THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, COLBORNE, ONT., THURSDAY. APRIL 26, 1917 REPLENISH YOUR BLOOD IN THE SPRING Just now you are feeling "out of sorts"--not your usual self. Quite hausted at times and cannot devote real energy to your work. Sleep not rest you and you wake up feeling "all tired out." Perhaps rheumatism is flying through your muscles and joints or may be your skin is disfigured by rashes, boils or pimples. Headaches, twinges of neuralgia, fits of nervousness, irritability of temper and a disordered stomach often increase your discomfort in the spring. The cause--winter has left its mark on you. These troubles are signs that your blood is poor and watery, that your nerves are exhausted. You must renew and enrich your blood at once and restore tone to your tired nerves, or there may be a complete breakdown. The most powerful remedy for these spring ailments in men, women and children is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, because these Pills cleanse bad blood and strengthen New, rich, red blood--your greatest need in spring--is plentifully created 7 Dr. Williams' Pink Pi: this longer to his present position, but h< still has the power to destroy, and de-stroy he does, especially when being driven back, and destroy he will until the power is taken from him. NO ALIEN-BORN QUEEN. War and Revolt Have Robbed Prince of Wales of Bride. Russia's revolution has had the suit of giving increased strength the movement which has been in p gress in Great Britain since the second year of the war in favor of the Prince of Wales' selection of a consort from among his non-royal countrywomen rather than from any of the foreign dynasties, remarks a London correspondent of the Washington Post. He then goes on to ennumerate the rious European princesses, practically all of whom are now unavailable brides for the Prince of Wales. For those who are not of the Hohenzollern mily are of the Roman Catholic persuasion. Hence these latter are all similarly disqualified for marriage ■ith the British heir-apparent by rea- j m of their faith, it may be argued i or cream. Made in Canada. that they might abandon the Church of Rome for any other form of creed, the only one that is barred. But it is contended by many that the prohibitory provisions of thi The High Cost of Indigestible Food falls heavily upon the household where there is no intelligent direction of the food supply. Expensive high proteid foods, such as beef and pork, impose a heavy burden upon the liver and kidneys. They are not as nitritious as cereals and fruits. Two Shredded Wheat Biscuits with milk supply all the nutriment needed for a half day's work at a cost of only four or five cents. Cut out meat and eggs, eat Shredded Wheat Biscuit with green vegetables and fruits, and see how much better you feel. For breakfast with hot milk , pure blood in yo you , stitution apply to persons born and quickly regain health and increase j bred as Roman Catholics, no matter your strength. Then your skin be- | what church they may eventually join, comes clear, your eyes bright, your ! and the most eminent authorities in nerves strong, and you feel better, eat England on the subject of constitu-', sleep better, and are able to , ti°nal law, as well as former great law do your work. Begin your spring tonic treatment to-day for the blood and nerves with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills--the Pills that strengthen. These Pills are sold by most dealers, but do not be persuaded to take "something j' can't get the genuine Pills from your dealer they will be sent you by mail, post paid, at 50 cents a box or s boxes for $2.50 by writing The Dr. W liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. SPARED ROYAL SHOOTING-BOX House Built For Kaiser's Son Left Intact Amid Ruin. I would like to take those who prate of pacifism, and are trying to shirk their duty to the human race, to a little hill ten miles from St. Quentin, but standing twenty feet above the plain and commanding scores of square miles of uninterrupted view of the surrounding country, writes a war correspondent on April 14. Three summers ago this slice of desecrated France was a patchwork of green orchards and brown plowland, dotted with town of gray stone and villages of red brick and peopled by a race of They regulate the bowels and stomach happy peasants. Now the whole of it and never fail to cure the minor ills is an ugly uniform of gray. The : of little ones. The Tablets are sold by gray of grass grown withered because ' medicine dealers or by mail at 25 for three seasons it neither has been cents a box from The Dr. Williams officers of the Crown, seem inclined to adopt this view, which was the subject of much discussion at the time w^hen the late Duke of Clarence, the older brother of King George, was bent upon marrying the lovely Princess Helene of Orleans, who afterwards became the wife of the royal Italian Duke of Aosta. Now since the present war has shown the fallacy that royal international matches make for peace, i1 is again urged that there are really no obstacles to prevent the Prince from choosing a suitable bridi among the girls of his own country. Spring Styles HAS BEEN DEAR BEFORE. Sugar Was a Great Luxury in Year of 1459. One of the earliest records of the price of sugar in Great Britain appears in the accounts of the Chamberlain of Scotland in 1819, in which it is set down at Is SHi>d (44 cents) per lb. In 1459 sugar continued to be a great luxury, and in that year a "certain Margaret Paston, writing to her husband, who was a gentleman and landowner of Norfolk, begs that he vouchsafe" to buy her a pound of In the accounts of corporate bodies, and the household expenses of private persons, during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, the item of sugar appears from time to time. In a list of viands provided for the funeral repast of Sir Jorn Redston, Lord Mayor, in 1531, for instance, sugar is set down at 7d. per lb, while in the books of the Stationers' Company the price is variously recorded as having been, in 1554 and 1558, lOd per lb and Is l%d (28 cents) per lb, respectively. Thirty years later as much as Is 6d., (37 cents) per lb., was charged. Well Known Farmer Gives His Evidence One need not be a sportswoman to I wear this smart suit, for sportsj Says Dodd's Kidnev Pills Cured costumes are the rage and are worn Him of G ^ , by women into, whose lives sports | enter. Cotton appeared this year BABY'S OWN TABLETS USED TEN YEARS Mrs. W. J. Wilson, Carp, Ont., writes: "I have used Baby's Own Tablets for the last ten years and can highly re-lend them for babyhood and childhood ailments. My baby was very delicate; in fact we never thought he would live, but thanks to the Tablets fine healthy boy." Baby's Own Tablets should be kept in every home where there are small children. r grazed by cattle Over the whole face of the withered gray desert the enemy has made are strewn thousands and thousands oi what look like black fagots--murdered fruit trees, that in a few weeks would become, if the enemy had not to be driven back, a mass of white and pink blossoms. From this particular place the view of the crime of these stricken trees is particularly impressive, because more widespread and wholesale than anywhere else in the devastated country. But there is a further reason for choosing this little hill as A place from which to contemplate this side of On the top of it there is a neatly built log hut of white-barked beech, fitted with glass windows and adorned inside with green canvas hangings and gilt moldings. On the narrow terrace tre fixed wooden benches and tables of the kind that belong to a German beer garden. This eligible country residence was constructed as a sort of week-end shooting-box for Prince Eitel Friedrich, to which he and his. boon companions could retire when exhausted from the strain of war. There was, of course, no reason why they should not build a hut wherever they chose, but there is the cynical fact that it alone of the whole visible landscape remains intact. Everything else of the works of God and man is destroyed. Prom St. Quentin itself arises the smoke of the bonfire, the kind of bonfire that all through the German retreat we saw in village after village which the British and French soldiers n back for France. ■ 3 Co., Brockvi :, Ont. THE HOME GARDEN. On the Principle That "Every Little Helps" Let Us Do Our Best. Yes, in the poor man's garden grow Far more than herbs or flowers, Kind thoughts, contentment, peace of And joy for weary hours. --The Poor Man's Garden, Mr. William Wood of Hadlington, Ont., Is Added to Long List of Cures By the Great Canadian Kidney Remedy, Dodd's Kidney Pills. Hadlington, Ont, Apr. 23rd (Special) --Mr. William Wood, a well-known farmer living near here, is shouting the praises of Dodd's Kidney Pills. He claims they cured him of two of the most painful and dangerous forms of kidney trouble, bladder trouble and A Guessing Contest. Lady Visitor (to friend just r id)--So you are not getting tired of studio life, eh ? Artist's Wife--Good gracious, 's most interesting. Jim paints and I cook. Then the game ii guess what the things are meant for. Bllnard's liniment Cures Barns, Etc. Where She Excelled. Jack Timid--I--er--suppose your daughter has told you--er--the object of my--er--visit to you--er-- this evening? Her Dad--Yes, young mar, anil she told it a hang sight better than you seem able to. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Gentlemen,--I had my leg badly hurt, the pain was very a large swelling came knee. I expected it would be serious--I rubbed it with MINARD'S LINIMENT, which stopped the pain and reduced the swelling very quickly. I cannot speak too highly of MINARD'S LINIMENT. AMOS T. SMITH. Port Hood Island. Platinum. The greatest supply of platinum is said to come from a omparatively small area in Russia among the Ural Mountains, where the metal occurs in deposits of alluvial gravel along the banks and beneath the beds of the rivers. The present war has stopped the expert. Granulated Eyelids, Eyes inflamed by exposure to Sun, Dust and Wind quickly relieved by Murine Eye Remedy. No Smarting, just Eye Comfort.* At Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle. Murine Ey9 SalveinTubes25c. ForBookollheEvefreeask Druggists or Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago :stimated that the consumption of lumber for the making of phonograph and other talking machine cab-, inets in 1916 was 75,600,000 square and, feet of manufactured hardwood lum-above the: ber and 50,000,000 square feet of Sore? Eyesi Minard's t for « everywners. Take what is, trust what may be, that's life's true lesson.--Browning. Mails and passengers between India and Britain will in ten years' time be reyed by air. "Ye! Revolution indicators for aeroplane motors have been invented by an Englishman to enable an aviator to esti-was troubled with gravel and mate roughly his speed and distance, applii *OUble." Mr. Woods sair] whon l-mv^11--1 . Mr. Woods said when travelled, asked about his cure. "But since I j ===== took four boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills my troubles are gone. I also had heart flutterings and shortness of breath. There were flashes of lights and specks before my eyes and I was ■ery nervous. All these troubles have gone, too, since I used Dodd's Kidney Pills." Others in this neighborhood have used Dodd's Kidney Pills and found that they are the greatest of all remedies for kidney troubles of any kind. Dodd's Kidney Pills are specialists. They cure sick kidneys and that is all hey claim to cure. The reason they ire given credit for curing rheuma-lumbago, ,dropsv. diabetes and [Wright's disease is that all of these diseases are caused by sick kidneys. AFTER-THE-WAR EMIGRATION. brightly figured effects and the bination of the two is used for the development of this costume. McCall Pattern No. 7715, Ladies' Coat Blouse. In 5 sizes; 34 to 42 bust; and No. 7711,! Farmer Prisoner in Germany Getting Ladies' Three-Piece Skirt, 42 or 38- Farm Recruits inch length; in o sizes; 22 to 30 waist. Price, 20 cents each. Coming all the way from a prison _ camp in Germany, a letter from a Dotted swiss and swiss embroidery Canadian soldier reached the Ontario with a touch of rose color in the sash \ Department of Agriculture recently, I are the materials of this little girl's; and the quest jt contained w; the c l of back-yard garden offers a relief which is not sufficiently enjoyed. Open air exercise is essential to good health. To what better end could this effort be devoted than the cultivation of the back-yard garden. It requires but a small area of land to supply a table with green vegetables. These may be had crisp and fresh and, on this account, much more of such food will be used, to the great advantage of health. The product of the home garden relieves to that extent the demand upon the general supply. "Self-preservation is the first law of nature." Do not abuse that law by expecting others to provide your food supply when you are capable and have the facilities for growing at least part of your needs. frock, which is suitable for parties,! the most unusual the Department has and not too elaborate for summer! had in years. Cooped up in a Hun afternoons. The straight lower j camp Sergeant Salter, of the 3rd To-and ! edges of skirt and sleeves make it a I ronto Battalion, and a number of his the desirable design for embroidered fellow-prisoners have been doing The Soul of a Piano is the Action. Insist on the "OTTO HIGEU' PIANO ACTION "Clean Mr BOILER GOmPOUND For All Boiler Feed Waters Cyclone Shaking' and Dumping-Bars for all requirements Canadian Steam Boiier Eqyipn PILES. You will find relief in 2am Buk! it eases the burning, stinging pain, stops bleeding and brings }. Perseverance, with Zam- Buk, means cure. Why not prove this ? AU Vruaolit* and Storee.-- Whenever you can look at yourself and be satisfied, you should begin to suspect yourself of moral blindness. A special meeting of the Dublin Corporation was held in_ the City The moment is coming when the! Half, to inaugurate the Right Hon. enemy will not be able to hang on the Lord Mayor, for the ensuing year. I » THOUSANDS Xtf UPON THOUSANDS OF HEALTHY BOYS & GIRLS EAT Grape-Nuts AND CREAM EVERY MORNING BECAUSE WISE MOTHERS KNOW "There's a Reason" flouncing or bordered material. McCall Pattern No. 7746, Girls' Dress. In 6 sizes; 4 to 14 years. Price, 15 cents. These patterns may be obtained from your local McCall dealer or from The McCall Co., 70 Bond St., Toronto, Dept. W. Censor's Generosity. In his book, "The Balkan War," Mr. Philip Gibbs tells the following story. The official regulations for the correspondents sent out there were appallingly severe. Mr. Gibbs found that he was forbidden to describe the disposition of the troops, to give the names of generals, the names and numbers of the wounded, the success or failure of Bulgarian troops, th< state of the soldiers' health, and so on When the censor had told all this Mr. Gibbs politely asked; "Will you tell me, sir, if there is anythihg about which we shall be allowed to Write J" The censor thought deeply for 8 moment and then answered quite little "after-the-war" plant it is to the farm their minds have been turning. Now Sergt. Salter, a farmer himself, wants "literature" to tell the rest all about it. Sergt. Salter's letter, writter from Giessen, follows: "Gentlemen,--Would you be kind enough to forward me some literature appertaining to farming in Ontario and other provinces, as there are quite a number of my fellow-prisoners who are seriously contemplating emigrating to Canada after the war. As I am a farmer myself, I want to do all I can to get men to work the land, which our Dominion is so much in need of. So I would be glad of any official information which I could hand around to my fellow-prisoners who contemplate emigrating to Canada, also a few illustrated pamphlets, showing the machinery with which we farm." If the department can get it through, Sergt. Salter will get all the "literature" he needs for effective propaganda. Ilinard's liniment Cores Dandruff. Foggy Weather Light. An English lighthouse has been equipped with a lamp that can be lowered almost to sea level in foggy weather when it would be invisible in its regular position. MONEY ORDERS When ordering goods by mail, send a Dominion Express Money Order. The King of Bulgaria enjoys the reputation of being the shrewdest and wiliest of all royal business men. He owns theatres, cinemas, tobacco fac- BOOK ON DOG DISEASES And How to Feed. a few drops then lift ns or calluses off with fingers--no pain. Just think! lift off any lus without pain ness. A Cincinnati n covered this ether c pound and named it freeaono. Any druggist will sell a tiny bot- j tie of freezone, like here shown, for very little Surihe" orer^ss V gravely: "There is much that Is interesting in Bulgarian literature.' "Perhaps," Mr. Gibbs suggested, piayfng the part with variations which sarcastically. "I may also be permit- no highwayman would dream of putted to describe the song of the birds?" ting {n practice.--Lord Lytton. "By all means,'* w»« the censor's --_--- cordial reply. (ED. 7. ISSUE 17-'17. """"----------, ------- --- | Wai-UB, ix juui uiuggiau lit torles, dairies, and has made consider-; freezone, tell him to order a small bot-able sums on the Austrian Stock Ex-! t{e for you fr0m his wholesale drug change. house. Minard's liniment Believes Neuralgia. We are the sea police of the world. Germany, on the other hand, has acted the role of the highwayman, and is heumatisra attacks the "outside" man. Pains and aches stiffen his joints and You apply a few muscle8 and reduces his efficiency, directly upon a At the firgt twingfi ge{ disappears, then short- «J»e* <WliKmi mbbm9 and soothes ly you will find the corn the soreness. or callus so loose that Alter that long drive or tedious you can lift it right wait in the cold rain apply Sloan's off, Liniment to those stiff fingers, Freezone is wonder- aching wrists and arms, ful. It dries instantly. It For gout, neuralgia, toothache, bruises, ' doesn't eat away the aprains, cold feet, it Is promptly effective, corn or callus, but At all druggists, 25c. SOc. and $1.00. shrivels it up without even irritating the surrounding skin. Hard, soft or corns between the toes, as well as painful calluses, lift right off. There is no pain before or afterwards. If your druggist hasn't Sloans i Liniment; STRANGLES