Page Eight THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, APRIL 5th, 1928 Hot + Buns for Easter Assorted Easter Novelties, in pure Milk Chocolate-- 5c, 10c, 15c, 25c and 50c lines. "Royal Oxford" Boxes of Chocolates-- the Laura Secord quality--especially prepared as gifts for mothers. Don't let her think you have forgotten her. A full line of Choice Confectionery carried at all times Ice Cream--bulk, brick, Eskimo pies and Dixie Representations that have been made to the government in connection with the sale of a dairy product known as ing the attention of the Committee on Agriculture of the Legislature. Representatives of the Ontario Milk Producers' Association have requested that the government amend, in order to correct what is termed indefiinit-eness in the Act, the legislation respecting the sale of milk and cream within the Province. Objection is raised to the sale, by certain dairies in Toronto, Hamilton and Ottawa, of an 8 per cent cream which is sold under the trade name of "cereal cream" or Milk producers contend that the product is in the nature of a substitute and that its general sale should be prohibited. It is also contended that this restriction should be imposed as is of protecting the public, handling the product take the stand that the product is merely -a mixture of milk steamed down to 8 per cent of butter fat. Denial was issued that foreign substances were added to the mixture. Representatives of many dairies handling the product stated that they did not desire to sell the 8 per cent mixture but were doing so only to petition of other firms. The ! has the question before them and will probably send on to rect the situ; ' LUCKY CANADA (Buffalo Courier-Advocate) By some happy chance Canada appears to have missed the rock of moral and economic destruction toward which, according to prohibitionists on both sides of the border, she headed when the several provinces began to abandon prohibition for government control. At any rate, our neighbour to the north, though now wet from coast to coast, seems to have lost nothing of her high national morale. We continue to point to her courts as a judiciary worth following. Besides, one reads in an Ottawa despatch that the budget presented to the House of Commons for the next fiscal year carries tax reductions which include a 10% cut in personal income tax and a lowering of the corporation tax rate to8%. It is expected that the action entered at Grafton, for a declaration, providing that the Church and manse occupied by the aforesaid congregation prior to coming into force of the United Church of Canada Act, as St. Andrew's Church and nianse. are the property of the said congregation up for hearing at the ing Assizes, at Cobourg, before Justice Rose. No cases are yet •ed, but it is understood that an application to have the venue of this changed to Toronto was not successful. If is expected that tho "•eshyterian Church of Canada, will represented by Toronto Counsel. Oatmeal Cod Liver Meal Cod Liver Oil No Wonder Baby Chicks Thrive on Quaker FUL-O-PEP CHICK STARTER The pure, fresh oatmeal of Quaker Ful-O-Pep Chick Starter is just the thing for the tender digestive tracts of baby chicks. And authoritative tests prove OATMEAL more digestible (96% available) than any other grain product! Cod Liver Oil in this complete feed provides valuable vitamines to build strong, big bones. Cod liver Meal tones up the birds' digestion so that all ingredients give more nourishment. Quaker Jt-Q-pep Chick Starter Made by The Quaker Oats Company SOLD BY IJPalen F. A. Philp COLBORNE, ONTARIO BUY QUAKER FREDS IN STRIPED SACKS New Wall Paper Stock IS NOW IN All the Newest Patterns and Colorings PRICES VERY MODERATE See the "Special" we are running ! Before buying, look over our stock! Jas. Redfearn & Son Division Street spray just after the fruit buds have opened up and when the tips of the leaves extend one-fourth to one-half inch afford the best possible ante against severe losses from apple aphids," savs Mr. Parrott. "Repeated Olbservations of aphids on apple in New York crdhards show that most, of the aphid eggs have hatched when the apple buds have reached the stage of development indicated. It is against these newlv hatched aphids that the nicotine spray is most ef- ti Hi Spr-y Forn "The form tirely satisfactorv contains 2M- gallons of lime-sulphure, 1 pint of 40% nicotine suplhate and 2V2 pounds of lead arsenate in 100 gallons of water. This spray should be applied under 'There are a few essential points watch in spraying for apple lids which the fruit grower would well to heed. Do not spray when : buds are wet with dew ShOW: ■athei Selo- far hie davs for sprav operati en the air is balmy and little or wind is stirring. High winds; ise waste of materials and makei rough treatment difficult. High iperatures accelerate the volotilli* ion of the nicotine. 5 Coarse Spray Apply mixture under high pressure, ;;g a fairly coarse and driving av. Remove all waterspouts and kers during early spring. The y aphids and the green apple, lids are partial to them and they 3« constitute centres of infesta-1, particularly for the green aphidi Judicious pruning of trees to r< ve excess wood not only make greater productiveness and better color of apples, but it also helps to simplify the work of spraying. With ■headed trees rains and wind a better chance to remove many Is." Green Aphid Bad Here The rosy aphid mentioned above should not be confused with the green aphid which caused so much trouble among apple orchards last season, P. W. Hodgetts of the Ontario Fruit Branch. The spray mentioned, while it will help control the green phid, it is not the one recommended for this pest in Otnario. Only in wet, cold seasons will aphid damage a-anything here, states Mr. Hodgetts, a spell of dry weather usually being all that is needed to rid the orchard of them. If, however, the season continues cool and wet, as it did a year ago, the grower is advised to make two applications of a spray made of dissolving three-quarters of a pound of nicotine sulphate and two pounds of soap Tin 100 gallons of water and applied one week apart. This spray is rather expensive, as the nicotine will cost slightly over a dollar a pound in wholesale lots. Denunciation of what he calls the the public : irticularly of j ito with "etceteras," was made ; G. Elliott. Kingston, addressing ! nnual convention of urban school j :fbn of Ontario at into. He declared that children : xvday were not t.he_ equals o:' PRIL ROD AND GUN Bbnadian Silver Fox just published. 'Tihe this sportiim magazine rateresting collection 0 iinting, fishing and c r.T.itiy useful and informative articles concerning the various phases of outdoor life. ; The Canadian Silver Fox News section also contains useful articles 'both ir English and French on the latest developments of the industry and the j care and management of foxes. [Rod and Gun and Canadian Silver FOX News Is published monthly by W. J. Taylor Limited, Woodstock. Ontario PRICE TELLS QUALITY SELLS j Allen's Grocery Specials for EASTER THE STORE THAT SETS THE PACE IN PRICE Specials for Friday and Saturday Only We just received a quantity of Sugar, bought when the market was down, and we will give our customers the benefit of this price Friday and Saturday only, per cwt.....$6.60 Walnuts, choice quality, per lb...........39 Seedless Raisins in bulk...... . . . 2tb for .25 Jelly Powders (special)..........5 pkgs. .25 Singapore Pineapple, large tins......2 tins .25 Pastry Flour, 24 lb bag, each.............90 Infant's Delight Toilet Soap........4 cakes .25 Fancy Blue Rose Rice..............31b .25 Pure Black Pepper, per lb...............45 Large, ripe Bananas, per doz............25 Prunes, choice quality, 40-50 size . . . . 21b for .25 Our Own Brand Baking Powder, 16 oz. tin, reg. 25c...................Sale Price .20 Picnic Hams and Cured Meats for Easter-- Picnic Hams, per lb.............20 Bacon, machine sliced, per lb.......30 Cooked Ham, per lb.............40 Smoked Ham with bone off, per lb.....22 Smoked Back Bacon, per lb .........45 Smoked Rolled Hams, per Tb.......38 Get our prices on everything--we sell for less and for cash. See Our Demonstration and Window Display of Easter Hams and Bacon. C. M. Allen & Son King Street Prompt Delivery When you want to bake your best, you want SNOWDRIFT FLOUR l for less. Hawkins Sold and Recommended by F. A. PHILP MRS. S. M. PURDY Colborne Castleton For the small sum of 50c you may e a good entertainment and have a dance afterwards, at Victoria Opera House, Colborne, Monday, April 9th. Men! Where do YOU think you get the Best Clothes Values *TT from the small manufacturers struggling along ^jj with big rents to pay, high overhead costs, small annual turnover, and each season with a big carryover of out-of-style garments on which he must take a loss?--OR gTl from the world's greatest one-price tailors, whose ^jj tremendous buying power--concentrated production--enormous volume business--direct maker-to-wearer distribution that eliminates jobber's and wholesaler's profits--enable them to offer clothes of undisputed $30 and $35 value, tailored-to-measure from British woolens at the one standard price of $24.00. More than a million Canadians have answered this quetion in the only way that common-sense permits. Tip Top Tailors are serving to-day thousands upon thousands of men who can afford to pay ANY price for their clothes, because they know the value of the garments and services we offer. But we want YOU to judge Tip Top value for yourself. We want you to come in to-morrow and see our new Spring styles and fabrics. Looking entails no obligation. Come now! It will cost you nothing to 00k-- it may cost you a lot not to. One Price $24- To Measure TIP TOP CLOTHES FRED HAWKINS, King Street, Colborne