THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, MARCH 29th, 1928 THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, issued every Thursdav morning by H. S. Keyes. Subscription $2.00 per annum in advance; $2.50 to U.S.A Transient adviertisements 12 cents per line first insertion and 8 cents per line for each additional insertion. Business cards not exceeding one inch $7 per annum. Yearly contracts at uniform rates. MARRIAGE LICENSES ARTICLES FOR SALE \ BARGAIN for quick sale--TWO BROODER STOVES (complete) each 500 chick capacity, only used two months; also a Chatham Incu-' bator, good as new. Apply to S. Henderson, Church Street, Colborne, Ontario. 12tf CASTLETON fj March 27th, 1928S INSURANCE G. E. R. WILSON, General Insurance and Real Estate Agent, Money to Loan at 5 to 6 per cent. Office; Brunswick Block, Colborne, Ontario. Phones--Office 10; residence 13. MEDICAL A G. McGLENNON, B.A., M.D., CM. Office opposite the Fire Hall, Colborne. Telephone No. 123w. Residence: King St., East --Phone 123j. J. ARCHER BROWN, M.D., L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S., Edinburg, Scotland. Office and residence, Division St, Colborne, Ont. Coroner for United Counties of Northumberland and Durham. Phone 22. LEGAL FRANK J. HART, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public &c, King St., Colborne. Phone 110. 18 FRANK M. FIELD, K.C., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. Phone No. 86, Cobourg, Ontario. FRANK L. WEBB, B.A., LL.B., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, &c, Offices, King St., Colborne, Ontaria, and 411 Temple Building, Toronto. At Colborne office on Fridays and Saturdays and Court Days. SEED GRAIN FOR SALE TIMOTHY SEED-^Government cleaned and tested. Cecil Gammer, Colborne R.R. 2. Phone: Castleton 13r4. 13-5x SEED OATS for sale, O.A.C. 144. Good plump pure seed. E. A. Rutherford, Castleton R.R. 2. Phone: Castleton 3.8r3. 13-4X timothy SEED--Quantity of good clean Timothy Seed. Also a quantity of good clean Sweet Clover Seed for sale. Apply to Wm. Kelley, Phone 55rZl,, Colborne. 12-4x ALSIKE AND TIMOTHY MIXTURE, carrying a large percentage of Alsike, $S.00 and $10.00 a hundred. Timothy'seed $4.00 a bushel--Government tested. Hustler Potatoes, late variety, $1.50 a bushel. Hatching eggs, S.C. White Leghorns, and Barred Plymouth Rocks, leading strains, 50c a dozen. Terms, cash. Geo. W. Gummier, Colborne R.R. 2. Phone: Castleton 32rl2. 13-4 ■Congratulations to Mr. Charles Miller on having captured one of those wolves which have been such a menace in our community. The lower mill dam on the Purdy Property went out on Saturday night. These terrific rains have been hard on mill dams, culverts, roads, etc. Sunday, April 1st. 1928. is the semiannual Quarterly Meeting Service in the United Church at 11 o'clock, Fellowship and Sacramental Service. At 7 regular preaching service. Subject: "Religion and Hope." The Sunday School as usual only at 11 o'clock. Plan to attend these special service. Don't forget the Young People's League in the United Church this coming Friday evening, March 30th, 1928, at 8.00. Humorous dialogue, musical and literary programme, etc. You are especially invited. A great deal of interest was manifest last week in one of those old time spelling matches. Word was received on Tuesday. March 27th, 1928, of the sudden death in Toronto of Mrs. Joseph Taylor, one of the older residents of our com-miunity. She and her husband had been spending the winter in Toronto and her death was quite unexpected. The sympathy of the community is extended to the sorrowing husband and children and relatives. PRODUCE FOR SALE QUANTITY MIXED HAY for sale-- On Provincial Highawy. Apply at Express Printing Office. 13-tf HONEY for SALE--5lb pail (gross weight) Buckwheat Extracted Honey for 40c, White Clover Extracted Honey-, 51b pail (gross weight.) for 50c, Also Candied Comb Honey, 121b for $'1.25. Terms cash. geo. W, OOMMER, Colborne, R.R. 2. Phone. Castleton 32rl2. 12-4S AUCTIONEERS S. E. ROBINSON, Auctioneer. Farm Stock aad Implement Sales » specialty. Sales conducted anywhere. Satisfaction guaranteed Real Estate Broker. Address: Colborne 3R!R. No. 3. Phone T8r23, Colborne, , AUCTIONEER and REAL EST'AVE BROKER--The undersigned is an experienced auctioneer--pays for the clerk, pays for the advertising, and guarantees a satisfactory sale or positively no pay. Sales 'conducted anywhere in the , Province. Pure bred Stock sales a specialty. Phone at my expense. ARNOLD POOLE, Castleton, Ontario. Phone 'I0r23. Oscar C. Morgan Several good farms for i Phone 7r18, Orlano. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE GENERAL PURPOSE MARE, 6 years old. Apply at Express Printing Office. 13-2x FARMS WANTED FARM WANTED to work on shares. Apply at Express Print ing Office, Colborne. 12- FARMS FOR SALE FARM FOR SALE -132 acres, more or less. Good house and barn, all in good repair. Plenty of spring water.Young apple orchard with good varieties. Fall -ploughing done. Possession April 1st, 1928 One mile west Colborne. THOS. C. BRAN-iGAN. Colborne R.R. 3. 12-4x TWO FARMS, near Warkworth, adjoining each other, main road between, 150 -and 100 acres, respectively, soil clay loam; beautiful build ings; rural mail and telephone. Either or "both farms will be sold at a bargain. No mortgage. Terms. Apply H. S. KEYES, Express Printing Office, JColborne, Ont. 9-4x FARMS TO RENT Real Estate for Sale S. E. ROBtNSON Real Estate Dealer and Auctioneer Phone 78r23, Colborne GOOD FARM TO RENT--north of Grafton, about 300 acres, north lot 20, in the 1st Con. and part of lot 20 in the 2nd Con., Township of Haldimand, now occupied by Mr. Runciman. For terms apply to Miss McTAVISH, or to G. E. R. WILSON, Insurance and Real Estate Agent, Colborne. 37-tf SALEM March 27th, 1928 Jack Armstrong had the misfortune to fracture a rib a few days ago. x Mrs. Clayton Peacock spent a few days with Belleville friends this week. Miss Jean Adsit of Brighton -is, visiting her sister, Mrs. Norman Simp-Mrs. Geo. Armstrong has been quite ill. Mrs. W. H. Bellamy is staying with her. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Frost of Oshawa are spending a few days visiting friends here. Little Donald Swain has a severe attack of pneumonia. They have a trained nurse to care for him. Mrs. Will Peacock is in Toironto with little Ruth, who is in the Sick Children's Hospital for treatment. Our Irish Concert was a real success. Proceeds were over $20 These little gatherings seem to be much enjoyed by all. . Mrs. Percy Inglis returned home on4 Sunday from Sharon, where she has been helping at her father's home during his illness. NORHAM March 27th. 1928 Sawing wood is the order of the Mrs. (Rev.) Clare is visiting her mother at present. Mr. Earl Carr has moved on the hill near fhe school house. The Ladies' Aid met at Mrs. Chas. P'iersori's with quite a number present. Do not forget the Ladies' Aid Social. Friday evening. Come and enjoy vqiuJ self. Mrs. Norman Gummer has returned home, after spending some time with her mother. Mr. Smith of New Ontario is visiting His brother, Mr. Amos Smith, after being absent for a number of years.. DUNDONALD March 27th, 1928 colds with sore throats still continue in this vicintty. Miss Jessie Mutton of Colborne spent the weekend at the home of her aunt, Mrs. W. e. Chesterfield. Many regrets are freely expressed over the breaking away of Mr. W. W. Mutton's mill dam. Monday night. We gladly bid old blustering March farewell, with its snows and winds, and rains, and thunderstorms and floods. Our energetic teacher and her entrance class are at school at 8 o'clock in the morning. Evidently they mean business. Mr. Donald McDonald has been sick, not able to be up for several days. Also Miss Alice McDonald and Master Rex Mutton have bad colds. Mrs. Harry McDonald and Mrs. S. Puffer visited Mrs. Samis, who is ill at the home of her son, Mr. Ira Samis, Brighton. Mrs Samis does not seem to improve. Old friends in this neighborhood regret to hear that Mrs. Charles Greenwood, Lake Shore, has passed away. Mr. and Mrs. Greenwood were esteemed residents of this place a number of years ago. Now that the sales are nearly all ever, and no more "bees," and the sawing machine has come and gone, the men folk are eagerly waiting to get on the land; while the busy housewife is preparing for spring cleaning. In spite of the exceedingly bad roads, the play by the Shiloh young people last Friday evening was fairly well attended. Under more favorable circumstance's the hall would probably been packed. The play was pronounced "fine," "splendid," "the best yet," by the appreciative audience. Rev. D. R. Clare of Norham. a former Pastor here, who enjoys overcoming obstacles, and laughs at impossibilities, came with .a carload of Norham singers, through snow and water and mud, they arrived and added greatly to the enjoyment of the evening. Miss Margaret Mutton of the Colborne High School gave a reading which was well received, while the songs of Mr. W. W. Mutton and the three Misses Mutton were heard with pleasure. The Shiloh young people deserve much credit for the pleasant evening's entertainment. E. QUINN FUNERAL DIRECTOR Colborne - - - Ontario Day jpr Night Calls Promptly Attended MOTOR HEARSE Phone 103j - - Colborne J. BLACKLOCK & SON Grafton Directors of Funeral Services MOTOR HEARSE 4N CONNECTION Day or Night Calls Promptly Attended PHO^E 38, GRAvTOfil Raw Furs Wanted ! HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID A. Margies - Cobourg Phone 124 We Pay for Out of Town Calls. NOTICE TO CREDITORS 20th, 1928, th Choir, Grafti acceptable n •The Luck GRAFTON March 27th. 1928 vening of Tuesday, March NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate of Elizabeth Ann Peebles, late of the Village of Colborne, in the County of Northumberland, Widow, yvho died on or about the 30th day of September. 1927, at the Village oi Colborne,. in the County of Northumberland, -are required to forward their claims, duly proven, to F. M. Brintnell, of the Village of Colborne, on or.before ithe Sixteenth Day of April, 1928 And notice is further given that after the said date, the Executors will proceed to distribute the estate, having regard only to those claims of which th.y shall then have notice. Dated at Colborne this 14th day of of St. Mary' presented in a very ner a three-act play, Derryveragh." The, characters were well chosen and each one acted his or her part in a most creditable manner. The stage setting and gowns were also unusually good. The story depicts Lord Derryveragh in liis beautiful old country estate in Ireland. A younger son, his favorite, had forever incurred his wrath, by SHILOH March 27th, 1928 ; Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Mutton and May were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Philp last Sunday, Mr. Harold Mutton and Miss Nellie Mutton went to see Mrs. Harold Mutton at Cobourg Hospital, on Sunday. The Quarterly Sacrament Service will be held next Sunday morning at Shiloh United Church, at 11 a.m. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mutton on the birth of a baby girl, at Cobourg Hospital, Wednesday, March 21st, 1928. The Shiloh Young People gave their Play, entitled "Lucky Gulch," at Dun-dbnald Hall last Friday evening, totach 23rd, 1928. Owing to the toad roads there .vasn't as large a crowd as expected. The play was enjoyed toy all; also the quartette from Norham, and the songs by W. W. Mutton, and the Masses Marjorie, Margaret and Doris Mutton, and the reading by M'iss Margaret Mutton. The young people are invited to give the play at Castleton on the ilth of April. AGENCY FROST & WOOD FARM IMPLEMENTS C. T. TURNEY Phone 93C3 COLBORNE r of a the- p How many Weeds am ym sowing? Recently one ounce of Alfalfa seed was found to contain approximately 900 weed seeds, which would have resulted in the distribution of almost a million weeds to every acre sown. And such examples as this are riot uncommon. Forestall the danger of ruined crops now! Take every precaution in selecting and cleaning your seed--because on them principally depends the ultimate success of your crops. Under the Weed Control Act the destruction of noxious weeds is compulsory. Let us co-operate to end this menace. HON. JOHN S. MARTIN AVOID THE WEEDS ^SOW CLEAN SEEDS ---" F " The largest am! most import t»u: business deal to be transacted in this part of Ontario in many years is the recent purchase of the B, C. Metcalfe Canning Company's plant and business at. Deseronto by the Associated Quality Canners, Ltd. oi' Toronto. By acquiring the Deseronto factory, the new company will have under its control two or three plants in the eastern and five in the western part of Ontario. The Madoc Review is out strong for a covered skating rink. ' Three citizens have offered to put up $1,000 dollars- each, if the balance can be raised by subscription. When a covered rink for Tweed was first suggested there were a lot of pessimists who thought that it could never be made tc pay. With gate receipts of $780.00 from two games last week the pessimists have all become optomists.-- Tweed News. The flour that bakes up today the same as it did yesterday or last week! 'Dependable SNOWDRIFT FLOUR Sold and Recommended by F. A. PHILP - - - Colborne MRS. S. M. PURDY - - Castleton 1928. ! Promptly disinherited, the young couple had gone to America. Eventu-j ally the farmer himself goes to Amer- j ica, amasses a fortune and returns j to his native country where in a spirit of spite, he purchased the estate ad- ■ joining Derryveragh. O'Leary dies, j leaving fhe estate to an adopted son,; Larry, still in America. In the meantime, Lord Derryveragh's oldest son has passed away, leaving j no heir and the Lord has summoned j phaned granddaui FRANK J. HART, Colborne, Solicitor for itnell and Rufus Keyes, md Trustees of the said 12-4 home. The ;ath c .. the LIVE POULTRY AND JUNK WANTED Highest prices paid for Live Poultry, Rags, Brass, Copper, Iron and Bags. Long distance telephone calls will be paid It purchase is made. B. GOODMAN Phone 153 Third St. Cobcurg 43-6mos. BRUNSWICK HOTEL Colborne First-Class Meals and Accomodation Give us a call when In Colborne J. F. WOLFRAIM - - Proprietor NOTICE BOUNTY FOR WOLVES OFFERED Cramahe Township Council offers a bounty of $25.00 to any resident of Cramahe for each wolf killed or destroyed within the Township, NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to the Trustees and Executors Act, R.S.O., 1914, chap. 121, section 56, and Amending Acts, that all persons having claims against the Estate of William Mutton, late of the Village of Colborne, in the County of Northumberland, gentleman, deceased, who died on or atoout the nineteenth day of February, A.D. 1928, are required to send or deliver to Mary Eliza Mutton, Colborne, Ontario, one of the Executors of the Last Will and Testament of the late William Mutton on or before the 14th day of April, 1928 particulars of their claims and the nature of the security, if any, held by them, duly verified; and notice is hereby given that after such last mentioned date the Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. Dated at Colborne this 10th day of March. A.D., 1928. MARY ELIZA MUTTON, MARK BROOMFIELD, 12-5 Executors. Chicken thieves in Ontario are g ig to find hereafter that when th< re caught the chickens will con of his neighb< , finally the loss of the wonderful emerald, regarded for generations as the Luck of Derryveragh, have all made the old man a nervous and superstitious wreck. The advent of Kathleen, breezy. American, and altogether charming, transforms the old home. Unconsciously the old man yields to her enchantment. Hfs maiden sister, under Kathleen's skilful tutelage regains her youthful charm and wins a husband, and Nora, the pretty coleen, becomes a lodestone to the amorous Mike. On the evening of Kathleen's arrival, a storm drives a young stranger to the door who follows the mystic directions of a time-yellowed leaf and finds the emerald where least expected. All this after thwarting the plans of Deirdre. one of the household, and listening to the warnings and mystic tales that aibound. The mysterious stranger proves to be Larry o'Leary. Hisitory repeats itself, Derryvaragh once more becomes linked with o"--Leary, but this time with the old Lord's consent and the peaceful union of the two families and the propitious return of the luck-bringing emerald. Between the acts, Mr. S. Penticost rendered exceptionally well some Irish songs, which were thoroughly enjoyed by all. The hall was filled to capacity by an appreciative audience and the singing of "God Save the King," brought to a close a thoroughly enjoyable evening. PERSONAL KNOW YOUR FUTURE--Send 25c and Birthdate. Let me try and locate your future mate, will send name and address. Adel, Box 1600. Sta. C. Los Angeles, Calif. 10-4x More Profits Increased Production'--Lower Costs Quaker Dairy Ration is scientifically balanced TO PRODUCE MOST MILK FOR LEAST MONEY. Stimulates to capacity the milk producing organs and constantly rebuilds tissues. Keeps the cow in good condition by restoring to her the minerals and fats she puts into the milk. The protein, the carbohydrates and minerals being in exact balance, there is no waste. Quaker Dairy Ration is easily digested and quickly assimilated. You need not experiment with dairy feeds. Thousands of dairymen have proved that Quaker Dairy Ration increases the milk flow. Follow their experience. Low moisture content, because kiln dried. Most economical, because it PRODUCES MOST MILK FOR LEAST MONEY. You could not mix so good a feed even if you had all the ingredients. Write us about your feeding problems. The advice of our experts is free. The Quaker Oats Company, Peterborough, Ontario. Quaker DAIRY RATION Also Quaker Schumacher Feed for cattle, hogs and horses, and Quaker Ful-Q-Pep Feeds for Poultry. Sold by FRED A. PHILP COLBORNE, ONTARIO BUY QUAKER