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The Colborne Express (Colborne Ontario), 21 Jun 1928, p. 5

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THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, JUNE 21st, 1928 Page Five "Keep in mind you're Riding on Airl" AIR lifts the load off the road. The heavier . the load the more air it takes. That's why tire makers have worked out the correct inflation pressure for every size of tire for different loads. Know the correct pressure for your tires, and stick to it. Don't guess it -- gauge it. Two or three pounds under pressure cuts miles off the life of a tire. Keep in mind you're riding on air, and if there isn't sufficient air, you're riding straight into trouble. Pay a weekly visit to a Dominion Tire Depot and have your tires examined. You are never far away from a « DOMINION TIRE DEPOT W. J. ONYON COLBORNE PERSONAL LIVE STOCK FOR SALE KNOW YOUR FUTURE. and Birthdate. Let me u-y ar locate your future mate, will set name and address. Ad el. Box 1(51 Sta. C, Los Angeles, Calif, 33-< SEED GRAIN FOR SALE GOOD MILCH COW, 2 large Heifer Calves, Hotstein; Yorkshire -f i due to farrow latter part of July. I S. E. Robinson, Colborne -HiR.- 3. j Rhine 7Sr23. 25- SEED BUCKWHEAT f J. Cochrane, Castletot 25-2X FARMS FOR SALE_ FARM FOR SALE--50 acres,rwore or less, on the Provincial tfig-lrway, 2 miles iisst of Colborne. Ideal location. 'S room brick house,'good barn, poultry houses, etc. 'Land all in crop- Small fruits, berries, cherries, etc. Immediate possession. Enquire on premises or address FRED SIMMONS, 'OaBjorne ;KR. 4. 25-4 HOUSE FOR SALE HOUSE %FOR SALE--Kins Street, Colborne. 9 rooms. Woodshed. Drive barn. 9 apple trees, good varieties. Good well and pump, acre, more or less, good soil. I -session at once. Apply «t Express Printing Office or to Wm. Usher, Colbc 17tf FARM FOR SALE -To "close Estate oft late ( 146 acres, more or less, Lot 18, Con. 8, Cramahe Township. :!.•: acres standing timber. Good iFrame lionise. Good TENDERS WASTED Sealed terafers, a&faeseed to the undersigned and marked "Tenders for Decoration" will be received to noon on July 2nd, 1928, for re-decorating the interior of Trinity ■ _ , a ,.„i_i t__re-uecora uiik uie interior ui 1111 hank barn, equipped with hshtomg n.l'borne. Tie speciftcati rods. t«Mro for 9 horses and ■ 25 may the Office of the - Dr. J. AlEKCHER BROWN. rods, tie-np for 9 horses and cows; large silo; drive barn, hen , . pens. Wjell at house and barn. ' * Trout stream runs across farm. _"__ 2SK ^V^lriS TENDERS ^ COAL AND WOOD month. Terms -- be arranged. Apply to G. E. H. Wilson. Insurance and Real Estate Agent, Colborne; or Wm. Crealock, Norham; or W. J. Samis, WaTlrwartb. Astra ■Came to tbe premises of the undersigned, Lot 19, Cob. o, Cramahe Township, three yearling cattle. Owner may have same on proving property and paying expenses. H. C. McDonald, Colborne R.H. 2. Phone: Castleton 35-r25. 23-4x Came on the premises of the undersigned on or about June 9th, 1928, one yearling belter, black, with white markings. Owner may have same on proving property and paying expenses. Fred R. Kernaghan, Colborne R.R. 3. 25-4x - forIIale SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the undersigned and tmiarked, "Tenders for Fuel," will be received up to p.m. on July 3rd, 1928, "for the und< mentioned fuel for the Colborne 35 tons of Anthracite Egg Coal, be screened and weight certified, and delivered in the bins at Colborne school buildings directed; also 30 cords 4ft. Wood and 25 cords Stove Wood, fb be delbrexed and piled for measurement in the school yards"as directed. F. J. SMITH, ?S2 Secretary. SUMMER WOOD for sale.. 2 stove cords $5 delivered, or *4 at the yard. Also quantity Dry Seech and Maple Body Wood $3.50 flper stove cord. J. W. . Heckbert. Colborne R.R. 2. Phone 54r21. 23-4x NEW PERFECTION COAL OIL STOVE, 3 burner, with Perfection Oven for 2 burners. Used about 4 months. Will sell together or separate. Priced very reasonable. Apply at Express Priming .Office, 1 Bath Tub 2 Chemical Closets and Pipes 2 Combination Heaters & Cook Stoves 1 3-Burner "Perfection" Coal Oil Stove and Oven 1 Baking Cabinet 3 Iron Bed's and Springs 1 Baby's Crib 2 Toilet Sets IChairs Apply at Express Printing Office, Colborne. 24- __NOTICE NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to th« Statutes that to satislfy a claim for storage due by one Alonza Smith, amounting to Eighty-four dollars ISS4.U0) a Ford Sedan. Beddmg.Trunk, box containing, and a box of miscellaneous articles will be sold by public auction on Saturday. June 30th, 1928, at 7.30 p.m., on the of R C. Hunt, Parliament eet. Colborne East, by S. E. Rob-on. Auctioneer. • f which all persons are required take notice and govern themselves ordingly. )ated at Colborne, June 20th, 1928. lx R. C. HUNT. for service THE REG. PERCHERON STALLION, KLINIS 2nd (129561. enrolment No. 2227, will stand for service at his own stable, lot 26, con. 5, Cramahe Township, for the season of 192S. Inspection invited. Frank Cowie, Castleton. 21-4x MARRIAGE LICENSES NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Tli- Mechanics' Lien Act, R. S. O. Chapter 173. Section 48 (1) that to satisfy the value of skill and materials and charges for storage due the undersigned by one John Blackburn, 67 Park Road, Oshawa. Ontario, amounting to Thirty-five dollars and thirtv-five cents ($35.35) a motor car, Gray Dort. engine No. 23776. will be sold by public auction at 8 p.m. on Saturday. June 30th, 1928, at the Colborne Garage (Turney Bros.) Colborne, Ontario, by S. E. Robinson, Auctioneer, Of which all persons are required to take notice and govern themselves act •.•rdlnsdv. Dated at Colborne this ISth dav of June, 1928. TURNEY BDOS. 25-1 Express wants to publish every-m the way of town or district and your co-operation will help t deal. Send your news in early, re is always a great, deal of last 3 rush just before publication. BRIGHTON Mr. W. M. Tobey of Ottawa w guest over the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Roblin. Mr. C. H. Clouston, who was taken home from a visit to his daughter, Mrs. A. Allen, Forest, is slowly im- Mrs. James Morgan, who has been spending some months in Western Canada with her sons and daughters has returned home. Mr. A. G. Spence and Mr. Clarence Spencer of Rochester, N.Y., were in Brighton attending the funeral of his brother-in-law. Mr. A. A. Marsh. Mr. and Mrs. Best Sprung and little son are occupying their cottage at the Point while Mr. Sprung is still too ill to return to his business at Wilber- Mr, and Mrs. F. C, Williams and Mr. Albert'Marsh of Toronto wer Brighton over the weekend attending the funeral of their father, Mr. A Marsh. Mesdames G. F. Clarke, G. Lawsoo, Alexander, A. Corby and J. Mait-land were the Brighton Institute members who attended the District annual Campbell ford on Wednesday. Wire. C. C. H. Clouston, who iting her daughter, Mrs. Arthur Allen, jr., at Forest, was called home suddenly last Friday owing to the ill-of Mt. Clouston. Mrs. Allen accompanied her and is staying in t a couple of weeks. NORHAM June 19th, 1928 Mrs. S. Gummer is visiting friends n Toronto at present. Mr. Ivan Denike and family spent Sunday visiting relatives in Havelock, Rev. and Mrs. Swayne of Myrtle ere calling on friends here on Sunday. Mr. Bruce Gum,mer. and family of Wilson Settlement visited at the parental home. Mr. Wm. Piatt has returned to Toronto, after spending a couple of weeks at the parental home. Mr. Ernest Wilson and family of Campbellford visited at the home of his aunt, Mrs. D. Cryderman. AGENCY FROST & WOOD FARM IMPLEMENTS C. T. TURNEY Phone 93r3 COLWD-TCNE Cheap Feed! A CAR OF Ground Screening? at $38.00 per ton AT THE MJtiL COME AND SEE THEM I. PALEN COLBORNE Country trade is now City trade Realize the immense <change in conditions--in just a few years -- that the telephone has helped bring about. The store in the smaller town now carries pretty much the same up-to-date styles as the big city store. Thanks to Long Distance, Manufacturers' or Wholesalers' warehouses are practically at the storekeeper's elbow. The time required to telephone an order by Long Distance is now only a few minutes; connections are now often made at once, without hanging up the And the cost of Long Distance messages is small -- is often quite a little less than is generally supposed. Call up our Manager and ask him the rate to points you are interested in. Job printing neatly and promptly done at The Express office. We print anything from a business card to a DUNDONALD June 19th, 1928 j A nine pound boy was added to the family of Mr. and Mrs. J. Trottman. j 'Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. j E. Tuck on the birth of another I grandson. Please keep this date in mind, | Strawberry festival in hall, Dundon-ald, July 6th, 1928. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dale and Mrs. Dale, Brighton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G. Pierson. iMr. Clayton Dudley, three spns and j three daughters, spent Sunday with j relatives at "The Cedars." Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dudley have returned from Ottawa and are spending a short time at Dundonald. Mrs. A. Stimers invited the Ladies' Aid of. this place to her home, to meet the Ladies' Aid of Sharon on Tuesday last. Miss Eileen Dudley of the Colborne High School, having passed her examinations, is staying a few days at "The Cedars." A few from this vicinity attended the services at Sharon last Sunday and were pleased to meet their former pastor, Rev. D. R. Clare, also Mrs. Clare. Mr. and Mrs. E. Williams of Bow-manville and . Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Goodrich, son and daughter, of Wark-worth, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elton Goodrich. Next Sunday morning is Communion Service in Eden Church, and also the last service of Rev. W. H. Clarke, who is soon leaving for his new charge, Shannonville circuit. Mrs. T. Samons, Wicklow, who for many months was very ill, is so far recoveded as to be able to visit at the home of her son, Mr. Archie Samons. "Pleasant View Farm." Mrs. M. Jacques. Toronto, who was so very serious'v ill for a long time, was able to motor to Mr. and Mrs. W. Dunnett's last week, accompanied by her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. S. Kelly, for a short visit. The Cramahe Township Sunda. School Convention was held in Eden Church on Wednesday afternoon and evening, June 13th, 1928. Miss Lewis of Toronto, and Rev. A. A. Smith, B. D., of Colborne were the principal speakers. Both sessions were interesting and profitable. Lunch was served in the hall. Music was furnished by the Eden choir. Mr. F. Brintnell, Colborne. was eleced President. CASTLETON June 19th, 1928 *Mr. John Sprung of Windsor visited friends here last week. Mr. H. Partridge, who was reported very sick, is getting better. On Thursday of this week the W.M. S. are to have their" annual quilting. Mrs;. Wright of Brighton is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Elgie Moore. The parsonage is re-decorated under the supervision of the Castleton Ladies' Aid. Mr. Ziba Harnden, Reeve of Haldi-and, is attending Counties Council at Cobourg this week. Mr. Donald Millar visited his mother in Toronto on Sunday. Mrs. Millar-is to have an operation in a few Miss Muriel Bound and Mr. Gordon Haynes were married at Cobourg Tuesday. The youth of our villi _ gave the usual "chivari" on Tuesday night. The Rev. J. E. Beckel will preach a farewell sermon--subject "God, the Holy Spirit"--at the service in the" United Church, Castleton, next Sunday evening, June 24th, 1928, at 7.30 o'clock. Sunday Sebodl at 10.30 a.m. Our S. S. was represented at Dundonald, Township Convention, by Rev. J. E. Beckel, Mrs. E-. Moore, Mrs. J. Honeywell, Mrs. N. Gaffield, Mrs. H. Pomeroy and Mrs. H. Allen. The addresses given there by Miss Lewis, Toronto, were unusually interesting and helpful. It is to be regretted that all S. S. Superintendents and workers could not be present to get the benefit of such a meeting. EDVILLE June 19th, 1928 Mrs. G. A. McDonald is improvinng the appearance ■ of her home with a fresh coat of paint. IMr. Ray Hoare, who has been quite sick with "flu" this week, is somewhat improved at time of writing. Dr. iMcGlennon is in attendance. Dr. Harold Gerow called at his home here on Monday, 11th inst. He was on his way from Wlinniebago. Wisconsin, to Long Island, New York, where he is one of the physicians on the staff of the Hospital at Amitysille, New York. The Ladies' Aid of Sharon entertained the Ladies' Aid of Eden at the home of Mrs. A. and Mrs. Keith Stimers on Tuesday last, after the business part was disposed of a social half hour was spent. Several short readings and a cat contest was put by the hostess, after which a very dainty lnuch was served. ir S. School anniversary passed off very pleasantly on Sunday last. Rev. D. R. Clare of Norham, a former pastor of Sharon Church, delivered splendid addresses, afternoon and ling. Both services were well attended, showing the esteem in which Clare was held on this part of the old Salem circuit. Mrs. Clare ac-panied her husband. SHILOH June 19th, 1928 Philp is spending a few ek with her daughter at Mt. Olivet. mber from here attended the S S. Conventii Wertnr "day. : Eden Church las keep in mind the i the Church lawn , July 2. nd Mrs. Frank Philp. Port Hope, were guests at the home of Mi-, and Mrs. W. A. Philp last Sundav. There is no church service here next Sunday. The Quarterly Sacrament ervices will be held at Eden Church at 11 a.m. Men's Clothing Sale o Seasonable Specials June 22nd to 27th Dry Goods GINGHAMS--A new stock, giving you a full range of designs and colors, per yd. . .$ .18 CORSELETTES-- D. & A., brocaded, per pair 1 .SO LACE CURTAIN PANELS--Fancy border and fringe, each...................85 LADIES' SILK HOSE--Full fashioned, Queen quality, per pair..............2.00 LADIES' SILK HOSE--to Clear.......... .35 RIBBON--A complete clearance in Dresdens, Taffetas, etc., all widths to clear, per yd. . 10 In stock-taking we have found many rem in Voiles, Dimitys, Muslins, Ginghams, etc. These may be had at a Bargain. MEN'S "WORK SHIRTS--These are a line we are discontinuing, reg. $1.65, for.....89 MEN'S OVERALLS--Medium Weight, suitable for summer..............Special 1.19 MEN'S BLACK SILK HOSE--Extra good value .39 MEN'S SUMMER WEIGHT HOSE--Light colors, to clear.....................20 WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S SHOES--We have some odd lines--extra good value-- to clear at.....................49 We have a complete range of Men's Women's and Children's OUTING SHOES in stock. Let us serve you. Groceries 101b Granulated Sugar . .............63 (Only 101b to a customer) Little Chip Marmalade 1Tb jar...........25 E. Dt Smith's Pure Marmalade, lib jar.......20 Campbell's Tomato Soup........2 tins for .25 Jelly Powders, all flavors..........5 for .25 Fancy Biscuits, new stock, per Tb...........19 Bananas, choice, per doz.............. . .25 Grapefruit, juicy..............4 for .25 Choice Picnic Hams, 5 to 71b, per lb.......25 Cooked Ham, sliced, per lb.......... .. .55 P. & G. or Pearl White Naptha .... . . 5 bars . 23 Broom Special--5-string.................39 We can supply you with Fruits and New Vegetables, including Tomatoes, New Cabbage, Carrots, and Celery. = Paints If you desire a first quality paint we can save you money. We are agents for the famous BENJAMIN MOORE'S paint products, which are unsurpassed for quality and wear. PHONE YOUR ORDER Delivery to all parts of Town and East Colborne THESE PRICES ARE CASH OR TRADE Reynolds & Keating Phone 49 COLBORNE BUILDING MATERIAL EveHything in Rough and Dresesd Lumber JUST UNLOADED Carloads of Gyprock, Lime, Hardwall Plaster and Plaster Paris We carry a large stock of B.C. RED CEDAR and MOULDINGS Also the famous EDGE GRAIN B.C. CEDAR SHINGLES Colborne Planing Mill H. A. GRANT Victoria Street COLBORNE FLOUR and FEED SEEDS Why pay $2.25 a bushel for Seed Corn when we have STEELE-BRIGGS No. 1 FODDER CORN at $2.00 a bushel Longfellow Hill Corn at $3.00 a bushel ALL SEEDS GOVERNMENT TESTED F. A PHILP

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