THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, APRIL 26th, 1928 $2.00 a year in advance: $2.50 to U.S.A. COLBORNE SCHOOL BOARD Trustees to Meet at Public School, Friday, to Decide on Alterations to Provide Improved Accommodations. A special meeting of Colborne Board of Education was held Monday evening, April 23rd, 1928, when discussion legarding alterations to improve Public School accommodations, critized by the Inspector in several reports, resulted in the following resolution being passed: Moved by F. M. Brintnell, seconded by J. F. Wilson, That the chairman be requested to arrange a meeting of •he School Board as a whole for Friday afternoon next, April 27th, 1928. at 4 p.m., at the Public School, to look over the Public School building and to decide what alterations, if any. | kindnesses received while sh< will be made thereon.--Carried. associated with the good folk of St. The matter of water supply for Andrew's Church. High School was also referred to. The Address Moved by J. F. Wilson seconded Dear M|sig Smith. by Ed. Quinn, That the Chairman of w . „ ' fripm1„ h_vp „ath the Board confer with the Chairman L.ed to«[hOT tonirtt to spend an" of the Repair Committee to see if *fu° ZSl °hS?e an anything can be done_ regarding the £"25 «JJ our ■ regret that you are going. Although Trustees present were: J. A. Corbyn have" Vyo^d"™ -- Chairman; F. M. Brintnell. J. F. Wil- 'ovj , „' 'J *V b> ^ 0" kmdr son. E. Quinn, H. S. Keyes. D. W. v ■ , 1 -\l\ Church, C. W. Crandell. I DEATH OF MRS. JOHN FREN COMING EVENTS Miss Margaret Smith, who spent the Winter with her brother, Rev. A. A. Smith, accompanied by her cousin, Miss Dorothy Turner, left for her home in New Glasgow, N.S.. last Thursday. During her stay here Miss Smith made for hsrslf many friends and on Wednesday eevning previous to her departure a number of St. Andrew congregation gathered in the church hall to spend a social evening with her and to say farewell. On behalf of the friends in the church, Mrs, A. E. Donaghy read an address and Mrs. C. Cowie presented her with a beautiful umlbrella. Miss Smith briefly plied, expressing her appreciation of the pleasant fellowship and the many supply to the High School- 'ourself very r people, and would like to take this opportun-to thank you for your many acts of kindness and thoughtfulness. To who have had sickness „^ ™ x. ^ \ „ . IOT trouble, you have been especially a.!!™6!1 V,f^'ry.J!: HJi Z ^¥u]- We ask y°u to accept this slight token of our Hill Avenue, Toronto, the home of. i.;tt]e Rev. Canon Arthur J. Fidler, ted by fire on Saturday night, with a loss of over $3,000. The family had gone out some two hours before the outbreak was discovered, leaving much of the furniture packed for moving. The cause of the fire is a mystery. regard for you. and we wish you very pleasant and safe journey, and we hope to see you again among us. Members of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. AGED 65 WIND WRECKED LIGHTHOUSE Port, Hope's lighthouse Strong northwest wind was it could stand, and the entir. toppled ofl the end of the Butter Wrappers Toronto. April 24, 1928--Mr. Justice I J. M. Mowat of the Supreme Court is gone. | ,.£ On-ario died at his home here this more than | morning. He was 63 vears of age. "trncture- Hp ha(, beP11 suffering -from a cf>m. ast Pier, piicatjojv 0; diseases for some time. HORSESHOEING PRICES Commencing May 1st, 1928, the following prices will be charged flor horseshoeing: New Shoes........60c Re-iSetting........35c W. G. GRANT, H. F. MOORE, April 24, 1928. 17-1 Colborne Wednesday HALF HOLIDAY The Business Places in Castleton will be closed WEDNESDAY Afternoon and Evening from 12 o'clock noon during the months of May, June, July, Aug. and Sept. Mowat. formei The death of an old resident of Alnwick Township occurred on Thursday April 12th. 1928, when Alice Jane Brooks, widow of the late Walter Grigg. of Alnwick Township, passed away, in her 82nd year. When a man who is not used to the WOOds lights a match and later throws it on the ground, he expects it to go out. But when an experienced woodsman is through with his match He does not leave it to He knows. When An old and highly :•. p.>cii d reside of Crania lie Township, Mary Jan Stinson, wid< vv of the late Job Fieiseh, died at her home near Castl< ton on Friday. April 2luh. 1928, in ,'re '-otli year. She was ill only a few day oi pneumonia. Deceased was born i Prince Edward County, June 14, lj§! a daughter of late John and Mrs. Sfc son. When she was quite young feh removed with the family to Hastii ■where she was married to Mi About thirty years ago they Castleton, where Mr. French diei July, 1904. She leaves two sons; W. French of Battleford, Sasl Lewis B. French, at home; also or, Mrs. E. A. Wills of Cobour& three brothers. James Henry Si' of Hastirrgs. Lewis B. Stinsor Trenton, and George Harold Stt of Cohourg. Deceased was a consistent of the Methodist mow United) ChtJrci for many years, and the funeral'** vices were conducted by her PasBw the Rev. J. E. Beckel, in the Unttet Church, Castleton, on Tuesday aft-si noon. Interment was in the Caifle ton Cemetery. The pall bearers w*"e .1 C. Mallory. X.S. Gaffield, Chasj- A Ghent. A. W. Hawken. Isban Ghj.ot and Geo. W. Harnden. Thei large attendance of friends and ouaintances at the funeral. Friends from a distance attending the funeral were: Mrs. G. W. Fref " Battleford. Sask.; Mrs. A Mr. H. Stinson. Mr. and 1 Creen. and Mrs. J. Young, of Coboi Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Jones, Mrs. Sydj Smith, and Miss Georgi; _ grandchildren), and Mrs. Thos. er, of Toronto; Mr. and Stinson. and Mrs. H. Stinson, Trenton; Mrs. Verna Bonesteil, Glenmiller: Mr. J. H. Stinson, Lewis B. Stinson. Mr. and Mrs] Kelly, Mrs. Wallace Stinson and and Mrs. Ed. Wilcox, of Hastings; and Mrs. Wm. Taylor and farriil; Koseneath. I of- Tweed spenl with her brother. Mr. V. !•":. Ives. Miss Culver was in the city th week selecting an attractive roll n-ti. of Model Hats. . Mrs. M. S. Gould and Mrs. Willia Morgan visited their sister, Mrs. Ge F. Teal, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Harkness Country The Colbor . On Friday evening, April 20th, 1928, ! the girts of the C.G.I.T. of the Co-1-1 rary borne United Church tendered a ban-. i<i28, quet to their mothers. The tables r> ,1UI I were prettily decorated in yellow and | JZZLLfZ !^™;T, TUllf i The W. A. of Trinity Church will also decorated the ptetform The girls hoW au aftemoon tea 'ln the Parish - mothers sat down at the Hal, Colbor Village Improvement rill meet at the Public Lib-Tuesday evening, May 1st. 3 o'clock. All are urgently to attend. 'able a 1928, from 3 t Mrs. G. Bro' •s. Harkness Countr> man of the Church very kindlv actine as , t "' " " r ~~, " Mr. Bruce Peebles has gone to Toronto to join as first mate, the crew of the steamer "City of Toronto." iWrs. J. S. Pickworth has returned home, after visiting at the home of her brother, Mr. Henry A. Farrow, Bowmanville. ■ Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Grant and family of Toronto spent the weekend at. the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Grant, Percy Street. Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Purdy, who spent the winter at Pasadena, Cal., are leaving there to travel for a time and visit different points, before returning to Capt. Thos. Padginton left treal. Monday, to join the crew as Mate of the steamer "Kingdoc," ik which Capt. W. E. Redfern is in ximlmand. Trenton Sun: Mr. R. H. Spencer, Division Court Clerk, is making steady progress towards recovery from his prolonged illness, and is now able to pe around home. ■Belleville Daily Ontario: Mr. R. J. gPeebles of Smiths Falls, Mrs. Stanley md family of Oshawa spent «' weekend with Mrs. Jennie French, Burnham Street. i -Mr. James Mulligan of Oshawa spent Cobourg World: Mr. and Mrs. Ralph ! the weekend with his sister, Mrs. Wm. ijrpelius, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Longj <"-'»wie. Park Street. I Mr. Clifford Long of Albion. N.Y.. Mrs. Burt Allen has returned home, a,jjt0red to Cobourg and spent the from a teii days' visit to her sister, ■eekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. R. J. Heenan, Toronto. Pearl Bellamy, the welcomed the mothers and then proposed ..the toast to the King, which was responded to by singing "God Save the King." Other toasts, ably proposed and responded to, were made as follows: The Mothers--Proposed by Miss Dorothy Dayman, responded to by Mrs. Ed. Quinn. The Church--Proposed by Miss Vera McCracken, responded to by Rev. J. P. Falconer. The Sunday School--Proposed by Miss Emma Grant, responded to by Mr. F. M. Brintnell. The C.G.I.T.--Proposed by Mrs. J. P. Falconer, responded to by Mrs. Tait, the speaker of the evening, of Oshawa. The girls sang an interesting little song to Mrs. Tait, after which a very enjoyable sing-song was had. Miss Margaret Mutton gave a recitation, "Somebody's Mother." "Taps" and "Good-night, Ladies" closed this very delightful evening. PERSONAL The Young People of Castleton will present "The Village Lawyer," a comedy drama in 4 acts, under the auspices of the Farmer's Club, in the Town Hall, Castleton, on Friday evening. April 27th, 192S, at 8.30 sharp. Admission: Adults 35c, children 25c. Orchestra in attendance. 15-2 The Wicklow and Vernonville Women's Institute will hold their annual business meeting on Thursday, April 26th, at the home of Mrs. S. E. Robin son, at 2.30 p.m. The election of officers and other important business will be considered, so all members are requested to attend. All having roots, bulbs, seeds, etc., for exchange are requested to bring them for the semiannual flower exchange. Florence E. Hall, Secretary. DEATH OF JAMES HART ] James Hart, an old and highly| spected resident of Cobourg, away on Friday. April 13th. 1928, i 72 years, following a week's from pneumonia. Deceased was lj in Cobourg and resided here life. For a number of years he ] ducted a grocery store a business on Bay Street, retiring f business a few weeks before he I taken ill. He was a life-long menSt of St. Michael's church, am' Cornelius. Mrs. Arthur Rogers. M.P.P.. of Winnipeg. Alan., paid her aunt. Miss Emily ■ McTavish, "Bellevue," a flying visit, ' Tuesdav. on her way home from Ottawa, where she attended the contention of Liberal Women of Canada. > Mon- Mr. Jack Chapin has gone treat to join, as second mate, the crew of the steamer "Chicago Tribune."; Mr.' and Mrs. R-^S. J. Gutsole and -oh, Graydon, of ulhawa, spent Sun-Say with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Corbyn. Mr. C. A. Bryans, manager of the Trenton Sun: Mr. A. L. Elliott, who ; Standard Bank. Whitbv, spent a short for the past year has been associated : tjme in Colborne, Saturday afternoon. H Mr- H; D. Graham in the practice , Mrg Everett la visltlng her daught. n Trenton and Frankford. left Mrs s st ^agter Vasnce week ago to enter Into part-1 Sutt6n> wno has been visiting Ms grandparents, came home with her. Harry Kirk, Drinkwalter, CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. David Ritchie wish to thank the people of Castleton who so kindly helped in putting out the fire and saving their home on April 10th, 1928. Lewis B. French wishes to thank the neighbours and friends for their many acts of kindness during the illness of his mother and expressions of sympathy in his bereavement; also for flowers. AUCTION SALES Monday, April 30th, 1928, at 1.30 p. m. sharp--Farm stock and implements, household effects, lumber, hay, etc., of Wm. Inglis, Lot 21, Con. 9 Cramahe Township, 1 mile West of Morganston. Usual terms. S. E. Robinson, Auctioneer. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Armstrong of Castleton announce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Olive Ruth, to Mr. Russell Clarke Pomeroy, only M. Allen & Son announce a of specials for Saturday, advt. on page 8. Nanette Hairdressing Parlours FINGER WAVING SWIRL BOB WINDBLOWN BOB ARTISTIC HAIR CUTTING MRS. LLOYD Phone 147 A. Philp Block COLBORNE Men's Suits made to your mecisure for $24.00 ALL CLOTHS Fit and Satisfaction Guaranteed Join the men who ere saving money on their clothes! Tip Top Suits for $24.00 See the sampljs at Hawkins* Store COLBORNE Grand Entertainment Victoria Opera House COLBORNE The Three Act Play "The Little Clodhopper" By Walter Ben Hare Presented by the Young People's Guild of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Wednesday, May 2nd, 1928 PROGRAMME : Orchestra. ACT 1--Front Room in Miss Bean's Boarding House. An evening in April. The party and the theft. several at the party Solo........................Mr. Nairn Solo........................Mr. Taylor Selection................Mr. V. G. Strong Orchestra. ACT 2--Two months later. Room in the city home of Mrs. Chiggerson-Boggs. A couple of weddings. Out in the storm. Solo........................Miss Ross Selection..................Mr. V. G. Strong ACT 3--Three weeks later. Same scene as Act 2. The man from Texas. Blackmail. CHARACTERS Septimus Green................Mr. Nairn Oily Gump..............Donald McDougall George Chiggerson............Richard Martin Mrs. Juleitta Bean............Mrs. Henderson Charmean Carter........Miss Esther McGlennon Mrs. Chiggerson-Boggs . . . . Miss Minnie Morginson Judy..................Mrs. Sam Dudley-- Admission: Adults 50c. Chilcr:;r» 2?c. Plan of Hall at Griff is' Dm- S':orc the large number in attendance Fleming Orchestra furnished the c, and Mr. P. Clarey directed the ne dancing. Dainty refreshments served. Cobourg Wbrld: Mrs. John Rush ton of Hamilton is visiting with her sister, Mrs. James Johnstone. Her mother, Mrs. Jane Deviney. will accompany her home. Mrs. Johnstone entertained a number of friends on Thursday in honour of her mother's birthday. They all spent a very enjoyable time. W. Bros. J. T. Gordon, H. J. May-hew and A. G. Willoughby, and Bros. B. McCracken, 1. R. Goheen, E. M. Proomfield and A. G. Backus paid 8 fraternal visit to Ontario Lodge, A. P. & A.M.. Port Hope, last Monday evening, it being the occasion of the official visit of the D. D. G. M., Rt. Wjor. Bro. G.M. Goodfellow of Whitby. A very pleasant and profitable evening was spent. During the fourth degree in the banquet hall, a splendid programme of music, song and speak- While Chief Jamieson v ill last weekend, we are able to report an improve condition. AM hope hi Lii.-.kly i '. E. J. Dixc Cobourg World gether with his sister. Mrs. T. Brown of New York City, were weekend guests in the home of their uncle, Mr. S. E. Dixon, King Street West. Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Strong visited Mr. and Mrs. C. A Bryans, Whitby, Sunday afternoon. Miss Eleanor Strong, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Bryans, returned home with her parents. Mr. B. H. Ooyle was suddenly stricken on the street last Friday and has been since confined to bed with an affection of the heart. A specialist from Toronto was called on Sunday and has ordered several weeks' rest. All wish for Mr. Ooyle's complete restoration to health and strength. his : Florence, to Mr. William Hartwick, iow i son of the late William Hartwick and Mrs. Hartwick of Kitchener, the marriage to take place quietly the latter part of April. Mr. Lewis Frederick Clarry, K.C., and Mrs. Clarry of Calgary, announce the engagement of their only daughter, Helen Winnifred, to Alan Cameron Harrop, B.Sc, of the International Petroleum, Talara. Peru, only son of Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Harrop, Calgary, the marriage to take place in Panama, mid-June. BIRTHS Read the condensed ads < Notice re Corn Borer Act Every person who has corn stalks, pieces of stalks or cobs anywhere on his property Is required by the Corn Borer Act to destroy all these and also all coarse weeds among or alongside them, and in addition to spade or plow the ground so that all small pieces which have been overlooked will be buried. The best method of destroying the corn remnants and other refuse is by gatherng ana burning them. Inspectors will be sent around in May to see that this work has been done. Anyone who disregards this notice will be liable to prosecution. Ives--In Oshawa General Hospital. Friday, April 20th, 1928, to Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ives, a son. Bransco-mbe--In Cramahe Township on Monday, April 23rd, 1928, to Mr. and Mrs. Milton Branscombe, a son. Wolfraim--At the parsonage, Wilfrid, Ont., on Wednesday, April 18th. 1928, to Rev. H. C. and Mrs. Wolfraim (nee Ruth Reave), a daughter--Helen Lorraine. 'Diamonds and Hearts' A Three Act Comedy Drama Will be presented by Grafton Talent in the Town Flail, Grafon Friday Evening, April 27 1923, at 8 p.m. PROCEEDS m AID OF BOY SCOUTS Admission 25c and 35c DEATHS French--In Cramahe Township, on Friday, April 20th, 1928, Mary Jane Stinson, widow of the late John French, in her 80th year. Interment in Castleton Cemetery. McCullough--On Monday. April 1(! 1928, Rev. Robert McCullough, beloved husband of Mary E. MacGregor. entered into rest at the Manse, Leask-dale. Ontario. Funeral service was held on Wednesday afternoon. Gunter--In Trenton on Sunday. April 21st. 1928, Wellington Benson Gunter, in his 73rd year. Interment in Stockdale Cemetery. Funeral under auspices of Miadoc Lodge, No. 48, A. P. & . ,M. IN MEMORIAM Cowey--In loving memory of our dear huslband and father, James Cowey, who departed this life April 27th, 1925. yea swifl I We miss his help, his cheery ways, With him we 'spent our happiest days. We miss him when we need a friend. On him we always could depend. Ais he lived, so he died, Cheerful, ready, satisfied. No regret of any kind, Except for loved ones left behind. Sadly missed by wife and daught- TI-.s Express wants to publish everything in the way of town or district news, and your co-operation will help a great deal. Send your news in early, as there is always a great deal of lust minute rush just before publication. Business is sensitive--it goes only ,'here it is invited and stays only ?here it is well treated.