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The Colborne Express (Colborne Ontario), 5 Apr 1928, p. 4

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THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, foVRSDAY, APRIL 5th, 1928 Picton has asked to have the celebration of the 145th anniversary of the settlement of Upper Canada, by the United Empire Loyalists, to be held in Pioton. The celebration will be held in June, 1928, as it was on June 16th, 1784, that the Loyalists landed at Adolphustown. This celebration is held every five years, the last celebration being held at Belleville, which was a great suc- If your supply of printed envelopes, letterheads or billheads is getting low phone or see The Express. Good stock and good work at close prices. A pair of clever cheque artists worked Belleville over the weekend. Their haul was $20.00 of goods and $5.00 in cash. A good description of one of the duo was obtained and there is a strong posibility they will be apprehended shortly. Going into a, local store this represented himself as being a dent of Kingston and a member of a bank staff. The clerk who made the sale called the manager and the story told was so plausible the goods and money were given. The next day calling Kingston no such man ^ enrolled on any of the staffs of the banks. SEEDS GARDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS IN BULK TURNIP and MANGOLD FORMALDEHYDE For Treating Grain, etc. EVERY FARMER SHOULD USE IT! W. F. GRIFFIS The Rexall Drug Store Colborne, Ontario "Maple Row" Poultry Farm BARRED ROCKS, O. A. C. STRAIN BABY CHICKS AND HATCHING EGGS Our flocks have been rigidly culled for breed, type and high laying ability. Are farm reared, big, and vigorous-- the kind that are money makers. 100 Chicks March and April hatched .. . .$20.00 100 Chicks May and June hatched .. ,. ..$18.00 CUSTOM HATCHING DONE J. H. HUBBLE Box 363. Phone 86r21 12-tf COLBORNE, ONTARIO Orchard Hill Laying Leghorns HUSKY CHICKS -- FERTILE EGGS Book your order now for Baby Chicks and Hatching Eggs. We ship when you want them. My pen in the Ontario Egg Laying Contest finished in sixth place last year. We can sell you some eggs and chicks from hens that were registered in this pen. A 20% deposit will hold your order; balance payable ir you are in need of an Incubator or Brooder Stove, see ; before you buy, I can save you money. ORCHARD HILL POULTRY FARM R.R. 3, COLBORNE D. C. PEEBLES, Ow Mai 3-15 BABY CHICKS from a trapnested flock of select females. Baby Chicks or Hatching Eggs from this strain will give you a flock of pullets that will pay you a handsome profit next fall and winter. W, E. OTTO Phone 133 COLBORNE, Ontario "The OTTO-matic Layers"" EDVILLE April 3rd, 1928 Mrs. E. M. Binman is spending this week in Toronto. Mrs. Ross Walker has been suffering from a severe cold. We are one and all enjoying the lovely bright days of April. Our W. M. S. met to-day, Wednesday, April 4th, 1928, at Mrs. E. Hoar's. 'Mrs. Kenneth Mutton of Dundonald, visited her mother, Mrs. R. Waite. on Tuesday last. Mr. A. Chatterson is moving from Edville to the home of his mother, East Colborne. Mrs. Will Graham has returned from visiting her mother, Mrs. H. Andrus, Castleton. 'Mrs. Terrfl of WoCler will speak in Sharon Church on Easter Sunday in the interest of the W. M. S. Mrs. J. Cochrane of Grafton has returned home, after visiting her daughter, Mrs. A Chatterson, and other Edville friends. Miss Marald Gummer, who has been quite sick with chicken pox, is getting better. Also little Miss Arliss Walker is improving. The Ladies' Aid met at the home of Mrs. W. Oliver on March 27th, 1928, Fifteen members responded to the roll call. After the business part of the meeting had been disposed of the social half hour was spent in discussing ways of work for the future. Just before lunch was served, Mrs. Keith Stimers read a short address to Mrs. A. Chatterson, expressing the regret of the societv at her removal. Mrs. W. Oliver, on behalf of the Aid, presented Mrs. Chatterson with a box of cutlery. Insurance agents in the Do-wrote an average of $3,000,000-of policies every working day ; year, and added a billion to the outstanding insuiance on the books .nadian companies during the period, according to George H. of the Sun Life Assurance Co., who addressed the Canadian Club at Toronto, Friday. 3 a total of five and one-half dollars worth of life insurance iding with the Canadian com-said the speaker, and yet 9 pery 10 who die on the North Continent are unprotected fAVELOCK FINANCES GOOD | Auditors' report of the Village bck finances was particularly in that it showed a balance ight side of the ledger of the lal sum of $5866.58, of which $2000 was contributed last the Hydro Commission, as a because of excess street rate since the inauguration of Havelock. ADVANCE 40 PER CENT fend for Shorthorns was eviden-■the keen bidding at the seventh * * of Durham County Assoc: :d better than biggest figure James Fuller, nonths-old bull, Jpf Thornham Ministrel, Inter-mpion at Chicago, fed by C. H. Mumford, Hamip-i brought by Everton White, ville, at $245.00 for the maintenance of the office of Governor-General. The return was moved by J. S. Woodsworth (Labor, 100,352 deau Hall Quebec 191748 1918- 19 1919- 20 1920- 21 1921- 22 1922- 2:; 1923- 24 11,24-25 192(1-27 Sin:!.729 147,184 161.645 153,896 153,587 150.842 149,271 150,518 :56,590 OUR MOTTO : Good Goods - Close Prices We do not claim to sell the lowest price goods in town, but we do claim to sell GROCERIES OF BEST QUALITY AT REASONABLE PRICES In our long business experience we have earned to know pretty well the requirements of every housekeeper, and we aim to carry a variety stock to meet your demands. We Purchase in the Very Best Markets We sell the famous BROWN'S BREAD, OF TORONTO None better. Try some to-day. Costs no more. Goods Delivered Promptly FULL WEIGHT FULL MEASURE R. COYLE Quality--Service 73,940 84,914 96,464 96,682 97,352 129.750 n all, the expenditure for whai Mr. Woodsworth describes as the j "Governor-Generalship" was $2,517,247 ; up te-the fiscal year ending last March, for the last ten years. TOO MUCH TONGUE COST THIS HORSE HIS THIEVING LIFE It seems hardly fair Fathers and mothers used to look forward bravely, but not always happily, to the time when the boys and girls would go away to school in js distant city. It so often neant a break in the habits If home life--a sore trial. . Thanks to Long Distance-- ihe boys and girls at school _J>r college can still be kept McCracken & McArthur Funeral Directors ROOMS IN OPERA HOUSE BLOCK COLBORNE, ONTARIO Day Motor Equipment Night Calls Promptly Attended Telephone Connection Terms Moderate ride nt :otiple of days ago. mal put its head over the j nto the adjoining stall, evi-nentiy reaching for something with its tongue. Another horse made a grab at the intruder, catching the tongue be* -een its teeth. When the inquisitive Jrse jerked its head back into its own stall, the tongue stayed i wM the attacking horse. EGGS FOR HATCHING URE BRED-TO-LAY BARRED ROCK EGGS, 50c per dozen W A. .-; \MOXS. East Colborne 10-4x But don't expect them to pay for Long Distance calls out of their slender allowances. That seems hardly fair. The demands upon their none too fat purses are too frequent and too insistent. Fix a day and hour when you will call them, and youH find them eager to talk with you and welcoming the voice that can best cheer them on their way. SHINGLES Just arrived 250,000 B. C. Red Cedar Shingles THE BEST WOODEN SHINCLES MADE Uet My Prices Before Buy?ng^'ewhere! F. P. STRONG "COLBORNE CUSTOM HATCHING--W r any number of egg* 1 Monday. April 9th, 1! | 120rl2*; 1G PURE BRED-TOLAY BARRED ROCK EGGS for hatching 50c per doz. March and April Day-old-Chicks at $20.00 per 100; May and June at $17.00 per 100. Also fustom hatch- ing dene. Please BABY CHICKS BARRED ROCKS WHITE ROCKS BRED-TO-LAY From Government County Breeding Station Pens Headed by O. A. C. PEDIGREED MALE BIRDS Female stock akin in breeding to, and including sisters and half-sisters of: Barred Rock Hen, No. 180, Canadian Egg Laying Contest, 1927, with AA record of 303 eggs. The greatest total ever achieved in any Egg Laying Contest. QUALITY COUNTS SECURE YOUR CHICKS FROM THIS INVINCIBLE STRAIN ORDER NOW! WHITE ROCKS: McCALL AND K. A. S. STRAINS Type excellent and real layers ORDER EARLY CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED Fair Haven Farm, Colborne 1600. Sta C, LosAngele 14-4x AGENCY FROST & WOOD FARM IMPLEMENTS C. T. TURNEY i 93r3 COLBORNE SPECIAL PRICE TIMOTHY SEED RED CLOVER SEED ALFALFA SEED ALSIKE SEED SWEET CLOVER SEED SEED CORN and BARLEY We 1 SAVE YOU MONEY I. PALEN ANTHRACITE Lehigh Valley Coal Name-- Stands for Quality This Coal is sold in all sizes.'" ORDER NOW WHILE PRICES ARE LOWEST Also Pocohontas Soft Coals for Domestic Use J. Redfearn & Son C.P.R. Telegraph Office. Issuers of Canadian Pacific Railway and Steamship Tickets. Car Load of Wire & Gates CHEAP FOR CASH Is Ironing Hard Work'/ if you have to s heating old-fashioned walk backwards and forv-ards between | the stovo. and your ironins board, it un-doubtedly is. But, if you use a SOVEREIGN | Electric Iron FULL STOCK OF IMPLEMENTS AND REPAIRS AT REDUCED PRICES We handle PLOW POINTS and SHOES for ALL MAKES of Plows Full Stock of BINDER TWINE on hand JOHN REIVE King Street Colborne OUR 18-inch SURFACED ROLL ROOFING makes an excellent Barn Roofing, being nailed every 18 inches. It offers special resistance to the wind. A carload of the Mineral Surfaced 4 in 1 Shingles, Sheathing and Building Papers to choose from. PRICES RIGHT ! Will exchange logs for roofing material Custom Sawing Done Promptly R. H. TYE Planing and Saw Mill

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