THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, APRIL 12th, 1928 Page Five THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, issued every Thursday morning by H. S. Keyes. Subscription $2.00 per annum in advance; $2.50 to U.S.A Transient adviertisements 12 cents per line first insertion and 8 cents per line for each additional insertion. Business cards not exceeding one inch $7 per annum. Yearly contracts at uniform rates. MARRIAGE LICENSES INSURANCE G. E. R. WILSON, General Insurance and Real Estate Agent, Money to Loan at 5 to 6 per cent. Office: Brunswick Block, Colborne, Ontario Phones--Office 10; residence 13. MEDICAL ft C. McGLENNON, B.A., M.D., CM. Office opposite the Fire Hall, Colborne. Telephone No. 123w. Residence: King St., East --Phone 123j. J. ARCHER BROWN, M.D., L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S., Edinburg, Scotland. Office and residence, Division St, Colborne, Ont. Coroner for United Counties of Northumberland and Durham. Phone 22. LEGAL FRANK J. HART, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public King St., Colborne. Phone lie. 18 FRANK M. FIELD, K.C., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. Phone No. 86, Cobourg, Ontario. FRANK L. WEBB, B.A., LL.B., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, &c, Offices, King St., Colborne, Ontaria, and 411 Temple Building, Toronto. At Colborne office on Fridays and Saturdays and Court Days. AUCTIONEERS Experienced and General Auctioneer and Real Estate Broker. Convincingly towest rates for thorough service. S. E. ROBINSON, Phone 78r3, Oolborne R.R. 3, Ontario. AUCTIONEER and REAL ESTATE BROKER--The undersigned is an experienced auctioneer--pays for the clerk, pays for the advertising, and guarantees a satisfactory sale or positively no pay. Sales conducted anywhere in the Province. Pure bred stock sales a specialty. Phone at my expense. ARNOLD POOLE, Castleton, Ontario. Phone 10r23. Oscar C. Morgan PERSONAL (.NOW YOUR FUTURE. Send 25c and Birthdate. Let me try and locate your future mate, will send name and address. Adel. Box 1600, Sta C, LosAngeles, California 14-! PASTURE TO RENT PASTURE TO RENT--Lots 7 and 8, Con. 1, Haldimand Township. R. B. Bland. Colborne R.R. 2. Phone: 134rl. 15-2x FOR EXCHANGE PROPERTY FOR EXCHANGE--Owner would exchange town property for farm. Apply at Express Printing Office, Colborne. 15-lx USED CARS FOR SALE 1927 Chevrolet Touring, in first class condition........$475.00 1S22 Reo Six_ Touring. Tires nearly new.......... 200.00 1927 Chevrolet one ton Truck 650.00 15-1 Cobourg, Ontario SEED GRAIN FOR SALE QUANTITY SWEET CLOVER SEED for sale. W. Frank, Colborne R.R. 2. Phone 93r2. 14-2 TIMOTHY SEED--Government cleaned and tested. Cecil Glimmer, Colborne R.R. 2. Phone: Castleton 13r4. 13-5x SEED OATS for sale, O.A.C. 144. Good plump pure seed. E. A. Rutherford, Castleton R.R. 2. Phone: Castleton 38r3. 13-4x -TIMOTHY SEED--Quantity of good clean Timothy Seed. Also a quantity of good clean Sweet Clover Seed for sale. Apply to Wm. Kelley, Phone 55r21, Colborne. 12-4x ALSIKE AND TIMOTHY MIXTURE, carrying a large percentage of Alsike, $8.00 and $10.00 a hundred. Timothy seed $4.06 a bushel--Government tested. Hustler Potatoes, late variety, $1/5.0 a bushel. Hatching eggs, S.C. White Leghorns, and Barred Plymouth Rocks, leading strains, 50c a dozen. Terms cash. Geo. W. Gummer, Colborne R.R. 2. Phone: Castleton 32rl2. 13-4 ARTICLES FOR SALE DELAVAL SEPARATOR, No. 15, n< 7001b capacity. Young Collie C --good cow dog. Apply Corby's i Service S'.ation, between Colboi and Brighton. ^ ^m'lTfWW"Hi . BARGAIN for quick sale--TWO SRO'ODER STOVES (complete) each 500 chick capacity, only used (two months; also a Chatham Incu-hator, good as new. Apply to S. Henderson, Church Street, Colborne, ■Ontario. 12tf Phone 7r18, Orlanc ir sale; also pr>»erty. 38-6m Real Estate for Sale S. E. ROBINSON Real Estate Dealer atid Auctioneer Phone 78r23, Colborne E. QUINN FUNERAL DIRECTOR Colborne - - - Ontarii Day or Night Calls Promptly Attended MOTOR HEARSE Phone 103j - - Colborne J. BLACKLOCK & SON Grafton Directors of Funeral Services MOTOR HEARSE IN CONNECTION Day or Night Calls Promptly Attended FHONE 38, GRAFTON BRUNSWICK HOTEL Colborne >FiFst-Class Meals and Accomodation Give us a call when in Colborne J. F. WOLFRAIM - - Proprietor NOTICE BOUNTY FOR WOLVES OFFERED Oramahe Township Council offers bounty of $25.00 to any resident of Cramahe for each wolf killed or stroyed -within the Township. LIVE POULTRY AND JUNK WANTED Highest prices paid for Live Poultry, Rags, Brass, Copper, Iron and Bags. Long distance telephone calls will be paid if purchase is made. Raw Furs Wanted! HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID A. Margies - Cobourg Phone 124 We Pay for Out of Town Cails. Butter Wrappers at Expre : Qlfj.-e PRODUCE FOR SALE 1UANT1TY MIXED HAY On Provincial Highawy. Express Printing Office. or sale-Apply at IS-tf HONEY FOR SALE--5lb pail (gross weight) Buckwheat Extracted Honey for 40c, White Clover Extracted Honey, 51b pail (gross weight) for 50c. Also Candied Comb Honey, 121b for $1.25. Terms cash. GEO. W. GUMMER, Colborne, R.R. 2. Phone: Castleton 32rl2. 12-4x LIVE STOCK FOR SALE CASTLETON April 10th, Miss Velma Arkils is spending her holidays with her mother. Mrs. A. Knapp spent a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Kemp.. Mr. George Clarke is spending the Easter holidays with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Tait are again on duty, after having an attack of "flu." Miss Laurel Arkils has been engaged to teach Ml. Olivet School for the next term. Born--In the Oshawa Hospital, on Sunday, April 8th, 1928, to the Rev. J. E. and Mrs. Beckel, a daughter. One of our oldest residents, north of Castleton, Mrs. Esther Richardson was the victim of a stroke on Tuesday. Floyd Blakely of the Standard Bank of Port Burwell, accompanied by his lady friend, spent Easter at his home, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Blakely. iMr. Robt. Ryckman of Orland has purchased the brick house on the north side of Percy Street at present occupied by Mr. Brown>our local bar-Mr. George Bonathan spent the weekend with his parents in Newcastle. Mr. Donald Bleeker yvas at his home in Trenton. Community was shocked to hear of the sudden death of Mr. John Morgan of Morganston. The funeral ser-vice was held on Wednesday, April 11th. 1928. Service in the United Church this coming Sunday evening, April 15th, 1928, at 7.00 o'clock. Pastor will preach. Subject: "The Good Samaritan." Everybody welcome. The house now occupied by our genial barber, Mr. Harold Brown, has been sold. We hope Mr. Brown will find suitable quarters, that he may be sble to continue his business here. One day last week the executive of the Castleton Ladies' Aid called at the parsonage and presented the pastor with a sum of money in apprecia-. tion of his interest in that Mr. Wm. Hall has vented the Ryckman farm and will move there in the near future. Mr. David Ferguson is moving into the Hall house, while Mr. Harren is moving into the house to be vacated by Mr. Ferguson. Lagrippe is very prevalent in our village. Several of the school children were stricken with it on the closing day of school and have spent a part of their holidays in bed. Hope all wili be better for the re-opening of school, iMr. James Burley died Tuesday, April 3rd, 1928. He had been in poor health for some time. Funeral service was held on Thursday. April 5th, W the United Church. Castleton. He leaves his widow and five children. Interment in Castleton Cemetery. Young People's league this Friday evening at 8.00 o'clock, in charge of Miss Elva Bowen and Miss Marjorie Purdy. Annual sugar social with an Eidmission of 25c and 15c. Last week a splendid Easter programme was presented. Remember the banquet on Friday, May 4th, 1928, in the basement of the Church. . A quiet wedding was solemnized &tL the United Church Parsonage. Castle-7*" ton, on Saturday, April 7th, 1928, when Miss Dora Evelyn Weir was united in marriage to Mr. Harry K. Church, Rev. J. E. Beckel officiating. . The bride was supported by Miss Gladys Collins, while Mr. Clarke Harren was best man. The happy couple will make their home on their farm just north of Castleton. Power and Pep You Never Knew Power for hub-deep mud or traffic-choked streets --quick action power that instantly answers every directing touch with a new responsiveness, a new volume of reserve energy upon which you can always rely. That's Koolmotor, the new double-purpose gas that combines in the one fuel both high-test and anti-knock superiorities, yet costs no more than the gasolene possessing only one of these advantages. No matter what the compression of your car, Koolmotor will give it extra power, quicker acceleration, reduced gear-shifting, better hill climbing--in short, in every respect, a superior, economical car-performance. s you with the first tank full. A revelation s < ONCE - ALWAYS > Cities Service Radio Corner ■ Friday at 8 P. CITIES SERVICE OIL COMPANY LIMITED KOOLMOTOR The new green gas NORHAM April 10th, Miss Eva Piatt is home for Mr. Leo Palmateer . of Osh; home for Easter. If i Mr. Oscar Campbell of Havelock y\ siting his mother one day last wei Mm. Mary Palmateer is visiting the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J Nutt. the ■ h Misses Clare of Toront ing their Easter holidays sonage. ■ ■ V. Si , Mr. 3 the ridges FARMS WANTED FARM WANTED to work on shares. Apply at Express Printing Office, Colborne. 12- FARMS FOR SALE FARM FOR SALE--132 acres, i or less. Good house and barn, all in good repair. Plenty of spring water.Young apple orchard with good varieties. Fall ploughing done. Possession April 1st, 1928. One mile west of Colborne. THOS. C. BRANIGAN, Colborne R.R. 3. 12-4x FARMS TO RENT GOOD FARM TO RENT--north of Grafton, about 300 acres, north % lot 20, in the 1st Con. and part of lot 20 in the 2nd Con., Township of Haldimand, now occupied by Mr. Runciman. For terms apply to Miss McTAVISH, or to G. E. R. WILSON, Insurance and Real Estate Agent, Oolborne. 37-tf NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to the Trustees and Executors Act, R.S.O., 1914, chap. 121, section 56, and Amending Acts, that all persons having claims against the Estate of William Mutton, late of the Village of Colborne, in the County of Northumberland, gentleman, deceased, who died on or ahout the nineteenth day of February, A.D. 1928, are required to send or deliver to Mary Eliza Mutton, Colborne, Ontario, one of the Executors of the Last Will and Testament of the late William Mutton on before the 14th day of April, 1928 particulars of their claims and the re of the security, if any, held by them, duly verified; and notice is hereby given that after such last tioned date the Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then Dated at Colborne this 10th day of March, A.D.. 1928. MARY ELIZA MUTTON, MARK BROOMFIELD, Executors. Solicito i to like "The Dust of F. M. Brintnell and Rufus Ke s Earth." It is a good drama inter- Executors and Trustees of the 1 vith plenty of humour. Estate. If your supply of printed envelopes, letterheads or billheads is gett^pg low phone or see The Express. Good stock and good work at close prices. RADIO SETS FIVE-TUBE RADIO--Complete tubes, batteries, horn, etc. If are looking for a good set hargain, see this one. Apply at Printing Office, Colborne. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Margaret Shaw All persons having claims against the estate of Margaret Shaw, late of the Township of Cramahe. Widow, deceased, who died on or about the 4th day of March. 1928, are hereby required to send to the undersigned George Walker, Executor, or to Thos. H. McDonald, Executor, on -or before the 5th day of May, 1928 full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said 5th day <% May 1928, the assets of the dece will he distributed amongs't the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the Executors shall then have notice. Dated at Colborne this 2nd day of April, 1928. GEORGE WALKER, Dundonald, Ontario. THOS. H. MCDONALD, 14-5 Castleton. R.R. 2, Ontario. NOTICE TO CREDITORS that all Inst the state of Elizabeth Ann Peebles, late if the Village of Colborne, in the County of Northumberland, Widow, who died on or about the 30th day of September, 1927, at the Village of Colborne, in the County of Northumberland, are required to forward claims, duly proven, to F. M. Brintnell, of the Village of Colborne, i or before the Sixteenth Day of April, 1928 And notice is further given that ter the said date, the Executors will proceed to distribute the estate, having regard only to those claims of which they shall then have notice. Dated at Colborne this 14th day of March, 1928. FRANK J. HART, Colborne, lasioned to roadi the Township by the recent, freshet. The Bowen mill dam at Warkworth . out Sunday morning. March 25. on Tuesday morning the villas.! experienced the biggest flood in its history. The water overflowed the banks of the river and flowed down the road, preventing teachers and pupils from getting to school. New Wail Paper Stock IS NOW IN All the Newest Patterns and Colorings PRICES VERY MODERATE See the "Special" we are running ! Before buying, look over our stock! Jas. Redfearn & Son Phone 1 Division Street Colborne i BUY I Quaker |J SCHUMACHER FEED J The all-round Seed for all seasons Quaker Schumacher Feed is the year-round friend of the live stock owner. A perfectly balanced carbohydrate feed, used as the sole grain ration for all live stock, or as a base for a special dairy ration. Contains more carbohydrates--to make fat and energy--than any other feed at the same price. Grain ingredients include corn, oats, wheat and barley. To these are added oilcake meal, edible bone meal and calcium carbonate, providing needed minerals usually deficient in ordinary feeds. All live stock relish Quaker Schumacher Feed. No waste, because they eat it clean. Low moisture content because kiln dried. Easily digested and assimilated. Sold under approved Government analysis. Write us for free advice on your feeding problems. The Quaker Oats Company, Peterborough, Ontario. Also Quaker Dairy Ration, the best feed for dairy cows, and Quaker Ful-O-Pep Feeds for Poultry. FRED A. PHILP QUAKER FEEDS COLBORNE, ONTARIO N STRIPED SACKS! What we need is a child labor law to keep them from working their parents to death. :ural that crime should