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The Colborne Express (Colborne Ontario), 31 May 1928, p. 8

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Page Eight THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, MAY 31st, 1928 | PRICE TELLS | j QUALITY SELLS It is prices and quality that counts these days, and we have it for you. HURL THE GOOD NEWS--IT'S WONDERFUL Allen's Grocery and Hardware Weekend SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY WE WILL GIVE THE FOLLOWING VERY LOW PRICES: Swan's Down Cake Flour, per pkg..........29 Grape Nuts," per pkg-..................13 Choice Shredded Cocoanut, per lb..........18 Choice Shelled Almonds, per lb...........28 Choice Shelled Walnuts, per lb...........32 Nabob Coffee,lib tins, reg. 70c. Sale Price, ft .50 Sun-maid Seedless Raisins, 15 oz. pkg. Sale Price .10 Choice Red Salmon (talis), per tin....... . .35 DON'T PAY A HIGH PRICE FOR CORN-- WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY! Wisconsin, No. 7, per bus...............$2.25 Improved Learning, per bus.............2.25 Pride of Nishua, per bus...............2.25 Compton's Early, per bus. . . .... -..........3.35 Longfellow Early Hill Corn, per bus.......3 35 Mangel Seed and Turnip Seed, per lb.......50 WE CARRY A FULL AND COMPLETE STOCK OF PAINTS, OILS AND SHELF HARDWARE GET OUR PRICES--WE SELL FOR LESS C. M. Allen & Son King Street Prompt Delivery UTTERMOST QUALITY ALWAYS IN FASHION-CRAFT CLOTHES Here to , meet you / --the FASHION-CRAFT custom tailoring specialist direct from headquarters to measure you for your new suit and overcoat. Offering you individual tailoring plus the style and quality of FASHION-CRAFT clothes. ANOTHER GESTURE OF SERVICE BY CANADA'S PREMIER TAILORS at Hawkins' Store COLBORNE Thursday, May 31, 1928 Notice re Corn Borer Act Every person who has corn stalks, pieces of stalks or cobs anywhere on his property Is required by the Corn Borer Act to destroy all these and also all coarse weeds among or alongside them, and in addition to spade or plow the ground so that all small' pieces which have been overlooked will be buried. The best method of destroying the corn remnants and other refuse is by gatherng ana burning them. Inspectors will be sent around in May to see that this work has been done. Anyone who disregards this notice will be liable to prosecution. Swat the fly! Where there is filth there will be flies and where flies go there wil lbe some of the filth accom pany them. ^.„.i roads during 1926 was approximately $45,500,000. Don't forget the Wednesday afternoon half-holiday, continuing through June, July, August and September, all places of business will close at noon. CREAM SEPARATOR EXPLODED While Meredith Bray, third son "of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Bray, of Hamilton Township, was operating a cream separator on Monday evening week, for some unknown reason the separator exploded, badly cutting his left hand. He was 'brought to Cobourg General Hospital, where it was neces sary to put several stitches in th INDIRECT TAXATION Governments love indirect taxation because its extraction of cash from the taxpayer is painless. Those of smoker who buy twenty cigarettes per day smokes 7..100 cigarettes in year and pays $55 in taxes to the Government. Yet if he were compelled to pay an income tax of that amount he would denounce the Government as extravagant. Not knowing where his cigarette money goes, he does not worry and smokes on in peace.--Ex. HOSPITAL RATES RAISED Hospitals throughout Ontario have been notified by the Provincial Secretary's Department at Queen's Park, Toronto, that at the 'ast session of the lesgislature the Hospitals and Charitable Institutions Act was amended. The amendment provides that the maintenance rate in all public hospitals shall now be $12.25 per week instead of $10.25. This applies only to public ward patients, which means the rate is now $1.75 per dav which was formerly $1.50. The new rate became effective on April 1, 1928. MEDICAL CARE OF INDIGENTS The council of every municipality should take notice that it is requested under the Public Health Act, as amended at last session of the Legislature, to enter into an agreement with the medical officer of health or some other doctor for the medical care of indigents who, in the opinion of the health of the municipality or its relief officer, are unable to pay for the necessary attendance, and who are not cared for in public or private hospitals. The agreement is to provide for fair and reasonable remuneration for service rendered. If the municipality does not enter to such an agreement, the medical officer of health is deemed the indi-medical officer and is to be paid accordingly, aside from his alary as medical officer of health, nd where the medical officer of health claims that either salary or ; remuneration for care of indigents not fair and just, and the corpora-n takes no action, he may apply, provided by section 52 of The Public Health Act, to the County District Judge, who may by his order Former Employe at Regent Theatre, Port Hope, Responsible for Payment for Coal He Ordered Holding that the person who orders goods from a merchant is responsible for payment, Judge E. C. S. Huycke, in Division Court at Port Hope. Tuesday, awarded judgment for $16 to E. V. Brown, coal dealer, ' an action against C. H. Winters. Brown sued for the price of ton of coal, ordered by Winters when the defendant was. in charge of the Regent Theatre. Winters claimed that he was not the proprietor of the theatre, but was merely employed there. Judge Huycke placed the responsibility for *payrrtent upon Mr. Winters. -1- JUNE ROD AND GUN Taking the form of a special Ontario Tourist Number, the June issue of Rod and Gun and Canadian Silver Fox News which is just out is of special interest not only to all residents of that Province but also the rest of the Dominion and those of the United States with-whom Canada is becoming a popular vacation ground. A personal message of welcome from the Premier of Ontario to touTists as the leading article offers every encouragement to visit Canada and" enjoy the delights the country offers. The contents include a notable aggregation of articles on hunting and fishing with two very good ones. The regular departments and Canadian Silver Pox News contain the usual list of entertaining and instruc five material. -- Rod and Gun and Canadian Silver Fox News is published monthly by W. J. Tavlor, Limited, Woodstock, Ontario. THE IRTUES OF LAZINESS London Evening Standard: The boy of parts, who at 15 or 16 generally a pretty clear notion of what he ts to know, has to spend as much of his time and energy in school in resisting education as in absorbing it. It -is true that he is often found in later life to regret what he has rejected. The subjects which then bored him take on a more attractive appearance, and he wishes that his defence had not been quite so stubborn and successful. But this does not mean that he was not right at the time. The growing mind cannot devote itself to everything, and the lazy boy's laziness is simply his Instinctive choice of interests. ROAD TO SUCCESS Gilrs, it certainly pays to adver An Oklahoma girl advertised for husband and landed him in a short time, he ad cost $3, the wedding her $6, a total of $9. The husband lived less than a year and left her a life insurance policy for $11,000. And yet there are lots of fellows sitting around on soap boxes who say it does not pay to advertise. r.VE.N ittle hard to belie athei and until blind spot in each eye, a place where we can see nothing whatever. Ordinarily, perhaps, we might never find this out, but it happens we can test it with the simplest of apparatus, and the test is well worth the trouble. Paste two dimes about three and a half inches apart, one to the right and one to the left, on a sheet of cardboard. Then, closing the right eye and looking steadily with the left at the right-hand dime, move the cardboard to and fro until at a point.gen-erally from ten to twelve inches from the face, depending upon whose eye is being tested, the left-hand dime utterly disappears--vanishes apparently, into thin air. Ordinarily we get the illusion that the cardboard is still there, though we do not see it, but the dime is gone. The reason why of all this is that the image of the left-hand dime falls on what we know as the blind spot of the retina, a place which is wholly insensitive to light. This, of course, is the place where the optic nerve enters the eye, and over the comparatively small area involved there is no arrangement of the microscopic rods and cones, or light-sensitive elements with which we see. The experiment can be repeated in an even easier way with the very brightest illumination possible. If instead of using the dimes we take a lead pencil and punch two round holes through the cardboard at the same distance apart, and then, holding the cardboard against the sun, look as before at the hole to the right with the left eye while we move the cardboard, presently we reach a point where the brilliant left-hand hole diappears as completely as the dime did. We desire to draw the attention of our subscribers to the fact that out-of-town cheques are not payable at par in Colborne. Some of those who remit by cheque overlook the fact that it costs us from 15c to 25c to have their signatures honoured at the local banks, and a number of such payments soon make a sizeable amount. Subscribers are requested to think of this when making remittances and either add exchange or send postal notes or money orders which are payable at par. Poor printing--like other poor goods --may be bought at low prices. If you wish good printing you must pay fair price. Try us for good work at reasonable prices. But'er Wrappers at Express Office. The Express wants to publish everything in the way of town or district news, and your co-operation will help a great deal. Send your news in early as there is always a great deal of las minute rush just before publication Job printing neatly and promptlv done at The Express office. We r ' anything from a business card t newspaper. r Wrappers at Express Office. SPECIAL PRICE TIMOTHY SEED RED CLOVER SEED ALFALFA SEED ALSIKE SEED SWEET CLOVER SEED SEED CORN and BARLEY i Eel -„ Western Feed Oats; also a full line of Mill Feeds Before buying Laying Mash and Chick Starter, get our prices! WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY I. palen Phone 97 COLBORNE Nanette Hairdressing Parlours Have just returned from a Special Course in FINGER WAVING SWIRL BOB WINDBLOWN BOB ARTISTIC HAIR CUTTING Will be open for Appointments mrs. lloyd Phone 147 F. A. Philp Block COLBORNE BUILDING MATERIAL EveHything in Rough and Dresesd Lumber JUST UNLOADED Carloads of Gyprock, Lime, Hardwall Plaster and Plaster Paris We carry a large stock of B.C. RED CEDAR and MOULDINGS Also the famous EDGE GRAIN B.C. CEDAR SHINGLES Colborne Planing Mill H. A. GRANT Phone 99 Victoria Street COLBORNE Practical Tinsmithing Having engaged a Practical Tinsmith, who will be found in our shop every day, we can render Prompt Service to parties requiring Tinsmithing or Repairs of any kind. " Small repairs can often be done while the customer waits. All work guaranteed. EAVETROUGHING A SPECIALTY AH kinds of Electrical Supplies. Wiring and Fixtures installed at moderate prices and guaranteed. TERMS STRICTLY CASH Pumps and Pump Valves. Stove Pipes, Elbows, etc. c. a. myles Barfett Block COLBORNE, Ontario. Ring Time AT THE JEWELRY STORE See our new Diamond Engagement Rings. The very newest settings--some rings set in white gold, others in the green gold. The prices too are reasonable--5 Specials $25.00 $35.00 $50.00 $75.00 $100.00 King Street H. J. MAYHEW Jeweler. Optometrist EAST COLBORNE STORE Re-opening Saturday, May 26/28 with a complete, well assorted stock of fresh goods, AT PRICES THAT WILL SURPRISE YOU. Everything new and clean and placed where you can examine at your leisure--and priced in plain figures. To the First Twelve customers buying goods to the value of $2.00 or more, we will give a good 50c Broom. WHO'LL BE THE FIRST? Phone 109 (the same old number) WE DELIVER CASH AND ONE PRICE TO ALL W. A. MOORE EAST COLBORNE coal Alberta coal BOOK YOUR ORDERS NOW FOR Drumheller This is the best coal shjpped from the West. I expect one car on the first train coing East. You Will Find My Prices the Lowest ira edwards Phones: Office 63; Residence 83 COLBORNE Newspaper Subscriptions Renewed WE ARE AGENTS FOR Leading Daily and Weekly Papers In many cases our clubbing rates will save >ou money. In all cases you are relieved of the trouble and expense of remitting. We Will Appreciate Your Subscription Orders THE COLBORNE EXPRESS

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