0& 62nd Year No. 12 THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, MARCH 22nd, 1928 $2 a year in advance: $2.50 to U.S.A. COLBORNE SCHOOL BOARD Congratulations to Beatrice Purdy, Whose Honour a Tablet will placed in School.--Reward Offered for Conviction of Party Who Cut Down Tree in H. S. Yard.--Water Pipes Out of Commission for Season Regular meeting of Oolborne Union Board of Education was held Monday evening, March l»th, 1928. Present:-- J. A. Corbyn, Chairman; A. E. Donaghy. H. J. Coyle, P. M. Brintnell, J. P. Wilson, H. S. Keyes, B. MicCracken, E. Quinn, H. Gale. D. W. Church, H. J. Miayhew. The following acocunts were passed: High School F J. Smith, 3 raos. salary and stamps.............. 24.00 F. J. Smith, paid for Confederation pictures.......... 3.00 H. P. Moore, repairs.......50 J. H. Goulding, re water for school................ 12.00 'O. M. Peebles Estate, thawing water pipes, 3 times...... 55.00 P. & R. Youngs, helping IRISH SUPPER WAS ENJOYED The W.M.S. of St.-Andrew's Presbyterian Church held an Irish Supper ir the S. S. auditorium on Friday evening, March 16th, 1928. The supper proved a delectable repast and was much enjoyed by all present. The decorations of shamrocks and green and the costumes of the attendants were appropriate for the eve of St. Patrick's Day. The proceeds totalled near .$70.00. Mrs. J. A. RoNson is the proud posessor of the nrst life membership pin of the United Church in Canada, to be owned in Brighton. It was the gift of a dear friend at CI: time, which makes a second reas for it being highly prized.--Ensign. Lieut.-Col., J. W. Odell, of Cobourg, has been awarded the Colonial Auxiliary Forces Officers Long Service Decoration and Long Service Medal. 7.20 Public School L S. Keyes, paid for tuning >aig & Craig, material for Mrs. E. W. Morgan, making The repair committee reported that several attempts had been made to thaw out the water pipes without success, and suggested that nothing more could be done until frost out of the ground, and that new pipes then be laid. Moved by P. M. Brintueil. seconded bv J. P. Wilson. That Miss Beatrice Purdy. a student of Colborne High School, having won in the Oratorical Contest, for the Port Hope District, put on bv the Toronto Daily Star, and having betn presented with the District Cup for the school, and a souvenir for herself, we. the trustees of the Colborne Board of Education appreciate j the honour thus brought to Colborne High School, and we do hereby express our appreciation and extend our congratulations to Miss Purdy and the teachers of our High School, especially Miss M. Mitchell, teacher, of English, for the success thus ach- . ieved; and we trust that Miss Purdy j will be further honoured by winning in the Provincial contest to be held j in Toronto. That a tablet be placed in j our High School to commemorate the ! honours thus won by Miss Purdy, and that a committee be named by the Chairman to provide such a tablet.-- Carried. The Chairman named as a committee: H. S. Keyes. chairman of Finance Committee; H. Oale, chairman of Repair Committee, and P. M. Brintnell. chairman of School Committee. Moved by H. Gale, seconded by J. F. Wilson, That this Board offer a reward of $5.00 for information leading to the conviction of the party who cut down a young maple tree on the High School grounds--'Carried. Principal Cracknel! presented the absentee report for the month. Several were absent through illness and three without reason. These names; were referred to Chief Jamieson fori Investigation. The attendance officer, Chief Jamie-son, reported on investigations of four named in previous report, stating that all but one had since attended school, and that one lacked proper clothing. YOU RUN NO RISK, just get Mrs. Sybilla Spahrs Tonsilitis, use it for Sore Throats. Coughs. Bronchitis, Croup. Catarrh, Head Colds, and all Throat and Tonsil Diseases. Success or money back. GOULD'S DRUG STORE. Colborne. WICKLOW March 20th, 1928 The C. G. I. T. group of Wicklow United Church, in charge of Miss Florence Hall, held a very successful afternoon tea on St. Patrick's Day in the Sunday School room of the Church, which was suitably decorated with "Irish green" and shamrocks The Grafton C.G.I.T. ,with their leader, Miss Monroe, "kiked" to Wicklow and with their pastor, Rev. A. E. Mc-Lauchlin. enjoyed with others the delectable tea served by the Wicklow girls. The timely passing in his car of Mr. W. G. Chattel-son saved from drowning last Thurcday aftei noon of Ross, the five year old so of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Backus when he stumbled and fell headfon-most into a deep water filled ditch near his home in East Colborne. Mr. Chatterson saw Ross fall, stopped his car, run for the ditch, and pulled hii out. Only the soles of the " boots appeared above the Wjhile nervous from shock and Master Rcss is fortunately no: worse for the experience. In leaving Chatterson did not take time the brakes, and the car started down the grade and against the Bellamy storehouse on the corner, causing no serious damage however. Ross was alone at the time and none others witnessed the accident, so that 'the passing of Mr. Chaterson at the time all that saved him. as he says more he tried to get out .'the deeper he sank. GAVE BIRTH TO FIVE LAMBS A ewe belonging to Mr. Chafles McArthur, West Seymour, recently gave birth to five lambs. All are healthy-looking animals and are ■• doing nicely. BIRTHS Roup and tuberculosis are said] to be killing off a large number of c«|ws in the western section of Ontario.. Mrs. Harry S. Smith of Pembroke : is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. j H. J. Mayhew. Brighton Ensign: Miss Bertha Wait ol Colborne visited Miss Marjoric Wright this week. Mr. Douglas Mayhew of Brockville spent the weekend with his parents, Mir. and Mrs. H. J. Mayhew. 'Miss Marion Morgan of Toronto spent the weekend with her moth< Mrs. E. W. Morgan. Colborne. Capt. and Mirs. James H. Peacock of Port Hope, and daughter, J. Clarke, of Colborne, have returned, home after spending a couple of months at West Palm Beach, Florida. Mrs. D. C. Matthews accompanied her granddaughter, Miss Marion Snel-grove to Rochester, N.Y., and is spend-a few days visiting friends there. : Snelgrove has accepted a position there. rs. Lacey Amy has returned to Colborne to be with her mother, Mrs. W. L. Payne. Mr. Amy expects to re-xn in a few days. They spent the inter in California and Texas. Mrs. C. P. Brown of Trenton spent Tuesday with her mother, Mrs. James Thomas, who that day celebrated her '8th birthday anniversary. Her many friends are glad to know that Mrs. Thomas is enjoying good health and nil wish her many happy returns of the day. Dr. W. G. Robertson will be" in his office every Saturday and Monday during February and March. Carter--in Colborne, on Thursday, March 15th. 1928, to Mr. and Mbs. Clarence A. Carter, a daughter. McColl--At Belleville Hospital, on March lfith, 1928, to M,r. and Mrs. H. Douglas McColl of Brighton, a daught- DEATHS Alyea--In Brighton Township, on March 8th, 1928, Peter Nelson Alyea, in his seventy-ninth year. The funeral cortege left the home of his daughter, Mrs. John W. Cross. Brighton Tp., at 12.30 o'clock on Sunday. March 11th. for Albury Church, where vices were conducted. Interment at Albury Cemetery. IN MEMORIAM Deviney--In loving memory of Mrs Albert Deviney, who died on March 18th. 1927. Precious mother, we long to see you Precious lips we long to kiss, We long to look into those eyes Of our mother we sadly miss. Her sweet voice is silent, Her dear head lying low, O. how we miss our dearest mother Cod in heaven can only know. Sadly missed by Husband, Daught-s and Sons. Tailored Made Suits on sale in Col-orne. Many men remark about the ood value in Tip - Top Suits and pring Coats on display at Hawkins'. COMING EVENTS C. M. Allen & Son s list of specials for Saturday, advt. on page 8. lEaster attire for everybody. Stocks replete with all the fashionable requirements. Specially selected. At Cornwell's, Colborne. See big advt. in this paper. A three-act play, "Lucky Gulch," under the auspices of Shiloh Young People, will be given in Dundonald Hall, Friday evening, March 23rd, 1928, Admission 35c and 25c. All invited. "The Dust of the Earth," a four act play, will be presented by Trinity Church Dramatic Club, in Victoria Opera House, Colborne, on Easter Monday, April 9th, 1928. Watch for further advertising and posters. 3 Invitation Holders: The Order of the Eastern Star will hold a dance l the Town Hall, Colborne, Friday vening, March 30th, 1928, at 8 clock. Admission 47c, tax 3c. Pre-ious invitation holders will please take noelce. Friday evening, March 23rd, 1928, the Colborne Village Improvement Society will hold a dance in the Town Hall, Colborne. Orchestra in attendance. Refreshments. Admission 50c each for dancers; 25c each for spectators. Proceeds in aid of Colborne Public Library funds. 9-2 EASTER IS COMING Be ready with your reason's Attire I TEST THE CAPACITY OF STRAIN YOUR EYES WILL ENDURE, THE DELICACY OF THE EYE, ITS FORMATION AND THE INTRICACIES OF ITS NERVE SYSTEM ARE INDEED WONDERFUL. Had Your Eyes Tested ? ITS HAZARDOUS THINKING THAT NATURi: WILL CURE THAT DEFECT. IT CAN'T. GLASSES ARE RESTFLL. CURATIVE. GET THE BEST, ALWAYS CHEAPEST, HERE. H. J. MAYHEW Ladies' Department is now replete with all fashionable requirements, starting with EASTER HATS EASTER SHOES EASTER COATS EASTER DRESSES EASTER LINGERIE EASTER Featherweight Goloshes EASTER HOSIERY in all the new shades and popular brands and prices As we specialize in all the above goods, with our long experience and practical knowledge of manufacturing garments our rapidly growing business is the satisfying outcome. Men's Department starts with Specially Selected SPRING TOP COATS SPRING SUITS in fancy Worsteds, Blue Serges and Fancy Tweeds, for Men and Boys. SEPARATE PANTS AND BLOOMERS for Men and Boys, in Worsteds and Tweeds MEN'S HATS The Newest in Hard and Soft Felt Hats. Men's and Boys' Spring Caps Men's and Boys' Oxfords in Patent, Black, or Tan. Special lines in Dress Shirts, Work Shirts, Gloves, Underwear for all seasons, Garters, Braces, Belts, and a special line of Ties and Socks, at Popular Prices. The Wicklow and Vernonville Women's institute will meet at the home of Mrs. Ed. Kernaghan on Thursday, March 29th, 1928, at 2.30 p.m. This is "Historical Research" meeting, in ! charge of Mrs. Gordon Rutherford and ' Mrs. Mack Rutherford, and all members having articles of historical interest or antiques are requested to take the same to the meeting. Everyone interested is invited to attend. Florence E. Hall, Secretary. Important! Did you ever stop to think how your money is divided when you are buying a so-called custom suit from the travelling agent. Well, sum it up and figure how much goes into the cloth and trimmings: 1st, manufacturer's profits; 2nd, minimum portion for the travelling salesman; 3rd, minimum portion for his travelling expenses; 4th, the storekeeper's commission. Now, what is left for cloth, trimmings and making--they all must be cheaper grade. "Cut out" the THREE profits and get a better suit for the same money from your home manufacturer, V. G. Cornwell,-and get satisfaction. V. G. CORNWELL, Fowler Block, Colborne $5.00 REWARD The Colborne Board of Education will pay a reward of Five Dollars for information leading to the conviction of the person or persons who cut down young maple tree in the High School grounds. Bv order J. A. Corbyn, Chairman, 12-2 F. J. Smith, Secretary. AUCTION SALES 8. E.'ROBINSON Tuesday, March 27th, 1928, at 1.30 p.m. sharp--Pure bred and high grade cattle, 70 Leicester and Lincoln ewes, half of which have lambs and others due soon. Oxford ram, sows and pigs, the property ot Bertram Hoskin, also some farm implements and household furniture belonging to the estate of the late j Thomas Hoskin, on the premises, Lot 30, Con. 2, Haldimand Township, halt mile north of The Gully school, at Grosjean farm. Absolutely no reserve. Usual terms with 7 months' credit at 7%. S. E. Robinson, Auctioneer. Friday, March 30th, 1928, at 1.30 p.m. --iPercheron horses, pure bred and grade Holstein cattle, sows, and shoats, pair geese, farm implements etc., of Thomas A. Samons, Lots 14 and 15, Con. 1, Haldimand Town ship, at Wicklow. Usual terms. S. E. Robinson. Auctioneer. AUCTION SALES ---by- Oscar C. Morgan, Auctioneer Hilton, R.R. No. 1 Saturday, March 24th, 1928, at 1.30 p.m.--Auction sale of Mr. J. S. Spaf-fortl. Division St., Brighton, consisting of team of horses, high grade Holstein cow, waggon, harness, etc. Saturday, March 31st, 1928, at 1 p larp--Auction sale of Mr. J. oheen. Main St.. Brighton, consi ! high class household effects. Tuesday, April 3rd, 1928, at 1 p.m Auction sale of Oscaf C. Morg 3rd concession, Brighton Townsli : miles east of Hilton, farm hors gra . No r giving up farming. Men's Suits ade to your measure r $24.00 ALL CLOTHS Fit and Satisfacrion Guaranteed join the , th. ho are saving Jothes ! Tip Top Suits for $24.00 See the samples at Hawkins' Store COLBORNE Spring Coats at Hawkins'.