THE COLBORNE EXPRES3, COLBORNE, ONT., THURSDAY. MAY 31, 1917 t Hard to Drop Meat? All depends on what you eat as a substitute. It is a good time to study "food value." You may be eating the wrong foods, the foods that cost most and give the least nutriment. Shredded Wheat Biscuit contains more real, body-building nutriment, pound for pound, than meat, eggs or potatoes and costs much less. Two of these Biscuits with milk and a little fruit make a nourishing meal at a cost of a few cents. Make Shredded Wheat your "meat." A satisfying breakfast on which to start the day's work. It is ready-cooked and ready-to-eat. Made in Canada. this design doubly attractive, and the short puffed sleeves are so quaint and pretty. McCall Pattern No. 7706,1 .-Child's Empire Dress; straight gathered skirt. In 4 sizes; 1 to 6 years. Price, 15 cents. These patterns may be obtained from ycur local McCall dealer or from The McCall Co., 70 Bond St., Toronto, Dept. W. CHEATING THE U-BOATS. New Idea Which May Overcome the | Submarine Menace. America, according to all accounts,: is showing the Allies the true way out of the U-boat peril. It is not a meth- I od which gives sudden and imme-, diate relief, but it is likely to be of j vast utility if the war lasts twelve j of those far-sighted plans which take Fly Poisons Attract 'has been able to hold out so long, for the government from the very start of the war conserved her essentials in about the same way as the U. S. have begun to do. We must fight the devil with his own fire. THE FIGHTING GOUGHS Army Leaders Adding Lustre To Names Already Famous. Fighting runs In families, like red hair, and the records of the British Army are full of names which recur again and again, each generation adding fresh lustre to some name which is bright on the pages of history. Lieutenant-General Sir Hubert de la Poer Gough owns such a name. There was a G-ough In the Peninsula with , Wellington, and when the gallant j shaPe of the fish- and> whlle affording Sikhs--now our best friends and Protection against a blow from a club, brothers-ira-arms--were our enemies, <lends an extra touch 01 ferocity to the WEAPONS OF WARFARE. War Material Furnished By The Fishes of the Sea. Even the fishes of the sea are called on to supply war material. In Polynesia spears are pointed and elaborately edged with the teeth of sharks. Such a weapon makes frightful wound, tearing the flesh to tatter: Another instrument of frightfulness in the South Sea archipelagoes is a dagger similarly equipped with shark's teettf. Warriors of the Marshall Islands, sometimes wear battle helmets made of the skin of the porcupine fish, which is very thick and spiky. It is cured such fashion as to preserv Seasonable Modes have served the Hun in good stead the past, and will serve well in the j ^i^^S™6, future. | IS^paper-tot'h i>' It is an application of the old say-1 d*g,™^erjroui ing about not having all your eggs in more chifdrea thai one basket. This., is the age of huge j fly poilon.ftakeS ships, and in peace times big ships are ' Bairetin- ««ppie= cheaper in every way than small ones. But a well-aimed torpedo sinks a fif-teen-thousand-tonner as easily as it sinks a trawler, and a tremendous cargo is got rid of at one blow. Now the idea is to have fifteen ships of one thousand tons, instead of one of fifteen thousand. Even a U-boat can't be in fifteen places at one and the same time, and if five of these boats are sunk, ten get through with their invaluable loads of corn and leather and timber and sugar. These small boats, being standardized and built on speedy lines, will go far to counter the menace in the near future, for just as Britons proved that munition-making can be speeded up beyond a point even unimaginable before the war, so can ship-building, if the problem is only tackled with that determination which is a British characteristic. It was a Gough wdio overthrew them. That was the present general's grand-u™ f«aP#h^nn™en» father- the first Lord Gough. "ick-^hosBucerofpol- \ But, in addition to Oils, his own oi'«oa wiSirfher git father won the V.C. in the Indian bisons combined' '"" Mutiny, and was with the gallant ^ubS^Heai^sS'"'* Roberts in Afghanistan. No wonder, «,™wi.».j.,»„iJtofi. :then, that fighting is In his blood, and *o™UXiCtJ,S£'/! tllat he shares with Allenby the repu-tation of fighting n 3 aspect. BABY'S OWN TABLETS OF GREAT VALUE J. A. Lagace, Ste. Perpetue, writes:--"Baby's Own Tablets "dasWng"cav'aI-jh*ve been 01 ereat vahle «j ry leader in the British Army ! He iwouM strongly recommend them to ROYAL MADE IN /v^§^ YEAST Tactful Father. "Father," said Clementina, "do you enjoy hearing me sing?'" •Well," was the answer, "I don't ow but it's rather soothing in a y. It makes me forget my oth- KEW5PAPEBS FOB SALE thick coatinVo(Var^i."h.°",'uo75 ness" miltary necessity. But even the Made in Canada by terrible Hlndenburg may prove--in 1HE0.&W.THUM COMPANY. WalkervUIe, Oat. Bismarck's famous phrase--to be "a American Addre«: Grand Rapid., Mich. iath painted to look like iron," and the much-advertised "Hindenburg Line" played a great part in the Battle of jother mothers." the Somme, and he has come again in- j mothers say the same thing, to the limelight of war in the great ' have become convinced through actual Battle of Arras. I use 01 the Tablets that nothing can There is no greater mistake than to 1 equal them in regulating the bowels suppose that the Huns have all the aud stomach; driving out constipation generals. They have a talent for mak- j and indigestion; breaking up colds Ing all their geese into swans, of call- \ and simp4e fevers; expelling ing barbarism "kultur," and "frightful- | and curlnS colic- The Tablets i by medicine dealers or by mall at E5 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Out. JT Offices towns. The i of all businei application tc pany. 73 Adel; t'-MAKINQ NEWS AND JOB MISCELLANEOUS^ BICYCLES. Hand. iV. sold | gpadina^Ave.. ' AND SECOND such as storage houses, warehouses, etc., and see to it that these are not used to create famine prices as they are at present. The government is to go still further, and instruct, supervise and direct the farmer regarding what he shall and shall not plant during this emergency. Railroads will be required to haul foodstuffs in preference to other freights to prevent market manipula- The government also proposes tc decree just how much of the necessities of life shall go into the manufacture of luxuries so that the brewer Every well-regulated wardrobe will contain at least one coat dress of heavy linen this summer. The very mart model illustrated is made in ohe-piece style. It has large pockets, belt and sailor collar made of a contrasting shade of linen. Buttons and stitching perform the duties of trim-mihg. McCall Pattern No. 7799, Ladies' Coat Dress; round or instep length. In 5 sizes; 34 to 42 bust. Price, 20 cents. Cool white organdy edged with lace fashions this dainty Empire frock. The soft, gathered bertha in front makes ST. VITUS DANCE Even the Most Severe Cases Can be Cured by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. > your child fidgety, restless or ritable ? Are the hands shaky or ; jerky ? Does the face twitch ? I and distiller will be placed on short Do the legs tremble or drag ? These 1 rations, if not entirely obliterated, as signs of St. Vitus Dance, a nervous : they should be. In short, it would sase which is confined chiefly to j seem as if the individual is about young children, but which often affects j be eliminated in the interests of the highly-strung women, and sometimes \ State, and that we are entering into men. St. Vitus Dance is caused by j the philosophical Socialists' heaven, disordered nerves, due to poor blood, I Indeed, it is confidently predicted and is always cured by the use of Dr. } that before this month ends the gov-Williams Pink Pills, which fill the veins ernment will be in absolute control of with new, rich, red blood, stengthen-! all the essentials of life and their dii " Ing the nerves, and thus drawing out | tribution. What more can. the most the disease. Here is proof:--Mrs. I ardent Socialist ask? Of course it may John A. Cumming, Lower Caledonia, i not be necessary to exercise the au-N.S., says:--"When my daughter J thority conferred on officials by Con-Myrtle was about nine years of age ! gress, at least to an extreme degree, she became afflicted with St. Vitus j but the authority will- be there to put Dance. The trouble ultimately be- ; a stop to man's greed and tyranny if came so bad that she could not hold | needed. anything in her hands, and had to be i In this it will be noticed that Fed-fed like a child. She could not even ! eral authorities are but taking a leaf walk across the floor without help, i from the books of France and Great She was treated for some time by a ! Britain, and it is not improbable that physician, but did not show any im- all the allied nations will join in the provement. One day a neighbor said I purchase and distribution of food-she had read of a case of St. Vitus ! stuffs, as well as in war essentials, so Dance cured by Dr. Williams' Pink i that the prices will be nearly the decided to gr trial. By the time the third box was used there was some improvement in her condition, and we continued giving her the pills for about a month longer when she was entirely cured, and has not since had the least return of the trouble. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills can be obtained from any dealer in medicine or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. i al! < itente countries. THE LIFTUP BIAS FILLED CORSETS The Support You Need and Jus' Representatives Wanted. BIAS CORSETS LIMITED 37 BRITAIN ST. T030NTO. IS IT SOCIALISM? By Chas. M. Bice, Denver, Colo. The European conflict, with is far-reaching consequences, has forced mankind into strange and weird situations, and compelled the adoption of I policies to meet the situation which j are strangely Utopian and dreamed of j only by such visionary wind-jammers as Debs, Bellamy and their like. Undoubtedly, a double emergency i exists in the United States, if not j throughout the world, and to meet it j extreme measures must be adopted. War of unheard of proportions is harrying a continent, and it is fast' reaching c5ut to embrace every nation I under the sun. Millions of men here-1 tofore engaged in the productions of the soil are now, and for nearly three years have been, doing nothing to-1 wards production, but everything within their power, aided by the: ] science of destruction, to make the , land barren. Then, as if all nature were in full accord with the plan of destruction, meteorological conditions have prevailed that have reduced pro-: duction in all cereal exporting coun-1 tries far below the normal average. We must" meet this conspiracy of ambitious man and Mother Nature, '• and about the only weapon we have j is to follow Europe in stimulating and conserving life's necessities. The U. S. proposes to fix a maxi-; mum price for most of the foods and clothing materials, and the first step . in this direction is to cut out the' speculator and the middleman, and arrest all combinations formed to un-' duly raise the prices of necessities. ■ Thus the federal government will as- ' sume control of all food receptacles,' At present the United States is the grand almoner and cannot afford to set the prices for itself and leave its associates to bargain for themselves. For all this the people as a whole will be truly grateful and thankful, for they would much prefer to trust themselves to a paternalistic government than to the greed and avarice of individuals and corporate monopolies, whose lust for gain is not penetrated by a single ray of pity. We know what they are doing in central Europe, and why the enemy economy] WITH * I GOOD LIVING is excellently attained by adding to the daily menu a ration of Grape-Nuts Goodness--Energy--Ease of Digestion--Excellent Flavor--are all found in this truly remarkable wheat and barley food. THE SUPREME SACRIFICE 1 than the Equator. He Knows Just Why He Admires Them Dodd's Kidney Pills Cured Mrs. Mercredi. She Had Been III Two Years and Could Find No Cure. That's Why Her Husband Is Enthusiastic Over Dodd's Kidney Pills. Fort Smith, Alberta, May 21st (Special)--Among all the thousands of He sald he had Just heard that his lit-Canadians who praise Dodd's Kidney JIe glri was m- and he co'uld not get Pills for the good they have done there is no more fervent admirer of the great.kidney remedy than Isidore Mercredi, of this place. " always gives AUTOMOBILES rOS BALE London Boy Whose Unselfish Act Led to His Death. How a soldier sacrificed his leave j H^r.Tpa for another man--and subsequently \ trie lights ai his life--was related by the Bishop of ; 'g'™*** apHCnee Chelmsford recently. i - . ,.'|lS,.x The bishop's story concerned a Beth- J I aer. * 1 nal Green lad, brought up in an indif- elwtrjc J ferent home, who after being fourteen ed. Seal or fifteen months at the front, wrote ; Oversize to his parents, who were very fond of him, saying that he was expecting About the time he should have arrived home another letter came from the lad, saying:--"Mother, I found a man just close by me who was sad. I | said to him, 'What's the matter, Bill? G<OOD Rl'N- .915 MODEL, 6 Ci'LlX-Paseenger Touiing^Car. with hts and start !hd; DSON. MODEL 3 7, 5 PASSEN'J ICR. 1>.UGE SEDAN. A VERY FINE I 1- ynS] ^closed rar^ seating ^five. rood word for Dodd's Kidney S°4I Pills," lMr. Mercredi says. "My wife was sick for two years. We could not find anything to restore her to health. Then - to go home and see her. "Mother, I know it will be disappointment to you, but I my officer and asked him whether Bill could not have leave instead of me. am staying behind." few days later the mother received a telegram saying that her lad had been killed while staying behind. i found a pamphlet telling of That' said the bishoP> several persons who had been cured by Dodd's Kidney Pills. "My wife used just two boxes of them and she is perfectly well, to the great surprise of all our neighbors. They can tell you the same thing. I cannot recommend Dodd's Kidney Pills enough." Dodd's Kidney Pills are the greatest of all remedies They cure the kidneys. The kidneys women' cent and noble sacrifice. lagnifi- li'i 3 MODEL "54." QTUDEBACKER SEVEN PASSION-Car, In good goad shape. Ask for Miiiard'» and take no other. What He Wanted. The wounded soldier walked slowly along the street, his arm hanging in a sling. Everybody stopped to look after him, and more than one woman gave suffering him a friendly smile as he passed. >ys. The; But it was left tQ a smaU fa tQ le root of nine-tenths of speak to him. xhe youngster sud. Moreover, cured kidneys denly spotted the h dashed i pure clear blood all s good health every- the the road, and planted himself right i Grey- AGED OFFICE BOYS Old Boys Making Good as Mes and Office Boys. Enter the aged office boy. haired telegraph messengers havi been a common sight tol the city, Had ahip,g anchor on knee but not until recently, when the short- and ]eg> and knee swel,ed age of office and errand Ooys became gix dayg j could not mQve u or acute, have business houses, both big heI T then &tarted MINARD'S and small, harried by the lack of the EINIMENT and two bottles cured me his path. The soldier stopped to hear what the boy would say. At last it came:-- "Please, sir, have you got any iron youngsters, resorted to the employment of elderly men in their stead. The head of one of the biggest printing and publishing houses in New York is now depending almost entirely upon elderly men for work in and out of the office previously done by boys. He advertised for active, elderly en to act as messengers, etc. Fifty applications were received in the first mail, well and neatly written, proof of he ability and common sense of the applicant. The first three were engaged, and that firm will never go back to boys. These men are paid more money, it is true, but it is also a fact that they perform their duties much more effectively; their understanding, naturally, is better, and they are more reliable. Looked at from a humanitarian point of view, it is giving employment to men of 50 and 60--men who have been thrown into the discard. PROSPER FERGUSON. MlnarU's Liniment used toy Physicians. Deadly Emenies. Kind Neighbors. "Good morning! I came to tune your "Piano? But I didn't send for you." "No, ma'am, but the neighbors said I ought to call." A£A«.«&!U.a Two Eyes for a UfetliM After the ftS . „ ! A o Granulate* BygllOs. Bests movies an* Bm- rt. aiye your Bye? ai muchofyour'SVi^ Care for Them. You Cannot Buy New Eyes! Sola at Drag and Optical Stores or by Mail Am Uurlne Eye Remedy Co., Chlosoo, Tor Free Boon •J^de^ ^ J^USSELL, ! PASSION'!ER CABRIO- THE DOMINION AUTOMOBILE CO., Limlte 146-150 Bay Street, Toronto, Ont. YES ! MAGICALLY ! CORNS LIFT OUT ] WITH FINGERS j You say to the drug store man, "Give lard o lus from one's feet. A few drops of this new eth pound applied directly upon a aching corn relieves the soret stantly, and soon the entire ( callus, root and all, dries up a be lifted off with the fingers. This > rid < corns* was introduced by a CTticinna man, who says that freezone dries a moment, and simply shivels up tl corn or callus without irritating tl surrounding skin. Don't let father die of infection < lockjaw from whittling at his corn but clip this out and make him try i If yr/ir druggist hasn't any freezor tell him to order a small bottle fro his wholesale drug house for you. Papa's Haircut. A woman said to a little boy with his hair bobbed in his neck, "Franklyn, I when are you going to have your hair | cut like papa's?" While the spring drive against flies | „T don>t want my hair cut like papa's" he replied, "with a hole in the top." 20 McOee St. 1. Qerrard 3660 being directed, why not include their allies, the mosquitoes? It is known that they are in sympathy with the murderous attacks of the flies, sol MONEY ORDERS why not destroy their bases befgre Remit by Dominion Express Money they have opportunity to mobilize ? I 0rder If lost or stolen> you get your Otherwise we are in constant.danger j m Dack. ■f " night attack in which there are _ "What dirty hands you have, Johnny," said his teacher. "What would you say if I came to school that way?" "I wouldn't say nothin'," replied Johnny, "I'd be too polite." Keep Mlnard'a Liniment In the house. ' BOOK OX DOG DISEASES And How to Feed America's Pioneer H. CLAY GLOVER CO., Inc. Dog Remsdiss 118 West 31st Street, New York Mlnarfl'b Liniment Farming and love-making are the two essential industries of the earth. --Harry Lauder. The Soul of a Piano is the Action. Insist on the "OTTO HIGEU' PIANO ACTION ISSUE 21--'17.