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The Colborne Express (Colborne Ontario), 31 May 1917, p. 2

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THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, COLBORlfE, ONT., THURSDAY. MAY 31, 1917 Between Cousins; OR, A DECLARATION OF WAR. John looked at him gratefully, not at ■ all as though at a natural enemy, but | still hesitating to accept help from ! such a quarter. "But you've been up all night, | Father--you know you have!" object-! ed Mick, who being of the old faith himself, evidently inclined to favor his own pasto; . "Been havin' an awful hot time of it ! with Tom Scott," he explained to John, feature and movements, he [ j,i an aside. "Last stage of what ily both---- seemed very much alive. Willie Rob-: they call deleerum treem's." son himself, in the years of his debut; ..j don>t uke amjsi of our_your m the quarries had not been more; kindneB .. stammered John, sorely jealously watchful of his demeanour j pregse(j between two considerations, than was the small Father Flinter If £ c]ogel. look gt the uthful face had you think I m a mere pinkj-ano-whue revealed to him bluish shadows upon its pink, and a slight droop at the CHAPTER V.--(Cont'd.) He was not more than half-way home when the messenger, sent in haste from the village, met him with the great news. "The finest lassie you could pick for miles around, they say, minister, and the missis doing splendid, but frettin' after you, and you're to come home just as fast as your feet will carry you"--such was the purport of the good tidings brought by a grinning S*and breathless youth perspiring congratulation at every pore. In a flash John's heart leaped up almost to his mouth. The face of the dead woman sank into an abyss of oblivion, and a tiny baby-face rose in its stead. At that moment he was as average a man as any in the village. Not even the fact of its being a girl instead of a boy could damp the natural pride of the father. "As fast as my feet will carry me, you say?" he laughed aloud. "I should think so! But with the hillside in this state, that won't be overfast. And she's fretting, is she? My poor Ella! It wouldn't be a bad plan to borrow' the wings'of yonder hawk. Would he give me a loan of them, I wonder? What say you, Sandy?" Sandy, .pleasantly astonished at this quit* unusual jocularity--for John was* indeed talking as though under the influence of new wine-- j broadened his grin, while producing a 1 less picturesque but more practical' suggestion. Though wings might not I nf*?: "e be procurable, legs might be. Or, to j nl*n*' sam* fiUtfff th^ufe ifejR&JSS I ""u no ed a pony which he would presumably be inclined to let out, and which .ne n?w would certainly do the road in half the ^r°?,gnt time required by human legs. John jumped at the suggesti mother ten minutes came : of the lips. "I did have some sleep in the night, for my--my patient died before dark. But it's not on my own account, you see, but on that of my wife. She is waiting. And then I doll, you're, very much mistaken," his ostentatiously serious look seemed to say; while, by forbidding his full lips to smile unnecessarily, he evidently believed himself to be vindicating the dignity of his office. People who knew Father Flinter in later life re-1 - , do jLl+ t om a h The face of the ei_r]y stage 0f professional experience I The laugh with which he ended rang he evidently labored under the impres- j with the pride of the young father, sion that every sign of hilarity sup-i Father Flinter echoed the laugh, his pressed added something like a cubit grey eyes twinkling in a manner that to his stature both physical and ----- mental. At sight of the "minister" he first colored as deeply as any giri could have done, and then gravely lifted his Hastily and indifferently John turned his salute. Father Flinter terest to him at that moment, d to Mick Stuart. _____ have the pony, can I not? I must go to Ardloch without delay. I've been away since yesterday. That storm in the night kept me back." Mick began to dig about in his beard in evident distress. "I'm really sorry, minister, but the ponv's bespokr decidely more boyish than girlish. But even before he had spoken, he had remembered his official dignity corrected his expression into a gravity more decorous. "Naturally you must be impatient. Pray, have no scruples at all. I'm quite well able for the walk--and there is nobody waiting for me, you He smiled again as he said it, but in a different way this time. In fact, John did not quite know what to make of this second smile. "Ah, no--to be sure," he said, and in the gaze he turned upon the youth-Fathe'r v'linter ful Priest there stood written a sym- i equal amount later. Can The Surplus j Railroad extensions in China are Now is the time to husband your re- P™P°^d involving an expenditure of sources and to prepare for the win-i S? amount est.matmg at $60,000,000 ter by canning and preserving. Soon it i T1\e p .0J<lcta ar° en*irely commercial will be possible to obtain sufficient andP"vate ■ One thousand five hun-fruit and vegetables. j dred ^ \e. constaicted Do not try to have just one day for i thr°ugh *e rlehest sectl0ns of Chma' canning and then proceed to work and P0SSlbly from early morn until late at night; rather do a few jars each day, so without much hardship your supply will grow rapidly. A few points to remember before starting: First, Use good jars, taking care that the lids are in good condition. Second. Use only new rubbers; old ones have lost their elasticity, so fail to perform their mission. Third. It is of the utmost import-once that the proper method of ning and preserving be used if you expect your food to keep. Careless or haphazard methods will spell failure and will result not only in loss of material and jars, but also in loss of time and labor. Understand thoroughly just what you are doing and then see that each rule is carefully followed. When you think of THE MINISTRY OF LOVE. nds of Sympathy Between Mothers of Our British Soldiers. Much has been written and told of the great work that the women of the Motherland are doing in munition factories, in aeroplane works, in shipbuilding yards, in agriculture and countless ways that will release m for military service. But little ,, has been heard of another piece of been up in the hills all i Pa*y which verged upon pity. As k th t hundredg of women in the i yourself." y°u »f7' perhaps it's, after all, I who!n,^ T _ John made an impatient gesture. ; have the first.c,aim 0X1 *hat P0"?- bo "Have you no second beast ? I must jlf y°u are <lulte sure-- get home, I tell you. I've just had! A few more polite words exchanged, that my wife has been I during which John tried hard not to bed. She's fretting after1 look too sorry for the poor celibate before him--who, strangely enough, did d ! "I'm real sorry," repeated Mick, still. not look particularly sorry for himself. =ie-ht tormenting his beard. But at this I and on whose lips the same enigmat- wrote ir i,i moment the miniature priest stepped ical smile once or twice appeared. It at once." (To be continued.) question stood, ready saddled bridled. "That's for me, i.*i't it?" was John's elate greeting to the lad at its head. "You thought I'd be wanting him." Before any answer came two men stepped out of the house, one of them the grey-bearded forester, whom John knew, the other a person whom he likewise knew by sight, though never before having exchanged a word with It was some months now since the heap of stones noted by John two years ago with so much disapproval had turned into that quite superfluous Catholic Chapel, but only some weeks since Father Flinter had taken possession. John had seen him from afar, never without heart-burning; and once or twice had even taken the trouble to maki round, in order to avoid Mother Short Cuts. e ready to finish it accord- EAGLE tween the fingers; then drain it in a "How do you manage to have so I gander and rinse it thoroughly in ,much time for your children outside j ™ld water in which it should light attack of j 0f all the home things you do for j untl1 y°u ! . ■°A trem?" questioned one mother of a mg to any given recipe. neighbor. The same recipe may be used "By taking short cuts jjrough my j cooking jngcaroni, jpagh; very "small"" person, of I trying to be ready for play in its own j If the macaroni or spaghetti, etc., is more strictly speaking time." ; to be re-cooked with other ingredients "What do you mean by short cuts ? ! or baked, it need not be cooked quite Clothes can't be half-mended, dishes I so tender. can't be half washed, bread can't be. White Sauce:--Heat in saucepan to slack-baked." j boiling point 1 cup milk; add 2 table- "No, that would be cutting work i spoons butter and 1 of flour; stir un-short instead of cutting across it. I j til thick and smooth. Season with have several simple devices now for i sa]t and pepper. cutting across some of my duties. For j Tomato Sauce:_Cut 7 or 8 tomatoes example, part of the time I wear I Qr uge & can of tomatoes> cook on a glasses and part of the time I do not|slow fire with % ounce of butter> ^ ye the young officer M ^ ^ ■ . , , ,was)e ma"y | onion, celery, season with salt and pep- dian news from her letters and wrote per. Cook slowly for an hour, add many for him to friends here. Still a little flour, cook 6 minutes more, j another dear mother wrote nn. anp(.j.i I Drain in a colander, then some meat' rowing mother here about her brave iri"Lvpr »1 1 extract may be added t0 £ive more b0y's death, and sent a flower from " u:s grave in the English graveyard. Many, many instances of loving He boyish, girlish, appearance, being fai pink, while within his clear grey eyes was that particular frank fearlessness most often seen in the faces of very young and very healthy girls. The smallness of his stature and the daintiness of his limbs were anything but imposing--a fact to which, judging from the careful assumption of grav- Old Land are doing for our boys throwing open their homes to them and looking after them when on leave. Recently one of the first contingent boys just finished his fourth visit to one of these charming homes, and mother what "perfectly bully people they all were, and Mrs. C. just mothers us and makes a real home for us." Letters have passed between the boy's mother and the dear old lady whose wonderful kindness has meant so much to the young Canadian. And now the mother here has received the most delightful pen-picture her boy from his kind "mother" England, telling all the dear, intimate things that a mother longs to know about her boy, but would him to tell her. How comforting it was to the mother to learn that "you will be proud of him, for the tw years in France have improved hii physically, while in character he : still the nice, clean, lovable boy w first met at Christmas, 1914. I can ai sure you France has not harmed him the least little bit. He has sailed clear " [temptations." ' nother mother in the city whose 'oUKdeci for " the !ond time and was in hospital London, received a delightful letter from an English friend who journeyed away from the north to London just to see the young major, spent several days there "fixing things up for him," and incidentally cabled encouraging news. In the letter she also gave interesting details, all about the Military Cross he had been presented with at Buckingham Palace, told of the nature of the wounds, Cleaning Dyeing Think of PARKER'S Let us restore to seeming newness your Lace Curtains, Carpets, Blankets and other household and personal effects. The Parker process is thorough; the charge is very moderate, and we pay carriage one way. Send (or our Catalogue oa Cleaning and Dyeing. DYE WORKS LIMITED 791 Yonge Street = Toronto PARKER'S ££ep yquh, shoes neat Writ* to-day for our bigj Free Catalogue showing our full line of Bicycles for Men and Women, Boya and Girls-- Tires, Coaster Brakes, Wheels, Inner Tubes, Lamps, Bells, Cyclometers, Saddles, Equipment and. Parts for Bicycles. You can buy your supplies from us at wholesale price*. X W. BOYD & SON, --!'-r BREADS CAKES PUDDINGS PASTRIES need them. valuable moments in looking for them when changing from one task to a other. At last I made a rule that each room I must hav. place to lay them down and low myself to put them anywhere else. This habit has become settled and my glasses are never mislaid. "Another time and labor-saving rangement," went on the hostess, to hang in very room a small cushion on which are five or tix needles, each threaded with a different color weight of silk or cotton so that any moment I can button, mend a hole in a stocking, catch the sides of a rent togeth< tack up a torn hem. You may not believe it but these stitches in tir save more than nine in the future. "When I wash the dishes, I do not use wiping towels but put them upon a rack and scald with plenty of water. They dry themselves in pure sunshine and I have no dishtowel: 'On each floor of the house I keep : large scrap-basket into which I empty the contents of all the smaller baskets which I attend to, without extra steps, as I go from room to room, I also gather up odds and ends of time by tucking away in a bag basket in each of my haunts, a piece idery, knitting or sewing so that when I have a leisure half-hour I do not need to hunt up materials or patterns. This sort of employment well with reading aloud, attending to the children's piano practice, helping them with their lessons, listening to confidences or joining in games." Well," acknowledged the visiting mother as she rose to bid her friend good-by, "I see how I can try some short cuts! Perhaps my youngsters will appreciate a little 'more moth- Macaroni Dishes. To boil macaroni properly have a large pot or saucepan two thirds full of water on the fire, put a level table-spoonful of salt into it for every quart of water, to which, if desired, may be added half tablespoonful of butter, which gives a better flavor, and when it is boiling fast, thrown into it the macaroni, wiped with a clean dry cloth, but not washed. Let it boil until it yields easily to pressure be-'minutes. flavor, and keep hot until ready with macaroni, spaghetti or ready- ni Soup:--Boil some as directed, till it is tender. Drain it off, and serve it cut up into three inch pieces in some clear broth. Milk Macaroni and Cheese:-package macaroni, 1% cup of thin white sauce, % cup of stale bread crumbs, 1 cup grated cheese, I table-spoonful of butter. Break the macaroni in 2 inch pieces or buy a package of Milk Ready-Cuts--which are always cut to size--and cook in boiling salted water until soft, about 20 minutes. Pour into a colander and run cold water through it. Put in a buttered pudding dish and thoroughly stir in 1 teaspoonful mustard which has been mixed with water. Add the sauce with half the cheese in it. Put crumbs into melted butter. Add maining cheese to them and spread this mixture over that in the dish. Brown in a hot oven. Tested Recfp. Rice Griddle Cakes:--Turn into a ixing bowl one small cupful of cooked rice, free from lumps. Add two tablespoonfuls of melted butter, teaspoonful of molasses, a quarter of teaspoonful of salt, two well beaten eggs,2cupfuls of flour sifted with2 tea-spoonfuls of baking powd< ficient cold, sweet milk to form i cake batter. Beat the mixture vigorously and fry on a hot griddle. Serve soon as they are baked, as stand-g in the oven makes them soggy. Buttermilk Cookies:--% cup shortening, 1 cup sugar, 1 cup buttermilk, 1 teaspoon baking soda, flour to thick-Roll biscuits %-inch thick and Rice Pudding With Raisins:--% cup ce, y2 cup raisins, 1 cup milk, 1% quarts boiling water, % teaspoon salt, hi cup sugar. Stir the rice into the boiling salted water and cook until it is about half done, which will be about fifteen minutes. Drain the rice, add nilk, sugar and raisins, and place greased baking dish. Bake in a moderate oven for about forty-five thought and continued kindnesses could be recounted. They are bright spots in these trying days of suspense and anxiety, and we can only remember to thank God that such women are acting as guardian angels to our boys. Definitions. A philosopher is a man who can bear another's troubles with equanimity. A philanthropist is a man who tells others where to give their money. A pacifist is a man who permits others to fight his battles. Thomas :"Why in the world did you name your baby 'Bill'?" Burke: "Because he came on the first of the month." Officer--Do you know anything about field drilling? Private--Field drilling? Oh yes, I used to have a job in an artesian well company. tfSHlJL White ShoeDressing For Mens. Women s, liquid foe andChildrensShoes Cakel0c xeeT Coot hoes on e Farm For work and play--in the middle of the day--and when on pleasure bent. For field, farm and wagon, * fflfflT^ wear Fleet Foot Shoes. They are far cheaper than leather-light, easy, comfortable --long wearing. For every-day wear, you will find them immeasurably better than hot, heavy, expensive leather boots. When you're out for a good time, wear WHITE "Fleet Foot" Shoes. In fact, you must wear White Shoes this summer, to be well dressed. Dealers everywhere have "Fleet Foot" Shoes, in all styles for men, women and children. 201 When you pay the price of first quality sugar, why not be sure that you get it? There is one brand in Canada which has no second quality --that's the old reliable Redpath. "Let Redpath Sweeten it." 3 o^diooTbtlags. Made in one grade only--the highest!

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