to five-year distribution policies to provide for profits accrued but not yet payable. After making these liberal deduction and allocations, over $11,000,000 has been added to tb 1 undivided sur-which now stands at more than $4r.,ooo,ooo. There is good news again for the participating policyholders of the Company in the announcement that the scale of dividends to be paid to policyholders during the year commencing April 1st next will be again increased--this for the eighth succes-! sive year. The interest rate on divid- ' ends left with the Company will be maintained at 5% per cent, per an-! im during the new dividend year, j There were paid to policyholders and beneficiaries, in respect to death , claims, matured endowments, etc., during the year over $42,000,000. The Company has paid out since its organization, under this head, over $300,000,-000. ndicative of the efficiency and morale of the world-wide organization of the Sun Life that the increases in its income are from every department already proverbial strength and re- of its business and from every terri-sourcea of the Company. The assets [torial division, namely, Canada; been increased by over $56,000,-j United States; South America and and now reach the impressive j West Indies; Great Britain, South total of over $400,000,000. The Com- Africa and the Near East; China, pany's assets approximate the amount 'Japan, India and the Far East. Such a of the total assurances in force only ! showing is not alone a tribute to eight years ago. President Macaulay ,but a striking The wisdom of the Company's in- proof of the high quality of the per-estment policy is reflected in the sonnel of his organization. The Head Office building in Mont- staPJdard of quality"' MAKE for over ' ,a*ru-> 50 years1 BETTER HOME, I MADE BREAD ATTRACTIVE NEW FPvOCK. This charmingly simple frock is suitable for many occasions and is a style the home modiste will find quite simple to fashion. The two-piece skirt is shirred to the bodice, and contrasting material is used for the shaped collar, applied band at the centre-front opening and the wristbands that tie in bows on the long gathered sleeves. No. 1711 is for Ladies and Misses, and is in sizes 16 years, 86, 38, 40 and 42 inches bust. Size 38 requires SY2 yards 36-inch, or 2% yards 54-inch figured material, and % yard 36-inch contrasting. Price 20c the pattern. Our Fashion Book, illustrating the newest and most practical style, will be of interest to every home dress-n.aker. Price of the book 10c the copy. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. Write your name and address plainly, giving number and size of such patterns as you want. Enclose 20c in stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for each number and address your wrdcr to Pattern Dept., Wilson Publishing Co., 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto. Patterns sent by return mail. Admirals Entertain Crew at British Reunion Tea Portsmouth, England--The battleship Nelson was the scene of a tea party which has written a new chap-, ter to British naval social history. English newspapers say it is the first time two admirals invited tha crew of ordinary rank to such a function. The hosts were Vice-Admirai Sif Hubert Brand, commander in chief of the Atlantic Fleet, and Admiral Sir, Osmond de Brock, commander In chief of the Portsmouth command. The guests were both men and officers, without distinction of rank, who served in the steam frigate Raleigh (during the commission from 1885 to 1887. Both Sir Hubert and Sir Osmond were midshipmen of the watch together in the Raleigh. Corrugated Iron ASK FOR Wheeler & Bain "Council Standard" A thick, even, heavy spread of galvanize over every inch of surface. Deep corrugations. Write us, stating size of WE PAY FREIG°HTer WHEELER & BAIN, LIMITED Dept. V/, 108 George St., Toronto 2 Minard's Liniment for asthma. 'Hundreds of Queens Workers Rally to Connolly's Support."--Headline. Possibly to the tune of "Fifty thousand henchmen can't ba wrong." Mussolini has agreed to write the story of his life, and it will probably be called "Me." Mining Stocks Now They low level re several which show profit possibilities. Write, re, or phone us for Information thout obligation. LYLE^ BELL& CO. 104 Mail Bldg., Toronto. A. P. H. lian Prids Homespu grey mixture. Manufactured by the St. Croix Woollen Mills, from first weave Canadian Wool. Kept by the leading Clothiers in the Dominion. ^ from ,. iur aasampei? pair. Postage paid. CLAYTON & SONS Halifax, N.S. it bottle ! Pleasant to take and Whooping Cough. Use HiMONDll SAWS .ami Machine Knives! fact that it has no arrears in interest or dividend on either its bonds or preferred stocks, while the dividends accruing iu its common stocks are greatly in excess of those payable on those real is to be increased to mammoth proportions, the first unit of the new building being now under construc-This building is designed, when stocks at the time of their purchase, j completed, to accommodate 10,000 The care and foresight exercised in Iployees. Almost equally interesting; this branch of the business is indi-jis the action of the Company this! cated by au appraisal of company year in purchasing one of the most j securities, the market value of which central sites in London, just off Tra-! has increased by over $19,000,000 dur- falgar Square and adjoining Canada ing this year. House. Here is being erected what The surplus earned during the year wil be undoubtedly one of the finest' amounted to over $38,500,000. The!office buildings in the world's metro-! Company has followed its conservative polls and from which the business of I policy with respect to this surplus and 'the British Isles will be administered.1 insure Your Crop DOUBLE WORTH Actj like a flash-- Issis istd fpr 1/ >'ou.g've us their names, your ' relatives and friends may obtain the low ocean rate of £1, reduced railroad fares, and FREE transportation for children under 17, providing they are placed in farm or domestic employment. Ask at once for details of the C\NADIANj» SERVICE r-PURITy FLOUR I BEST FOR ALL YOUR BAKING -- Pies, Cakes, Buns and Bread -- DOES ALL YOUR BAKINi BAKING BEST