THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, COLBORNE, ONT., THURSDAY. MAY 10, 1917 NERVOUS DISEASES IN THE SPRING! almost unlimited resources, ha possibilities. The Council of National Defence has 1 j not only worked out a definite and j detailed mobilization plan, but has Cured by Toning the Blood and jsecured !he Pled^s °/ the men which c.a.n mit it into pfrprt nf ? J FIRST JEW KNIGHT. Strengthening the Nerves. Spring Days are Joy! Days for the man Or WOman Sir M. B. Davis, One of Montreal's Who is Wise enough to jump Leading Philanthropists, from the heavy foods of Montreal claims the distinction of Winter to the cereals, fruits h.avin.s the first Jewish Knight Bach- j that put it into effect at a moment' notice, bringing to the military arm. of the service the full resources of the ^ £ luJZl i^u™ * D\VT1S* created entire nation. j Spring. Two Or three knight in the delayed New Year's hon- It is apparent if we are to believe Shredded Wheat Biscuits X list announced a few days ago. j the German press, that the Imperial j with berries and milk and^*lr Mortimer is . President I ^pSI^^ vegetables make of the year. | America was unprepared. a aelicioiis, nourishing meal. after long | 0ur Government has recognized that Puts the body in top-notch able than the familiar spring weak- j pa7, ^^"^S^t ** ^ ^ ness and weariness from which most it in secret which is unknown people suffer as the result of indoor the country of the ever present and poorly ^ventilated and often , detestable spy. ! Detailed plans have been worked out through months of study by special naval board for re-aligning the whole system of naval bases. Around many of the most important bases and strategic points great steel submarine nets have been swung, while for the coast patrol of subchasers, hundreds of contracts is the opinion of the best medical jrities, after long observation, nervous diseases are more com-and more serious ii at any other time changes in the syste sr months, may cause much r overheated buildings. Official records prove that in April and May neuralgia, St. Vitus dance, epilepsy and other forms of nerve troubles are at their worst, and that then, more than any other time, a blood-making, nerve-restoring tonic Is needed. The antiquated custom of taking purgatives in the spring is useless, for the system really needs strengthening, : have been let; 'aBd many offers from purgatives only gallop through ■ private owners of yachts have been s, leaving you weaker. Dr. I acCepted, so that already more than Williams' Pink Pills are the best medi- < a score of bases have been established cine, for they actually make the new, ' aIong the Atlantic and Gulf coasts, rich, red blood that feeds the starved . and a senior offlcer has been detached nerves, and thus cure the many forms ! to command this new and novel navy of nervous disorders. They cure also ! unjt. such other forms of spring troubles as j These are armed with guns ]arge headaches, poor appetite, weakness in j enough to sink any submarine afloat, the limbs, as well as remove unsightly We expect to have at least 2,000 such pimples and eruptions. In fact they boats in operation within a few days, "'A and should these prove insufficient, plans are matured to commandeer | private shipyards under the authoriz-Dy ' ation of Congress. The army is likely to be recruited to 'er 2,000,000 men, and all prepara-I tions for their training are made, as I well as their complete equipment. Clothing manufacturers have united I with the view of expediting the mak-By Chas. M. Bice, Denver, Colo. ! inS 01 uniforms and other army essen-With 20,000,000 men at call, the itlals and everything necessary to put great republic voted to enter the war.1 a army m the field ,s prosecuted The actual and potential resources with the utmost speed so that which have never been equaled by any confidently expected that the Stars ««.«■ nation in the world's history, and Stripes will soon float the bowel Made in Canada. infailingly bring new health strength to weak, tired and d men, women and children. Sold by all medicine dealers ( mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for j $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine |, Co., Brockville, Ont. U. S. ENTERS WORLD'S WAR. Our Spring Clothes Mortimer director of many industrial corporations. He was born in Montreal in 1866 and was educated in its Public schools. As early as 1888 he commenced that commercial activity which resulted ultimately in the organization of the Imperial Tobacco Company. Some years ago he had the foresight to recognize the wonderful possibilities of tobacco growing in Canada and spent a great deal of time and capital in experimenting. The result is that tobacco growing and its manufacture is to-day one of Canada's largest industries. Imbued with an unwavering faith in Canada's future, he is keenly interested in every phase of its com-1 mercial and agricultural develop-the destiny | TWIG AND BLOOM. The brown twig Hung stark and bare Through gray mist And chill air. It had no beauty Nor any grace; Etched sharp In thin space. There came a day Of mist and beam; A wee feather-- A fringed gleam-- First the leaf, Then the whorl-- Within, a shape Of rose and pearl. Lo, the blossom-Aaron's rod Wrought by miracle --From The Sunday School Times. Of God. ment, and his belief After many unsuccessful attempts the designers have at last brought the short jacket back to favor. Sometimes it is combined with a straight, box-pleated skirt and again with the fashionable barrel skirt. In this instance it is given a six-gored box-pleated skirt with trim pockets across v enlisted in the European c j | American soldiers in the trenches of •t under theTmen^anT^ Belgium The railroads balance against Germany are thrown throughout America have joined with a navy, in strength and efficiency the national spirit and will operate among the foremost afloat, an army, \ a co-ordination plan to though at present comparatively m°st en?c,lent,_ notary s small but highly efficient, backed by a j slbf.> while the great A: citizenry of over twenty million cap- \ f^™ of Labor Association have unable of military service; industrial re- \ dertaken to furnish trained men foi sources incomparably the greatest in | any government or public service re-the world, already mobilized for war i ^"""ed. duty, and the great moral force of a nThe field °,f munitions production is more than one hundred million fully covered with the: same efficient Americans awakened to their coun-! Plans that pertain to all other depart-try's peril, are behind the president, ™«nts. 0ver 32,000 plants have offer-all actuated with the patriotic fervor ed to turn over their entire works to of '76, as the resultants of yesterday's the government if needed, and thus vote by the Congress to enter the , Preparation goes on in every depart- "7T~ No matter how stubborn or prolong jthe earth. As to finances, it is needless to say ed may be%hTp7e7sur7 of German' that America is more than prepared; militarism it is now certainly doomed and now that she takes up the sword tQ falj j against the unspeakable Hun she will The'slowly maturing preparedness ! not stop till she drives the Hohenzol-sentiment o'f this people has at iast; Ifn parasite, the infamous Kai borne fruit in military, naval, dustrial force not dreamed to be possible two years ago. The navy, always first in the line of defence, has cleared its decks and has added new units, specifically modernized, to meet barbarous Hun tactics. Mighty fighting craft of the latest design are hurrying j BABY'S OWN TABLETS CURE CONSTIPATION Childhood istipatior to completion, which will be the last promptly cured by Baby's Own Tab-word in power and efficiency. i lets. These Tablets never fail to regu-The navy's full war strength of late the bowels and stomach, thus cur-87,000 has already attained the full jng constipation, colic, indigestion and quota, while the additional naval of-1 the many other minor ills of little fleers and the efficient class of mid- j ones. Concerning them Mrs. Louis shipmen have been graduated three j Nicole, St. Paul du Buton, Que., writes: months ahead of its time. A newly j --"My baby suffered from constipation organized coast patrol of submarine j but thanks to Baby's Own Tablets he chasers is already on duty, and hun- \ js a fine healthy boy to-day. It gives dreds of small craft to augment it are j me much pleasure in recommending under construction. the Tablets to other mothers." The Perhaps our army preparedness is Tablets are sold by medicine dealers a little less complete than the navy,! or by mail at 25 cents a box from The owing to the uncertainty as to just Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, what the Congress will authorize, but Out. already the regulars, numbering 120,- j--•>---_ 000, fully trained and equipped in a manner superior to anything the Germans have produced are ready to re- j spond over night to whatever call j Great Brhain and Ireland together may come. \ consume about 30.000,000 rabbits for The National Guard, 150,0(10 strong: food annually, and hardened by months of service in j Geologists have estimated that one Mexico, already have many units in deposits of soda in British East Af-active service throughout the coun-j rica contains more than 200,000,000 try. 1 tons. Industrial preparations have re-1 A fly swatter that resembles a pistol suited in a great compact of national and is operated by a trigger has been ===================:==.;_--__ J patented by its Michigan inventor. j A new electric power station in the [ Siamese city of Bangkok will use the ! refuse from rice milling for fuel. . A machine has been invented by a ' New York INVENTIONS AND NEW FACTS. the side-front gores. McCall Pattern No. 7751, Ladies' Coat, in 5 sizes, 34 to 42 bust; and No. 7725 Ladies' Six-Gored Box-Pleated Skirt, in 6 i, 22 tc 32 waist. Price, 20 cents She is Always Ready To Tell Reason Why e is Recommending Dodd's Kidney Pills. Replied in Kind. A young Scottish recruit had been placed on guard for the night outside the colonel's tent. In the morning the colonel stuck his head out. "Who are you?" he demanded, sternly. The young man turned and affably replied --"Fine; hoo's yersel'?" After the ^^^S? "S'* Bod Byes-Sore Byes -U ! ~. U'-'-iiiUirtoil Myelins. Best* movies s»fes?e« Care for Them. You Cannot Buy New Eyesl taurine Eye Remedy Co., Chioaoo, lor Free Bool Miss E. Demers States They Cured Her of Sick Headache and Rheumatism From Which She Suffered for Six Months. Hull, Que., April 30th (Special)-- Swift Wrapping of Loaf Sugar. Cured of chronic indigestion, sick An electrically driven machine headache and rheumatism, from which wraps lump sugar in individual she had suffered for six mouths, Miss papers at a speed of 7,500 lumps an E. Demers, of 190 here, gives all the credit for her cure to Dodd's Kidney Pills. She is recommending them to all her friends who suffer from kidney troubles of any kind. "I am always ready to tell what Dodd's Kidney Pills did for me," says Miss Demers. "I am never without tihem in the house. My case was one of the worst. "I had tried several medicines from the doctor and was getting no better when I decided to try Dodd's Kidney Pills. I took seven boxes and all my rheumatism, sick headache and indigestion was gone. "When my father saw how much Kidney Pills had done Minard's Liniment lumberman's Friend. Bleaching Seaweed. A Frenchman has obtained a patent for a process of bleaching and drying seaweeds for packing purposes. NEWSPAPEBS FOR SALE Fine, plain-colored ginghams and J I chambrays are the mode for children's i 0 °" frocks. The model shown here is j Let folks step on your feet hereaf-developed in rose-colored gingham and ter; wear shoes a size smaller if you trimmed with embroidery done with like, for corns will never again send coarse mercerized cotton in light electric sparks of pain through you, according to this Cincinnati authority. of the Dominion as the country of the future is unconquerable. Notwithstanding his large interests throughout the country, he finds sood Dodd' time to take an interest in the many he beEan to take them for kidney philanthropic institutions in the city trouble. He Is better -- of Montreal, and his benefactions are] Dodd extremely generous. He is chair- \ kidneys of the Provincial Executive Com- the impurities, all the poison, out of mittee of the Federation of Jewish the bIood- They are tbe greatest of Philanthropists, and led the forces in , a11 to11'08-the recent public campaign to raise I ~ T*^ Good Retort. corn- j &ie--"Weren't you surprised when nunirly of Montreal. j you heard about my horse running i He has worked hard for the success away with me?" He--"Not very, of the Baron de Hirsch Institute, of I'd do the same thing myself if I got which he has been president. He is ! the chance." greatly interested in the cause of edu- | -- cation, and in 1903 he founded a law Minard's liniment used -by Physicians. chair in Laval University. - ^__„_„__*'!ZZ[ From Pillar to Post. The financially involved manufac-; turer was obliged to sack a porter j who had been for forty years in the service of the firm. "I'm sorry, John, but you will have to go," he said. "I'm sorry myself," said John. "If J j I had known it wasn't going to be a steady job I wouldn't have taken it." PROFIT-MAKING NEWS AND JOB Offices fo* sale in Rood Ontario ;owns. The most useful and interesting if ail businesses. Full Information on ipplication to Wilson Publishing Com-nanv 73 Adelaide St.. Toronto._ E3IP WANTED ; WANTED--TO DO PLAIN light sewing at home, whole or iarges paid. Send stamp for •s. National Manufacturing MISCELLANEOUS BICYCLES. NEW AND SECOND Hand. $12.00 up. Send for special price 1st. Varsity Cycle Works, 413 Co.. Limited. Collin*" BOOK ON DOG DISEASES And How to Feed Mailed free to any address by America's Pioneer H. CLAY GLOVER CO., Inc. Dog Remedies 118 West 31st Street, New York LIFT YOUR CORNS OFF WITH FINGERS lifts o without pain When buying your Piano insist on having an "OTTO HIGEL" PIANO ACTION fStte answer to t&e Health Question often lies m a change of table drink Liniment Co., Limited, very sick with Quinsy and would strangli without it Child's Empire Dress, i to scrub ceilings and , io years. Price, 15 cents. ! catch the water that falls so that it j These patterns may be obtained | will not wet floors. from your local McCall dealer or from I An additional step for automobiles the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., Toronto, j that swings under the running board Dept. W. when not needed is operated from the j --♦>-- ; driver's seat by a lever. ! _ Apparatus that enables one surgeon ! The W ron« ^S^sis. j to perform the operation of blood ; When one John O'Shea appeared in j transfusion without assistance has a police court to answer to the charge j been invented by a New York doctor, of being drunk and assaulting the The United States army owns a police, an officer declared that the I patent for wireless equipment for man had been dismissed from the | aeroplanes that weighs but seven army with ignominy, pounds and will transmit messages | "No," O'Shea protested, "it wasn't seven miles. I that at all that I was suffering from; Government wireless stations have it was varicose veins." been planned for Indo-China that will: be powerful enough to communicate with points more than 3,000 miles An Irish Joke, away. | "Well, Pat" (from an inner room) French hospital attendants have "what are doing? Are you sweeping succeeded in impregnating rubber out the shop?" Pat--"No; O'm gloves with the salts of certain met- swaping out the dust and laving the als and making them impervious to X- 1 shop." rays for the protection of persons us- ! --< ing the rays. I Ask for Minard's and take no otHer. Trifle Fresh. "Sir," said the fair canvasser, "I am selling stock in a peach orchard." "Are you a fair sample of the output?" he enquired. "If so, I think I'll invest." By concealing the truth one fre-2 to j quently advertises it. Yours gratefully, MRS. C. D. PRINCE, gewauk, Oct. 21st. He says that a few drops of a drug tnougnt called freezone, applied directly upon j MINARr/s LINIMENT* and a tender, aching corn, instantly re- 1 lieves soreness, and soon the entire corn, root and all, lifts right out. This drug dries at once and simply shrivels up the corn or callus without even irritating the surrounding tissue. A small bottle of freezone obtained at any drug store will cost very little but will positively remove every hard or soft corn or callus from one's foot. If your druggist hasn't stocked this new drug yet, tell him to get a small bottle of freezone for you from his wholesale drug house. ABSORBING will reduce inflamed, swollen Joints, Sprains, Bruises, Soft Bunches; Heals Boils, Poll Evil, Quittor, Fistula and infected sores quickly as it is a positive antiseptic and germicide. Pleasant to uk; does not blister or remor* ' .and you ran work the hot*. eBook7M7ree. REMEMBER! The ointment you put on your child's skin gets into the system Just as surely as food the child eats. Don't let impure fats and mineral coloring matter (such as many of the cheap ointments contain) get into your child's blood 1 Zam-Buk is purely herbal. No poisonous coloring. Use it always. 50c. Box at All Druggists end Stores. --USE ONLY *AM-BUK jrrr--yailn.l:li;k»,M|Tij. Why Ruth Cried. "Why, Ruth," said a mother to her little daughter, who was crying, "what are you crying about?" "Cause," sobbed the little miss, "I started to make dolly a bonnet and it corned out bloomers." MONEY ORDERS When ordering goods by mail, send a Dominion Express Money Order. The Dust Tickled Her Throat. It was at the movies. An old couple sat together through a picture that included many views of the Wild West. In one of these a cattle "round-up" appeared, in which the dust rose in clouds from the parched ground. Tha old lady began to cough, and finally, when the neighbors began to fidget, her husband nudged her with his elbow: "Djn't cough, Annie; can't you see you're disturbing the other folks?" His wife looked at him apologetically over her handkerchief, smothering a spasm. "I can't help it, Ephraim. The dust tickles my throat!" Keep Mlna AKES j HARNESS EUREKA HARNESS OIL makes harness strong and This takes dirt off but keeps dirt out. It fills the pores of the leather. That is why a harness treated with Eureka is tough, pliable.shinyand new looking. ISSUE 18--'17. WORMS rprmr." that's what's the matter of 'em. Ston itJnfl Worm*, pearly as bad as distemper, t too muah M reed 'eta. took bad-- 'em to death, Bpolm's Oomuotuia v Improve the p-ppltne. and tone r»m "physic.' Aflts on glands and b eaoh bftttle. and sold by all drui Stomach and Cost you "t physio SPOKH 1XEDICAL CO., Chemists, Goshen. Ind.,