THE COLBORNE EXPRESS. COLBORNE, ONT., THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 1928. "SALADA Dark-skinned natives-glowing sunlight-cool mountain tops-great ships ploughing through tropic seas--these things all come to mind when a cup of "SALADA" is steaming beforeyou. Such ... m-------- T"u "SALADA"- flavour--such fragrance, No--at you, Nell. Two minutes out of my five are left. I'm going to have you to myself that long!" "What are you going to do?" "Take you out of this place before they tag me with a club." "Take me where?" "Outside. We're going to sit on the moonlit side; of a tree, and I'm going to make love to you, Nell, as you were never made love to before." Do you think I've gone mad? I l't go a step with you!" Hush, Nell. I know that you trust Not a bit." ;Look me in the eye when you say She flushed gloriously and her eye avered under his glance. "You're a dear, Nell. But I want I to have you where it's quiet to tell | you just how dear you are. When w get to the end of the hall, out through I the door we go together. You urJ~ "Yes-- no! Of course I won't go." I "I won't try to make you. Tell me for the last time? You're going to j hear me? Only for two minutes, a then I'm gone!" "Oh," she cried. "My head is swi BEGIN HERE TO-DAY. Finding the lifeless bodies of his two partners at their gold-mining camp. Harry Gloster flees southward, knowing that he will be accused -i the ct-ime. On the way Gloster saves the life of a stronger, Lee Ha'.nes, from the murderous hands of a scoundrel by the name of Joe Macarthur. ".Ivan" lives with an old recluse. Buck Daniels, presumably her father, in an out-of-the-way ranch house. She complains to him that she never is allowed to go where other girls go. One night she slips from her bed and rides to a schoolhouse several miles distant, where a dance is*in progress. Riding home, singing, she is surprised to hear a man's voice call to her in the thickets. The man is Harry Gloster. She hides in the shadi will not. let him approach her. NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY how much action we can crowd into that time--" 'And after that--" 'I'm going away. Never see yoi again!" "You're not like other people," sh< said almost wistfully. "Not a bit. Here's John again Dance faster. Longer steps! We'r< going to dodge him if you help--" And help she did. She became as light as that whirling leaf he had thought of before. It seemed that his mere volition was guiding her. "The devil!" muttered Harry Gloster. "Someone tagged me then. But we're going on--" j "Oh, there'll be trouble about it. It's 11 the rule!" say ! "I'll go. I don't care what they| Nor I what they do." They reached the end of the hall, swung deftly through the outer line of the dancers, and were suddenly through the door, leaving a gasp of wonder behind them. Before them was the moonlight world. CHAPTER VIII. AN OUTLANDER OFFENDS. There was no lack of brains behind I the level black brows of John Gainor. | His temper was as eager and i EXTREMELY Lustrous golden GRACEFUL s about rules?' 'Not the least in the world! She had caught the Are at last. A * CHAPTER VII.--(Cont'd.) j rioting carelessness was in her eyes. I "No," she answered, demurely. j There's another hand at my shoul-"Why not? Engaged to friend jder!" John?" I Th«y had "Maybe," she answered, without raie'ing her eyes. But Harry Gloster only laughed. "I've broken the ice for you, then. Here comes a couple to get you. Shall . I let them have you?" And at this, .finally, she looked up. They were great brown eyes, indeed, and filled with an almost too perfect "Can you help it?" she asked. "Say the word and I'll show yc that of any man, but he comt,ines i was possessed of a controlling discre- ,n a charming dri tion. When, after having tagged;front piaited at \ Gloster, he saw the big man dance: a sasn Wool crei serenely on, his first impulse was tocrepe) two tones p at his throat and tear him away. | gette crepe and But the very size of Harry Gtoster | witn si][< crepe £ brown crepe satin >ng side of fabric ;s, with the outside aistline and tied in ?, printed and plain f silk crepe, geor-[ightweight woolen .. -e also fashionable ugh to make Gainor doubly! for design No. 813. Patterns can b< ,„„ . . [thoughtful. ihad in sizes 1(5, 18 and 20 years, 36, ed o-ttl.v awaybutj instead of acting on the first' 38 40 42, 44 and 4(1 inches bust John had apparently been watching, impuNt.. he stepped back to con-' measurc. Size 30 requires 3% yards f« °f th's fder the situation again. Had it faen 1 ^f 40-inch material with 1% yards of hand touched Gloster ■ thal Ne„ ha(J stepped contrasting and 1% yards of But Gloster danced on, with the girl ^ ^ conventional path, passion 27.inch irninJT. Price 20c the pattern. ,n"hWhaa,rmwi,i happen? What will ^^^^n^] HOW TO ORDKK PATTERNS, they do?" The girl was breathing ^ ^rwas simply the old story re-' Write your name and address pi. close to his face. | , h d cided. rt would not do to 'That's for them Jo worry about. | told^he Oec^ ^.^^ ^ Prospectors Fly to Canada's North Rich Deposits Impossible to Reach by Other Means More than 1,000,000 square miles of virgin territory in Northern Can-ill be explored by 200 or more prospectors who are to be sent into this territory in aircraft, according to ncement made in New York by Northern Aerial Minerals Exploration, Ltd., of Canada. John E. Hammell, president and anaging director of the company, which will operate 17 aeroplanes, equipped with skiis for rough landing on snow and ice and platoons for summer work on the northern laakes, recently went to New York to purchase additional aircraft equipment. Hammell, although 51 years old and many times a millionaire,' is Iearing to fly, and expects to have his pilot' license within a few months. He has been prospecting since 1905, and his activities have covered the Canadi North from Northern Quebec to N thern Manitoba. Accordng to Mr. Hammell, 1 prospectors of the N.A.M.E. wilt be taken into new areas by fast c planes in a few hours instead of eral weeks. They will be kept | supplied with food, tools and e : sives, and contact established with , skilled engineers and geologists who will be flown to the properties later in large transport plants. The small .planes are to be the "prospectors' I taxi-cab in the north" and the bigger planes will solve the problem of large transportation of men in numbers, supplies in bulk and machinery of considerable capacity. "There are inaccessible regions never before touched by the foot of the white man that are as rich in mineral deposits as the famous trails blazed to California and the far reaches of the Yukon," said Mr. Hammell. "The only way to prospect in these regions, carrying enough supplies to sustain the exploration party, I is by aeroplanes. The days of hardship, starvation and death which followed the opening of other famous gold coasts, will be a thing of the Gum-Dipped Tires Save You Money Gum-Dipping is an exclusive Firestone process. It insulates and impregnates every fibre of every cord with rubber and prevents the cords from chafing &g ast each other. In ordinary tires these cords are uninsulated. In flexing they chafe against each other, causing internal heat and friction which softens the rubber, causing blowouts and tire fail- These better tires cost you no more, yet they give thousands of extra miles. See your nearest Firestone Dealer. FIRESTONE TIRE & RUBBER CO. OF CANADA LIMITED Hamilton, Ontario MOST MILES PER DOLLAR Tiretfone' Builds the Only GUM-DIPPED TIRES This dance i Some of the meekness left her eyes and a glimmer of mischief took its place. "If you can--" shy said. It was done with miraculous skill. A slight increase in their speed--they whirled toward one prospective and eager-faced tagger then away from his reaching fingertips--then toward the other, and away again, like a leaf wind currents th suddenly, but nev vith jar r jerk. oriel did yi he was laughing up to hin He drank in that laughter, frankly. 5 he had n s of any woman before. What did it matter?" She was only a gh< The reality was far away, fleeing through the haze of moonshine. "You're going to forget John--for this one dance," he commanded. "You're engaged to me, understand-- for five minutes!" "WThat do you mean?" gasped Nell. "You know what I mean." He dodged an aggressive tagger and "If John doesr tying, "on this "It, die* John { iswered Gloster. , be bothered." "We?" get r round, he'll be fur- He drew her a little closer. "I feel your heart keeping time-rith the music," he whispered. "You musn't look at me like that! "Why not?" "They'll know what you're saying. owd. Again, he was by no means sure how far he could go with Nell. Whether she was in love with him or with father's ranch he had never been quite able to make up his mind. On occasion he presumed on the rights of being her fiance, but those qcca->ns were few and far between. So far, so good. But if he tempted her again, might she not fling away om him and wreck all his hopes with single fiery sentence? He knew her well enough to feel the danger. And this, plus the physical dimensions of i Harry Gloster, made him pause to In another moment he was glad that he had delayed, for Gloster was tagged by half a dozen other men, and yet still went serenely on and showed not the slightest intention of abandoning his partner. It was not Gainor alone who had been, insulted, but a whole group of men, and every one of them was on fire with rage. Moreover, they were not fellows to lie down under such an insult. In fact, they were such men that what had let offend he could not ! Nell permit her pai i them. ,. ■ I Something most extraordinary must, have happened to sweep Nelloffber| ly, giving number and patterns as you want. Enclose 20c in stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for «ach number and. address your order to Wilson Pattern Service, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto, Patterns sent by return mail. A reliable antiseptic--Minard's. Ancient Art Treasures Revealed in Paris Tour Issy-Les-Moulineaux. -- Art treasures, long forgotten, but once widely known, are geing given prominence by official searches here and in other communities surrounding Paris. A bas-relief of a Christ in the act of blessing has been located prebytery wall adjoining the ancient town church, not used since th church was built 300 years a For the first time this has been studied and photographer by art perts under the direction of Perr Dabot, general inspector of historic monuments, who is making a tour of old towns seeking to unearth unknown treasures. This Christ is of the twelfth century, in the Roman period. It is the prize find of a journey through the (telling "tall" story): "I once saw a man swim up the Niagara Fails." Scotchman (unmoved): "Are you sure?" American: "Yes." Scotchman (still unmoved): "Well, I was the man." One of the strange paradoxes in sport is to be found in the fact that thrilling?" used to be It is ne Tunney has officiate i but it does harmonious some time, Mr understood that invited Professor Phelps his next pugilistic party, eem as if they might get together somewhere, of the Ring and the Book.--Providence Journal. BICYCLE BARGAINS Parisian suburbs many art works nei (Ugh to make up for two. ving. D'you feel it come gertips at your back, like elee- "And John wili "The wilder he he'll be tamer. 1 to be true!" 'Close your ea out of my,]i£teri t0 the happy| vish they'd said it feet in such a fashion. Nell v formed and radiant in the r >e wild--" this big man. She leaned back in tonight, the sooner them and looked up to him with laugh-u're too wonderful! ter on her iipS. But Gainor took no hasty steps. It ' you!" I was not until he saw the couple swing to me, then, and ' off the dance floor at the end ot the lusic. D'you hear it? hall and disappear through the door Even a bandwagon needs harmony ) make it successful. understand? Going to Add to the joy of the open road --this pleasure-giving refreshment. A sugar-coated gum that affords double value. Peppermint flavor in the sugar coating and peppermint^.^n flavored gum ^^j-g^S V Que viva, que viva pi; Que vivan las ninas, chulitas, bonitas, C guapas que saben querer!" "It's talking for me, Nell!" "There! You were tagged again!" "What do I care?" "Oh, everyone is looking at us!" "Let them look. You're worth seeing, Nell!" "They'll fight you about this." "Do you like being fought for? I'd like to fight for you, Nell. There's John again--but this time we've dodged him. But look at them coming! A dozen ready to tag me. Nell, you're a popular girl! Confound them, they won't have you yet!" "Please what? Do you want me to let you go?" "I--I--no!" She pressed a little closer to him. Dcn't let them take t he began to act on the offensive. (To be continued.) la rumba, a a ringing bass. Every person is looking at you." "Q He U.S. Takes $5,100 Tax On $57,000 Ice Lottery visit the Anchorage, Alaska.--Without hav- j the ope; ing purchased a single ticket In the ; adventu Tanana River States was one or tne »™.. the amount of $5,100--the income tax from the three persons who guessed the minute the break occurred. The amount of the pool this year was $57,00. The largest subscription this year was from a Fairbanks man who bought 250 tickets at $1 each and who made 250 different guesses--but lost. From -the fuss over American films in France it can be seen what an odious thing protection is when foreigners resort to it--Springfield Repuh- Bid goodbye to e get the crowded For- ry day scenes, treets and city din; u've rea'd about; hit road that beckons to fun and iture, for a week, a month or a pool the United 1 year. WALTER ANDREWS LIMITED, the winners to ! 346 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. jFor Rheui Min Liniment. Use ^iMONDS] SAWS Machine Knives] (/our money ouus more J in EDDY'S TISSUE Sj£|^| Tsue, bought on the basis of "So-many-rolls-fc*. One roll of WHITE SWAN TISSUE at 15c you more paper than three average 5c. rolls by a sheet count And WHITE SWAN TISSUE is vastly better quality -- smooth, soft and ever rured -- the kind of snowy white Tissue thai eddy's <Toilet Tissues FINEST VALUES PPURIiy FLOUR-i I BEST fOR ALL YOUR BAKING -- Pies, Cakes, Buns and Bread - DOES ALL YOUR BAKING BEST i