Page Eight THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 2nd, 1928 WITH EVERY PURCHASE Of IO ADES Take advantage of this amazing offer to try the new Valet AutoStrop Razor. Revolutionary improvements have made it the best razor ever produced. "No knack" required in using. Act today if you want one. W. F, GRIFFIS Phone 85w COLEORNE Hon. R. B. Bennett at Oshawa 3ig Conservativ Pier SHOULD BE UNDER CONTROL (Peterboro Examiner) In connection with the question of aocomlmodation for tourists, naturally a live matter at the present time, the situation exists that while standard hotels have to be licensed and their patrons are required to register, there are no such regulations in regard to private houses where tourists are accommodated. It is an offence for an unmarried couple to register as man and wife at a standard hotel, but in these tourist shelters no safeguard of this nature applies, and the situation is one that deserves attention. In addition, private houses offering lodgings for tourists are under no scpervision in regard to their condition, sanitary conveniences or cleanliness generally, in the present era of heavy motor traffic, bringing thousands of visitors into Ontario, large numbers of people have found that catering for "tourists is a profitable enterprise, and as a result, there are" hundreds of such places on the main highways. They are competing with the standard hotels, and there should be no complaint if they are put on the same footing in regard to licenses and other regulations that govern the management of hotels. Certainly there is a lack of control under the present system that should be remedied. An advertisement In The Express condensed advertisement column will be likely to bring a customer for your live stock or produce to your door. Try it! Butter Wrappers at Express Office. The big picnic held at Oshawa last Saturday under the auspices of the Central East Conservative Association was a noticable gathering. The Conservative Leader opened lids address by paying tribute to the memorials which Oshawa and Whitby had erected to their war dead. If there was one thing which indicated more than another an originality of thought and a high regard for the war dead., he commented, it was the Oshawa memorial, which would serve as a reminder not only of those who gave their lives for that city, but also of the countless thousands w^ho gave their lives from the other countries all over the world, represented by the stones which have been incorporated in the structure. The Whitby memorial likewise told impressively of a high regard for those who were no more, but who had sacrificed their lives that freedom', honour and justice might prevail. iSuch dignified reminders of sacrifices, which had been laid upon the altar of the country could not fail. Hon. Mr. Bennett believed, to keep the people of the district mindful of the trust which was theirs, bequeathed by those who had given their all to maintain it. The question which the Canadian people must ask themselves today, he declared, was whether or not they were keeping faith with those who had preserved for them their reedom and their country by making full use of the advantages which had Ibeem so dearly won. Worthy of the Sacrifice "Those men to whom the memorials were erected." Hon. Mr. Bennett said, "gave their lives in order th: country might be safe for democracy. It is for us to see that this Dominion i i in every sense worthy of the sacrifice that was made and that the democracy is in every sense a fitting memorial. "That is not easily done." he counselled. "Canada is not easily governed. The country is larger than Ontario, it is larger than Quebec, or than any of the other compotent provinces which go to make it up; it is half a continent, peopled by less than ten million people. When you contemplate the achievements of this country in the last 60 years, the canals, the transportation services, the trade and commerce, you realize that there is nothing in history that telle of an achievement so great, of a people so few occupying a territory so vast and attaining a development so phenom- "But we cannot live upon the past. It may inspire us to horoic effort, but we must look to the future if we are to preserve and increase our greatness We must think how out policies may best serve this Dominion, how we can best promote the peace, happiness and welfare of the people, for unless a political party .can contribute to the peace, happiness and welfare of the citizens, it cannot establish its right to existence. To serve has been the sole aim of the Conservative party in its historic past, and it will conltinue to be its sole aim to-day." Past Services of the Party Hon. Mr. Bennett thereupon sketched the manner in which the party of which he was the leader has served the country down through its history. It was its early heroes whose genius, foresight and power of imagination, transformed into concrete effort, had made possible Confederation. Liberals of the period had even chosen to support the Conservative leaders in their realization that in so doing they were best, serving Canada. Later came the problem of communication and transportation. Here again it had been the Conservative policy which had fostered the successful construction of the C.P.R. despite the opposition of Liberal critics who declared that the road would never earn sufficient to pay for its axle grease. Finally there had come the period of development, when the Conservatives had supplied the National Policy, the basic aim of which had been that Canadians should secure, in so far a.s was possible all the employment which was latent in their resources instead of being compelled to ship them abroad as raw produce for other countries to secure the labour which was in them. The Conservative policy, Hon. Mr. Bennett emphasized, had always been the one which expressed faith in Canadians. It had regarded theim as capable of fabricating their own raw materials and profiting from the labor isfhich they would thus conserve. The Liberal policy on the other hand, had been quite the contrary. It had reached its height in the 1911 proposal of Sir Wilfrid Laurier for unrestricted continental free trade, which tacit admission that the function of Canadians was to furnish the raw materials for the skilled artisans of the neighbouring republic. Recalls Cut in Tariff The stability of the Conservative policy was contrasted by Hon. Bennett with the uncertainty of the Liberal Policy. In this connection he recalled the incident which was Still vivid in the memories of his audience, the cut in the automotive tariff in 1925 which had caused a large deputation from the city to visit Ottawa to plead with the Government to spare the industry which was so vital to the employment of thousands. Such situation. Hon. Mr. Bennett could have no jurisdiction. Oon-seirvative policy would regard as entirely illegitimate any tariff experimentation which might jeopardize the employment of the country's citizens. He turned to immigration and trade figures to support his argument. During the last five years 573,000 people from all over the world had been brought into the country and during the same period 591,000 people had left it. Why had these latter gone" HOUSE FOR SALE On Percy Street, Colborne Seven rooms. In first-class repair. Electric lights and telephone. Hard and soft water. Garage and hen house. 7 apple trees, 2 plum trees, 1 pear tree and 1 cherry tree, all bearing. Priced Very Low for a Quick Sale. Apply to the owner, W. A. SEED COLBORNE coal Alberta coal BOOK YOUR ORDERS NOW FOR Drumheller This is the best coal shipped from the West. I expect one car on the first train coing East. You Will Find My B*i*es the Lowest ira edwards Phones: Office 63; Residence 83 COLBORNE Superior Store Specials Friday, August 3rd to Monday, August 6th, 1928 TERMS CASH OR TRADE Chinaware CUPS AND SAUCERS Clover Leaf Design per dozen $1.75 GLASS TUMBLERS per dozen 59c CREAM PITCHERS Fancy Designs Special, each 25c HAY ROPE Best Manilla Haiy Rope Special Saturday per tb 27c Groceries Granulated Sugar............101b for 63c Shelled Walnuts, per It).............. 35c Jersey Rice Flakes............2 pkgs. 25c Jersey Rice Jems . . ..........2 pkgs. 25c Fresh Sodas..................21b 25c Fresh Molasses Snaps............21b 25c Vanilla, per bottle................ 8c Carbolic Soap, "Wheem's", English . . 3 bars 25c Castile Soap..................8 bars 25c Fresh Pork Sausage, Weiners, Jellied Hock, Cooked Ham A few suggestions in canned goods for your salads: Shrimps, Lobsters, Tuna Fish, Mushrooms, Olives Blue Ribbon Mayonnaise, Heinz Salad Cream FULL LINE OF FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES Hardware MEAT CHOPPERS "Dandy" Special, each $1.49 HAY FORKS "Waverly" $1.35 HOES Field, Turnip or Bean Hoes $1.15 BINDER TWINE "Plymouth" We are agents for this well-known Binder Twine See us before buying! WALL PAPERS WE ARE CLEANING OUT OUR WALL PAPERS AT REDICULOUSLY LOW PRICES THIS IS YOUR UPPORTUNITY -- BUY NOW This offer includes papers worth up to 25c per roll............TO CLEAR AT 12V2 Cents PROMPT DELIVERY PHONE YOUR ORE ER REYNOLDS & KEATING PHONE 49 KING STREET Ring Time AT THE JEWELRY STORE See our new Diamond Engagement Rings. The very newest settings--some rings set in white gold, others in the green gold. The prices too are reasonable--5 Specials $25.00 $35.00 $50.00 $75.00 $100.00 H. j. MAYHEW King Street Jeweler. Optometrist Colborne Practical Tinsmithing Having engaged a Practical Tinsmith, who will be found in our shop every day, we can render Prompt Service to parties requiring Tinsmithing or Repairs of any kind. Small repairs can often be done while the customer waits. All work guaranteed. EAVETROUGHING A SPECIALTY All kinds of Electrical Supplies. Wiring and Fixtures installed at moderate prices and guaranteed. TERMS STRICTLY CASH Pumps and Pump Valves. Stove Pipes, Elbows, etc. C. a. myles Barfett Block COLBORNE, Ontario. PRICE TELLS QUALITY SELLS | ALLEN'S Grocery Specials! THE STORE THAT SETS THE PACE IN PRICE AND SAVES YOU MONEY Your Money Will Buy You Twice as Much Here as Anywhere Else After our big sale of fire goods, we still find ourselves loaded up with bargains galore. We have a big stock and it must be slaughtered at some price. A FEW SPECIALS for FRIDAY and SATURDAY: Large tin choice quality hand packed tomatoes per tin...................... 10c Magic Baking Powder, 16 oz. tin (cash and carry), per tin................ 34c Eggo Baking Powder, 16 oz. tin, while they last 15c Seedless Raisins, choice quality, per lb . . . . 10c Singapore Pineapple, large tins......2 for 25c Shredded Wheat, per pkg. (cash and carry) . . 10c Corn Flakes.......... . 4 large pkgs. 25c Kellogg's Bran Flakes, per pkg......... 10c Post's Bran Flakes, per pkg.......... . 10c Kellogg's Pep per pkg. . . ............ 10c Grape Nuts, reg. 20c..........Our Price 10c Puffed Wheat and Rice . .......3 pkgs. 25c Roman Meal, reg. 35c........Our Price 19c Jelly Powders, reg. 3 for 25c. Our price 5 for 25c Millionaire Sardines, reg. 18c Our price 2 tins 25c Campbell's Soups, per tin, each.......... 10c Clark's Pork and Beans, large tin, each . . . . 10c Extracts..............4 large bottles 25c Fresh Bulk Dates, per tb . . ............ 10c Certo, per bottle (cash and carry)........ 25c Pure Black Pepper, reg. 60c Tb . . . .Our price 40c Pure Raspberry and Strawberry Jams, in glass jars, reg. 35c each........ Our price 20c Fruit Jars-- Pints, per doz............. 85c Quarts, per doz...........$1.00 Half gals., per doz.........$1.35 We have have a very large stock of fruit jars. So do not overlook our prices on them. Japan Green Tea............41b for $1.00 Orange Pekoe Black Tea, per lb.......... 55c Standard No. 1 Black Tea, per lb........ 50c Mountain Blend Coffee, fresh ground while you wait per lb................ 50c Brown Sugar................171b for $1.00 White Sugar..............151b for $1.00 St. Lawrence Sugar, per cwt...........$6.35 Best Americal Coal Oil, per gal........... 25c On Friday and Saturday to everyone making a purchase of over One Dollar we will give FREE One Pail of Cocoanut Butter--this is similar to Peanut Butter. We have many Greater Bargains which space will not permit us to quote. WE PAY THE HIGHEST PRICE FOR EGGS OUR TERMS ARE STRICTLY* CASH C. M. ALLEN & SON The Quality Store With Low Prices Phone 140 King Street COLBORNE Business is sensitive--It where it is invited and where it is well treated. It is expected that Stirling will hold a big Aquatic Meet at Oak Lake this year.