THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15th, 1928 Page five THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, issued every Thursday morning by H. S. Keyes. Subscription $2.00 per annum in advance; $2.50 to u.s.a Transient adviertisements 12 cents per line first insertion and 8 cents per line for each additional insertion. Business cards not exceeding one inch $7 per annum. Yearly contracts at uniform rates. AU^CTIONEER_r Experienced and General Auctioneer and Real Estate Broker. Convincingly lowest rates for thorough service. S. E. ROBINSON, Phone 78r3, Colborne R.R. 3, Ontario. AUCTIONEER and REAL ESTATE BgOKER--The undersigned is an experienced auctioneer--pays for the clerk, pays for the advertising, and guarantees a satisfactory sale or positively no pay. Sales conducted anywhere in the Province. Pure bred stock sales a specialty. Phone at my expense. ARNOLD POOLE, Castleton, Ontario. Phone 10r23. Oscar C. Morgan Auctioneer and Real Estate Broker HILTON Sales conducted anywhere at reasonable rates. Several good farms for sale; also some valuable town property. Phone 7r18, Orlana. 38-6m, LIVE STOCK FOR SALE FOR SALE--1 Jersey Cow, 1 Durhar Cow. Both milking. Gordon Mai Gregor, Colborne P.O. 4 FOR sale--A fin Mare Colt, 3 ye hundred pounds R.R. 1, Colborne. : black Percheron irs old, weighs 13 Apply R. Barrett, 46-lx FOR SALE--1 Beach Range, almost new, 1 Dining Room Suite, 1 Rug, 2 Pairs Arch Curtains. Apply at Express Printing Office. 46-2x A DeFOREST-CROSLEY 5-tube Radio complete with new tubes, new "B"' batteries, storage "A" battery, and Brown $45.00 horn. All for only $65.00. This is a real bargain for anyone wanting a battery operated machine. See it in our window. C. Post, Colborne. FARMS FOR SALE INSUXANCE 3. E. R. WILSON, General Insurance and Real Estate Agent, Money to Loan at 5 to 6 per cent. Office: Brunswick Block, Colborne, Ontario. Phones--Office 10; residence 13. MEDICAL \ c McGlennon, b.a., m.d., cm. Office opposite the Fire Hall, Colborne. Telephone No. 123w. Residence: King St., East --Phone 123j. LEGAL frank j. hart, Barrister, Solic itor, Notary Public &c, King St., Colborne. Phone 110. 18 -OR IMMEDIATE SALE--The 20 acres, with large bearing orchard and good buildings, formerly belonging to the late Peter Brown, south of C.N.R. station, Colborne, is offered for sale at a low price. Posession April 1st, 1928. Apply' to owner, Mrs. Mabel Shaw, 25, Millbrook Cresent, Toronto. 46-4 FARM of 150 acres, more or less, choice land, fine brick house, large bank barns, silo, hog pen, hen' house, garage. All buildings in first-class repair. Good fencing, large Maple grove, spring creek. This farm is nicely situated, 7 miles from Cobourg. Never been rented. Owner now too old to carry, on. Price and terms right. Apply to S. E. Robinson, Colborne, Phone 18r23. 40-1 HOUSE FOR SALE FRANK M. FIELD, K.C., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. Phone No. 86, Cobourg, Ontario. FRANK L. WEBB. B.A., LL.B., K.C1., Barrister'.Solicitor, Notary &c, 41a Temsle-BAdg.. Toronto. At.G'A'orm-■ on Saturdays mid Court Days. !| HOUSE FOR SALE on Percy Street, Colborne. Seven rooms. In first-class repair. Electric lights and telephone. Hard and soft water. Garage and hen house. 7 apple, 2 plum, 1 pear and 1 cherry tree, all bearing. Priced very low for a quick sale. Apply to the owner, W. A. Seed, Phone 26, Colborne. ,35-4 FARMS TO RENT FARM TO KENT--50 acres, on the Provincial Highway, 2 miles East of Colborne. • F. Simmons,- Colborne, E. QUINN FUNERAL DIRECTOR Colborne - - - Ontario Day or Night Calls Promptly Attended MOTOR HEARSE Phone 103j - - Colborne J. BLACKLQCK & SON Grafton Directors of Funeral Services MOTOR HEARSE IN CONNECTION Day or Night Calls Promptly Attended PHONE 38, GRAFTON R.R- I FARM O RENT - Vis ; running wa Colborne R.R >n- 19r3. of good W- W. Phone: FOR SALE OR TO RENT FARM cf 62 acres, known as the Hnycke .farm, lot 29", con. 8, Township of Cramahe. Close to school and church. Good well, cisterns at hous.e and barn. Bearing orchard. Good house and good barn. Apply to E. R. Bush, Castleton (Colborne . BBJ^--............. „ 42-3x November 13th, 1928 Mrs. John Wolfraim is visiting friends in Toronto. Miss Kathleen Morgan, Toronto, is •s isiting her parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Pomeroy spent Saturday in Trenton. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Kinght. Norham, spent Monday with Mrs. H. Clarke. Mr. Floyd Blakely cf Port Burwell Standard Bank spent Thanksgiving Mr. and Mrs. Jchn Connor. Brighten, called, on Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Armstrong recently. Mr. and Mrs. C. Cryderman, Mr. H. Bentley, and Misses Edna and Jean Cryderman of Toronto pent the week end here. Mr. Percy VanNess and Miss K.ln.i Dingman and Greta Welburn, Peter-boro, called on Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Ding-man recen'tily. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Black of Brock-ville and Mr. Harold Black and Miss Winnie Bromley of Toronto were weekend visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Black. Miss Marion Quinn of Grafton. M;sses Marion and Loretta Carroll of Fcterboro, and Mr. and Mrs. Clfford ! i.rpiiioau and family of Oshawa spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Quinn, Mrs. Annie Clark, who was sick, is much betteT. Mrs. S. M. Purdy is spending a week with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. D. Lathrope and Mr. and Mrs. N. Gaffield visited Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Henderson, at Belleville, on Friday. The remains of the late Phenas Warner, son of Mr. Wlm. Warnei--of Cobourg, were interred- in sCastltoh cemetery on Monday. Nov. 12th. Mr. James Cameron's son and daughter and their families met at his home on Monday, 5th, to celebrate his i■ightythirdthir'hday. He and his .aged partner enjoy good health and are able to attend to farm duties. Some of our Thanksgiving visitors were: Mr. and " Mrs. Cryderman and daughters. Edna and Jean, with Mrs. Purdy and other friends. Mr Harold Black and Miss Brown of Toronto, also Mr. Theodore Black of Broekville, with Mr. and Mrs. F- A. Black. Mr. Floyd Blakley at the home of his parents. .Mt. Fred Pappin of Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs, C. Pappin of Oshawa at Mr. A large crowd listened to an interesting humorous debate at the League social evening-in the basement of the .church. The subject. -Resolved, that DUNDONALD November 13th, 192.8 I Milton McDonald, C.E., was home fen Thanksgiving. Miss Ruth McDonald .visited Brigh- j ton relatives over Sunday. Miss Mary Mutton visited Shiloh j relatives over the weekend. Mrs. J. Mitchell entertained the j Ladies' Aid on Wednesday. Mrs. C. N. Dudley is spending a few days with relatives here. Farmers are thankful for the mild weather and are busy with the ploughing. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Samons visited relatives at Springbrook, on Thanks- glMr8and Mrs, J. Trottman and children lately visited Mrs. Carr, Mor ganston. i A large number from this vicinity attended the Shiloh Church anniversary on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Pogue, Toronto, were guests of their mothers on Thanksgiving Day. Miss Beatrice McDonald, Toronto, spent the weekend at home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry McDonald. Mr and Mrs. A. Broomfield, Oshfwa, and Mr. Gleason and Mrs. R. Broom-field spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Broomifleld. Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Jacques of Toronto, who have been Prit sited Mi. and sing}* lie.! lite is more enjoyable, than Mrs. Hassard. Allen •man supported 'the Mrs. W. L. Dunnett on Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. A. Samons and Mr. W. Samons, Colborne, Mr. and Mrs. Wills and daughters. Wicklow, visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry McDonald on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. S. Kelly and Mrs. M, Jacques. Toronto, were,guests of Mr. Mrs. Gordon Dunnett on Friday, and spent Thanksgiving Day with Mr. and Mrs. Wl L. Dunnett. Old friends will regret to hear of the sudden and very serious illness of Mrs. J. G. Honey, at her home at Santa Barbara, California.- A message bearin; ; her( this Though dark, and rainy weather prevailed on Thanksgiving, there was considerable visiting and feasting in this neighbourhood, and we trust all wore thankful for peace and plenty. "Seed rime and harvest shall not fail." MARRIAGE LICENSES BRUNSWICK HOTEL Colborne First-Class Meals and Accomodation Give us a .call when in Colborne i. F. WOLFRAIM Proprletoi FARM of 100 acres, more or less, i'to m;les north of canning factory and Provincial Highway, near Colborne well fenced, well watered, in good state of cultivation. Good frame iiouse. Good bank barn with water in stables. Never-failing spring in pasture. Apple orchard. Apply at Express Printing Office, Colborne Ontario. , 33tf LIVE POULTRY AND JUNK WANTED Highest prices paid for Live Poultry, Rags., Brass, Copper, Iron and Bags. Long distance telephone calls will be paid if purchase is made. S. .GOODMAN Pboeve 1,63 Third St. Cobourg 43-6mos. Raw Furs Wanted! HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID A. Margies - Cobourg Phone 124 We Pay for Out of Town Calls. AGENCY FROST & WOOD FARM IMPLEMENTS C. T. TURNEY Phone 93r3 COLBORNE Reckless dt roads and high1 checked if careful ot the "complaint' the Government. If your supply ot printed envelopes, letterheads or billheads is getting low phone or see The Express. Good stock, and good work at close prices. Read the condensed ads on page 5. TRY A CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT IN THE COLBORNE EXPRESS THEY SURE BRING RESULTS SHILOH November 10th, 1928 Mrs. W. A. Philp spent a few days this week at the home of her daughter, Mt. Olivet. "TR Mr. Hugh Mutton and the Misses Nellie and Marjorie Mutton visited at the home of Mt. and Mrs, Lewis Mutton, Dundonald, last Sunday. |Dr. and Mrs. T. Philp of Picton were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Philp. Miss Jean Philp accompanied them home for a few days' visit. November 13th, 1928 Mr. Gerald Philp of O. A. C, Guelph, was home over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. John Wilce. Castleton, were guests of Mr. and Mra George Mutton on Sunday. 'Mr. and Mrs= W. WT. Mutton and family spent Thanksgiving Day with relatives at Cobourg. A numfber from Dundonald Sharon and Hilton attended Anniversary services here on Sunday. Mr. G. Mutton, Miss E. Mutton and Miss Marie Vanslyke of' Eden were recent guests of Mr. Hugh and Miss Nellie Mutton. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Godfellow and daughters. Joy and Shirley, of Mt. Olivet were guests at the home of her parents. On Sunday. " Mr. Herb McDonald. Mrs. Ella Van-wicklin and Mr. and Mrs. J. Trottman and children spent Sunday at the of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. McDonald. i Journal, and ; If you are a subscriber, your label 13 either a receipt or a notice according as your subscripti'n is, or is not paid up. It comes to you every week How does it appear to you? Cheap Feed A CAR OF Ground Screenings at $38.00 per ton AT THE MILL COME AND SEE THEM I. PALEN Phone 97 COLBORNE Mr. Mrs. Wesley Darl and Mabel Vanslyke and daughter, attended the Young-Montgom-;dding at Hilton last Wednes- Evervbodv please remember the Pie Social here next Friday evening. Lots of eats, and a good program is being prepared. One number, a one act play, "The Bachelor Minister," given by seven members of the Ladies' Aid, so ail that are interested ; choi s of ! wife," Is Ironing Hard Work'/ it you have to stand over a hot stove, hearing old-fashioned sad-irons, and walk backwards and forwards between the ;tove and ;our ironing board, it un» doubtedly is. But, if you use a SOVEREIGN Electric Iron ironing on the back , /. The "Sovereign" I ^ Electric Iron is truly the housewife's I friend. It has a cool handle, tapering I R1pe" nose, and is beautifully balanced. Tele- 25ug Phone us, and we will deliver a j .pru "Sovereign" immediately. It sells for S £± the remarkably low i rice of Friday evening. There are other good numlbers on the program also. Program starts at eight o clock. Admission 30c for adults and 20c for children. EDVILLE rry Walker ii ng's health s gouy i Toro: made in canada^ id in Colborne by PEEBLES ESTATE Peddleston, by her daughter-in-law Peddleston and little gi went to Montreal on Tl Thev Frida: All ish thei asant voyage and safe The Wl M. S. of Sharon held their innual bazaar at the home of Miss r. Cooper, Tuesday. Nov. 6th. 1928. rhe ladies of Hilton furnished How Often Have You Said-- "I Must Get ■ out More Silver" HOW OFTEN HAVE YOU BEEN INCONVENIENCED BECAUSE YOU: j HAVE NOT HAD ENOUGH SILVER-; WARE? AND ALL SO NEEDLESS"! ermg Ly. FQR yHE COST OF ADDING TO nded YOUR SILVERWARE IN SMALL | QUANTITIES, IF YOU WISH, IS larry. VERY REASONABLE, eople A SETT OF SIX TEASPOONS IN tpper J THE BEAUTIFUL 'OLD COLONLY" ront0|OR ANY OTHER 1847 ROGERS their I BROS. PATTERN COSTS ONLY Mr. oved| $3 75 Fred i OTHER PIECES ARE PRICED ON ^n-i THE SAME MODERATE SCALE. NOW ON SALE BY H. J. MAY MEW l-lcmlid The which was much and take table roent to the buy-was served. Pro- KING STREET COLBORNE / 1 cj/e works with MAGIC THIS MAN is putting up telephone polei^ Early in the morning he is out making a way for the wire that is to come. At night when the gang gets back to camp he is tired. But he likes it. There is zest in the work he is doing, for he is in new country. There have never been telephones here before. He is blazing -the trial. After him will come families and .homes and stores and factories to make'another city. Over the wires on the poles he plants there will be voices and laughter, business- will hum, all the world will draw closer. • " ' - • ■■■■ ■--' " He- works with magic.' .The wire transforms time and distance. Today, you, can lift the telephone at your elbow and within seven minutes hear the voice-of your friend in England say: "Are you there?" • \ • T" HIS MAGIC in. the. telephone has not come in -a day. It has come with year after year of experiment and improvement. The telephone of today is no more like the first ...telephone than a machine gun is like a bow-andrarrew ■: ■ ' jmorrow wit! surpass . Tomorrow perhaps,,' „ _..>ow will bring you the e of the Btfion you talk with, will, hold new .'magic wc now do 'not dream of. ^ipHIS IS the urge to improve--to seek and Jt to, find something always better--which .has been the definite policy of the telephone business since the first crude instrument reproduced the voice of its inventor fifty-odd By no other policy could the telephone have kept pace with this country or contributed to its progress as it has done in reducing Canada's wide distances and differences of geography. And by no other policy can the telephone now meet the responsibility of serving Canada's future. CANADA'S FUTURE is at least twenty years of unprecedented growth and prosperity. All the signs and barometers of business point to it. All the shrewdest prophets of business predict it. The signs and the prophets are so sure, and the future is so unmistakable, that within the next five years more money will be needed for extension of the telephone system in Ontario and Quebec than was spent by the business in all its, first forty years, THE MAN pushing poles and wire into new country and the foresight which now is planning over one hundred million dollars of new plant to meet the needs of the next five years come from the same policy and the same purpose-- to give Canadians facilities of communication worthy of fbeir country and its future. New Wall Paper S ;.3 row in All the Newt ;t Patterns .tad Coloring PRICES VERY MODERATE See the "Special' we are running ' Jas. Redfearn & Son Phone 1 Division Street Colborne